Grammar American & British

Monday, January 31, 2022

129 - ] Vocabulary Tests - Test One Hundred And Twenty Nine

129 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

129 - ] Test One Hundred And Twenty Nine .

General Test .

1 - ] Correct whatever  is wrong in the following .

1 . He’s not ate nothing these two days .


2 . When I sleep I take out my shoes .


3 . He didn’t obeyed to their advices .


4 . She’s going each morning to the school .


5 . He works in the office since five years .


6 . How you are going with your piano lessons ?


7 . Can you to come for dinner today evening ?


8 . My brother he’s found in the first class .


9 . It does not worth to say lies about it .

10 . I made all which I could for helping him .


11 . It’s two years now since she left from England .


12 . Please return back to shut the light .


13 . Avoid to make these sort of mistakes .


14 . Myself and my sister will not be present .


15 . He got down from his bicycle and spoke me .


16 . He traveled with the train from the Alexandria .


17 . She wouldn’t take fewer than hundred pounds .


18 . The two first pages of my book has been lost .


19 . The knife was laying on the table where I lay it .


20 . That punishment will learn him to do not do it again .


21 . You neither work at school or at your house .


22 . I can’t understand because he don’t speak clear .


23 . The man which you saw him yesterday is very rich .


24 . She said that she’s never not gone at London .


25 . I think to go to home for to spend the holidays .


26 . The office is open on the morning at Saturday .


27 . It’s two years since I began to study the English .


28 . She told that she was at England before three years .


29 . He was angry at me because I said him he has wrong .


30 . When I went to home I found that the money was disappeared .


31 . He said to me that he is not satisfied from his teacher .


32 . She told that she can’t remember nothing about it .


33 . I and he intend to leave to England after two weeks .


34 . I am knowing the answer but cannot say it in the English .


35 . I rang two times , but I could not make no one to hear .


36 . They bought a new house when the baby was born which it cost all their savings .


37 . When he will return back , I shall say him everything .


38 . I am much pleased to inform you that I have reached to this station yesterday .


39 . The British Isles are consisted from England , Wales , Scotland and Ireland .


40 . The English is not only difficult to write it , but also to speak it .



128 - ] Vocabulary Tests - Test One Hundred And Twenty Eight

128 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

128 - ] Test One Hundred And Twenty Eight

1 - ] Confusion Of Parts Of Speech .

1 - ] Fill each blank with the correct word : good or well .

1 . She did her work ----------------- .

2 . He speaks ------------------English .

3 . I did -----------------in the exam .

4 . She looks --------------today .

5 . It’s -----------------to be with friends .

6 . He did --------------------work .

7 . She didn’t seem ------------------- .

8 . Has he done ------------------in his training ?

9. I’m quite ---------------- .

10 . He speaks very ------------------ .

2 - ] Fill each blank with the correct word : past or passed

1 . The -------- month was wet .

2 . He -----------------his exam .

3 . The ball ---------------------between the goal posts .

4 . The bullet whistled ------------------my ear .

5 . Several months have ---------------------since he left .

6 . Forget the -------------------------- .

7. The plane flew ------------------- .

8 . It’s half ------------------ eight .

9 . She --------------------the salt to the guest .

10 . The door was open when I walked -------------------- .

3 - ] Rewrite these sentences , choosing the correct word in brackets .

1 . This thing ( is , does ) not worth more than five pounds .

2 . ( After , Then ) he shut the door and went to bed .

3 . He ( is , does ) not able to speak English correctly .

4 . Don’t be ( fool , foolish ) .

5 . He’s a ( fool , foolish ) .

6 . Flowers smell ( sweet , sweetly ) .

7 . She’s so proud that she doesn’t ( and , even ) greet her friends .

8. The mother ( weighed , weighted ) her baby .

9 . I want to learn ( and ) other languages ( too ) .

10. Is it ( truth , true ) ?

4 - ] Correct whatever is wrong in the following .

  1 . Why you are studying the English ?


2 . Ali reads good , isn’t it ?


3 . Why you not say the truth ?


4 . How to make this problem , sir ?


5 . Will I go at the post-office ?


6 . Is she more better than me ?


7 . I’ve written him last week .


8 . I past my time too well to the hotel .


9 . Let me to try to do this and me .


10 . I have never seen a so good film .



127 - ] Vocabulary Tests - Test One Hundred And Twenty Seven

127 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


127 - ] Test One Hundred and Twenty Seven .

Confusion Of Parts Of Speech .

‘As and like’

‘As’ is a conjunction ,and is usually followed by a noun or pronoun in the nominative case . ‘Like’ isn’t a conjunction , but an adjective which behaves like a preposition in being followed by a noun or pronoun in the objective case .

1 - ] Fill each blank with the correct word ‘as’ or ‘like’ .

1 . Act ----------- a gentleman !

2 . He does ----------------- he pleases .

3 . She behaved ---------------a baby .

4 . She looks -------------her mother .

5. Do --------------he does .

6 . Play the game -----------------she does .

7 . She dances -------------Claire .

8 . You walk ---------------she does .

9. He acted just ----------------the rest .

10 . He speaks ---------------an Englishman .

2 - ] Fill each blanke with the correct word : no or not

1 . I have --------------time to play .

2 . She has ----------------a good memory .

3 . He had --------------reason to be angry .

4 . There is -------------enough furniture in this room .

5. Your plan is ------------different from mine .

6 . I had --------------patience with him .

7 . There were -------------fewer than a thousand people .

8 . There is ---------furniture in this room .

9 . She has ---------------enough money .

10 . I want ---------------more , thank you.

3 - ] Fill in the blanks with the correct word : died or dead .

1 . Her grandfather is ---------------------- .

2 . She ---------------------of old age .

3 . The ----------------leaves fell from the trees .

