Grammar American & British

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 12 ]

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 12 ] 

5 - ) Why We Study History .

            If you are intrigued by our past and want to learn how it will shape our future, you should consider studying history. History is a multifaceted discipline that will increase your cultural awareness and moral understanding of the world we live in.

              By studying history you will gain a range of transferable skills, from informed citizenship and critical thinking, to research and general awareness. What’s more, the knowledge acquired through the study of history is relevant in a wide range of disciplines and can lead to diverse employment opportunities.

History is a series of important past events that connect with something. History is what makes people make better decisions. There are many definitions of history and everyone has their own.

                In my opinion , history is something that helps us remember the past , in order to better our future decisions. History is about the important past events that had a large impact back in the day, which contributed to the removal and or addition of certain things that build up our society today. People tend to do better once they become educated on what was going on in our past history. Having  knowledge about the history of something is how one starts to progress in life and make adjustments in order to make your future into whatever you desire. If history didn’t exist we would have to show more content.

              Learning about history helps us learn about the humanities own reflection and what’s good or bad about it. This is just like a diary , people and by people I mean historians , just wrote what they saw and what seemed to cause a major change in society and we just happen to be reading it a couple of years later. I believe that historians actually wrote historical truth because it makes sense and it has been scientifically proven

                 It is important to study history because it teaches us about not only our own culture but about cultures all around the world. Learning about other cultures and how they look at the world and what their opinion on certain things are , helps us learn better ways of avoiding conflicts .

History also draws on and utilizes knowledge and ideas from many other disciplines, including politics, legal studies, economics, sociology, philosophy, psychology, the sciences and the arts. These skills and knowledge can be extremely useful, both in employment and in the study of other subjects.

It goes without saying that change can be a difficult concept to understand. Each of us has a different experience with the rest of the world – an experience shaped by societal norms, cultural differences, personal experiences, and more. We know when we as individuals crave change and why. History helps us better understand how, when, and why change occurs (or should be sought) on a larger scale.

        Those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” Those words were first spoken by George Santayana, and they are still very relevant today because of how true they are. History gives us the opportunity to learn from past mistakes. It helps us understand the many reasons why people may behave the way they do. As a result, it helps us become more compassionate as people and more impartial as decision makers. Our judicial system is a perfect example of this concept at work.

           Plus, history is just plain interesting. Everything you like about your favorite movies, television shows, and fiction novels is yours to experience right here in reality when you study history. Explore the possibilities today and step into a whole new world that will change who you are forever and seek to study history .


Composition & Essay Writing . ( 11 )

Composition & Essay Writing . ( 11 ) 

4-] Participation In Extracurricular Activities .

Most parents want to see their children get involved in some sort of extracurricular activity or hobby such as scouting , music , sports , art – the list is endless . The student’s participation in school activities such as sports , theater , art music etc. makes the school tolerable for him or her . In these activities groups , the student is able to find others who are like him or her and who share his or her interests . He or she learns about effort and team work .

              Participation in activities helps the student to make friends . Students participation in extracurricular activities such as drama , sport , debating and community work can be important in their overall encouragement with school and may be related to positive educational outcomes . In Australia high achieving students participated more often in extracurricular activities except for sport in which participation rates were much the same for students across all achievement levels .

                  Students who underachieve in their academic subjects in school may excel in their extracurricular activities . So these activities can make a tremendous difference in their lives . They may change their tendency . Some may be taken to be artists , sportsmen , actors , musicians , writers etc. motivated by school activities . They are a field to detect talents .

                Extracurricular activities can empower students to make their own decisions and help them gain vital experience and skills to lead them on the path to their future .

                Extracurricular activities are also a good way to explore social , political and career interests . They help students to gain experience in a variety of areas that will enhance their future . Through participation in sports and scouts students learn cooperation , team work and time management . They help student discover hidden talents , meet people and learn about things outside their own environment . Time away from the school day through participation in activities can also serve as an outlet for stress and a way to build confidence and self-esteem .

Monday, July 6, 2020

Comprehension .- Intermediate [ 30 ]

[ 30 ] Comprehension . 

[  30  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                 Discovered in the early 1800s and named nicotianine , the oily essence now called nicotine is the main active ingredient of tobacco . Nicotine , however , is only a small component of cigarette smoke , which contains more than 4.700 chemical compounds , including 43 cancer-causing substances . In recent times , scientific research has been providing evidence that years of cigarette smoking vastly increases the risk of developing fatal medical conditions .

             In addition to being responsible for more than 85% of lung cancers , smoking is associated with cancers of , amongst others , the mouth , stomach and kidneys , and is thought to cause about 14% of leukemia and cervical cancers . In 1990 , smoking caused more than 84.000 deaths , mainly resulting from such problems as pneumonia , bronchitis and influenza . Smoking , it is believed is responsible for 30% of all deaths from cancer and clearly represents the most important preventable cause of cancer in countries like the United States today .

