Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 83 ] , Test Eighty Three

83 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Eighty Three .

Buildings , Parts of Buildings , Surroundings .

The clues in A have answers in B .Find and match them . Here’s the first one :

0 a platform on the outside of a building where you can sit          0 . balcony

1 . a rough place to live in                  ---------------                         

                                                                                       1 . asylum 26 pension

2 . buildings to house the military / soldiers .   --------------

                                                                                        2 . at the side 27 penthouse

3 . You might want to visit the -------of the Unknown Soldier . -----------------

                                                                                        3 . back 28 .playground

4 . builders can’t repair a roof without this . --------------

                                                                                         4 . backside 29 . pub

5. an open-air space in a building . --------------------      

                                                                                           5 . barracks 30 . refinery

6. nuns live in this kind of building . ----------------     

                                                                                            6 behind 31 relief

7. you would associate this structure with petroleum --------

                                                                                            7boarding house 32rendering 

8 . it’s man-made ,often decorative , and water comes out of it ----------

                                                                                            8 .construct 33 rock

9 . children play in this        --------------------                             

                                                                                            9 construe 34 roof

10 . fine buildings are often built from this ------------           

                                                                                             10  convent 35 ruin

11 . a place where whisky might be made , for example ----------------                                                                                              

                                                                                              11 courtyard 36 scaffold

12 . the rear part of a building could be referred to as ‘the------‘ ------

                                                                                               12 direction 37 scaffolding   

13 . an ancient building like the Colosseum may be one of these ---------------

                                                                                                13 distillery 38 scene

14 . the modern term for this might be ‘a psychiatric hospital’ --------

                                                                                                14 fountain 39scenery

15 . everyone enjoys a room with a ---------                            

                                                                                                 15 grave 40 shack

16 . a scientist might conduct experiment in this ---------

                                                                                                16. guesthouse 41 shed

17 . once a year there’s a ceremony at the War -------   

                                                                                                17. headquarters 42 . sideways

18 . another word for ‘build’   -------------                         

                                                                                                  18 . home for the old 43 source

19 . a small family hotel  ---------------                                

                                                                                                   19 house  44 spring

20 . a pub where you could also rent a room for the night is a -----------------------

                                                                                                   20 . inn 45 stone

21. this can be applied to the outside surface of a building -----------------

                                                                                                   21 laboratory 46 tomb

22 . often a very expensive flat at the top of a building ----------------------

                                                                                                   22 management 47 view

                                                                                                   23 memorial 48 workshop

                                                                                                   24 monastery 49 wreck

                                                                                                   25 monument 50 yard

Answer Key

1 . 40  / 2 . 5 /  3 . 46 / 4 . 37 / 5 . 11 / 6 . 10  / 7 . 30  / 8 . 14 / 9 . 28 / 10 . 45  / 11 . 13

 12 . 3  / 13 . 25 or 35  / 14 . 1 / 15 . 47 / 16 . 21  / 17 . 23 / 18 . 8 / 19 . 16 / 20 . 20

21 . 32  / 22 . 27  

2 - ] Fear , Worry , Embarrassment , Etc.

Supply the best word or words

1 . Sabah gets very ------------------if her daughter doesn’t ring her once a week .

(A) moved (B) agitated (C) shaken

2 . I was in a state of --------------------waiting for my exam results .

(A) agony (B) anxiety

3 . Pilots always ----------------------the passengers when there is air turbulence .

(A) alarm (B) alert

4 . We’re going to have an early night and we don’t want to be ----------------------

(A) deranged (B) molested (C) perturbed (D) disturbed

5 . He’s suffered from poor health all his life and that has made him -----------------

(A) nervous (B) irritable

6 . You came in without knocking and made me jump . You really --------------me !

(A) frightened (B) scared (C) startled

7 . You can’t communicate with her at the moment . She’s in a real ------------------

(A) situation (B) state (C) position (D) condition

8 . I got really ---------------------when I didn’t hear from you .

(A) preoccupied (B) worried

9 . Thank you for waking me up . I was ------------------ a nightmare !

(A) doing (B) making (C) seeing (D) having (D) dreaming

10 . I’m glad you’ve phoned . I’ve been very ------------------you .

(A) concerned about (B) concerned with (C) concerning with (D) concerning about

11 . My advice is : don’t panic ; stay -------------------

(A) calm (B) tranquil (C) peaceful (D) quiet

12 . I could see the house had been burgled , but I -----------------when I went inside .

(A) shocked (B) shocked myself (C) had a shock

13 . I wasn’t properly dressed for the party and felt ------------------ my appearance .

(A) ashamed for (B) shy of (C) embarrassed about (D) ashamed of

14 . I always feel ---------------------if I hear footsteps behind me in a dark and empty street .

(A) shy (B) timid (C) fearful

15 . She always -------------------------if you mention a subject that embarrasses her .

(A) reddens (B) goes red (C) reds

Answer Key

 1 . B 2 . B 3 . B 4 . D 5 . B 6 . C 7 . B 8 . B 9 . D 10 . A 11 . A 12 . C 13 . C 14 . C 15 . B  

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