Grammar American & British

Friday, November 5, 2021

Comprehension [ 23 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

23 - ] Comprehension

Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                From 1950 to 1980 , the so-called “Green Revolution” swept the world . World food production doubled with the introduction of a new approach to agriculture . It involved the large-scale cultivation of new types of grain ( wheat , corn , and rice ) , and the extensive use of chemicals and farm machinery .

                 These features were the cause of the early , enormous success of this “revolution” . However , the “Green Revolution” methods no longer appear to be so successful . Though the population continues to grow , food production has failed to keep up with it .

                There are a number of reasons for this . One reason lies in the expense of the new farming methods . The new kinds of grain produce much more than traditional grains , but only under certain conditions . In order to get maximum production , farmers must use large amounts of expensive chemical fertilizers . They also need to use expensive chemical insecticides since the new grains are more easily damaged by insects . Expensive watering systems are also necessary for these grains , especially in drier areas . Many farmers cannot afford to buy all the chemicals and equipment .

                  Erosion is another reason for the lower grain production . The large-scale farming of a single crop creates the perfect conditions for erosion . In dry areas , especially , the loss of top soil has lowered the productivity of the land . In these areas , also , grain production has been limited by the lack of water . The new types of grain , in fact , require much more water than the grains people used to grow .

                   Yet another reason for lower production lies in the nature of the chemicals that farmers have used . Though these fertilizers and pesticides raise production levels at first , they must be used in increasing amounts after that . Many farmers cannot afford to buy more , and so production decreases . These chemicals have other effects that are expensive in the long run . They flow into the ground water , causing pollution and health problems . As people learn about these problems , they put pressure on farmers to further limit their use of chemicals .

                 Finally , the Green Revolution has brought about social and political conflict that has interfered with food production . The problem lies in the cost of the new agricultural methods . Only the larger landowners can afford to make the necessary investments for maximum production of the new grains . With their profits , the large landowners then buy land from the smaller farmers . This way , the large landowners become ever richer and the number of landless poor people increases . Social tensions naturally increase in this situation .

                 Clearly , it is time to question the methods of the Green Revolution . Governments and farmers need to look at the overall picture and long-term effects . They need to find new methods that will better meet the needs of the world’s hungry people and will also be less destructive .

Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) how the Green Revolution increased grain production .

( B ) the environmental effects of the Green Revolution .

( C ) some negative aspects of the Green Revolution .

( D ) the success of the Green Revolution .

2 . The production of grain worldwide has

( A ) not kept up with the world population .

( B ) increased faster than the population has increased .

( C ) more than doubled in recent years .

( D ) decreased by half in recent years .

3 . The new types of grain are  

( A ) easier to cultivate than the traditional kinds .

( B ) more expensive to cultivate than the traditional kinds .

( C ) cheaper to cultivate than the traditional kinds .

( D ) better tasting than the traditional kinds .

4 . Erosion is often the result of

( A ) traditional methods of farming .

( B ) the costliness of farm equipment .

( C ) the use of too much water in farming .

( D ) single crop farming on a large scale .

5 . Chemical fertilizers and insecticides

( A ) rarely have any effect on people .

( B ) can cause large-scale erosion .

( C ) are both expensive and damaging .

( D ) are not always necessary with the new types of grain .

6 . In some regions , the new farming methods have

( A ) increased the differences between rich and poor .

( B ) increased the size of the middle class .

( C ) encouraged small farmers to produce more .

( D ) increased the profits of both rich and poor .

7 . We can infer from this passage that traditional farming methods were probably

( A ) more expensive .

( B ) less damaging to people and the environment .

( C ) preferred by the large landowners .

( D ) the cause of many social problems .

8 . The Green Revolution methods are

( A ) the most productive that we know .

( B ) damaging only to farmers .

( C ) often unproductive and destructive .

( D ) the only way to solve the problem of world hunger .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . B 4 . D 5 . C 6 . A 7 . B 8 . C

Comprehension [ 22 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

22 - ] Comprehension

 Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                   It doesn’t take long to turn farmland into desert . American farmers found this out in the 1930s . They planted wheat in large areas of grassland in the south central United States .For a few years there was plenty of rain and lots of wheat . Then the rains stopped , as they often do in this dry region . The wheat dried up and the top soil turned to dust . Before long , it had all blown away in great dust storms . The area became known as the “Dust Bowl” .

