Grammar American & British

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Vocabulary Tests [ 107 ] Test One Hundred And Seven

107 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


107 - ] Test One Hundred Seven

1 -] Complete the sentences from the following  words .

[ public - stomach - burn - luxury - cough - rough - through - money - woman - push - enough - budget - tongue - encourage - huge ]


1 . There’s a public telephone over there .

2 . Have you had ---------------------cake ?

3 . Ow ! I’ve bitten my --------------------!

 4 . She tried to ---------------- me to apply for the job .

5 . Don’t go swimming today - the sea’s too ---------------- .

6 . He hit me in the -------------------.

7. Could you lend me some --------------------?

8 . Many years ago , chocolate used to be a ---------------------- .

9. Has your department planned its -------------------for next year ?

2 -] Choose the best answer : A , B , C .


1 . Why do you buy lottery tickets ? You’re -------------------your money .

(A) spending (B) giving away (C) wasting  

2 . Could you ----------------------me $200 until tomorrow ?

(A) borrow (B) lend (C) take

3 . Bill Gates --------------------- a lot of money to charity .

(A) gives away (B) saves (C) invests

4 . Christine Onassis -----------------a fortune from her father .

(A) earned (B) took (C)  inherited

5 . I ------------------my wallet on the train .

(A) lost (B) stole (C) wasted

6 . Could I possibly --------------- $ 30,000 from the bank ?

(A) lend (B) invest (C) borrow

7 . She used to be wealthy but she --------------------most of her money in dot com companies in the 1990s .  

(A) invested (B) lost (C) wasted  

8 . The thief ------------------a diamond ring worth $8,000 .

(A) spent (B) stole (C)  gave away

9 . The Director -----------------twenty times as much as the teachers .

(A) wins (B) takes (C) earns

3 - ] Criminals and Crimes

 (A) Match the crimes to the definitions

[ arsonist - burglar - fraudster - hijacker - kidnapper - mugger - murderer -

robber - shoplifter - thief ]


1 . the general word for a person who steals thief

2 . a person who steals from people or places -------------------------

3 . a person who breaks into a house and steals ------------------

4 . a person who steals from shops when they are open ---------------------

5 . a person who attacks someone in the street and steals from them ----------------

6 . a person who starts fires -------------------

7 . a person who kills someone ( not by accident ) -----------------

8. a person who takes someone and asks for money from their family ---------------

9. a person who takes control of an aeroplane , vehicle or a ship illegally --------------

10. a person who deceives people to get money ---------------------

(B) Complete the table  





to burgle





























4 - Replace the underlined phrases  with the suitable definitions or words

1 . Yesterday Malcolm James appeared in front of a judge in central London .

(2 words) ---------------------------

2 . Two robbers in Buenos Airies tried to rob the same bank four times .

(1 word) ------------------------

3 . She was sure someone had walked behind her from the station .

(1 word)------------------------

4 . When Tom Alan was murdered , the police though it was his wife

(word) --------------------

5 . Two young boys have been stopped and taken to the police station for stealing a car .

(1 word)--------------------------

6 . After the accident she was asked questions by detectives for three hours .

(1 word) -----------------

7 . In court Maria said she had done the crime .

(2 words) ----------------------

8 . He was taken to the police station and was formally told by the police that he had done the crime .

(1 word)

9. At the end of a nine-month court case , the judge decided that the company had not done anything wrong .

( 2 words) ----------------------------

Answer Key

1 . in court 2. attempted 3 . followed 4 . suspected 5 . arrested 6 . questioned 7 . pleaded guilty 8 . charged 9 . found (the company) innocent

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