Grammar American & British

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 44 ] Test Forty Four

44 - ] Vocabulary Tests

 Test Forty Four

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

W e were certain that the icy roads would impede our travel , so we left for the airport an hour early .

1 . ( A ) hasten ( B ) hinder

( C ) ignore ( D ) enhance                                    1 . ---------------------

Megan knew she had to finish her homework before class met on Monday , but as usual she had procrastinated . Once again she was doing her homework at midnight on Sunday.  

2 . ( A ) prepared carefully ( B ) offended others .

( C ) finished quickly ( D ) postponed until later  2. -----------------

For the two hours that the storm raged , we took shelter in the basement . When the wind and
rain finally began to abate , we were able to go outside and survey the damage .

3 . ( A ) lessen ( B ) increase

( C ) move unpredictably ( D ) turn to the west .   3 . -----------------

The Peters decided to place their pets in a kennel while they were on vacation . Since many hotels and parks do not allow pets , the Peters did not wish to fetter themselves by bringing the animals.  

4 . ( A ) expand ( B ) shorten

( C ) restrict one’s freedom ( D ) explain                4 . ----------------- 

The automobile manufacturer refused to allow the reporter to photograph the new solar-powered car . If photographs appeared in the newspapers now , the car’s debut at the energy conference would be spoiled .

5 . ( A ) first public appearance ( B ) destruction

( C ) competition ( D ) remodeling                          5 .--------------------

Because Maria was a neophyte , she paid too much for the stamps . An experienced collector would have bargained for a better price .    

6 . ( A ) well-known expert ( B ) native ( C ) beginner ( D ) someone unable to make a decision                                                                      6 .------------------- 

Even though the two nations were discussing a peace treaty , the hostile behavior of the border guards was certain to precipitate a war .     

7 . ( A ) prevent ( B ) postpone indefinitely

( C ) make impossible ( D ) cause to happen            7 . -----------------

The cold , rainy weather inhibited the repair work on the cottage . The project will now take two more months to complete .   

8 . ( A ) held back ( B ) improved slightly

( C ) destroyed ( D ) moved from place to place       8 .------------------

Thinking the rescuers were going to harm his master , the growling dog thwarted all efforts to treat the injured hiker . 

9 . ( A )  improved ( B ) prevented

( C ) admired ( D ) ignored                                          9 . ----------------   

The retreating soldiers left behind their heavy weapons . In order to make a quick retreat , they could not be encumbered by unnecessary weight .

10 . ( A ) burdened ( B ) moved to action

( C ) joined together ( D ) deceived                             10 . --------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . D 3 . A 4 . C 5. A 6 . C 7 . D 8 . A 9 . B 10 . A

 1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

Everyone in class smiled broadly when Jack insisted that he had to take care of his sick cat over the weekend and therefore could not finish his homework . Jack had fabricated such excuses before , but this was the most ridiculous one we had ever heard .     

1 . ( A ) decided against ( B ) made up

( C ) rejected ( D ) enjoyed                                    1 . ------------------

Even though Mayor Ronald admitted that  his administration had made serious mistakes , he was re-elected by a sizable majority . Voters apparently admired her veracity more than they worried about a few honest mistakes .  

2. ( A ) deceptive statement ( B ) political connections

( C ) blunt behavior ( D ) truthfulness                   2.--------------------

As he approached the foul line , Ezra’s calm appearance and confident stride belied the nervousness he felt inside . If he missed this basket , the season would be over for the team .

3 . ( A ) contradicted ( B ) revealed

( C ) celebrated ( D ) exaggerated                           3 . ------------------

When Judge Walker learned that he had once met the defendant , he withdrew from the trial . Even though the lawyers were certain he would be fair , Judge walker’s probity would not allow even the appearance of bias .