                  What happened in the Dust Bowl is a perfect example of erosion caused by modern farming methods . ( Erosion is the loss of top soil . ) Top soil blows away more easily when it is no longer protected by grasses or trees . In ten years or less , several feet of good soil can disappear . And once it is gone , there is no way to get it back quickly . It may take from one hundred to a thousand years for new top soil to form .

                  Unfortunately , it seems that farmers have not learned from the example of the Dust Bowl . In the United States alone , five billion tons of top soil are lost every year . Farmers continue to use the same destructive methods . They plant the same crops and use tons of chemical fertilizers .

                   The situation in other parts of the world is even more serious . The total loss of top soil worldwide is 24 billion tons a year . Areas of the earth with a dry climate ( about one third of the planet ) are hit worst . In these areas , about 12 million hectares of land are lost to agriculture per year because of erosion .

                    In developing countries , this often leads to hunger and death . The recent history of one part of Africa , the Sahel , is a good example . In the 1960s and 197much good farmland was taken over for export crops , such as sugar and cotton . Many people moved into the drier interior areas to grow their food . During that period , there was more rain than usual . Food and cattle production increased and so did the population .

                    Before long , there were too many people in these areas . The land began to suffer the effects . It was no longer protected by trees , which had been cut down for firewood . The grass and bushes were gone , eaten by the cattle , sheep , and other animals . Animal manure was used for burning instead of fertilizing the soil .

                   Then came a long period of no rain . The ruined top soil quickly blew away . The Sahara Desert advanced in some areas as much as 100 kilometers . In other areas , the semi-desert land became completely unproductive . Now millions of people have no way to make a living . Many have dies of hunger , while others have moved to the already crowded cities .

                      The events in the Sahel were an important lesson for government officials and farmers around the world . But again , the lesson has been ignored . More and more people are hungry on our planet , but farmland continues to be ruined .

Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) the “Dust Bow” .

( B ) how farmers can ruin the land .

( C ) the problem of erosion around the world .

( D )  the loss of top soil in the African Sahel .

2 . The “Dust Bowl”  

( A ) is a naturally dusty area .

( B ) used to be desert .

( C ) was always green farmland .

( D ) used to be grassland .

3 . The dust storms    

( A ) started after farmers planted wheat .

( B ) were always present in that area .

( C ) stopped when it rained .

( D ) brought lots of good top soil .

4 . We can infer from this passage that chemical fertilizers    

( A ) help keep the top soil .

( B ) help destroy the soil .

( C ) do not have any effect on the soil .

( D )  are not used much by American farmers .

5 . The problem of erosion is worst in   

( A ) the central United States .

( B ) the desert .

( C ) Africa.

( D ) the dry regions of the world .

6 . We can infer from this passage that one important factor in the Sahel disaster was the    

( A ) international demand for export crops .

( B ) expansion of the Sahara Desert .

( C ) worldwide change in climate .

( D ) lack of good top soil in Africa .  

7 . The top soil in the Sahel was ruined by    

( A ) the planting of export crops .

( B ) the effects of too many people and animals .

( C ) too much manure from cattle and sheep .

( D ) too much rain for too many years .

8 . Many people in the Sahel died of hunger because     

( A ) there were too many sheep and cattle .

( B ) there were terrible dust storms .

( C ) there were no trees for firewood .

( D ) the land was no longer any good for farming .

