Grammar American & British

Friday, July 3, 2020

Spelling and Vocabulary Enrichment . [ 2]

Spelling and Vocabulary Enrichment [ 2 ] 

Aids To Learning Vocabulary .

1-] Learning associated words together .

Learning words together that are associated in meaning is a popular and useful 

way of organizing your vocabulary study .

You can add as many other bubbles as you like .

2-] Learn words with a grammatical association together .

For example , the words ‘ child , tooth , mouse’ are irregular in their plural ; the words ‘ information , furniture , luggage’ are collective nouns .

3-] Learn together words based on the same root .

For example the words ‘ price , priceless , overpriced’ have the same root ‘price’, and the words ‘ handy , single-handed , give someone a hand’ have the root ‘hand’ .

4-] Use pictures and diagrams :

1-]Pictures might help you to remember vocabulary . For example you can draw    a body to show the members of the body such as ‘ liver , stomach , intestines , kidney , heart etc.’ or draw the shapes to show ‘circle , triangle , square , rectangle etc.’.

3-] Word forks are good ways of learning adjectives and verbs .

 Idea . original , brilliant  , unusual  , great  , excellent , extraordinary, creative ,new

Spelling and Vocabulary Enrichment . [ 1 ]

Spelling and Vocabulary Enrichment . ( 1 )

Introduction .

English vocabulary has a remarkable range , flexibility and adaptability . Thanks to the periods of contact with foreign languages and its readiness to coin new words out of old elements English seems to have far more words in its core vocabulary than other languages .
For example , alongside “kingly” from Anglo-Saxon we find ‘royal’ from French and ‘regal’ from Latin .
There are many such sets of words which add greatly to our opportunities to express subtle shades of meaning at various levels of style .
           Learning Vocabulary – General Advice .

1-]It is not enough to know the meaning [ or meanings ] of a word . You also need to know    1-] which words it is usually associated with . 2-] its grammatical characteristics . 3-] how it is pronounced . 4-] Whether it is formal , informal or neuter .

2-] Try to learn new words that commonly go together . These are called collocations : a-] adjectives + nouns  e.g. common sense , classical music , rich vocabulary . b-] verbs + nouns  e.g. express an opinion , take sides . c-] nouns in phrases e.g. in touch with , a sense of humor , a train set . d-] words + prepositions e.g. at a loss for words , thanks to you .

3-] Note special grammatical characteristics of new words . For example , not irregular verbs e.g. take – took – taken , ; uncountable nouns e.g. luggage , furniture : or nouns that are only used in the plural e.g. clothes .

4-] Note any special pronunciation problems with new words .

5-] Make a note if the word is particularly formal or informal in character , in other words if  it has a particular register .

You can help yourself to learn English vocabulary not only by studying with books only , but also by reading and listening to English as much as you can .

 Planning Vocabulary Learning .

You must plan your vocabulary learning . 1-] How many words and expressions do you intend to learn each week ? 2-] Where and when are you going to learn them ?

3-] How often are you going tp revise your work ?


Thursday, July 2, 2020

Conversations and Dialogues . [ 2 ]

Conversations and Dialogues . [ 2 ] 

Describing People .

What do they look like ?

Manager :Who’s that man over there ?

Receptionist : Which man ?

Manager :The man in the blue suit .

Receptionist : The thin one ? The tall, thin man .

Manager : No . Not the tall , thin man . That’s not him . That’s Mr. Samir. Look.

He’s wearing a blue suit and a hat . And he’s carrying a bag . Who is he ?

Receptionist : The man with the bag ? I don’t know .


Man : My name’s Sayed . I’m looking for a friend . Her name’s Kay.

Manager : Is Kay her first name or her surname ?

Man : It’s her surname . Her full name is Jean Kay . Mrs. Kay .

Receptionist : Mrs. Kay isn’t in her room , sir . Perhaps she’s in the bar .

Man : I don’t think so . She never goes into bars .

Manager : Is she waiting for you ?

Man : I don’t know but I think so .

Manager : What does she look like ?

Man : She’s got dark hair and she’s quite tall . About five feet seven .



Tamer : What do you think of Suzan , Salma ?

Salma : I don’t think she’s very nice . What a face !

Tamer : Yes , terrible .

Salma : Her legs are too thin .

Tamer : And she’s got a big head .

Salma : Her husband’s no better . I don’t like the look on his face .

Tamer : And his arms are too long .

Huda : Kamel , what do you think of Suzan ?

Kamel : And I don’t like the way she walks .

Huda : And I don’t like the way she smiles . Or the way she laughs .

Kamel : And I don’t like the way she says things about her friends , and laughs at them.

Huda : And her husband’s no better . In fact , he’s worse than she is .


Sameera : That car looks new .

Sarhan : Ah , but it’s old . It’s fifty-five years old .

Sameera : No! Is it really ?

Sarhan : It’s green , and it’s got two doors . It’s bigger than the earlier Bentley , of course .

