Grammar American & British

Friday, June 24, 2022

34 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Thirty Four

34 - ] Model SAT Tests

 Test Thirty Four

Read the passage below , and then answer the questions that follow the passage . The correct response may be stated outright or merely suggested in the passage .

            The following passage is taken from Jane Austen’s novel Persuasion . In this excerpt we meet Sir Walter Elliot , father of the heroine .

            Vanity was the beginning and end of Sir Walter Elliot’s character : vanity of person and of his youth , and at fifty-four was still a very fine man . Few women could think more of their personal appearance than he did , nor could the valet of any new-made lord be more delighted with the place he held in society . He considered the blessing of beauty as inferior only to the blessing of a baronetcy ; and the Sir Walter Elliot , who united these gifts , was the constant object of his warmest respect and devotion .

            His good looks and his rank had one fair claim on his attachment , since to them he must have owed a wife of very superior character to anything deserved by his own Lady Elliot had been an excellent woman , sensible and amiable , whose judgment and conduct , if they might be pardoned the youthful infatuation which made her Lady Elliot , had never required indulgence afterwards . She had humored , or softened , or concealed his failings , and promoted his real respectability for seventeen years ; and though not the very happiest being in the world herself ,  had found enough in her duties , her friends , and her children , to attach her to life , and make it no matter of indifference to her when she was called on to quit them . Three girls , the two eldest sixteen and fourteen , was an awful legacy for a mother to bequeath , an awful charge rather , to confide to the authority and guidance of a conceited , silly father . She had , however , one very intimate friend , a sensible , deserving woman , who had been brought , by strong attachment to herself , to settle close by her , in the village of Kellynch , and on her kindness and advice Lady Elliot mainly relied for the best help and maintenance of the good principles and instruction which she had been anxiously giving her daughters .

            This friend and Sir Walter did not marry , whatever might have been anticipated on that head by their acquaintance . Thirteen years had passed away since Lady Elliot’s death , and they were still near neighbors and intimate friends , and one remained a widower , the other a widow .

            That Lady Russell , of steady age and character , and extremely well provided for , should have no thought of a second marriage , needs no apology to the public , which is rather apt to be unreasonably discontented when a woman does marry again , than when she does not : but Sir Walter’s continuing in singleness requires explanation . Be it known , then ,that Sir Walter ,like a good father ( having met with one or two disappointments in very unreasonable applications ) , prided himself on remaining single for his dear daughters’ sake .

1 . According to the passage , Sir Walter Elliot’s vanity centered on his

I. physical attractiveness

II . possession of a title

III . superiority of character

(A) I only (B) II only  (C) I and II  (D) I and III (E) I ,II , and III

2 . The narrator speaks well of Lady Elliot for all of the following EXCEPT     

(A) her concealment of Sir Walter’s shortcomings

(B) her choice of an intimate friend

(C) her guidance of her three daughters

(D) her judgment in falling in love with Sir Walter

(E) her performance of her wifely duties

3 . It can be inferred that over the years Lady Elliot was less than happy because of     

(A) her lack of personal beauty

(B) her separation from her most intimate friend

C) the disparity between her character and that of her husband

(D) the inferiority of her place in society

(E) her inability to teach good principles to her wayward daughters

4 . Lady Elliot’s emotions regarding her approaching death were complicated by her     

(A) pious submissiveness to her fate

(B) anxieties over her daughters’ prospects

(C) resentment of her husband’s potential remarriage

(D) lack of feeling for her conceited husband

(E) reluctance to face the realities of her situation

5 . The phrase “make it no matter of indifference to her when she was called on to quit them” in paragraph two is an example of     

(A) ironic understatement

(B) effusive sentiment

(C) metaphorical expression

(D) personification

E)  parable

6. The underlined word “applications” made by Sir Walter were most likely     

(A) professional (B) insincere (C) marital (D) mournful (E) fatherly 

33 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Thirty Three

33 - ] Model SAT Tests

 Test Thirty Three

Select the best answer to each of the following questions ; then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

1 . Because of its inclination to …. most Indian art is …. Japanese art , symbols have been minimized and meaning has been conveyed by the merest suggestion .