Answer Key  

1 . C 2 . D 3 . A 4 . B 5 . D 6 . A 7 . B 8 . D   

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 50 ] Test Fifty

50 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test Fifty

1 - ] Time & Frequency

Exercise A

Supply the best word or words

1 . I’ll see you ------------------ten minutes . ( A ) in ( B ) after

2 . I arrived first and Tom arrived ------------ . ( A ) after ( B ) later

3 . We’re expecting her -----------------afternoon . ( A ) this ( B ) today

4 . She invited us , so we must invite her ------------------ . ( A ) again ( B ) back

5 . He hasn’t phoned ----------------- . ( A ) still ( B ) yet

6 . I learnt to ride a bike -----------------I was a boy . ( A ) as ( B ) when

7 . I’ll see you -----------------March . ( A ) at ( B ) in

8 . I’ll see you ----------------Monday . ( A ) at ( B ) on

9 . ‘Liz - you’re wanted on the phone !’ - ‘----------------!’( A ) Coming ( B ) At once

10 . I met him three years --------------- . ( A ) ago ( B ) before

11 . Knock before --------------- enter . ( A ) you ( B ) to

12 . I was a chauffeur then . ----------------- .( A ) Before that ( B ) Before

13 . I’ve been a waiter --------------three years . ( A ) during ( B ) for

14 . Don’t worry . She’ll learn to spell very -------------- . ( A ) early ( B ) soon

15 . What happened ----------------- the end of the story ? ( A ) in ( B ) at

16 . We missed the train and ---------------- we got a taxi . ( A ) in the end ( B ) at last

17 . Everything was stolen - -----------------our clothes . ( A ) still ( B ) even

18 . I’ll call on you this -------------------- between 6 and 7 p.m. ( A ) afternoon ( B ) evening  

19 . That was his ----------------- wish before he died . ( A ) eventual ( B ) final

2 0 . I have ----------------- trusted him . ( A ) ever ( B ) never

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . B 3 A 4 . B 5 . B 6 . B 7 . B 8 . B 9 . A 10 . A 11 . A 12 . A 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B 16 . A

17 . B 18 . B 19 . B 20 . B  

Exercise B

Supply the best word

1 . The experience wasn’t so bad ------------------- . ( A ) finally ( B ) after all

2 . I couldn’t understand English at all -------------------- . ( A ) firstly ( B ) at first

3 . It’s ---------------- first time I’ve driven a car on my own . ( A ) the ( B ) my

4 . --------------------- first time I met Harry , he was in the army . ( A ) In the ( B ) The

5 . What ------------------- should we meet ? ( A ) hour ( B ) time

6 . I’ll see you tomorrow at 10 ----------------- . ( A ) hour ( B ) o’clock

7 . Can I borrow your car ? - How long ---------------? ( A ) ago ( B ) for

8 . Please wait -------------- . ( A ) a moment ( B ) an instant

9 . Who phoned -----------------? ( A ) just ( B ) just now

10 . I can wait to get to the -------------------- chapter . ( A ) last ( B ) latest

11 . She phoned me ------------------------------- Monday . ( A ) last ( B ) the last

12 . My name comes -------------- in the list . ( A ) last ( B ) lastly

13 . We haven’t seen much of you ----------------- . ( A ) late ( B ) lately

14 . She’ll call some time --------------------- the evening .  ( A ) long ( B ) during

15 . I’m afraid I can’t stay ----------------------- . ( A ) long ( B ) much  

16 . I’ll be with you in ------------------ moment . ( A ) - ( B )  a

17 . It -------------------------- an hour to fly to the airport . ( A ) needs ( B ) takes  

18 . We traveled -------------- night . ( A ) at ( B ) the

19 . She’s not free to see us till ------------------------ week . ( A ) the other ( B ) next

20 . I only ever met her -------------------------------- . ( A ) once ( B ) one time

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . A 4 . B 5 . B 6 . B 7 . B 8 . A 9 . B 10 . A 11 . A 12 . A 13 . B 14 . B 15 . A

16 . B 17 . B 18 . A 19 . B 20 . A 

Vocabulary Tests [ 49 ] Test Forty Nine

49 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Forty Nine

1 . ] Description

Supply the best words

1 . She entertained us with a lot of -------------------- stories .

( A ) amusing ( B )  amused

2 . I can’t think of the ---------------- word to describe him .

( A  ) just ( B ) exact

3 . My granny cooks a really ------------------- meat pie .

( A ) tasty ( B )  tasteful

4 . Please be --------------- to the customers .

( A ) polite ( B )  gentle

5 . You have to be ----------------- to survive the army .

( A ) hard ( B )  tough

6 . You’ll get on well with her . She’s really --------------------

( A ) sympathetic ( B )  likeable

7 . He got a medal for being so -------------------------

( A ) brave ( B )  nice

8 . Michael is really ----------------- about fresh food .

