Grammar American & British

Monday, January 31, 2022

126 - ] Vocabulary Tests - Test One Hundred And Twenty Six

126 - ] Vocabulary Tests


126 - ] Test One Hundred And Twenty Six .

1 - ] Omission of Prepositions

1 - ] Make sentences of you own ,using suitable prepositions after the following .

1 . ask -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 . explain -----------------------------------------------------------------------

3 . knock -------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 . listen -------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 . remind -----------------------------------------------------------------------

6 . say ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 . search ------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 . speak -------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 . wait ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 . wish ------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 - ] Unnecessary Prepositions .

2 - ] Use each of the following in a separate sentence .

1 . answer --------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 . attack ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 . approach ------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 . enter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 . reach ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 . tell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 . inside ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 . outside --------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 . behind --------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 . around ------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 - ] Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary .

1 . Let’s play outside ------------------the house .

2 . She’s searching --------------------------her mobile .  

3 . I waited ---------------- him outside the park .

4 . We entered -----------------a long discussion .

5 . I taught my dog to obey --------------------me .

6 . He entered -------------------the house by the back door .

7 . Twins resemble -------------------------each other .

8 . The poor always wish --------------------riches .

9 . I told --------------------him the truth .

10 . I promised to write -------------------my mother .

3 - ] Conjunctions

4 - ] Correct the following sentences , giving reasons for your corrections .

1 . The book is neither green or red .


2 . He can’t speak English and French .


3 . It costs two , three pounds .


4 . She not only spoke loudly , but also clear .


5 . He ate and the three oranges .


6 . I counted one hundred seven people .


7 . She wants to learn and French .


8 . He said that , ‘You’ll be sorry for it .’


9 . I don’t know if I’ll be able to go .


10 . From now and on I will work hard .


Answer Key

1 . The book is neither green nor red . Neither must be followed by “nor” in a negative sentence and use a positive verb .

2 . He can’t speak English or French . You don’t speak either of them , even separately .

3. It costs two or three pounds . We must always insert the conjunction ‘or’ between numbers like this :two or three pounds .

4. She not only spoke loudly but also clearly . The same parts of speech are used after the correlative conjunctions ( conjunctions used in pairs like not only ---------but also ) .

5. He ate all the three oranges . Say “all” and avoid “and” .

6. I counted one hundred and seven people . Use the conjunction “and” to connect hundred , thousand ,million to a number of tens or units .

7. She wants to learn French (too) . ‘And’ is a conjunction ,and can only join similar forms of speech . We can’t use it instead of the adverbs also and too .

8 . He said , ‘You’ll be sorry for it .’ We cannot use ‘that’ in direct speech .

9 . I don’t know whether I’ll be able to go . Where ‘or not’ is implied , use whether not if  . If you do not expect a ‘Yes or No’ reply .

10. From now on I will work hard . The correct phrase is ‘from now on’ .

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