Grammar American & British

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Vocabulary Tests [ 101 ] Test One Hundred And One

101 - ] Vocabulary Tests


101 - ] Test One Hundred And One

1- ] Confusing Spellings

A - ]The following words can be confusing because of their spelling . Write the word next to the appropriate definition .

[ advice ,  advise - affect , effect - loose , lose - prize , price - flair , flare - relief , relieve -

pain , pane - strait , straight - breath , breathe - life , live  ]


1 . an opinion you give someone about what you should do . (noun) 1 . advice

2 . to tell someone what you think they should do (verb) 2 . ----------------------

3 . the way in which an event , action or person changes someone or something (noun)

3 . ------------------------

4 . to do something that produces a change in someone or something (verb) 4.------------

5 . the air that you take in and send out from your lungs (noun) 5 . ------------------

6 . to take your air into your lungs and sent it out again (verb) 6 . -------------------

7 . a natural ability to do something (noun) 7 .------------------

8 . (of a disease or illness) to suddenly become worse or more painful .(verb +up)

8 . ------------------------

9. [only before noun] 1 . not dead or artificial 2 . a performance that is for an audience of people rather than for a film / recording (adj.) 9 . --------------------

10 . the period between a person’s birth and death (noun) 10 . -------------------

11 . not firmly fixed in place or tight . (adj.) 11 . ---------------------

12 . 1. not to win a game or argument 2 . to be unable to find something that you had before

(verb) 12 . -------------------

13 . the feeling you have when a part of your body hurts . (noun) 13 . --------------------

14 . a sheet of glass used in a widow or a door (noun) 14 . -----------------------

15 . the amount of money for which something is bought , offered or sold . (noun)

15 . -------------------

16 . something that is given to someone who has been successful in a competition , race , game , etc. (noun) 16 . -----------------

17 . a feeling of comfort when something frightening , worrying or painful has ended or not happened . (noun) 17. ------------------

18 . to make a pain , problem , unpleasant feeling less severe .(verb) 18. -------------

19 . something which is not curved or curly (adj.) 19 . -------------------

20 . a narrow passage of water between two areas of land , usually connecting two seas .

(noun) 20 . ---------------------

B- ] Tick (√) the sentences in which the word in italics is spelt correctly . Correct the ones where it is spelt incorrectly .


1 . Can I ask your advice about a personal problem ? 1 . √

2 . He won first price in a competition . 2 . prize

3 .Trouble began to flair up between police and demonstrators .

3 . --------------

4 . Try not to let the pressure affect you - just stay calm and focused .


5 . He was wearing a loose-fitting shirt which looked very good on him .

 5 .--------------

6 .The doctor has prescribed some painkillers to relief the pain .

6 .--------------------

7. I’d say he has enough to set him up for live  . 7.--------------------

8 . I’m going to see the doctor about the pane in my chest . 8 . ---------------

9. We crossed a narrow straight of water separating the two islands .


10.One of the main affects of global warming is rising sea levels .

10 . ------------------

11 . It was stupid of me to loose my temper like that . 11 .--------------------

12 . I love the sound of raindrops on the window pane . 12 .------------------

13 . The group are to play some life concerts in May . 13 .-------------------

14 . It was so hot in there it was hard to breath  . 14 . --------------------

15 . I felt it was a fair price to pay for such a beautiful item .

15 . -------------------

16 .It was such a relieve that my coat hadn’t been stolen . 16 . --------------

17 . It was so funny , I couldn’t keep a strait face . 17. --------------------

18 . Would you advice me to go on a diet , doctor ? 18.------------------

19 . Running up those stairs has left me out of breath . 19 . -----------------

20. We need someone with a real flare for design . 20 . ---------------------

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