(A) exaggerate …. related to

(B) imitate …. superior to

(C) understate …. reminiscent of

(D) overdraw …. similar to

(E) sentimentalize …. supportive of

2 . Irony can , after a fashion , become a mode of escape : to laugh at the terrors of life is in some sense to …. them .

(A) overstate (B) revitalize (C) corroborate (D) evade (E) license

3 . The contract negotiations were often surprisingly …. , deteriorating at times into a welter of accusations and counteraccusations .

(A) perspicacious (B) phlegmatic (C) sedate (D) acrimonious (E) propitious

4 . Fame is …. ; today’s rising star is all too soon tomorrow’s washed-up has-been .

(A) rewarding (B) gradual (C) essential (D) spontaneous E) transitory

5 . Either the Polynesian banquets at Waikiki are…. ,or the one I visited was a poor example .

(A) delicious (B) impeccable (C) overrated (D) untasted E) unpopular

6 . Given the …. nature of wood , the oldest totem poles of the Northwest Coast Indians eventually fell to decay ; only a few still stand today .

(A) resilient (B) combustible (C) malleable (D) perishable (E) solid

7 . Lee , who refrained from excesses in his personal life , differed markedly from Grant , who …. notorious drinking bouts with his cronies .  

(A) deprecated B) minimized (C) indulged in D) shunned (E) compensated for

8 . The college librarian initiated a new schedule of fines for overdue books with the …. , if not the outright encouragement , of the faculty library committee .

(A) skepticism (B) acquiescence (C) scorn (D) applause E) disapprobation

9 . At first …. were simply that : straightforward first-hand testimonials about the …. of a product .

(A) trademarks …. contents

(B) creed …. excellence

(C) prejudices …. flaws

D) reprimands …. benefits

(E) endorsements …. virtues

10 . By nature Toshiro  was …. , given to striking up casual conventions with strangers he encountered at bus stops or check-out stands .

(A) diffident (B) observant (C) reticent(D) gregarious (E laconic

11 . In the absence of native predators to stop their spread , imported deer …. to such an inordinate degree that they overgrazed the countryside and …. the native vegetation .

(A) thrived …. threatened

(B) propagated …. cultivated

(C) suffered …. abandoned

D) flourished …. scrutinized

(E) dwindled …. eliminated

12 . He was habitually so docile and …. that his friends could not understand his sudden …. his employers .

(A) accommodating …. outburst against

B) incorrigible …. suspicion of

(C) truculent …. virulence toward

(D) erratic …. envy of

(E) hasty …. cordiality toward

13 . That Mr. Willis’s newest film is No .1 at the bos office this week is a testament to the star’s …. power and not to the reviews , which were …. at best .

(A) waning …. indifferent

(B) ongoing …. glowing

(C) drawing …. modest

(D) increasing …. matchless

(E) unique …. superb

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 

32 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Thirty Two

32 - ] Model SAT Tests 

Test Thirty Two

Select the best answer to each of the following questions ; then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

1 . He felt that the uninspiring routine of office work was too …. for someone of his talent and creativity .

(A) diverse (B)  insatiable (C) exacting (D) enthralling (E) prosaic

2 . The museum arranged the fossils in …. order , placing the older fossils dating from the Late Ice Age on the first floor and the more recent fossils on the second floor .

(A) alphabetical (B) chronological C) random (D) arbitrary (E) retrospective

3 . With the evolution of wings , insects were able to …. to the far ecological corners , across deserts and bodies of water , to reach new food sources and inhabit a wider variety of promising environmental niches .

(A) relate (B) disperse (C) transgress (D) revert (E) ascend

4 . Having recently missed out on the Matisse retrospective , which has taken Paris and New York by storm , and on the tour of great paintings from Philadelphia’s Barnes collection , London is becoming …. in the competition to show …. international art exhibitions .