4 . ( A ) integrity , honesty ( B ) meaningless gesture

( C ) clever trick ( D ) illegal activity                        4 . -------------------

It was just like Victor to come up with some artifice for getting out of helping us build the float . Not only did the cast on his arm have a zipper , the so-called broken bone healed the next day .

5 . ( A ) genuine problem or concern ( B ) helpful advice

( C ) crafty trick ( D ) emotional speech                     5 . ----------------------

Before the museum would agree to buy the painting , the dealer had to prove that it was a bona fide Rembrandt . Only an expert could distinguish between a true original and a good copy .   

6 . ( A ) imitation ( B ) colorful

( C ) inexpensive ( D ) genuine                                       6 . --------------------

The lecture on South American art was dreadfully boring , but I did not want to insult the speaker . So instead of yawning or staring at the ceiling , I feigned interest by appearing to take notes .

7 . ( A ) delayed ( B ) pretended

( C ) refused to accept ( D ) concealed                            7 . -------------------

When the star quarterback was injured in the first quarter , losing the game seemed a veritable certainty . he had scored all of the points in the last game .   

8 . ( A ) joyful ( B ) unusual

( C )  unquestionable ( D ) senseless                                8 . ------------------

Do not allow their cute appearance to beguile you into thinking they cannot harm you . Lion cubs have sharp claws that can cut very deeply .

9 . ( A ) deceive ( B ) amaze

( C ) enlighten ( D ) warn                                                   9 . -----------------

Just before the starting gun fired , Jason pointed to the sky and yelled , “Look out ! “ This was not the first time he had used such chicanery in an effort to win a blue ribbon .

10 . ( A ) sportsmanship ( B ) heroic effort

( C ) curiosity ( D ) trickery                                              10 .--------------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . D 3 . A 4 . A 5 . C 6 . D 7 . B 8 . C 9 . A 10 . D

3- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . BONA FIDE ( A ) well cooked ( B ) genuine

( C ) luxurious ( D ) plain                                1 . -----------------

2 . PROGENY ( A ) intelligence ( B ) tiny organisms

( C ) children ( D ) ancestors                          2 . ------------------

3 . BELIE ( A ) misrepresent ( B ) surprise

( C ) encourage ( D ) relax                               3 .-------------------

4 . ACCESSIBLE ( A ) undeniable ( B ) accidental

( C ) available ( D ) highly technical               4 . -----------------

5 . ELONGATE ( A ) press down ( B ) delay

( C ) enclose ( D ) lengthen                               5 . ----------------

6 . PIVOTAL ( A ) pointed ( B ) unusually strong

( C ) athletic ( D ) crucial                                  6 . ------------------

7 . GENRE ( A ) type ( B ) gentleness

( C ) prediction ( D ) argument                        7 . -----------------

8 . CONGENIAL ( A ) inherited ( B ) hostile

( C ) controversial ( D ) pleasant                      8 . ------------------

9 . FEIGN ( A ) offend ( B ) pretend

( C ) explain ( D ) capture                                  9 . ------------------

10 . HETEROGENEOUS ( A ) creative ( B ) identical

( C ) mixed ( D ) hesitant                                   10 . ----------------

11 . IMPART ( A ) allow ( B ) convey

( C ) remove ( D ) dismiss                                  11 . ---------------

12 . SALUTARY ( A ) rigid ( B ) celebrated

( C ) beneficial ( D ) unhealthy                          12 . ------------------

13 . GENERIC ( A ) general ( B ) sexual

( C ) corrupt ( D ) ancient                                  13 . ----------------  

14 . DERIVE ( A ) decide ( B ) obtain

( C ) ridicule ( D ) excuse                                    14 . ---------------

15 . VERACITY ( A ) bravery ( B ) common sense

( C ) false accusation ( D ) truthfulness              15 . ---------------

Answer Key

 1. B 2 . C 3 . A 4 . C 5 . D 6 . D 7 . A 8 . D 9 . B 10 . C 11 . B 12 . C 13 . A 14 . B 15 . D 

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