Grammar American & British

Monday, July 6, 2020

Comprehension .- Intermediate [ 25 ]

[ 25 ] Comprehension . 

[  25  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                      Scientists have recently turned their attention to natural sources of energy : the sun , the sea , the wind and the springs . Of these the sun seems the most promising source for the future . Houses have already been built which are heated entirely by solar energy . Experiments are being carried out at the University of Arizona on ways of storing solar energy on a large scale . To satisfy a large part of the energy needs a country like America , huge power stations covering 5.000 square miles would have to be built . While experiments in generating energy from the sea and the wind are interesting neither can be considered an obvious solution to a future energy crisis : the first because a lot of energy is needed to generate energy from the sea and the second because the amount of energy generated from wind would satisfy only a small percentage of a nation’s needs .

                    Another source of energy , which could be more widely used is that generated by hot water or steam from under the earth [ it is called geothermal energy ] . This form of energy is already being used in New Zealand , Iceland , Russia and very successfully in Italy, where it generates a quarter of the nation’s electricity .

                 Many scientists are optimistic that new ways of generating large amounts of energy will be successfully developed , but at the same time they fear the consequences . If the world population goes on increasing a its present rate , we may in fifty years’ time be burning up so much energy that we would damage the earth’s atmosphere . By raising the temperature of the atmosphere , we could melt the Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps and change the pattern of vegetable and animal life throughout the world – a frightening possibility .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What are the natural sources of energy ?


2-] What is the University of Arizona doing ?


3-] Why is energy from the sea and the wind can be a solution to a future energy crisis ?


4-] In what way is burning up so much energy dangerous ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] The frightening possibility is

A-] the increase in generating energy . B-] the solar energy is not enough .             C-] changing the pattern of vegetable and animal life in the world .                       D-] generating geothermal energy .

2-] The increase in the world population leads to

A-] consumption of so much energy . B-] generating large amounts of energy .

C-] failure to store solar energy . D-] non-pollution of the environment .

3-] One of the disadvantages of solar energy is

A-] the need to generate it during daylight . B-] storing it on a large scale .

C-] the need to huge power stations covering large areas . D-] it does not pollute the environment .

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 24 ]

[ 24 ] Comprehension . 

[  24  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                Some people  consider career prospects in astronomy are poor , arguing from the obvious fact that astronomy is a small profession , but the position in no worse than in the other physical sciences . Anybody seriously interested in a career in astronomy should fix his thoughts firmly on the exciting prospects of being able to use the new telescopes . These instruments , which are among the most advanced pieces of technology in existence , may produce results which completely change our understanding of the structure of the universe .

                  Consider what happened in the field of radio-astronomy to a younger research student at Cambridge . Jocelyn Bell . She was working under Professor Anthony Hewish , who is especially interested in the radio waves , picked up from distant galaxies . He designed and built a new radio telescope which started work in 1967 , scanning different parts of the heavens as the earth spins round . The results appear as a series of marks on a paper chart . It was Miss Bell’s job to check the 100 feet of chart coming out of the machine every day and to note any radio sources that changed rapidly .

              In August that year she noticed something strange , an incoming radio signal which appeared at an old time and lasted only about half as long as signals from the radio stars under observation . She drew Professor Hewish’s attention to it . They carried on with their work . When by the end of September , the new signals had appeared about half a dozen times , the professor started to use a much faster recorder . They picked up a series of about half a dozen radio pulses just over a second apart , each one lasting for a mere 40 milliseconds . This was the first observation of the regular radio pulses which gave pulsars their name . Professor Hewish , who had been in charge of the whole research project was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What qualities does an astronomer need ?


2-] What was Professor Hewish interested in ?


3-] How did Professor Hewish discover pulsars ?


4-] Why are the new telescopes important ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] A galaxy is

A-] a solar system .                                      B-] a group of planets                                   C-] a very large system of stars .                D-] a distant radio signal

 2-] The new telescopes are among the most advanced pieces of technology because  they

A-]observe the distant stars .      B-] give us a better view of the heavens .               C-] may help change our understanding of the universe .                                             D-] record the regular radio pulses .

3-] The underlined word “ it” refers to

A-] a star . B-] a radio signal . C-] a telescope . D-] Professor Hewish’s attention .

Comprehension - Intermediate . [ 23 ]

[ 23 ]Comprehension . 