(A) a trend-setter …. major

(B) an also-ran …. blockbuster

(C) a world-beater …. itinerant

(D) a mecca …. distinguished

(E) a connoisseur …. esoteric

5 . What most …. the magazine’s critics is the manner in which its editorial opinions are expressed …. too often as if only an idiot could see things any other way .

(A) belies (B) impedes (C) riles(D) placates (E) identifies

6 . Despite her compassionate nature , the new nominee to the Supreme Court was single-minded and …. in her strict …. the letter of the law .

(A) merciful …. interpretation of

(B) uncompromising …. adherence to

C) dilatory …. affirmation of

(D) vindictive …. deviation from

(E) lenient …. dismissal of

7 . Although he generally observed the adage “Look before you leap .” in this instance he was …. acting in an unconsidered fashion .

(A) chary of (B) impervious to (C) precipitate in (D) hesitate about (E) conventional in

8 . Surrounded by a retinue of sycophants who invariably …. her singing , Callas wearied of the constant adulation and longed for honest criticism .

(A) orchestrated (B) thwarted (C) assailed (D) extolled (E) reciprocated

9 . There is nothing …. or provisional about Moore’s early critical pronouncements : she deals …. with what were then radical new developments in poetry .

(A) tentative …. confidently

(B) positive …. expertly

(C) dogmatic …. arbitrarily

D) shallow …. superficially

(E) imprecise …. inconclusively

10 . Crabeater seal , the common name of lobodon carcinophagus , is a …. , since the animal’s staple diet is not crabs , but krill .

(A) pseudonym (B) misnomer (C) delusion (D) digression (E) compromise

11. His critical reviews were enjoyed by many of his audience , but the subjects of his analysis dreaded his comments ; he was vitriolic , devastating , irritating and never …. .

(A) analytic (B) personal (C) constructive (D) uncharitable (E) controversial

12 . Despite the team members’ resentment of the new coach’s training rules , they …. them as long as he did not …. them too strictly .

(A) embraced …. follow

(B) condemned …. formulate

(C) questioned …. interpret

(D) challenged …. implement

(E) tolerated …. apply

13 . Given the …. state of the published evidence , we do not argue here that exposure to low-level microwave energy is either hazardous or safe .

(A) inconclusive (B) satisfactory (C) definitive (D) (immaculate E) exemplary

14 . Tacitus’ descriptions of Germanic tribal customs were …. by the …. state of communications in his day , but they match the accounts of other contemporary writers .

(A) defined …. inconsequential

(B) limited …. primitive

C) enriched …. antiquated

(D) contradicted …. thriving

(E) muddled …. suspended

15 . No matter how …. the revelations of the coming years may be , they will be hard put to match those of the past decade , which have …. transformed our view of the emergence of Mayan civilization .

(A) minor …. dramatically

(B) profound …. negligibly

(C) striking …. radically

(D) bizarre …. nominally

(E) questionable …. possibly                                                                                                                      

Monday, June 20, 2022

31- ] Model SAT Tests - Test Thirty One

31 - ] Model SAT Tests 


Test Thirty One

The passage below is the unedited draft of a student’s essay . Parts of the essay need to be rewritten to make the meaning clearer and more precise . Read the essay carefully .

The essay is followed by six questions about changes that might improve all or part of the organization , development , sentence structure , use of language , appropriateness to the audience ,or use of standard written English . In each case , choose the answer that most clearly and effectively expresses the student’s intended meaning . Indicate your choice by blackening the corresponding space on the answer sheet .

          [1] Although some people believe that certain celebrations have no point , celebrations are one of the few things that all people have in common . [2] They take place everywhere .[3] Listing all of them would be an impossible task . [5] Those who criticize celebrations do not understand the human need to preserve tradition and culture .

