Grammar American & British

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Vocabulary Tests { 43 } , Test Forty Three

43 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Forty Three

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

Somewhere , far below the deceptively placid turquoise waters off the Cyman Islands ,lies an important piece of history .

1 . Placid means ----------------

( A) dangerous ( B ) transparent

( C ) smelling like fish ( D ) calm                             1 .------------------

Although the wrecks of the British frigate HMS Convert and nine of its fifty-eight-ship merchant convoy will never relinquish the treasures of Spanish galleons , they may provide historians with the opportunity to reconstruct part of eighteenth century maritime life and culture .

2 . Which word could best replace relinquish  ?

( A) surrender ( B ) separate

( C ) authorize ( D ) locate                                           2 . -----------------

Ever since the sixteenth century , the coral reefs surrounding the islands have been a pernicious snare for hundreds of ships .

3 . Which word could best replace pernicious ?

( A) forceful ( B ) spirited

( C ) harmful ( D ) symbolic                                        3 .-------------------

Other stories suggest that the calamity was caused by pirate ships .

4. A calamity can best be described as a / an --------------------

( A) disaster ( B ) exchange of views

( C ) strange situation ( D ) series of steps                    4 . ----------------------- 

Eighteenth-century official documents procured from the archives of Great Britain and Jamaica reveal an intriguing story .

5.Something that is procured can best be explained as ------------------

( A) obtained by special effort ( B ) released to the public

( C ) taken illegally ( D ) translated                               5 .-------------------

With the frigate as a bulwark , the convoy of merchant vessels were laden with West Indian sugar and rum .

6 . Which word could best replace bulwark ?  

( A) incentive ( B ) decoy

( C ) example ( D ) defense or safeguard                       6 .--------------------

7 . Which word could best replace laden ?

( A) influenced by tides ( B ) unrestrained ( C ) weighed down by ( D ) incapable of being subdued                                                                            7 .-------------------

One of the ships fired a warning shot , and the captain of the Convert gave the signal for the convoy to disperse .

8 . Which word could best replace disperse ?

( A) return to port ( B ) scatter in different directions

( C ) examine the damage ( D ) identify the problem   8 .---------------------                                     

The crew salvaged some of the cargo from the ships involved in the “Wreck of the Ten Sail” before they sank .

9. Something that is salvaged can best be described as ------------------

( A) saved from loss ( B ) thrown about

( C ) turned to a circular motion ( D ) ruined              9 .------------------------

Today , there are plans to recover relics , such as cannons , anchors , ships’ fittings , and navigational instruments .

10 . Relics can best be described as ------------------

( A) vulnerable targets ( B ) different combinations of parts ( C ) historically interesting objects ( D ) minor weakness                                       10. ----------------------

Answer Key

1. D 2 . A 3 . C 4 . A 5 . A 6 . D 7 . C 8 . B 9. A 10. C

2 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . After hours of discussion , Jorge’s proposal still seemed like the most ----------plan .

( convivial , viable )

2 . Before being hired as a truck driver , each applicant had to pass a --------------drug test .

( compulsory , vivacious )

3 . A -------------- mood was in evidence when the meeting began , but as soon as the subject of declining sales came up , things changed rapidly .

( convivial , compulsory )

4 . On April 15 , 1912 , the ocean liner Titanic sank in what is considered one of the greatest ------------------ in maritime history .

( calamities , relics )

5 . When its ships were repeatedly harassed by German submarines , the United States ------------------- its neutrality and entered World War I on the side of Great Britain , France , Russia , and Italy .

( procured , relinquished )

6 . The system of checks and balances was designed as a --------------- against the accumulation of too much power by one branch of the government .

( bulwark , dispersal )

7. During the 1920s , the discovery of Tutankhamen’s unplundered tomb was among the great archaeological discoveries of the time ; well-preserved --------------- provided scientists with information about life in Egypt and the pharaoh’s reign .

( relics , bulwarks )

8 . Dona’s decisiveness and her ------------- temperament make her the perfect candidate for the position of sales manager in the department store’s bargain basement .

( placid , pernicious )

9 . The police were certain that the suspect’s story was a total ----------- after he claimed he was at the movies on the night of the crime but could not remember which movie he saw .