             Passive smoking , the breathing in of the side-stream from the burning of tobacco between puffs or of the smoke exhaled by a smoker , also causes a serious health risk . A report published  in 1992 by the US Environment Protection Agency [ EPA ] emphasized the health dangers , especially from side-stream smoke . This type of smoke contains more smaller particles and is therefore more likely to be deposited deep in the lungs . On the basis of this report , the EPA has classified environmental tobacco smoke in the highest risk category for causing cancer .

           A report of the researchers at University of California emphasizes that cancer is not caused by a single element in cigarette smoke , harmful effects to health are caused by many components . Carbon monoxide , for example , competes with oxygen in red blood cells and interferes with the blood’s ability to deliver life-giving oxygen to the heart .Nicotine and other toxins in cigarette smoke activate small blood cells called platelets , which increases the likelihood of blood clots , thereby affecting blood circulation .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What ae the dangers of smoking ?


2-] What is meant by passive smoking ?


3-] How does carbon monoxide cause cancer ?


4-] How many harmful substances does cigarette smoke contain ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] Leukemia and pneumonia

A-] are responsible for 84.000 deaths each year .

B-] are strongly linked to cigarette smoke .

C-] are strongly linked to, lung cancer .

D-] result in 30% of deaths per year .

2-] Intake of carbon monoxide

A-] inhibits the flow of oxygen .

B-] increases absorption pf other smoke particles .

C-] inhibits re blood cell formation .

D-] promotes nicotine absorption .

3-] Intake of nicotine encourages

A-] blood circulation through the body.

B-] activity of other toxins in the blood .

C-] formation of blood clots .

D-] an increase of platelets in the blood .

Comprehension - Intermediate . [ 29 ]

[ 29 ] Comprehension . 

[  29  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                      The historical journey to the moon took place in July 1969 . As millions of people around the world watched on their TV the first man walk on the moon’s surface , scientists were busy drawing up plans for the next experiments . Since then , many other space-craft and astronauts have been seen into space , and huge sums of money have been invested in these expensive flights in order to collect as much information as possible about other planets .

                     However , many people began to doubt the value of space exploration when the astronauts came back from the moon with only some rocks and dust . A disappointing end to such an adventure ! No trace of precious metals , not even the simplest form of life . It was just a dead world . These people criticized strongly this waste of money by dreaming scientists when it could be better used here on earth .

                   In reply to this , scientists argued that our everyday life has already been improved by space exploration in many ways : new , lighter and stronger metals , better long-distance communications , more accurate electronic instruments are only a few examples . Another important aspect of space exploration is that it may lead us to discover new worlds where life is possible , as getting more and more crowded . If we succeeded in finding new sources of energy or if we were able to produce more food for the fast growing population on Earth , then the enormous sums of money spent on these experimental flights would not be wasted . In addition to this , the precious information scientists are collecting about the other planets may help man to solve some of the mysteries which surround the origin of our planet , the Earth . It may also help him find out why its atmosphere is slowly getting more and more polluted by carbon dioxide [ Co2 ] . In this way , the famous sentence of the first astronaut to land on the moon , “ a small step for the man, a giant leap for mankind” will have found its full meaning .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] Why were many people disillusioned after July 1969 ?


2-] In your opinion how could money be better used on Earth ?


3-] If life were possible on another planet , how would that affect people on Earth ?


4-] What are the benefits of space exploration ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] Huge sums of money have been invested in space flights to

A-] collect so much information about the moon . B-] collect information about other planets . C-] draw up plans for man on to live on  the moon .

D-] collect precious stones .

2-] Space-craft means

A-] planes . B-] spaceships . C-] rockets . D-] space exploration .

3-] People criticized the waste of money because

A-] it could be better used for entertainment . B-] it could be better used on earth . C-] it could be used for experimental flights . D-] it could upgrade space exploration.

Comprehension .Intermediate [ 28 ]

[ 28 ] Comprehension . 

[  28  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                     A habitual vision of greatness is necessary not only to moral education , but to all education . A teacher can not live an adequate training in anything , unless he knows and can make his pupils see what is great . How can you train a surgeon , unless you show him the finest techniques of surgery : or a teacher , unless he knows the best methods of educational practice , unless he is familiar with the great examples of his art . The matter is the same with all subjects from farming to building . In all studies and in all spheres of life , knowledge of the best is essential to success . If this is necessary in medicine , teaching , architecture and town planning , must it not be necessary in character ?

                   It is common and disastrous to forget that the character must be trained through the intellect as well as by other means , and that part of the work of education is to enrich the vision of its pupils , thereby train their characters . A school that fails to do this is failing to do its work . Men’s achievements depend not only on the qualities of character , but also on knowing what is first rate ; ill success in every field of life is due quite as much to ignorance of what is good as to incapacity to achieve it . One is apt to think of moral failure as due to weakness of character ; more often it is due to an adequate ideal .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What does all education need ?