            [6] In the Muslim religion , the Ed is a celebration . [7] It begins as soon as Ramadan ( the fasting month ) is over . [8] During the Ed , families gather together . [9] New clothes are bought for children , and they receive money from both family and friends . [10] Also , each family , if they can afford it , slaughters a sheep or a cow . [11] They keep a small fraction of the meat , and the rest must give to the poor . [12] They also donate money to a mosque .

            [14] Many celebrations involve eating meals . [15] In the United States , people gat6her together on Thanksgiving to say thank you for their blessings by having a huge feast with turkey , sweet potatoes , and cranberry sauce . [16] Christmas and Easter holiday dinners are a custom in the Christian religion . [17] They have a roast at Christmas. [18] At Easter they serve ham . [19] The Jewish people celebrate Passover with a big meal called a seder . [20] They say prayers , drink wine , and sing songs to remember how Jews suffered centuries ago when they escaped from slavery in Egypt .

         [21] A celebration is held each year to honor great people like Dr. Martin Luther King . [22] His birthday is celebrated because of this man’s noble belief in equality of all races . [23] People wish to remember not only his famous speeches , including “I have A Dream ,” but also about him being assassinated in Memphis in 1968 . [24] He died while fighting for the equality of minorities . [25] Unlike religious celebrations , celebrations for great heroes like Martin Luther King are for all people everywhere in the world . [26] He is a world-class hero and he deserved the Nobel Prize for Peace that he won .

1 . To improve the unity of the first paragraph , which of the following is the best sentence to delete ?

(A) Sentence 1 (B) Sentence 2 (C) Sentence 3 (D)  Sentence 4 (E) Sentence 5

2 . Which is the best revision of sentence 9 below ?

New clothes are bought for children , and they receive money from both family and friends .    

(A) New clothes are bought for children , and they receive money from family and friends .

(B) The children receive new clothes and gifts of money from family and friends .

C) Receiving new clothes , money is also given by family and friends .

(D) Gifts are given to the children of new clothes and money by family and friends .

(E)Parents buy new clothes for their children , and family and friends also give money to them .

3. In the context of the third paragraph , which is the best way to combine sentences 16 , 17 , and 18 ?     

(A) A roast at Christmas , ham at Easter - that’s what Christians eat .

(B) Christians customarily serve a roast for Christmas dinner , at Easter ham is eaten .

(C) At customary holiday dinners , Christians eat a roast at Christmas and ham is for Easter dinner .

(D) Christians often celebrate the Christmas holiday with a roast for dinner and Easter with a traditional ham .

(E) Christmas and Easter dinners are the custom in the Christian religion , where they have a roast at Christian religion , where they have a roast at Christmas and ham at Easter.

4 . In an effort to provide a more effective transition between paragraph 3 and 4 , which of the following would be the best revision of sentence 21 below ?

A celebration is held each year to honor great people like Dr. Martin Luther King .

(A) There are also some celebrations to honor great people like Dr. Martin Luther King .

(B) Martin Luther King is also celebrated in the United States .

(C) In the United States , celebrating to honor great people like Dr. Martin Luther King has become a tradition.

(D) In addition to observing religious holidays , people hold celebrations to honor great leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King.

(E) Besides holding religion-type celebrations , celebrations to honor great people like Dr. Martin Luther King are also held .

5. Which is the best revision of the underlined segment of sentence 23 below ?

People wish to remember not only his famous speeches , including “I Have A Dream” but also about him being assassinated in Memphis in 1968 .   

(A) that his assassination occurred

(B) about his being assassinated

(C) the fact that he was assassinated

(D) about the assassination , too ,

(E) his assassination

6 . In the context of the essay as a whole , which one of the following best explains the main function of the last paragraph ?     

(A) To summarize the main idea of the essay

(B) To refute a previous argument stated in the essay

(C) To give an example

(D) To provide a solution to a problem

(E) To evaluate the validity of the essay’s main idea


The statement below makes a point about a particular topic . Read the statement carefully and think about the assignment that follows .

Nature ( one’s genetic inheritance ) affects one’s character and behavior more than nurture

( one’s life experiences ) .