4 . Her aunt is --------------- , she -------------many years ago .

5 . The soldier ----------------for his country .

6 . The ----------------------horse is lying in the field .

7 . They ---------------- a cruel death .

8 . The flowers have ----------------- .

9 . The soldier --------------------from his wounds .

10 . Dinosaurs ---------------out millions of years ago .

4 - ] Fill each blank with the correct word : it’s or its .

1 . The bird has broken -------------------wing .

2 . I fear ------------------going to rain .

3 . ------------------almost nine o’clock .

4 . I think ------------------yours .

5 . The tree will soon lose ---------------leaves .

6 . ----------------time to go home .

7 . Every river has ------------------source .

8 . ---------------------a long time until Christmas .

9 . An animal will often die for ------------young .

10 . ----------------------too late to go now .

126 - ] Vocabulary Tests - Test One Hundred And Twenty Six

126 - ] Vocabulary Tests


126 - ] Test One Hundred And Twenty Six .

1 - ] Omission of Prepositions

1 - ] Make sentences of you own ,using suitable prepositions after the following .

1 . ask -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 . explain -----------------------------------------------------------------------

3 . knock -------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 . listen -------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 . remind -----------------------------------------------------------------------

6 . say ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 . search ------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 . speak -------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 . wait ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 . wish ------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 - ] Unnecessary Prepositions .

2 - ] Use each of the following in a separate sentence .

1 . answer --------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 . attack ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 . approach ------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 . enter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 . reach ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 . tell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 . inside ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 . outside --------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 . behind --------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 . around ------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 - ] Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary .

1 . Let’s play outside ------------------the house .

2 . She’s searching --------------------------her mobile .  

3 . I waited ---------------- him outside the park .

4 . We entered -----------------a long discussion .

5 . I taught my dog to obey --------------------me .

6 . He entered -------------------the house by the back door .

7 . Twins resemble -------------------------each other .

8 . The poor always wish --------------------riches .

9 . I told --------------------him the truth .

10 . I promised to write -------------------my mother .

3 - ] Conjunctions

4 - ] Correct the following sentences , giving reasons for your corrections .

1 . The book is neither green or red .


2 . He can’t speak English and French .


3 . It costs two , three pounds .


4 . She not only spoke loudly , but also clear .


5 . He ate and the three oranges .


6 . I counted one hundred seven people .


7 . She wants to learn and French .


8 . He said that , ‘You’ll be sorry for it .’


9 . I don’t know if I’ll be able to go .


10 . From now and on I will work hard .


Answer Key

1 . The book is neither green nor red . Neither must be followed by “nor” in a negative sentence and use a positive verb .

2 . He can’t speak English or French . You don’t speak either of them , even separately .

3. It costs two or three pounds . We must always insert the conjunction ‘or’ between numbers like this :two or three pounds .

4. She not only spoke loudly but also clearly . The same parts of speech are used after the correlative conjunctions ( conjunctions used in pairs like not only ---------but also ) .

5. He ate all the three oranges . Say “all” and avoid “and” .

6. I counted one hundred and seven people . Use the conjunction “and” to connect hundred , thousand ,million to a number of tens or units .

7. She wants to learn French (too) . ‘And’ is a conjunction ,and can only join similar forms of speech . We can’t use it instead of the adverbs also and too .

8 . He said , ‘You’ll be sorry for it .’ We cannot use ‘that’ in direct speech .

9 . I don’t know whether I’ll be able to go . Where ‘or not’ is implied , use whether not if  . If you do not expect a ‘Yes or No’ reply .

10. From now on I will work hard . The correct phrase is ‘from now on’ .

125 - ] Vocabulary Tests - Test One Hundred And Twenty Five

125 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

125 - ] Test One Hundred And Twenty Five

1 - ] Prepositions Often Confused .

1 - ] Use between or among in these sentences .

1 . The work was shared --------------------all of them .

2 . He divided the money -----------------his three children .

3 . He hid --------------the trees .

4 . The President walked -------------------the two lines of soldiers .

5 . -------------------------all of those children ,he didn’t have a single friend .

6 . There was a fight ----------------the two gangs .

7 . The ball passed ------------------the goal posts .

8 . We are -----------------------friends .

9 . His subject was “life -----------------------the Eskimos .”

10 . The cake was divided ---------------------the two girls .

2 - ] In the following sentences , choose the correct preposition in brackets .

1 . He’s been ill ( from , since ) last Friday .

2 . You’ve sold your car ( at , for ) a good price .

3 . I sold my bicycle ( at , for ) forty pounds .

4 . I expect to return ( after , in ) a week .

5 . I can wait ( to , till ) next Tuesday .

6 . We draw lines ( by , with ) a ruler .

7 . She’s been absent ( since , for ) a month .

8 . They spoke ( for , about ) the weather .

9 . He worked ( with , by ) candle light .

10 . You can send the parcel ( with , by ) post .

3 - ] Write sentences of your own to show clearly the difference between the following pairs of prepositions .

1 . between / among ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 . to / till -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 . in / into -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 . to / at --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 . for / at (price) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 . with / by ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 . for / since -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 . for / about -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 . in / within ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 . at / in  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 - ] Omission of Prepositions .

Supply the prepositions omitted in the following .

1 . Somebody is knocking the door .


2 . I’m searching my lost book .


3 . He said me , ‘I won’t come .’


4 . She explained the difficult words him .


5 . She never listens her mother .


6 . I replied his letter at once .


7 . Would you like me to send it you ?


8 . I’m too busy , I can’t wait you .


9 . I asked his phone number .


10 . She pointed the ship in the distance .


236- ] English Literature , George Bernard Shaw

236- ] English Literature  George Bernard Shaw  List of works by George Bernard Shaw The following is a list of works by George Bernard Sh...