Grammar American & British

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 62 ] Test Sixty Two

62 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Sixty Two

Food and Drink

1- ]Read the story . Refer to the list below and fill in the blanks with the best word or words . The first one has been done for you .

(0) ‘I’m not very hungry . I think I’ll skip the first (1)--------------I’ll order just one (2) ------

I don’t want the (3) ----------------, but I might have (4) -------------,(5)-------------, (6) -----------

or (7) -------------- .’

           ‘You eat (8)------------------- ,’ Anita said to me . ‘It isn’t good for you to have so much (9)--------------. I’m going to have (10)---------------- .’

           ‘I’ll have a (11)-----------,’ I said . ‘I hope it will be (12) --------------.’

           ‘I’ll start with (13)------------and(14) ---------,’ Anita said . ‘This is a wonderful (15)

-----------------,’ she added , looking round . ‘The (16) ------------very good here .’

             My meat was very (17) --------------, but a bit (18) ---------------. ‘I should have chosen

(19) ---------------beef ,’I said . ‘I really prefer meat done in the (20 -------------- .’

             Anyway , we enjoyed the meat and finished with (21) -----------sorbet and (22) -------

followed by (23) ------------which was rather (24) -----------------.’

             ‘The (25) ------------------was quite reasonable ,’ I said , as we were leaving . ‘We should come here more often .’

                Anita didn’t agree . ‘From tomorrow ,’ she said , ‘we’ll both be back on a (26)


0 - ] (A) I haven’t much hunger    1- ] (A) course   2- ]  (A)  plate        3 - ] (A) menu

       (B) I’m not very hungry               (B) dish                (B) dish                  (B)  cart

                                                               (C) plate                                              (C) dish of the day

4 - ] (A) fowl                                    5 - ] (A) sheep    6 - ]  (A) beef         7 - ] (A) hog

        (B) chicken                                      (B) lamb              (B) bullock           (B)pig

        (C) poultry                                                                   (C) ox                    (C) pork

        (D) hen

8 - ] (A) too many meats                9 - ] (A) flesh         10 - ]  (A) fish          11- ] (A) beef

        (B) too much meat                         (B) meat                   (B) fishes                (B) steak

12- ](A) tender                                 13 - ] (A) bouillon 14 -]  (A) a bread   15 - ] (A) canteen

        (B) soft                                                (B) soup                 (B) a roll                (B) restaurant

16 - ](A) foods are                            17 - ] (A) tasty        18 - ] (A) hard       19 - ] (A) roasted

         (B) food is                                           (B) tasteful             (B) tough               (B) roast

         (C) kitchen is                                                                                                     (C) toasted

20 - ] (A) furnace                               21- ] ( A) citron     22-  ] ( A) fruits      23 - ]( A) café

          (B) oven                                             (B) lemon                (B) fruit                 (B) coffee

24 - ] (A) strong                                 25 - ]  (A) addition 26 - ]  (A) diet

          (B) stark                                              (B) reckoning         (B) system

                                                                       (C) bill                     (C) regime

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . B 3 . C 4 . B 5 . B 6 . A 7 . C 8 . B 9 . B 10 . A 11 . B 12 . A 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B

16 . B 17 . A 18 . B 19 . B 20 . B 21 . B 22 . B 23 . B 24 . A 25 . C 26 . A

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Supply the best word or words

1 . We do ---------------------business in Latin America .

(A) a  (B) a lot of

2 . Our daughter has done very well . She runs -------------------very profitable business .

(A) a  (B) a lot of  (C) --

3 . We can hardly say -------------------business is booming at the moment .

(A) a  (B) -- (C) some

4 . How ---------------------are you checking in ?

(A) many pieces of luggage  (B) many luggages  (C) many baggages

5 . We’ll be lucky to find ----------------at this time of the night .

(A) a camping (B) a camping site (C) camping (D) any camping

6 . What does a -----------------like that cost ?

(A) clothing  (B) clothes (C) garment  (D ) clothe

7 . The -------------------looks pretty full .

(A) dance  (B) dance hall (C) dancing

8. Would you like ----------------?

(A) a fruit  (B) some fruits (C) some fruit  (D) fruits

9. I can’t imagine where we can put such -----------------------

(A) a large piece of furniture  (B) a large furniture  (C) large furnitures

10 . It’s time I had my ---------------------cut !

(A) hair  (B) hairs  (C) a hair

11 . There are only three of us . Why have you ordered ----------------?

(A) so many foods  (B) so much food

12 . Can you give me -------------------help with these accounts ?

(A)  a  (B) some  (C) ---

13 . I’m sure Tourist ---------------------------will be able to recommend a cheap hotel .

(A)  Informations  (B) Information

14 . How ---------------------do you want ?

(A) many toasts (B) much toast

15 . While you’re out , could you please buy a couple of -------------------------?

(A)  soaps  (B) bars of soap (C) soap

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . B 4 . A 5 . B 6 . C 7 . B 8 . C 9 . A 10 . A 11 . B 12 . B 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B

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