( fabrication , veracity )

10 . The boy’s father never really cared much for baseball , but for the sake of his son , he ---------------- interest in the sport and went to all the Little League games .

( belied , feigned )

11 . Before an applicant is accepted into the military academy , the admissions committee must be convinced of his or her ---------------

( chicanery , veracity )

12 . His rusty old car and faded clothes --------------- the fact that he was the wealthy owner of several successful companies .

( belied , beguiled )

Answer Key

1 . viable 2 . compulsory 3 . convivial 4 . calamities 5 . relinquished 6. bulwark

7 . relics 8 . placid 9 . fabrication 10 . feigned 11 . veracity 12 . belied

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . veritable                a . trickery                         1 . -----------------

2 . chicanery              b . sexual category             2 . -----------------

3 . degenerate            c . unquestionable              3 . ----------------

4 . genesis                   d . deceive                           4 .---------------

5 . grandeur               e . provide                           5 . --------------

6 . phenomenon         f . splendor                          6 . --------------

7 . beguile                   g . integrity                         7.---------------

8 . endow                    h . event                              8 .--------------

9 . gender                    i . worsen                           9 . -------------

10 . probity                 j . origin                            10 .-------------

Answer Key

1 . c 2 . a 3 . i 4 . j 5 . f 6 . h 7 . d 8 . e 9 . b 10 . g    

Vocabulary Tests [ 42 ] Test Forty Two .

42 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test Forty Two

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

Horace Pippin had one of the most implausible careers in the history of twentieth-century art .

1 . Which word or words could best replace

( A ) not noticeable ( B ) difficult to believe

( C ) unwise ( D ) irritating                               1 . ------------------

The somber palette and emphasis on weapons and confrontation suggests that Horace Pippin was summarizing his response to the devastation of modern warfare rather than evoking specific memories of combat .

2 . A confrontation can best be described as --------------

( A ) moral obligation ( B ) amendment to a contract

( C ) conflict ( D ) hopeless maneuver             2 . ---------------------

Although Pippin subsequently abandoned such heavy layering , he continued to rely on scrupulously textured pigment , especially for foliage , textiles , and atmospheric effects .

3 . Which word or words could best replace scrupulously ?

( A ) conscientiously and exactly ( B ) dutifully

( C ) temporarily ( D ) physically                      3 . ----------------------                

Pippin’s representations of African life are considered to be the apogee of his achievements as a painter who was attentive to popular culture .

4 . An apogee can best be described as ---------------------

 ( A ) unrealistic expectation ( B ) crucial circumstance

( C ) high point ( D ) lifelike portrayal                4 .-----------------------          

Culling images from magazines , films , and illustrated calendars , he committed vignettes of family life and seasonal activities to wood panels from doors , tables , or furniture cases .

5 . Which word or words could best replace culling ?

( A ) selecting ( B ) discarding

( C ) building ( D ) ignoring                                   5 . -------------------

6 . A vignette can best be described as a / an ------------------

( A ) insult ( B ) alternative to painting

( C ) formal portrait ( D ) short scene or incident 6 . -----------------------


A humble charm suffuses these memorable scenes , alive with detail down to each lacy edge of a doily and every braid of a rag rug .

7 . Which word or words could best replace suffuses  ?

( A ) ruins ( B ) reverses

( C ) spreads through ( D ) reduces in intensity     7 . ---------------------

Museum of Modern Art’s traveling exhibition of so-called native ,or primitive , art .

8 . Which word or words could best replace primitive ?

( A ) happening regularly ( B ) suitable ( C ) simple and unsophisticated ( D ) complex and sophisticated                                                               8 . --------------------

Unfortunately , his fame was transient .

9 . Something that is transient can best be described as ----------------

( A ) extraordinary ( B ) of brief duration

( C ) intensely felt ( D ) unexpected                           9 . ------------------

In his short but extraordinary career , this self-taught painter exalted the commonplace and commemorated his unique vision of history , nature , and people .

10 . Which word or words could best replace exalted ?