( A ) difficult ( B )  fussy

9 . Have you ever taught really -----------------children ?

( A ) lively ( B )  vital )

10 . Long skirts are the ----------------fashion .

( A ) newest ( B )  latest 

11 . They’ve no money . They’re terribly -------------------

( A ) poor ( B )  miserable

12 . He’s not very clever ; in fact , he’s a bit ----------------

( A ) dull ( B )  dim

13 . The hours are long and the food is ------------------

( A ) bad ( B )  evil

14 . She’s very ---------------- with her money .

( A ) large ( B )  generous

15 . I think it was ----------------------- decision .

( A ) a fair (  B  ) an exact

16 . Tina is a very ------------------ woman .

( A ) pretty ( B )  tasty

17 . They had a very -------------------life together .

( A )  glad ( B )  happy

18 . I ‘m really ----------------------with your results .

( A ) content ( B )  pleased

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . B 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . B 7 . A 8 . B 9 . A 10 . B 11 . A 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B

15 . A 16 . A 17 . B 18 . B

2 . ]Countable & Uncountable Nouns

Supply the best word or words

1 . We drove round for half an hour looking for ------------------

 ( A ) a parking ( B ) some parking ( C ) a parking space

2 . I’m afraid I haven’t ------------------on me .

( A ) a money ( B ) any moneys ( C ) some moneys ( D ) some money ( E ) any money

3 . I suddenly heard ------------------from the room next door .

 ( A ) a loud laughter ( B ) a loud laugh ( C ) loud laugh

4 . Could I have some more ----------------please ?

( A ) macaroni ( B ) macaronis

5 . Haven’t we done ----------------!

( A ) a lot of shoppings ( B ) a lot of shopping ( C ) a shopping ( D ) some shopping

6 . Here’s ---------------------that will interest you .

( A ) a new ( B ) a piece of news ( C ) a news

7 . What ------------------!

( A ) beautiful countryside ( B ) a beautiful countryside ( C ) beautiful country

8 . A lot of people don’t eat ----------------

( A ) pig ( B ) pork ( C ) hog

9 . I receive -------------------

( A ) all kinds of letters ( B ) all kind of letters ( C ) all kinds of letter

10 . We sell -------------------

( A ) all kinds of cloth ( B ) all kind of cloth ( C ) all kind of cloths

11 . While you’re at the greengrocer’s , please get a --------------------

( A ) greens ( B ) salad ( C ) lettuce

12 . We’ve had ---------------lately .

( A ) very good time ( B ) very good weather ( C ) a very good weather ( D ) good climate

13 . Do you need --------------------?

( A ) a help ( B ) any help ( C ) any helps ( D ) helps

14 . Could I try ----------------please ?

( A ) one of this chocolate ( B ) one of these chocolates

15 . I’ve never seen anyone eat ----------------------as quickly as you do !

( A ) a bar of chocolate ( B ) some chocolate

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . E 3 . B 4 . A 5 . B 6 . B 7 . A 8 . B 9 . A 10 . A  11 . C 12 . B 13 . B 14 . B 15 . A  

Vocabulary Tests [ 48 ] Test Forty Eight

48 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test Forty Eight

1 - Asking , Requesting & Commanding  

What would you say in these situations ? Supply the best word or words .

1 . You are calling your dog . You say ,’----------------------!’

( A ) Approach ( B ) Come here ( C ) Go near

2 . You have finished a meal at a restaurant . You say , ‘Let’s --------------- the bill’ .

( A ) ask for ( B ) ask ( C ) ask about ( D ) demand

3 . You repeat a prohibition . You say , ‘I asked you --------------------touch my computer’ .

( A ) to not ( B ) not to ( C ) to don’t ( D ) not to

4 . You want some tea . You say , ‘------------------ a cup of tea , please’ .

( A ) I like ( B ) I love ( C ) I’d like ( D ) I may like

5 . You want your friend to wait a moment . You say , ‘-----------------!’

( A ) Just a moment ( B ) A moment ( C ) One moment ( D ) The moment

6 . Someone offers you some food which you don’t want . You say , ‘---------------‘ .

