Grammar American & British

Friday, July 24, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue [ 33 ]

33- ] Conversation & Dialogue .
Making Requests .

Karam : Ezzat ….Ezzat ! Turn down the TV a little , please .
Ezzat : Oh , but this is my favorite program !
Karam : I know . But it’s very loud .
Ezzat : OK . I’ll turn it down .
Karan : That’s better . Thanks .
Mother : Zenab , please pick up your things . They’re all over the living room floor .
Daughter : In a minute , Mom . I’m on the phone .
Mother : OK . But do it as soon as you hang up .
Daughter : Sure . No problem !
Mother : Goodness ! Were we like this when we were kids ?
Father : Definitely !
Asking For Information & Giving Information .

Wasef : Hello ?
Wesam : Oh , hello . I need some information . What currency is used in Japan ?
Wasef : Where ?
Wesam : In Japan .
Wasef : I’m not sure . Isn’t it the yen ?
Wesam : Oh , yes . And do they drive on the left or the right ?
Wasef : I think the left , but I’m not sure .
Wesam : Oh . Well , is English spoken much there ?
Wasef : I really have no idea .
Wesam : Huh ? Well , what about credit cards ? Are international banks cards accepted there ?
Wasef : How would I know ?
Wesam : Well , are you a member in the science club , aren’t you ?
Wasef : No , but I can log on the Internet .
Gawad : Do you want to see a movie tonight ?
Kamal : Hmm . Maybe . What’s playing ?
Ghadeer : How about the new film of [ so and so ] ?
Kamal : Who’s that man ?
Gawad : You know . He directed many famous hits ?
Kamal : Oh , his last film was boring . The book of the story of the film was fascinating , but the film was terrible !
Ghadeer : Well , I’m interested in that newly released film . It’s a romance . It’s been playing for about a month .
Kamal : Now that sounds good . I’ve never seen him in a romance , and I think he’s a wonderful actor !
Mohsin : This novel looks interesting .
Masaud : Oh , it is . It’s about a guy who joins a corrupt law firm and then can’t leave . Luckily he has a brave wife who helps him out of the mess .
Mohsin : Hmm . Maybe I’ll read it .
Masaud : Well , the movie is even better .
Mohsin : Oh , is that the movie that stars [ so and so ] ?
Masaud : Yeah . Why don’t we rent the CD ?
Mohsin : You don’t mind seeing it again ?
Masaud : Not at all . You rent the CD , and I’ll bring the popcorn .
Shehab : Have you met our friend , the student from India  ?
Heshmat : No , I haven’t .
Shehab : Well , he seems really nice , but there’s one thing I noticed . He moves his head from side to side when you talk to him . You know , like this .
Heshmat : Maybe it means he doesn’t understand you .
Shehab : No , I don’t think so .
Heshmat : Or it could mean he doesn’t agree with you .
Shehab : Actually  , people from India sometimes move their heads from side to side when they agree with what you’re saying .
Heshmat : Oh , so that’s what it means !
Mosab : You know , these highways are really great , but the road signs are pretty confusing .
Seif : Hmm . What do these lines on the road mean ?
Mosab : They must mean you aren’t allowed to pass here .
Seif : No . I don’t think so . I’m going to pass this car in front of us . It’s going too slow. Now , I wonder what that sign up ahead means .
Mosab : It may mean you’ve got to take a left in this lane .
Seif : Or maybe it means you can turn left if you want to . I think I’ll just go straight .
Telling The Time .

Salem : What time is it , Naser ?
Naser : It’s late . It’s eleven o’clock at night .
Salem : It’s cold .
Naser : And it’s frightening .
Salem : I’m tired .
Naser : Yes , let’s sleep .
Salem : Listen ! What is it ?
Naser : It’s nothing . It’s only the wind . Let’s sleep .
Farid : We’re late .
Fatin : Yes , we’re late .
Farid : What time is it ?
Fatin : Six o’clock .
Farid : Six o’clock ! We are late .
Fatin : How far are we from Alexandria ?
Farid : I don’t know . I’ll stop and ask someone .
Husband : We must hurry . It’s late .
Wife : What time is it ?
Husband : It’s half past three .
Wife : Oh dear ! We must hurry . There’s someone at the door .
[ There is knocking on the door . ]
Husband : You hurry and get ready . I’ll see who it is .
Wife : Who is it ?
Husband : It’s the laundry man .
Wife : Tell him to come in .
Husband : Come in .
Wife : The laundry’s here .
Husband : The laundry’s here .
Wife : Where’s my bag ? I must hurry .
[ There’s knocking again at the door . ]
Husband : It’s the man from the electricity board .
Wife : Tell him to come in .
Husband : Come in .
Wife : The electricity meter’s beside the door on the left .
Husband : The electricity meter’s beside the door on the left .
[ There’s knocking at the door again . ]
Wife : Where’s my bag ? I must hurry .
Husband : It’s the man from the gas board .
Wife : The gas meter’s in the kitchen .
Husband : Come in . The gas meter’s in the kitchen .
Informing The Police .

Policeman : Hallo ! The police-station .
Wife : Hallo  ! Hallo ! Police ? Something terrible has happened !
Policeman : Now madam , keep calm .
Wife : My husband ! My husband’s disappeared . He’s gone .
Policeman : Now , keep calm , madam . What’s your name ?
Wife : Sameha Barakat .
Policeman : Now , madam . What’s wrong ?
Wife : My husband hasn’t come home .
Policeman : When did you last see him ?
Wife : I saw him this morning . He left the house at eight o’clock , and he hasn’t come back .
Policeman : Perhaps , he’s still at work .
Wife : No , no . I’ve phoned his office . He left the office at five o’clock .
Policeman : And it’s eight o’clock now .
Wife : Yes , it’s eight o’clock .
Policeman : Perhaps his car has broken down .
Wife : No . He hasn’t phoned me . He’s disappeared !
Policeman : Now , keep calm , madam . Tell me your address . Then go and have a cup of tea . I’ll come round to your house straight away . Now , what’s the address ?
Wife : It’s twenty five Sunview Crescent .

