Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 81 ] Test Eighty One

 81 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Eighty One .

Newspapers , Broadcasting , Publishing .

Choose the best explanation in each case .

1 . We use the word actual to

(A) say that something is ‘in the news’ .

(B) mean ‘up to date’ .

(C) mean ‘the thing we are concerned with’ , as in the actual day it happened .

2 . An announcement in the press is

(A) an event like an engagement or a wedding that is made known .

(B) a large advertisement of a product which aims to inform and sell .

(C) a small advertisement placed by people who are buying and selling things .

3 . A broadcast is

(A) what is put out or transmitted on radio or TV.

(B) another word for ‘radio waves’ .

(C) an announcement in the press .

4 . If we say that a book has been edited , we meant it

(A) has been printed , distributed and sold .

(B) hasn’t been accepted for publication .

(C) has been prepared for publication .

5 . A critic is

(A) a person who might write a review of a book or a film in a newspaper .

(B) an account of a book or a film that might appear in a newspaper .

(C) unfavorable comment on a book or a film that might appear in a newspaper .

6 . If you receive a copy of a book , you would be receiving

(A) an example of the kind of publication that is being prepared .

(B) a free sample so that you can see what it’s like .

(C) one book of many that have been published .

7 . Publicity is the word we use for

(A) bringing something to the attention of the public .

(B) information that interests the public .

(C) propaganda , which is usually political , and often false .

8 . A journal is

(A) a newspaper that comes out on weekdays and / or Sundays .

(B) a serious magazine that comes out weekly , monthly , quarterly or yearly .

(C) a diary in which you keep a record of day-to-day appointments .

9 . The word bureau can be used to refer to

(A) a room for academic or domestic reading and writing .

(B) a room which is devoted to business .

(C) an office for collecting and distributing information .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . A 4 . C 5 . A 6 . C 7 . A 8 . B 9 . C

2 - ] ‘Do’ , ‘Make’ , and ‘Take’

Supply the correct forms of ‘do’, ‘make’ ,’have’ or ‘take’

1 . If you pay in cash , we can ------------------------you a small discount .

2. ------------------a step towards me .

3 . I think you should ---------------- it easy for a while .

4 . Please let me know if you have any criticisms to ----------------- .

5 . Tying a knot in my handkerchief -------------------me remember what I have to do .

6 . Your explanation simply doesn’t -----------------sense .

7 . I’m just learning how to -------------------the steps of the tango .

8 . Pesticides ----------------------immense damage to the environment .

9 . Overwork finally caused her to ------------------ a nervous breakdown .

10 . I can’t join you for coffee . I --------------- a lecture in ten minutes .

11 . They ------------------- a row yesterday and aren’t on speaking terms .

12 . When do the new regulations --------------------effect ?

13 . You never -----------------------my side in any argument .

14 . Teachers ------------------ a lot of influence on the young .

15 . We all spent the evening together and really --------------- a laugh .

16 . I wonder if you could --------------------me a small favor ?

17 . First our teacher gives us an explanation , then we ------------------- an exercise .

18 . You’ve ------------------ me a very good turn and I won’t forget it .

19 . You ---------------------- a nerve coming to me for advice !

20 . We -------------------- a lot of fog in this part of the country .

Answer Key

1 . do 2 . Take 3 . take 4 . make 5 . makes 6 . make 7 . do 8 . do 9 . have 10 . have

11 . had 12 . take 13 . take 14 . have 15 . had 16 . do 17 . do 18 . done 19 . have 20 . have

Supply the correct forms of ‘do’, ‘make’ ,’have’ or ‘take’

1 . I wonder who -----------------the gardening .

2 . Your mother will ------------------- a fit when she sees what you’ve done to your room !

3 . I’ve applied for a teaching job and I -------------------an interview tomorrow .

4 . How many will be ---------------- part in this play ?

5 . It’s time for me to----------------------- my medicine .

6 . She still hasn’t got over ---------------------that miscarriage .

7 . I can’t do it . Why don’t you --------------------- a try ?

8 . I’m -----------------problems with my car at the moment .

9 . The baker got into debt and was -------------------bankrupt .

10 . Silly questions really ----------------------me angry .

11 . I’ve never had to -------------------such a difficult choice .

12 . I ------------------- a small profit on the sale of my car .

13 . Mohammad -------------- a degree in engineering two years ago .

14 . You should ------------------------ advantage of this opportunity .

15 . I’m very glad I -------------------------your advice .

16 . It’s time for us to -----------------------a move .

17 . I think I’ll ----------------- a short nap .

18 . ----------------------- a look at this , will you ?

19 . Something I’ve eaten has --------------------- a very bad effect on me .

20 . She --------------- excellent taste .

Answer Key

1 . does 2 . have 3 . have 4 . taking 5 . take 6 . having 7 . have 8 . having 9 . made

10 . make 11 . make 12 . made 13 . took or did 14 . take 15 . took 16 . make 17 . take

or have 18 . Take or Have 19 . had 20 . has 

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