Grammar American & British

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Vocabulary Tests , Test Thirty Six [ 36 ]

36 - ]Vocabulary Tests 

Test Thirty Six

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

The deer were beautiful , with big , soft eyes and tawny brown coats .

1 - Which word could best replace tawny ?

( A ) ugly (  B ) invisible

( C ) golden ( D ) happy                                              1 . ----------------------

Every evening the deer emerged from the forest preserve to feed on the succulent plants in yards of neighboring homes .

2 . Which word could best replace succulent  ?

( A ) inedible (  B ) thorny

( C ) poisonous  ( D ) juicy                                          2 . ---------------------

For a few years this picturesque scene persisted as deer gamboled playfully among suburban yards , to the delight of fascinated onlookers .

3 . Which word could best replace gamboled ?

( A ) frolicked (  B ) collapsed

( C ) argued ( D ) hid                                                   3 . --------------------

With the increased population , the search for food intensified . Soon the deer began treating the trees and plants as a kind of commissary offering a variety of foods .

4 . Which word could best replace commissary  ?

( A ) nursery (  B ) meeting room

( C ) source of food ( D ) burial ground                     4 . -------------------

People , in general , have been good to the deer , excising the thick undergrowth from forests and eliminating predators such as the wolf .

5 . Which word could best replace excising ?

( A ) adding  (  B ) exercising

( C ) organizing  ( D ) cutting out                                5 . ------------------

Deer thrive under these conditions and soon reach a state of overpopulation . However , with rigorous management , the excess population can be controlled by harvesting a specific number of deer or by introducing predators .

6 . The word rigorous means ---------------

( A ) expensive (  B ) strict

( C ) disorganized ( D ) sloppy                                      6 . ------------------

More than 150 years ago to Thomas Malthus’s consternation , his projections indicated that human populations would soon exceed the food supply , which could result in war , disease , and starvation .

7 . Which word could best replace consternation ?

( A ) relief (  B ) alarm

( C ) amusement ( D ) excitement                                   7 . ------------------

As farmland is destroyed by erosion and industrialization , the earth is losing its agrarian  potential .

8 . Which word could best replace agrarian  ?

( A ) agricultural (  B ) possibility for happiness

( C ) criminal  ( D ) architectural                                    8. -------------------


To ameliorate the problem , we must begin to produce food as efficiently as possible and to avoid waste .

9 . Which word could best replace ameliorate ?

( A ) disguise (  B ) relieve                                                   9 . -------------------

( C ) exaggerate ( D ) highlight                    

If we are not prudent about our choices , nature will take steps to adjust the imbalance .  

10 . The word prudent means ---------------

 ( A ) wasteful (  B ) wise

( C ) reckless  ( D ) careless                                                  10. ------------------

Answer Key

1. C 2 . D 3 . A 4 . C 5. D 6 . B 7 . B 8 . A 9 . B 10 . B

2- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 .EUPHEMISM  ( A ) merciful death ( B ) kind or gentle word

( C ) loud argument  ( D ) religious belief                               1 . ----------------------

2 . ADULTERATE ( A )  grow older ( B ) add inferior ingredients to something

( C ) misbehave ( D ) purify by applying heat                        2 . ---------------------

3 .  EULOGIZE ( A ) praise highly ( B ) simplify and improve

( C ) energize  ( D ) hypnotize                                                   3 . --------------------                        

4 . DURESS ( A ) doubt  ( B ) threat

( C )  intelligence  ( D ) convincing argument                          4 . ------------------

5 .  ECCENTRIC ( A )  conspicuous ( B ) stressed or accented

( C ) ordinary  ( D ) strange or unusual                                    5 .------------------

6 .  PERIPHERY ( A )  outer region  ( B ) pleasant outlook

( C ) patience   ( D ) exact information                                       6 .-----------------

7 . ACCOST  ( A ) charge illegally high fees ( B ) approach angrily

( C ) rearrange  ( D ) refuse to recognize                                    7 . -----------------    

8 .  EUPHORIA ( A ) harmonious musical sounds  ( B ) unnecessary words

( C ) feeling of well-being ( D ) harmless curiosity                     8 . ------------------

9 . MOLLIFY ( A ) to insult ( B ) to calm and comfort

( C ) to decide quickly  ( D ) to betray                                          9 . -----------------

10 . PERVASIVE ( A )  frequently imitated ( B ) present throughout

( C ) easily persuaded  ( D ) misleading                                        10 . ----------------

11 . LIGATURE ( A ) person involved in legal action ( B ) part of the leg

( C ) written message  ( D ) items used to tie or bind                   11 . ----------------

12 . ACQUIESCE  ( A ) to intermingle ( B ) to come to know

( C ) to agree to  ( D ) to submit for approval                                12 . -----------------

13 . AMALGAMATE  ( A )  intermix ( B ) comfort

( C ) agree to compromise ( D ) insist                                              13 . ----------------

14 . APPENDECTOMY ( A ) lengthy speech ( B ) part of a book

( C ) serious criminal action  ( D ) surgical removal of the appendix 14.---------------

15 . EXTANT ( A ) in existence ( B ) extinct

( C ) old-fashioned  ( D ) placed out of sight                                     15 . -----------------  

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . A 4 . B 5 . D 6 . A 67 . B 8 . C 9 . B 10 . B 11 . D 12 . C 13 . A 14 . D 15 . A


3 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . Since everyone claimed to see something different in each painting , the exhibit of --------

art generated a great deal of controversy .

( a cappella , abstract )

2 . The professor felt Amal lacked the -------------- appreciation needed to be successful and suggested that Amal consider dropping out of art school .

( aesthetic , surrealistic )

3 . Most critics disliked the work of the new artist intensely , but a few felt she was in the ------------ of a new an important style .

( avant-garde , motif )

4 . After seeing the band receive a standing ovation for its performance , I found it unlikely that just six months ago the only sound it could produce was a -------------- of confusion .

( cacophony , dulcet )

5 . The Bible is the source of many literary ------------ such as the story of Cain and Abel .

( librettos , motifs )

6 . The smell of freshly baked bread was -------------- of the happy days I spent at grandmother’s house years ago .

( evocative , irrevocable )

7 . We pleaded with Ms. Jarvis to give us an extra day to complete the assigned work , but her decision was ------------ .

( evocative , irrevocable )

8 . The city began a huge ------------ project designed to collect and recycle newspapers and glass bottles .

( proclamation , reclamation )

9 . The angry citizen spent twenty minutes at the meeting of the city council ------------

about the poor garbage collection .

( declaiming , equivocating )

10 . In honor of the high school football team’s great season ,the superintendent issued a formal ---------------- naming Friday Panther Pride Day .

( avocation , proclamation)

Answer Key

1. abstract 2. aesthetic 3 . avant-garde 4 . cacophony 5 . motifs 6 . evocative

7 . irrevocable 8 . reclamation 9 . declaiming 10 . proclamation

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