Grammar American & British

Friday, June 10, 2022

20 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Twenty

20 - ] Model SAT Tests

Test Twenty

The passage below is the unedited draft of a student’s essay . Parts of the essay need to be rewritten to make the meaning clearer and more precise . Read the essay carefully .

The essay is followed by six questions about changes that might improve all or part of the organization , development , sentence structure , use of language , appropriateness to the audience ,or use of standard written English . In each case , choose the answer that most clearly and effectively expresses the student’s intended meaning . Indicate your choice by blackening the corresponding space on the answer sheet .

            [1] From the colonial times until today , the appeal of the underdog has retained a hold on Americans .[2] It is a familiar sight away to see someone rooting for the underdog while watching a sports event on television .[3] Though that only happens if they don’t already have a favorite team . [4] Variations of the David and Goliath story are popular in both fact and fiction . [ 5] Horatio Alger stories , wondrous tales of conquering the West , and the way that people have turned rags--to-riches stories such as Vanderbilt into national myths are three examples of America’s fascination with the underdog .

            [6] This appeal has been spurred by American tradition as well as an understandably selfish desire to feel good about oneself and life . [7] Part of the aura America has held since its creation is that the humblest and poorest person can make it here in America . [8] That dream is ingrained in the history of America . [9] America is made up of immigrants . [10] Most were poor when they came here . [11] They thought of America as the land of opportunity , where any little guy could succeed . [12] All it took was the desire to lift oneself up and some good honest work .[13] Millions succeeded on account of the American belief to honor and support the underdog in all its efforts .

            [14] The underdog goes against all odds and defeats the stronger opponent with hope .[15] It makes people feel that maybe one day they too will triumph against the odds . [16] It changes their view of life’s struggles because they trust that in the end all their hardships will amount to something . [17] Despair has no place in a society where everyone knows that they can succeed . [18] It’s no wonder that the underdog has always had a tight hold upon American hopes and minds .

1 . Which of the following is the best revision of the underlined sections of sentences 1 and 2 (below) , so that the two sentences are combined into one ?

From the colonial times until today , the appeal of the underdog has retained a hold on Americans . It is a familiar sight today to see someone rooting for the underdog while watching a sports event on television .

(A) the appeal of the underdog has retained a hold on Americans , and it is a familiar sight today to see underdogs being the one rooted for

(B) the appeal of the underdog has retained a hold on Americans , but it is a familiar sight today to see someone rooting for the underdog

(C) the underdog has retained a hold on American , who commonly root for the underdog , for example

(D) the underdog has retained a hold on Americans , commonly rooting for the underdog

(E) the underdog’s appeal has retained a hold on Americans , for example , they commonly root for the underdog

3 . To improve the coherence of paragraph1 , which of the following sentences should be deleted ?

(A) Sentence 1(B)  sentence 2(C) sentence 3 (D) Sentence 4 (E) Sentence 5

4 . Considering the content of paragraph 2 , which of the following is the best revision of the paragraph’s topic sentence

(A) This appeal got spurred by American tradition as well as by understandably selfish desire to feel good about oneself and one’s life .

(B) The appeal of the underdog has been spurred by American tradition

(C)  The appeal has been spurred by Americans’ traditional and selfish desire to feel good about themselves and life .

(D) American tradition as well as Americans’ desire to feel good about oneself and their life has spurred he appeal of underdogs .

(E) American traditions include an understandably selfish desire to feel good about themselves and the appeal of the underdog .

5 . In the context of paragraph 2 , which of the following is the best way to combine sentences 8 , 9 , 10 , and 11 ?

(A) That dream is ingrained in the experience of America , a country made up of poor immigrants who believed that in this land of opportunity any little guy had a chance to succeed .

(B) That dream was ingrained in our history , a country made up of immigrants , poor and hopeful that any little guy is able to succeed in America ,the land of opportunity .

(C) That dream has been ingrained America’s history that poor immigrants look on America as a land of opportunity , which any little guy had been able to succeed in .

(D) The American experience has ingrained in it the dream that the immigrants coming to this country poorly could succeed because America is the land of opportunity .

(E) Ingrained in the American experience is the dream of poor immigrants that they could succeed here , after all , this is the land of opportunity .

6 . In view of the sentences that precede and follow sentence 13 , which of the following in the most effective revision of sentence 13 ?

(A) Americans believe that the underdog should be honored and supported , which led to their success .

(B) Because America believed in honoring and supporting the underdog , they succeed.

(C)  And succeed they did because of America’s commitment to honor and support the underdog.

(D) Honoring and supporting underdogs is a firmly held value in America , and it led to the success of underdogs .

(E) They succeeded with their efforts to be supported and honored by America .

7 . Which of the following revisions of sentence 14 is the best transition between paragraphs 3 and 4 ?

(A)  Underdogs ,in addition , went against all odds and with hope defeat stronger opponents .

(B) The underdog , feeling hopeful , going against all odds , and defeating stronger opponents .

(C) It is the hope of the underdog who goes against the odds and defeats the stronger opponent .

(D) The triumph of the underdog over a strong opponent inspires hope .

(E) The underdog triumphs against all odds and defeats the stronger opponents .


The statement below makes a point about a particular topic . Read the statement carefully , and think about the assignment that follows .

Each fresh crisis we encounter is an opportunity in disguise .

ASSIGNMENT : What are your thoughts on the statement above ? Compose an essay in which you express your views on this topic . Your essay may support , refute , or qualify the view expressed in the statement . What you write , however , must be relevant to the topic under discussion . Additionally , you must support your viewpoint , indicating your reasoning and providing examples based on your studies and / or experience . 

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