[  23  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                      It is commonly believed that only rich middle-aged businessmen suffer from stress . In fact , anyone may become ill as a result of stress , if they experience a lot of worry over a long period and their health is not particularly good . Stress can be a friend or an enemy : it can warn you that you are under too much pressure and should change your way of life . It can kill you if you don’t notice the warning signals . Doctors agree that it is probably the biggest single cause of illness in the western world .

                     The parts of the body that are most affected by stress are the stomach , heart , skin , head and back . Stress can cause car accidents , heart attacks and alcoholism . And may even drive people to suicide .

                     Our living and working conditions may put us under stress . Over-crowding in large cities , traffic jams , competition for jobs , uncertainty about the future and big change in our lives may be stressful . More people commit suicide in times of inflation .

                   As with all illnesses , prevention is better than cure . A very common danger signal is the inability to relax . “ When you’re taking work home , when you can’t enjoy an evening with friends , when you don’t have time for outdoor exercise – that is the time to stop and ask yourself whether your present life really suits you ,” says one family doctor .” Then it’s time to relax , or take up doing sports , painting , gardening or any other interesting stress-relieving activity .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] How may any one suffer from stress ?


2-] Why can stress be a friend or an enemy ?


3-] In what way does stress affect health ?


4-] Mention some causes of stress .


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] The best cure for stress is

A-] doing nothing . B-] sitting alone .C-] to stop and ask yourself . D-] to relax.

2-] Alcoholism means not being able to stop taking

A-] soft drink . B-] black drink . C-] hot drink . D-] strong drink .

3-] What may not put us under stress is

A-] over-crowding in large cities .          B-] certainty about the future .                   C-] traffic jams .                                      D-] competition for jobs .

Comprehension .- Intermediate [ 22 ]

[ 22 ] Comprehension 

[  22  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                     Computers are a major technological breakthrough of the twenty-first century . Their benefits are numerous : yet much can be said against them .

                    The main disadvantages of a computer is that staring at a screen for long periods of time can be damaging to the eyes , and sitting for hours at a time is certainly not healthy . Secondly , computers distract from social interactions such as conversation . People can be inclined to become anti-social and stay at home to use their computer . Finally , one of the major arguments against the use of computers is that the more jobs which are done by computers , the fewer are done by people .

                 However , the advantages of computers ae numerous , such as the undeniable educational benefits , especially to children . School subjects become more interesting when presented on a computer screen . Moreover , computers can be fun with a seemingly endless variety of games , which can be played on them . In addition , computers are valuable to any business , making life easier and saving time by being capable of storing and retrieving vast amounts of information at the touch of a button . Furthermore , personal gains can be seen as the use of arguments both for and against the use of computers .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] How do school subjects become more interesting ?


2-] How do computers affect social life ?


3-] In what way are computers beneficial to any business ?


4-] Find words in the passage which mean the following

A-] important development of discovery  =

B-] find again or extract information =

B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] Some people have the negative opinion about computers that they

A-] solve the problem of unemployment . B-] increase the number of unemployed people , C-] help people find more jobs . D-] create more job opportunities .

2-] The word “ fewer “ in the second paragraph refers to

A-] arguments . B-] computers . C-] people . D-] jobs .

3-] Some people are for the use of computers because

A-] they stare at the screens for a long time . B-] they sit for hours at a time .

C-] computers distract them from social interactions . D-] computers increase powers of concentration .

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 21 ]

[ 21 ] Comprehension . 

[  21  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                      James Fullerton , Earl of Surrey founded “ The Fullerton Foundation”[ The FF ] in 1945 . Sir Charles Fullerton , Sir James’ elder son is the director of the foundation . The Fullerton Foundation organizes and hosts a number of exhibitions each year . It promotes art conservation and restoration all over the world . It has helped to preserve and protect many works of art . The FF Reference Library has information on all the important paintings in the world . It has educational material on art in different countries . It is frequently updated .

                    Early in 2000 , the FF moved to a new location in Greenwich . The site includes new buildings and grounds that cover 200 acres . The buildings were made especially for the foundation . The architects created an environmentally , friendly , energy-saving design for the 21st century . A number of techniques were used . Some of these are traditional , others use modern technology . Hills of earth were built around the main building to keep the heat in . Also , the use of national light saves energy . The site has its own heat and power plant . Roof top solar panels give electricity to all the building and to a fuel cell . The fuel cell produces hydrogen . When shining , the cell uses the hydrogen to make electricity . Wind mills make extra energy . The FF site is the first of its kind in the world . Sir Charles Fullerton has created a model mini-world of tomorrow .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] Who founded The Fullerton Foundation  ?


