Grammar American & British

Friday, June 24, 2022

33 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Thirty Three

33 - ] Model SAT Tests

 Test Thirty Three

Select the best answer to each of the following questions ; then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

1 . Because of its inclination to …. most Indian art is …. Japanese art , symbols have been minimized and meaning has been conveyed by the merest suggestion .

(A) exaggerate …. related to

(B) imitate …. superior to

(C) understate …. reminiscent of

(D) overdraw …. similar to

(E) sentimentalize …. supportive of

2 . Irony can , after a fashion , become a mode of escape : to laugh at the terrors of life is in some sense to …. them .

(A) overstate (B) revitalize (C) corroborate (D) evade (E) license

3 . The contract negotiations were often surprisingly …. , deteriorating at times into a welter of accusations and counteraccusations .

(A) perspicacious (B) phlegmatic (C) sedate (D) acrimonious (E) propitious

4 . Fame is …. ; today’s rising star is all too soon tomorrow’s washed-up has-been .

(A) rewarding (B) gradual (C) essential (D) spontaneous E) transitory

5 . Either the Polynesian banquets at Waikiki are…. ,or the one I visited was a poor example .

(A) delicious (B) impeccable (C) overrated (D) untasted E) unpopular

6 . Given the …. nature of wood , the oldest totem poles of the Northwest Coast Indians eventually fell to decay ; only a few still stand today .

(A) resilient (B) combustible (C) malleable (D) perishable (E) solid

7 . Lee , who refrained from excesses in his personal life , differed markedly from Grant , who …. notorious drinking bouts with his cronies .  

(A) deprecated B) minimized (C) indulged in D) shunned (E) compensated for

8 . The college librarian initiated a new schedule of fines for overdue books with the …. , if not the outright encouragement , of the faculty library committee .

(A) skepticism (B) acquiescence (C) scorn (D) applause E) disapprobation

9 . At first …. were simply that : straightforward first-hand testimonials about the …. of a product .

(A) trademarks …. contents

(B) creed …. excellence

(C) prejudices …. flaws

D) reprimands …. benefits

(E) endorsements …. virtues

10 . By nature Toshiro  was …. , given to striking up casual conventions with strangers he encountered at bus stops or check-out stands .

(A) diffident (B) observant (C) reticent(D) gregarious (E laconic

11 . In the absence of native predators to stop their spread , imported deer …. to such an inordinate degree that they overgrazed the countryside and …. the native vegetation .

(A) thrived …. threatened

(B) propagated …. cultivated

(C) suffered …. abandoned

D) flourished …. scrutinized

(E) dwindled …. eliminated

12 . He was habitually so docile and …. that his friends could not understand his sudden …. his employers .

(A) accommodating …. outburst against

B) incorrigible …. suspicion of

(C) truculent …. virulence toward

(D) erratic …. envy of

(E) hasty …. cordiality toward

13 . That Mr. Willis’s newest film is No .1 at the bos office this week is a testament to the star’s …. power and not to the reviews , which were …. at best .

(A) waning …. indifferent

(B) ongoing …. glowing

(C) drawing …. modest

(D) increasing …. matchless

(E) unique …. superb

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 

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