( A ) Please ( B ) Thank you ( C ) Thanks ( D ) No , thank you

7 . Do you drink tea ? - I do , but I don’t ---------------now , thank you .

( A ) want ( B ) want any ( C ) want some ( D ) want it ( E ) want to

Answer Key

 1. B 2 . A 3 . B 4 . C 5 . A 6 . D 7 . B

2 - Telephoning

Supply the best word or words

1 . You can’t get through on the phone because the number you want is ---------------

( A ) busy ( B ) occupied ( C ) in use ( D ) engaged

2 . You can make a telephone call from a public ------------------ .

( A ) phone box ( B ) cabin ( C ) cubicle

3 . Someone calls your number by mistake , so you say , ‘Sorry ! ---------------!’

( A ) Wrong number ( B ) Mistake ( C ) You’ve made a mistake . ( D ) Error

4 . You want to use the phone . You ask , ‘Can I make a ----------------please ?’

( A ) ring ( B ) phone ( C ) telephone ( D ) call

6 . How do you pronounce the first figure in this number : 0714993725 ? ------------

( A ) oh ( B ) nil  ( C) love  ( D ) nought

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . A 3 . A 4 . D 5 . A 6 . A    

3 . Appearance , etc. , of people and things

Supply the most suitable words from the list on the right .

1 . I’d like one ------------ loaf and two small ones .                   ( a ) blonde

2 . Just one fish is a ---------------- amount for our people .       ( b ) fair

3 . Tommy is still too ----------------- for an adult-size bicycle . ( c ) fat

4 . The bride looked very --------------- in her wedding dress .  ( d ) grand

5 . You’ve ------------- so tall !                                                        ( e ) great

6. People with ------------ skin get sun-burnt easily .                    ( f ) gross

7. The bridegroom looked very ------------------in his grey suit . ( g ) grown

8 . They had a ---------------- wedding reception at a big hotel .  ( h ) grown up

9. I’m so ---------------- , you can see my ribs .                              ( i )  handsome

10 . I’m not ---------------- enough to reach that shelf .                ( j ) high

11 . I’m too ----------------- to get into these trousers .                 ( k ) large

12 . I take a lot of exercise so I can stay -------------and fit .        ( l ) lean

13 . The snow is four inches --------------- already !                      ( m ) little

14. Sixteen is very --------------- to get married .                           ( n ) meager

15 . No one doubts that Einstein was a ------------ scientist .        ( o ) pretty

16 . Berlin was once divided by a ---------------- wall .                   ( p ) short

17. Coffee was served in pretty ---------------- cups .                      ( q ) skinny

18 . She’s natural ----------------- with big blue eyes .                     ( r ) tall

19 . I may be a bit fat , but I’m not -----------------                          ( s ) thick

20 . She may be only 14 , but she looks very ---------------              ( t ) young

1 . k 2 . n 3 . p 4 . o 5 . g 6 . b 7 . i 8 . d 9 . q 10 . r 11 . c 12 . l 13 . s 14 . t 15 . e 16 . j

17 . m 18. a 19 . f 20 . h 

Vocabulary Tests [ 47 ] Test Forty Eight

4 7 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Forty Seven

1 - ] Cars & driving

Read the story . Refer to the list below and fill in the blanks with the best word or words . The first one has been done for you .

I’m what is known as a ( 0 ) learner driver . I’m learning to ( 1 ) --------------- a car . So far , I’ve learnt how to ( 2 ) -------------- the ( 3 ) ------------- of my car and I know how to ( 4 )

------------------- I can even ( 5 ) ---------------quite long distances .

        Twice a week , my instructor sits in the ( 6 ) ----------------- beside me and ( 7 ) ------------

me a lesson . First , we look at ( 8 ) ------------- and decide on the best ( 9 ) ----------------Then we go for a ( 10 ) -----------------round the town .

         My instructor gives me advice like ‘Don’t (11 ) ------------------‘ , or ‘Stop before you get to the next ( 12 ) ---------------‘ , or ‘We can’t go down there . The road is ( 13 )-----------‘, or ‘You can’t turn right . It says ( 14 ) -----------------‘ , or ‘Always stop to allow pedestrians to ( 15 ) ---------------- at the zebra .’