2-] How must an adequate training in any subject be given ?


3-] On what two things do men’s achievements depend ?


4] How does failure in any field of life happen ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] “Spheres of life ,”means

A] techniques of life. B] methods of life .C] fields of life . D] occupations of life .

2-] ……………. is essential for success .

A-] Studies in all spheres of life .              B-] Knowledge of the best .                            C-] Methods of educational practice .      D-] Qualities of character .

3-] A school fails to do its work , when

A-] it fails to train the pupils characters . B-] the pupils learn few subjects .

C-] the teachers characters are apt . D-] it is ignorant of the pupils qualities .

Comprehension - Intermediate. [ 27 ]

[ 27 ]Comprehension . 

[  27  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                  The Eskimo  are the native people of Greenland , and the most northerly parts of Canada and Alaska . They are considered unattractive in appearance . Both men and women allow their hair to grow .

                  These hardy people are generally coast dwellers , thus they rely on the sea for their food . They live almost entirely on fish , sea-meat , whale-blubber and the flesh of sea-birds . Because of their custom of eating their meats uncooked , these northern natives were called Eskimo , meaning “ eaters of raw flesh .” Their garments consist of hooded coats , trousers , leggings and shoes – all made of sealskin .

                Eskimos are clever hunters . During the summer months , their chief occupation is the slaying of such animals as seals , foxes , caribou and bears . The flesh of these animals is dried , frozen and stored for use in winter , while the skins which are not needed for domestic purposes are exchanged for purchases at the trading stations .

               In summer the natives live in skin tents called tupicks . In winter they live in igloos . Both summer and winter homes are heated and lighted by means of oil-lamps . For most of the yea this huge island of the far north is covered with snow and ice . In the southern part , plants can grow during the very short summer .

               A most unusual happening takes place each year in this polar region . For a period of about three months in summer , the sun does not set , and for the same length of time in winter , it does not rise . The protective color of all creatures in the frozen north in white . From early childhood , the Eskimo children imitate the occupations and pastimes of the grown-ups .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] Why were the Eskimos called so ?


2-] What unusual sight may be seen in the Polar Region ?


3-] What double purpose does the oil-lamp in the Polar Region serve ?


4-] In what way are the Eskimos skillful ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] “Hardy” means

A-] abnormal .    B-] principal .    C-] stiff .   D-] complete .

2-] The unnecessary skins are

A-] thrown away .              B-] exchanged for purchases .

C-] given to others .           D-] are stored for use .

3-] Homes are heated and lighted by means of

A] candles . B-] electric bulbs . C-] solar energy lamps . D-] oil-lamps . 

Comprehension .- Intermediate [ 26 ]

[ 26 ]Comprehension . 

[  26  ] Intermediate

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                     Scientists use special instruments , seismographs , to measure movement under the ground . When an earthquake occurs , shock waves travel round the earth and scientists record these according to an international scale of intensity [ 1939 Turkey 7.9 ; Chile 8.9 ] . The shock at Agadir , the Moroccan port was too small to show on a seismograph in time to warn the people of Agadir . However , the earthquake occurred very close to the surface and Agadir was directly above it . It was therefore very destructive or as scientists would say very “ intense”. Thousands were killed and injured . A Moroccan Navy message from the ruined town said that 90% of the buildings in the suburbs and about 70% of those in the modern quarter were destroyed .

                    Experience has shown that certain types of buildings resist earthquakes better than others . They should either be very solid [ reinforced concrete ] or elastic [ wood or woven branches ] . It is quite true that earthquake-proof buildings have been designed and we have seen in Chile , Japan , California and other places that these resist earthquakes much better than normal buildings . Most people in Agadir lived in houses with earth walls. The roofs were supported by heavy beams which killed many as they fell . The European-style buildings had not been designed for an earthquake area .

                   Of all recorded earthquakes 90% have occurred in one of two areas , a belt surrounding the Pacific Ocean and another stretching from the Alps to the Himalayas . It is difficult to give people advice on what to do in an earthquake . If you have time , it is best to head for the open countryside . If the tremor is sudden and sever , your best hope is to get under a heavy table or bed . Doorways and windows collapse first and people hurrying out of a house may be hit by these .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] How do scientists record the intensity of an earthquake ?


2-] Why was Agadir’s earthquake destructive ?


3-] What do people do to lessen the effects of an earthquake ?


4-] What kind of buildings that resist earthquakes ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] Another meaning of “ earthquake” is

A-] shock .   B-] shake .   C-] wave .   D-] tumor .

2-] The casualties in Agadir were heavy because

A-] people were asleep .        B-] the earthquake was intense .                                   C-] the earthquake was close to the surface   D-] the buildings were very solid .

3-] The heavy beams

A-] did not collapse .       B-] protected people .                                                           C-] did not protect people and were killing . D-] supported the buildings .

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...