 ( A ) elevated ( B ) substituted

( C ) developed gradually ( D ) concealed                  10 . ---------------

2- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . ADVOCATE ( A ) annoy ( B ) empty

( C ) promote ( D ) warn                                           1 .-------------------- 

2 . INVIDIOUS ( A ) disagreeable ( B ) transparent

( C ) charming ( D ) amazing                                    2 .-------------------

3 . STAGNATE ( A ) accuse ( B ) instruct

( C ) praise ( D ) become motionless                        3 . -----------------

4 . CATACLYSM ( A ) loud noises  ( B ) catastrophe

( C ) animal sanctuary ( D ) steep cliff                    4 . -----------------

5 . INTIMIDATE ( A ) frighten ( B ) suggest ( C ) become very close with another person

( D ) deliver                                                                5 .-------------------

6 . NUTRIMENT ( A ) nourishment ( B ) rock formation

( C ) seed ( D ) improvement                                     6.-------------------

7 . NOTORIOUS ( A ) saintly ( B ) decayed

( C ) famous for unfavorable reasons ( D ) secret   7 .-------------------

8 . IMPROVISE ( A ) improve greatly ( B ) move cautiously

( C ) promise ( D ) perform without preparation   8 . ------------------

9 . HEYDAY ( A ) period of greatest success ( B ) harvest time ( C ) time of pain or disappointment ( D ) source of riches                      9 . ----------------- 

10 . EXPUNGE ( A ) soak up ( B ) erase

( C ) release ( D ) bounce                                           10 . ----------------

11 . REDILECTION ( A ) type of election ( B ) rumor

( C ) tendency ( D ) taste for adventure                    11 . ---------------

12 . WANE ( A ) decrease ( B ) trick

( C ) move without purpose ( D ) seek passionately 12 . ---------------

13 . ARABLE ( A ) likely to make mistakes ( B ) foreign

( C ) open or uncovered ( D ) fertile                       13 . -----------------

14 . PROVIDENCE ( A ) divine control ( B ) storage area for food

( C ) area of land ( D ) lengthy explanation           14 . ----------------

15 . VISAGE ( A ) home for a religious person ( B ) facial expression

( C ) invitation ( D ) official visit                              15 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . D 4 . B 5 . A 6 . A 7 . C 8 . D 9 . A 10 . B 11  C 12 . A 13 .D 14 . A 15 . B

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . edifice                 a . dead and decaying organic material    1 . -------------

2 . carnage               b . insert in text                                           2 . ------------

3 . obliterate            c . meat eater                                               3 . ------------

4 . perpetuate          d . building                                                  4 . -------------

5 . putrefaction        e . erase without a trace                             5 . -----------

6 . decimate              f . embodied in human form                     6 . ------------

7 . depredate            g . cause to continue                                   7 . -----------

8 . carnivore             h . corpses                                                    8 . -----------

9 . interpolate           i . ransack or rob                                        9 . ------------

10 . incarnate            j . kill or destroy large numbers               10 . -----------

Answer Key

1 . d 2. h 3 . e 4 . g 5 . a 6 . j 7 . i 8 . c 9 . b 10 . f  

Vocabulary Tests , Test Forty One [ 41 ]

41 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test Forty One

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

In reality , swamps can be intimidating places . They often house creatures that sting , bite , and , in extreme circumstances ,  kill . 

1 . The word intimidating means ----------------

( A ) friendly ( B ) encouraging

( C ) inspiring ( D ) frightening                                           1 . -------------------   

 Marshes were a notorious breeding ground for insects , and the Roman authorities wanted to remove this source of danger .

2 . The word notorious means ---------------

( A ) valued for their medical uses ( B ) respected ( C ) disguised or hidden ( D ) well-known for unfavorable reasons                                                       2 . ------------------

Seventeen hundred years later , this predilection to eliminate wetlands continued in the newly created United States Congress .

3 . The word predilection means ------------------- 

( A ) opposition ( B ) preference

( C ) dislike ( D ) lack of interest                                           3 . ---------------------  

Those who advocated such policy convinced Congress to give 64 million acres of federal swampland to the states on the condition that the swamps be drained .

4 . Which word could best replace advocated ?

( A ) opposed ( B ) ridiculed

( C ) supported ( D ) attacked                                                4 . -------------------- 

Now scientists have begun to reexamine the role of swamps and the obsolete policies of the past .

5 . Obsolete means ---------------

( A ) outdated , old ( B ) scientifically proven

( C ) expensive ( D ) successful                                              5 . ----------------------

Recent research shows that marches and swamps play a vital part in perpetuating a healthy ecosystem .