2-] What does The FF do ?


3-] How has Sir Charles Fullerton created a model mini-world of tomorrow ?


4-] Why is The FF Library important ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-]The FF contribution is in the field of

A-] building .  B-] art .  C-] architecture .  D-] technology .

2-] The underlined word “ It” refers to

A-] The Fullerton Foundation .               B-] the site of The FF .                                       C-] The FF Reference Library .              D-] the design of The FF .

3-] The hills of earth keep in

A-] electricity . B-] energy . C-] wind . D-] heat .

Comprehension - Intermediate . [ 20 ]

[ 20 ] Comprehension . 

[  20  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                 The Eiffel Tower is the most famous landmark in Paris . It is also a masterpiece in the history of construction . In 1889 the French government organized an exhibition to remind people of the French Revolution . A competition was held to design a tower because they wanted a symbol for the exhibition . There were over 100 entries and it was Gustave Eiffel’s design that won . During his long life , Eiffel made hundreds of metal buildings . He even designed the framework of the Statue of Liberty . Eiffel amazed the world with his construction . He was given the name “ Magician of Iron.”

               The Eiffel Tower was a revolution in the technique of building . The idea of a 300 meter tower made of iron caused amazement , although some people did not like the new design . At the time it was the tallest building in the world . It was built cheaply and quickly . By March 1889 , in the record time of two years , two months and five days , the whole tower was complete . Special elevators were designed to transport people up and down the tower .

               Six million people visit the Eiffel Tower each year . All three floors of the tower are open to the public . The top floor is at a height of 274 meters . From there visitors can enjoy breath taking views in all directions across Paris , the city of light.

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] Why was the Eiffel Tower built ?


2-] How was the Eiffel Tower a revolution in the technique of building ?


3-] What is the landmark of Paris ?


4-] What were the achievements of Gustave Eiffel ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :  

1-] Many people visit the Eiffel Tower each year to

A-] enjoy views of the sea .             B-] enjoy views of all France .                                  C-] enjoy views of Paris .                D-] enjoy breathing fresh air .

2-] The Magician of Iron is the title of

A-] Eiffel Tower .                       B-] Statue of Liberty                                                          C-] French Revolution .             D-] Gustave Eiffel .

3-] …………..liked the design .

A-] All people . B-] Some people . C-] No one . D-] Most people .

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 19 ]

[ 19 ] Comprehension . 

[  19  ] Intermediate

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                   The English Channel is the name of the sea which separates England from France . In the past , the only way to transport people and goods from one country to the other was by ferry . Some people still cross the Channel by ferry today . This is a slow way to travel . There are very often strong gales that make crossing difficult . So the Channel Tunnel was built under the sea . For the first time England is linked to France . The Channel Tunnel is a fast and cheap way to travel between the two countries . It is the world’s longest tunnel .

               The Channel Tunnel was built in the 20th century . A French engineer first suggested building a tunnel in 1802 . Work started at the end of the 19th century . The work stopped because of political and practical problems . In the 1980s , construction started again and the tunnel was ready in seven years. It first opened on May the 6th , 1994 .

              The tunnel is 54 km long . The undersea part is 39 km . The depth of the tunnel is 46 meters below the seabed . About 15.00 people worked on the tunnel . They had to remove millions of tones of earth . The soil removed by the machines could make a hill as high as Eiffel Tower . It cost 10.5 billion pounds to build the Channel Tunnel . The journey from London to Paris takes about three hours . Thirty five minutes of the three hours is spent in the underwater tunnel .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] How did people cross the English Channel in the past ?


2-] Why was the Channel Tunnel built ?


3-] Was the work to build the Channel big ? Prove .


4-] What stopped the work in the Channel Tunnel ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] The French engineer first suggested building the tunnel in the

A-] eighteenth century .                  B-] nineteenth century                                               C-] seventeenth century .                D-] twentieth century .

2-] The underlined word “It” refers to the

A-] English Channel .  B-] Channel Tunnel . C-] France . D-] England .

3-] Crossing the English Channel was difficult because of

A-] strong waves . B-] strong tides . C-] strong winds . D-] strong glaciers .

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...