Grammar American & British

Friday, November 19, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 3 ] Upper Intermediate

3 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

 Upper Intermediate

Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases

1 - ]Position of Adverbs

1 . Write the sentences with the adverbs / adverbial phrases in brackets in the correct position . If the adverbs can go in more than one position , put them in the more usual one .


1 . I’ve been working (in my office/ all morning / hard) .

I’ve been working hard in my office all morning .

2 . He speaks to me (in the mornings / never / nicely) .


3 . We were listening (all evening / carefully) .


4 . She’s been sleeping (in that chair / all afternoon / soundly) .


5. He is ( at this time of day / usually / at the college ) .


6 . The postman comes (in the morning / very early) .


7 . I thought you spoke (in that meeting / very well / yesterday ) .


8. We go swimming (on Saturdays /generally / at the local pool) .


9 . I bought these jeans (in the sales / very cheaply / last week ) .


10 . He’s been (to a dentist / never / in his life) .


2 . Complete the story using the following adverbs and adverbial phrases .

[ for three hours - so much - already - a few times - for months - lovingly - deeply -

just - anxiously - suddenly - soon - only - straightway - hardly - absolutely - impatiently - in a friendly way ]

She waited -----------------in the departure lounge . She had --------------------- been there --------------------- . If she didn’t get on the plane ----------------------------- , she might change her mind about going . She had been planning this trip to Berlin --------------------------, well , since Brown had left England . She had missed him -------------------- and she could -----------

wait to see him again . But did he love her as ------------------ as she loved him ? she wasn’t ----------------- sure . She had written to him every day but he had -------------------- written to her ------------------- . Would he take her ---------------- into his arms as soon as she arrived ? Or would he just greet her ----------------------? Oh ,how she hated this waiting . ----------------

she heard a message on the tannoy : ‘Would Ms Pamela Roberts please go to the desk in the departure lounge --------------------?A message has -----------------------arrived for her .’ Pamela walked -----------------------------towards the desk . What could the message be ?

2 - Comparison of Adverbs

1 . Put the adjectives into the comparative adjective or comparative adverb form .


1 . I sleep much more heavily ( heavy) than I used to .

2 . She’s become much happier (happy) since she stopped seeing Dominic .

3 . He has to work a lot --------------------------(hard) in this new job than he used to in his old one .

4 . I always feel ---------------------(healthy) when I’m on holiday than when I’m at work .

5 . It all happened ----------------------(sudden) than I was expecting .

6. I think the meal’s going to be a lot --------------------(expensive) than we anticipated .

7 . That child ate -----------------------(hungry) than any child I’ve ever seen .

8 . This curry tastes -------------------------(hot) than you usually make it .

9 . I occasionally go to the gym but I should go --------------------(frequent) than I do .

10 . He was injured ---------------------(serious) than any one of the others .

11 . He made me --------------------(furious) than I’ve ever been in my life .

12 . He treats her ------------------------(considerate) now than he used to

13 . You need to react ----------------------( assertive) when they treat you like that .

14 . The weather’s turned -----------------------------(cold) recently .

15 . Your hair looks much ------------------------(nice) like that .

16 . You’ve upset her now . I think you could have told her ------------------(tactful) .

17 . I think you were charged too much . Bill would have done the job --------------(cheap) for you .

18 . I hope this exam is -----------------------(easy)than the one I did yesterday .

19. She took the news ---------------------(calm) than I thought she would .  

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