6 .  Which word could best replace perpetuating ?

( A ) eliminating ( B ) destroying

( C ) preserving ( D ) forgetting                                             6 . ---------------------

Read any of Mark Twain’s stories of life during the heyday of the Mississippi River and you get a feel for what the river used to be like .

7 . Heyday means ---------------

( A ) dry season ( B ) period of greatest popularity

( C ) harvest season ( D ) valley                                              7 . -------------------------

Then people started to drain the swamps and build embankments to hold back the river . This allowed farmers and developers to uncover rich , arable land and create space to build new edifices for growing cities . 

8 . Which word could best replace arable ?

( A ) farmable ( B ) unproductive

( C ) desert ( D ) useless                                                             8 .---------------------

9. Which word could best replace edifices ?

( A ) things to eat ( B ) buildings

( C ) farmlands ( D ) lakes                                                           9 . --------------------                                 

Three of these - the pitcher plant , sundew , and Venus’s-flytrap - get essential nutriments by eating insects

10 . Which word could best replace nutriments ?

( A ) nourishments ( B ) poisons

( C ) seeds ( D ) rocks                                                                    10 . --------------------

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . D 3 . B 4 . C 5 . A 6. C 7 . B 8 . A 9 . B 10 . A

 2- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . URBANE (A ) crowded   ( B ) proud

( C ) refined ( D ) talkative                                        1 . ------------------

2 . ABATE (A ) lessen ( B ) argue

( C ) desire ( D ) tempt                                               2 . -----------------

3 . FETTER (A ) humiliate ( B ) restrain

( C ) accelerate ( D ) decide quickly                         3. ------------------

4 . PLACID (A ) attractive ( B ) soft

( C ) peaceful ( D ) unusual                                        4 . -----------------

5 . SALVAGE (A ) uncivilized ( B ) save

( C ) guard closely ( D ) frighten                                 5 . ----------------

6 . IMPOLITIC (A ) illegal ( B ) impolite

( C ) forceful ( D ) unwise                                             6 .------------------

7 . COSMOPOLITAN (A ) handsome ( B ) foreign              

( C ) worldly ( D ) crude                                                7 . ----------------------

8 . NEOPHYTE (A ) beginner ( B ) elected official

( C ) habitual thief ( D ) coward                                    8 . --------------------

9 .  PERNICIOUS (A ) suspicious ( B ) destructive

( C ) improper ( D ) amusing                                          9 . -------------------

10 . MEGALOPOLIS (A ) early form of life ( B ) harsh noises

( C ) large monuments ( D ) large populated area       10 .-----------------

11 . BULWARK (A ) wide street  ( B ) safeguard       

( C ) threat ( D ) idle conversation                                  11 .----------------

12 . PROCRASTINATE (A ) postpone ( B ) support strongly

( C ) mislead ( D ) brush aside                                        12 . ---------------

13 . DEBUT (A ) argument ( B ) denial

( C ) explanation ( D ) first appearance                          13 . ----------------

14 . IMPEDE (A ) move aside ( B ) gain speed

( C ) hinder ( D ) trick                                                       14 .-----------------        

15 . CALAMITY (A ) false claim ( B ) disaster

( C ) unit of measure ( D ) misunderstanding                 15 . -----------------

Answer  Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . B 4 . C 5 . B 6 . D 7 . C 8 . A 9. B 10 . D 1 . B 12 . A 13 . D 14 . C 15 . B

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . relic                      a . politician                                1 . -----------------

2 . metropolitan       b . remains from the past           2 .-----------------

3 . urbanite               c . get through effort                   3 . ---------------

4 . procure                d.  cause to occur                         4 . --------------

5. inhibit                    e . give up                                     5 . --------------

6 . disperse                 f . having to do with a city          6 . --------------

7 . relinquish              g . loaded                                     7 . --------------

8 . precipitate             h . restrain                                   8 . -------------

9 . politico                   i . scatter                                      9 . ---------------

10 . laden                    j . person who lives in a city      10 . --------------

Answer Key

1. b 2. f 3 . j 4 . c 5 . h 6 . i 7 . e 8 . d 9 . a 10 . g

184- ] English Literature

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