ASSIGNMENT : What are your thoughts on the statement above ? Do you agree or disagree with the writer’s assertion ? Compose an essay in which you express your views on this topic . Your essay may support , refute , or qualify the vies expressed in the statement . What you write , however , must be relevant to the topic under discussion . Additionally , you must support your viewpoint , indicating your reasoning and providing examples based on your studies and / or experience .

30 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Thirty

30 - ] Model SAT Tests

Test Thirty

Some or all the parts of the following sentences are underlined . The first answer choice , (A) , simply repeats the underlined part of the sentence . The other four choices present four alternative ways to phrase the underlined part . Select the answer that produces the most effective sentence , one that is clear and exact , and blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet . In selecting your choice , be sure that it is standard written English , and that it expresses the meaning of the original sentence .


The first biography of author Eudora Welty came out in 1998 and she was 89 years old at the time .

 (A) and she was 89 years old at the time

(B) at the time when she was 89

(C) upon becoming an 89 year old

(D) when she was 89

(E) at the age of 89 years old

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

1 . Unable to see more than three inches in front of her nose without corrective lenses . Mary’s search for her missing glasses was frantic .

(A) Mary’s search for her missing glasses was frantic .

(B) Mary’s frantic search was for her missing glasses.

(C) Mary frantically searched for her missing glasses .

(D) her missing glasses were what Mary frantically searched for .

(E) her missing glasses was that for which Mary frantically  searched .

2 . Ron liked to play word games , of which he found crossword puzzles particularly satisfying

(A) games , of which he found crossword puzzles particularly satisfying

(B) games , and it was crossword puzzles that particularly found satisfying

(C) games , particularly satisfying to him were crossword puzzles

(D) games ; he found crossword puzzles particularly satisfying

(E) games ; the satisfaction of  crossword puzzles particularly

3 . Martin Luther King Jr.’s influence had a strong impact on the members of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference , especially Jesse Jackson and Ralph Abernathy .

(A)Martin Luther King Jr.’s influence had a strong impact on the members

(B) Martin Luther King Jr.’s influence had a strong impact regarding the members

(C) Martin Luther King Jr. strongly influenced members

(D) the influence Martin Luther King Jr. was strong on the members

(E) Martin Luther King Jr.’s influence strongly impacted members

4 . Raise High the Roofbeam , Carpenters is a novel written by the notoriously reclusive J.D. Salinger .

(A) Raise High the Roofbeam , Carpenters is a novel written by the notoriously reclusive J.D. Salinger .

(B) Raise High the Roofbeam , Carpenters were a novel written by the notorious reclusive J.D. Salinger .

(C) Raise High the Roofbeam , Carpenters were a novel that the notoriously reclusive J.D. Salinger .wrote

(D) as notorious recluse , J.D. Salinger has written a novel that is called Raise High the Roofbeam , Carpenters

(E) Raise High the Roofbeam , Carpenters is the name of a novel that was written by the notorious reclusive J.D. Salinger .

5 . That it is deemed necessary to shield television viewers from ads concerning pressing public issues while they are being bombarded with commercial pitches for beer and sports utility vehicles is a sad commentary on the state of our cultural and of our democracy .

(A) they are being bombarded with commercial pitches for beer and sports utility vehicles is a sad commentary on the state of our cultural and of our democracy .

(B) they had been bombarded with commercial pitches for beer and sports utility vehicles sadly is a  commentary on the state of our cultural and of our democracy .

(C) it is bombarded with commercial pitches for beer and sports utility vehicles is a sad commentary on the state of our cultural and of our democracy .

(D) they are being bombarded with commercial pitches for beer and sports utility vehicles is a sad commentary on the state of our cultural and of our democracy .

(E) they are bombarding with commercial pitches for beer and sports utility vehicles is a sad commentary on the state of our cultural and of our democracy .

6 . There is simply no way one can avoid conflict ; hence , if you must fight , fight to win .