Sameera : It certainly looks longer than a modern car .

Sarhan ; It is . And who wants a modern car when you can get a car like that ?


Clerk : Good afternoon . Can I help you ?

Essraa: Yes , I’m looking for someone . His name is Basem Salem .

 I’m afraid I missed him .

Clerk : Well , what does he look like ?

Essraa : Let’s see . He’s about 35 , I guess . He’s pretty tall , with red hair .

Clerk : Oh , are you Essraa Ali ?

Essraa : Yes , that’s right !

Clerk : He asked for you a few minutes ago . I think he’s in the restaurant .

Essraa : Thanks . I’ll go and look for him .


Sarah : Hi ! Good to see you ! Where’s Safaa ?

Mona : Oh , she couldn’t make it . She went to a concert with her friend .

Sarah : Oh ! Well , why don’t you go and talk to Samar ? She doesn’t know anyone here .

Mona : Samar ? Which one is she ? Is she the woman wearing glasses over there ?

Sarah : No , she’s the tall one in jeans . She’s standing near the window .

Mona : O h , I’d like to meet her .


Ashraf : Mohammad Shereef  ?I haven’t seen you for ages .

Mohammad : Ashraf ! How have you been ?

Ashraf : Pretty good . Say , you’ve really changed !

Mohammad : Oh , well . I’ve lost some weight . And my hair is longer than before .

Ashraf : Well , you look great ! How are you ?

Mohammad : I’m doing really well . I got married about three years ago . 

I have two children now .

Ashraf : That’s terrific !

Conversations and Dialogues [ 1 ]

Conversations and Dialogues . [ 1 ] 

Introduction & Greeting .

Introducing yourself ;introducing someone , asking about someone ; exchanging personal information .

Ahmad: Good evening ,sir . What’s your name , please ?

Adel: My name’s Adel . Mr. Adel .

Ahmad : Thank you , Mr. Adel .

Adel : What’s your name ?

Ahmad : Ahmad . My name’s Ahmad .

Adel : Ah , yes , Ahmad . My name’s Adel .

Ahmad : Thank you , Mr. Adel .


Salwa : Good morning .

Salem : Excuse me . Are you Salwa Hassan ?

Salwa : Yes , I’m Salwa Hassan . Are you Saad Ali ?

Salem : No , I’m not . I’m not Saad Ali . I’m Salem Said .

Salwa : Oh , sorry , Salem . Come in .

Saad : Hello , I’m Saad Ali .

Salwa : Hello , Saad . Come in .


Hamed : Hello , Khaled . How are you ?

Khaled : Hello , I’m fine , thanks . Hamed .

Hamed : Oh , Khaled , this is Amr .

Khaled : Hello , Amr .

Amr : Hello , Khaled .


Mr. Saleem : How do you do ? I’m Saleem Mostafa .

Shaker : How do you do , Mr. Saleem ? I’m Shaker Amar .

Mr. Saleem : And this my friend Mr. Fareed .

Shaker : How do you do , Mr. Fareed ?

Mr. Fareed : How do you do ?


Huda : Who’s that ?

Noura : That’s Salma .

Huda : Is she your sister ?

Noura : No . No , she isn’t my sister .

Huda : Oh . She’s your cousin .

Noura : Yes .


Father : Your friend . What’s his name ?

Ali : Sayed Said .

Father : What’s his address ?

Ali : 32Haram Street , Giza .

Father : What’s his telephone number ?

Ali : 33215749 .

Father : And his name ? How do you spell it ?

Ali : S –A – Y – E – D . S – A – I – D .


Shemaa: Huda , who is that over there ?

Huda : Oh , that’s my father ! And that’s my mother with him .

Shemaa : I’d like to meet them .

Huda : Mom and Dad , this is Shema Mohamad .

 Shemaa , these are my parents .

Shemaa : Pleased to meet you , Mr. and Mrs. Khaled .

Mrs . Khaled : Nice to meet you , Shemaa .

Huda : My parents are here from Aswan . They are on a trip .


Sarah : Hi , Salma . How’s everything ?

Salma :Manager : Not bad . How are you ?

Sarah : Pretty good , thanks .

Salma : This is Nagwa . She’s from Alexandria .

Sarah : Hello , Nagwa . Are you on vacation ?

Nagwa: No , I’m not . I’m a student in Cairo University .

Sarah : Oh , are you studying medicine ?

Nagwa : Well , yes , I am .

Sarah : Are you and Salma in the same university ?

Nagwa : No . we are relatives .


Amal : Tell me about your brother and sister .

Shemaa : Well , my sister is a lawyer .

Amal : Really ? Does she live here in Cairo ?

Shemaa : Yes , she does . But she’s working in Alexandria , right now . 

Her job is top secret .

Amal : Wow ! And what does your brother do ?

Shemaa : He’s a painter . He’s working in France this month . 

He has an exhibition there .

Amal ; What an interesting family !


184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...