         Sometimes we stop at a ( 16 ) ---------------and my instructor says , ‘You must never fill up when your engine is 9 17 ) -----------------Your engine must be ( 18 ) …………..before you put any ( 19 ) --------------- in the car.’

         There are two things I hate about driving . One is looking for a ( 20 ) --------------- and the other is being held up in a ( 21 ) ---------------- of traffic . Yesterday , I sat in a traffic jam for a whole hour and all I could see was the ( 22 ) --------------- of the big truck in front of me !

                                                1 . ( A )  conduct          2 . ( A ) start         3 . ( A ) engine

                                                     ( B )  lead                     ( B ) begin              ( B ) machine   

                                                     ( C ) drive                                                    ( C ) machinery

                                                     ( D )  guide  

 4 . (  A ) turn it off               5 .  ( A ) steer                  6 . ( A ) seat           7 . ( A ) makes

      ( B ) close it                           ( B ) pilot                        ( B ) chair              ( B ) does

      ( C ) shut it                            ( C ) guide                                                      ( C ) gives    

                                                      ( D ) drive

8 . ( A ) chart                         9 . ( A ) road                    10 . ( A ) drive         11 . ( A) run  

     ( B ) map                                ( B ) route                          ( B ) walk                 ( B ) go too fast

     ( C ) cart                                 ( C ) way                            ( C ) ride

12 . ( A ) corner                     13 . ( A ) shut                   14 . ( A ) No Entry   15 . ( A ) pass

       ( B )  angle                              ( B ) barred                     ( B ) No Entrance     ( B ) cross

       ( C ) curve                               ( C ) closed

16 . ( A ) filling station          17 .  ( A ) on                       18 . ( A ) off               19 . ( A ) essence

       ( B ) service station                 ( B ) open                          ( B ) out                      ( B ) petrol

                                                         ( C ) alight                        ( C ) closed                ( C ) benzine     

                                                                                                   ( D ) shut

 20 . ( A ) parking space         21 . ( A ) tail                       22 . ( A ) plaque

        ( B ) parking                           ( B ) row                            ( B ) plate 

                                                         ( C ) queue                         ( C ) record

                                                                                                     ( D ) number plate

Answer Key

1 . C 2. A 3 . A 4 . A 5 . D 6 . A 7 . C 8 . B 9 . B 10 . A 11 . B 12 . A 13 . C 14 . A 15 . B 16 . A

17 . A 18 . A 19 . B 20 . A 21 0 C 22 . D

2 . Adjectives and noun modifiers .

Supply the best words

1 . ----------------table tops mark easily . (  Glass , Glassy )

2 . She fixed me with a -----------------stare . ( glass , glassy )

3 . How much would you have to pay for a ---------------watch ? ( gold , golden )

4 . Silence is ---------------- . ( gold , golden )

5 . We danced by the light of the ------------------moon . ( silver , silvery )

6 . My mother has a lovely old -------------- teapot . ( silver , silvery )

7 . There’s an old ----------- wall at the end of the garden .( stone , stony )

8. It’s impossible to cultivate such --------------- soil . ( stone , stony )

9 . ---------------- cutlery is very practical . ( Steel , Steely )

10 . Dr Magid has such terrifying --------------blue eyes . ( steel , steely )

11 . I wouldn’t drink water that flows through -------------- pipes . ( lead , leaden )

12 . Under a grey sky , the sea looked heavy and --------------. ( lead , leaden )

13 . Take a --------------- cardigan with you in case it gets cold . ( wool , woolen )

14 . You might find one in a ---------------- shop . ( wool , woolen )

15 . They specialized in --------------- goods . ( wool , woolen )

 16 . Use a ------------------ spoon if you want to stir the soup . ( wood , wooden )

Answer Key

1 . Glass 2 . glassy 3 . gold 4 . golden 5 . silvery 6 . silver 7 . stone 8 . stony

9 . Steel 10 . steely 11. lead 12 . leaden 13 . woolen 14 . wool 15 . woolen 16 . wooden

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...