(A) There is simply no way one can avoid conflict ; hence


(B) In no way one can simply avoid conflict ; hence

(C) You cannot avoid conflict ; hence

(D) There is simply no way one can avoid conflict ; however,

(E) There is simply no way in which you may avoid conflict ; consequently

7 . The federal Fish and Wildlife Service is expected to rule this week on whether to protect beluga sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act .

(A) is expected to rule this week on whether to protect beluga sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act .

(B) are expected to rule this week on whether to protect beluga sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act .

(C) have been expected to rule this week on whether to protect beluga sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act .

(D) is expected to rule this week about the protecting of beluga sturgeon by means of the Endangered Species Act .

(E) is being  expected to rule this week on whether or not they should protect beluga sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act .

8 . Businessman by day and composer by night Charles Ives’s vast output has gradually brought him recognition as the most original and significant American composer of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .

(A) Businessman by day and composer by night Charles Ives’s vast output has gradually brought him recognition as

(B) Businessman by day and composer by night ,  Charles Ives’s vast output that has gradually brought him recognition from

(C) Businessman by day and composer by night Charles Ives’s vast output has been  gradually bringing to him recognition from

(D)Doing business by day and composing music by night ,  Charles Ives’s vast output has gradually brought him recognition for

(E) The vast output of Charles Ives ,  businessman by day and composer by night , has gradually brought him recognition as

9 . In most states where local property taxes fund the public schools , communities with strong tax bases from commercial property can support its schools while maintaining low property tax rates .

(A)with strong tax bases from commercial property can support its schools while maintaining low property tax rates .

(B)that have strong tax bases from commercial property can support their schools and maintaining low property tax rates .

(C)with strong tax bases from commercial property could have supported its schools while maintaining low property tax rates .

(D)with strong tax bases from commercial property can support their schools while maintaining low property tax rates .

(E)with strong tax bases from commercial property could of supported its schools and the maintenance of low property tax rates .

10 . The author has given us a well-written , thoughtful , and at times she is even colorful in her examination of one of the perennial dilemmas of contemporary life .

(A) thoughtful , and at times she is even colorful in her examination of

(B) thoughtful , and even at times she is colorful examining

(C) thoughtful ; and at times she is even colorful examining

(D) thoughtful , and at times even colorful examination of

(E) thoughtful , or at times is even colorful when she examines

11. James had initially derided the physical education requirement at his school , then eventually he was convinced of the value of exercising regularly .

(A) school , then eventually he was convinced of the value

(B) school , then eventually the value convinced him 

(C) school , but eventually he was convinced of the value

(D) school : and eventually he was convinced of the value

(E) school ; however, eventually being convinced of the value

12 . The drop in interest rates , especially for home mortgages , have encouraged prospective buyers and applied for loans .

(A) have encouraged prospective buyers and applied for loans .

(B) have encouraged prospective buyers and loans have been applied for .

(C) have encouraged prospective buyers : therefore , they applied for loans .

(D) has encouraged prospective buyers that they applied for loans .

(E) has encouraged prospective buyers t apply for loans .

13 . The bridge between San Francisco and Man County , California , is actually painted a reddish orange , while being called the Golden Gate .

(A) is actually painted a reddish orange , while being

(B) although actually painted a reddish orange is

(C) whose  paint is actually a reddish orange , while it is

(D) being actually painted a reddish orange caused it to be

(E) which is actually painted a reddish orange , while being

14 . Fans of Donald Trump’s reality television show The Apprentice have described it as simultaneously infuriating because of Trump’s arrogance but Trump’s shrewdness still has a fascination .

(A) but Trump’s shrewdness still has a fascination

(B) and Trump’s shrewdness still is fascinating

(C) and  Trump is fascinatingly shrewd

(D) and fascinating because of  Trump’s shrewdness

(E) while Trump is so shrewd that he fascinates them  

29 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Twenty Nine

29 - ] Model SAT Tests

Test Twenty Nine

Select the best answer to each of the following questions ; then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

The sentences in this section may contain errors in grammar , usage , choice of words , or idioms . Either there is just one error in a sentence or the sentence is correct . Some words or phrases are underlined and lettered ; if the sentence is correct , select No error . Then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .


The region has a climate so severe that plants growing there rarely had been more

                                                 A                                 B                               C

than twelve inches high . No error

                                  D         E  

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

1 . Although many people are unfamiliar with the Web site , it is well known to shoppers

            A                                                B                                        C

 desirous for comparing prices before they make purchases online . No error

          D                                                                                                             E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

2 . A hard-hitting and highly focused competitor , John is known as one of those players

                                                        A                                               B

 which  always give total commitment to a team . No error

     C                                                          D                     E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

3 . What may be the world’s largest rodent is the capybara , a water-loving mammal found

         A        B                                                                                            C

throughout much of South America . No error

                           D                                       E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

4 . While rain has long been used as a water source in areas where well water is unavailable

         A                                                                                               B

 or tainted , the amounts collected are usually small and rarely suitable to consumption

  C                                                                                                              D               

without treatment . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

5 . Though barely mentioned in popular histories of World War II , black soldiers fought

                       A              B                                     

beside  whites in the war’s final year for the first time since the American Revolution .

     C                                                                        D

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

6 . Joan of Arc had a hunger to save France , a knack for performing miracles , and was

                                           A                                          B                                                       C  

willing  to endure great suffering rather than to deny her faith . No error

                                                                      D                                          E                          

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

7 . Despite the thorough investigation after the assassination , surprising little is known of

         A                                                                                                      B                            C

the motivations of the killer who struck down the prime minister . No error

                                                         D                                                            E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


8 . Cream , like other dairy products that spoil easily , need to be kept under refrigeration .

                              A                                                   B         C                         D

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

9 . In many respects , California’s Tevis Cup race and Australia’s Quilty are very similar


equestrian events , but the Tevis Cup poses the greatest  challenge to both horses and

                                   B                             C                 D

riders. No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

10 . During the 1920s , members of the white literary establishment began to show much

                                                                                                                        A                     B

interest in the movement of black writers who came to be known as the Harlem

                                                                          C                            D

Renaissance . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

11 . Since there is clean sheets , a pillow , and a blanket on each bunk bed , campers do not

                     A                                                                                B                                         C   

have to bring their own  bedding . No error

                             D                                 E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

12 . Clearly , Whitman’s verses , unlike Kipling , are wholly unconventional in their

            A                                                   B                                                C                  D

absence of rhyme . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

13 . Her interest in fine food led her to visit ethnic food-markets throughout the region as

                                                   A   B

well as an apprenticeship at the nearby Culinary Institute . no error

   C                     D                                                                              E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

14 . The perspective advantages this proposed merger can bring to our firm greatly

                        A                                                                                 B                       C                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

outweigh any of the potential disadvantages predicted by opponents of the consolidation .


No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

15 . Initially , the candidate made heavy use of the Internet to raise funds for his campaign ,

            A                                               B

latter he went on to more conventional fund-raising methods . No error

    C                              D                                                                          E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

16 . A sudden downpour that drenched the poolside area where the sunbathers had been

                A                                       B                                                                                 C

laying  caused everyone  to scatter . No error

                               D                                  E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

17 . It is likely that the Coen brothers’ latest movie , originally scheduled to be released in

                                                                                                 A                                   B

time for Thanksgiving , would be postponed until summer because of unforeseen

                                                C                                                                            D  

postproduction difficulties . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

18 . During his lifetime , Degas exhibited only one piece of sculpture , Little Dancer , Aged

            A                                                         B

Fourteen , which  was shown in 1991 in the sixth exhibition of Impressionist art in Paris .

                       C            D

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

19 . The differences between Locke’s world view and that of Hobbes  arise less from a

                                                                                                       A               B

dispute about the function of government but from a dispute about the   nature of

                                                                               C                                                D

mankind. No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)  

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...