Grammar American & British

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 46 ] Test Forty Six

46 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Forty Six 

1 - Social Exchanges  

Supply the best word or words .

1 . You’re late for an appointment , so you say , ‘--------------------. I’m late .’

( A ) Sorry / I’m sorry ( B ) Excuse me ( C ) Forgive me . ( D ) Pardon me .

2 .  You fail to hear what someone says to you , so you say , ‘------------------?’

( A ) Excuse me ( B ) Pardon ( C ) Forgive me ( D ) Pardon me

3 . A passenger on a bus complains you’re standing on his foot ; you say , ‘---------------!’

( A ) Sorry ( B ) Forgive me ( C ) Excuse me ( D ) Pardon me .

4 . Here’s your apology for bad behavior :‘------------------for mu awful behavior last night .’

( A ) Please pardon me ( B ) Please forgive me ( C ) I beg your pardon ( D ) Pardon

5 . You answer the phone and you might say , ‘-----------------!’

( A ) Speak ( B ) Hullo ( C ) Enter ( D ) Say

6 . You are introduced to a stranger , so you say , ‘-----------------------?’

( A ) How are you ( B ) How do you do ( C ) What do you do ( D ) What a good chance

7 . You’re leaving , so you say , ‘------------------!’

( A ) Adieu ( B ) Goodbye

8 . You’re refusing food that is offered ; you say , ‘--------------‘ .

( A ) Thank you ( B ) No , thank you ( C ) Thanks

9 . You thank me for holding the door open and my response might be , ‘-------------‘ .

( A ) It’s nothing ( B ) --- ( C ) Please ( D ) Nothing

10 . You meet a friend at the airport on arrival and you might say , ‘---------------London.’

( A ) Welcome to ( B ) Be welcome to ( C ) Welcome in ( D ) Well come to

11 . Someone asks you how you are and you answer , ‘---------------thanks .’

( A ) Good ( B ) Very good ( C ) Fine ( D ) Very fine

12 . Your friend is waiting for you to finish what you’re doing and you say , ‘----------‘ .

( A ) One moment ( B ) A moment ( C ) One minute ( D ) Just a minute

13 . You’re attending an interview and the interviewer says , ‘---------------‘ .

( A ) Sit yourself ( B ) Take a seat ( C ) Sit ( D ) Sit you

14 . The class stands up as you enter the room and you say , ‘---------------‘ .

( A ) Sit yourselves ( B ) Take a seat ( C ) Sit down ( D ) Sit ( E ) Sit you

15 . This is what you say to a friend on January 1st : ‘-------------------New Year !’

( A ) Lucky ( B ) Happy ( C ) Merry ( D ) Good

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . B ( Am E ) A 3 . A 4 . B 5 . B 6 . B 7 . B 8 . B 9. B 10 . A 11 . C 12. D

13 . B 14 . C 15 . B

2 . Adjectives : opposites

Supply the right opposites

1 . dry paint                                     ------------- paint

2 . weak tea                                       --------------tea     

3 . tender meat                                  --------------meat

4 .a full glass                                    an --------------------glass

5 . a solid cylinder                            a -------------------cylinder

6 . an old man                                   a -------------------- man 

7 . an old suitcase                             a ------------------- suitcase

8 . salt water                                      -------------------- water    

9 . a cool day                                     a ---------------------man                   

10 . a cold day                                    a ------------------- day

11 . a single person                            a ---------------- person

12 . a living person                            a -----------------person    

13 .a  tall person                                a ----------------person

14 . a long time                                  a ----------------time

15 . an open door                               a ----------------door

16 . a right answer                             a ---------------answer

17 . a high wall                                  a --------------- wall

18 . a sick person                               a --------------- person

19 . a loud sound                               a ---------------   sound

20 . a loud voice                                 a ---------------- voice

21 . a thin ruler                                  a ---------------- ruler

22 . a large suitcase                            a ---------------- suitcase

Answer Key

1 . wet 2 . strong 3 . tough 4 . empty 5 . hollow 6 . young 7 . new 8 . fresh 9 . warm

10 . hot 11 . married 12 . dead 13 . short 14 . short 15 . closed 16 . wrong 17 . low

18 . healthy 19 . soft / quiet 20 . quiet / soft 21 . thick 22 . small

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