Conversation & Dialogue [ 32 ]

32 ] Conversation & Dialogue 
Talking About Future Plans .

Moheb : Say , Faisal , what are you doing tonight ? Would you like to go out ?
Faisal : Oh , sorry , I can’t . I’m going to work late tonight . I have to finish this report .
Moheb : Well , how about tomorrow night ? Are you doing anything then ?
Faisal : No , I’m not . What are you planning to do ?
Moheb : I’m going to see a musical . Would you like to come ?
Faisal : Sure , I’d love to ! But let me pay for the tickets this time . It’s my turn .
Moheb : All right ! Thanks !

Refaat: So what are you going to do after graduation , Sameer ?
Sameer : Well , I’ve saved some money , and I think I’d really like to travel .
Refaat : Lucky you . That sounds exciting !
Sameer : Yeah . Then I plan to get a job and my own apartment .
Refaat : Oh , you’re not going to live at home ?
Sameer : No , I don’t live with my parents – not after I start to work  .
Fefaat : I know what you mean .
Sameer : What about you , Refaat ? Do you have any plans yet ?
Refaat : I’m going to get a job and live at home . I’m broke , and I want to pay off my student loan !
The Past & The Future .
Mr. Haleem : The neighborhood sure has changed !
Kareem : What was this place like before , Grandpa ?
Mr. Haleem : Well , there used to be a grocery store right here on this corner . Hmm . It was pretty quiet . Nor many people lived here then .
Kareem : These days , the population is growing fast .
Mr. Haleem : Yeah . I bet they’ll tear down all these old buildings soon . In a few years , these will be just malls and high-rise apartments .
Kareem : Hey , that doesn’t sound bad !
Mr. Haleem : No , but I’ll miss the old days .
Making Wishes .
Suzy : So where are you working now , Sherin ?
Sherin : Oh , I’m still at the bank . I don’t like it , though .
Suzy : That’s too bad . Why not ?
Sherin : Well , it’s boring , and id doesn’t pay very well .
Suzy : I know what you mean . I don’t like my job either . I wish I could find a better job .
Sherin : Actually , I don’t want to work at all anymore . I wish I had a lot of money so I could retire now .
Suzy : Hmm , how old are you ?
Sherin : Uh , twenty-six .

Lou : Look at this . Some guy found  $ 750 ,000 ! He returned it and the owner thanked him with a phone call .
Kate : You’re kidding ! If I found $ 750 ,000 , I wouldn’t return it so fast .
Lou : Why ? What would you do ?
Kate : Well , I’d go straight to Las Vegas and try mu luck in the casinos . I could double the money in a day and keep $ 750,000 for myself .
Lou : You might also lose it all in a day . And then you could go to jail .
Kate : Hmm . You’ve got a point there .

Conversation & Dialogue [ 31 ]

31- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

Likes And Dislikes .
Sakr : Do you like jazz , Noura ?
Noura : No , I don’t like it very much . Do you ?
Sakr : Well , yes , I do . I’m a real fan of [ so and so]?
Noura: Oh , does he play the piano ?
Sakr : No , he doesn’t ! He plays the trumpet . So , what kind of music do you like ?
Noura : I like rock a lot .
Sakr : Who’s your favorite group ?
Noura : The [ so and so ] . I love their music . How about you ? Do you like them ?
Sakr : No , I don’t . I can’t stand them !

Wife : Stop making that noise !
Husband : What noise ?
Wife : That terrible noise .
Husband : I’m not making a noise . I’m singing .
Wife : Stop that singing . I hear too much singing .
Husband : What’s wrong with singing ? I like singing .
Wife : And I don’t like listening to you .
Husband : Well , stop listening !
Wife : Anyway , hurry up and finish shaving . Your friend will be here soon .
Husband : What did you say ?
Wife : Your friend will be here . You want to talk to him .
Husband : I hate talking to my friend .
Wife : But he’s very rich . Perhaps he’ll lend you the money .
Husband : Stop worrying about the money . You worry too much .
Wife : I hate borrowing money .
Husband : You’re not borrowing the money . I’m borrowing it .
Wife : Why do you want the money , anyway ?
Husband : Stop asking questions . You ask too many questions .
Wife : And you finish shaving  !
Husband : Oh , all right .
Wife : Stop making that noise ! Hurry up !
[ The doorbell is ringing . ]
Husband : What did you say ?
Wife : Hurry up and finish shaving . It’s your friend . I’ll hang your coat up here Mr. Hashem . Do sit down , Mr. Hashem . My husband will be here in a moment .
Mr. Hashem : I hate waiting .
Wife : Ah . Here he is now .
Husband : Hallo , Mr. Hashem !
Mr. Hashem : How are you ?
Husband : I’m very well . You’re a very rich man , Mr. Hashem . Is that true ?
Mr. Hashem : Yes , that’s true .
Husband : Goo . I want to borrow some money .
Mr. Hashem : I hate lending money .
Wife : And I hate borrowing money .
Husband : Stop worrying . Mr. Hashem will get his money back . Stop worrying , Mr. Hashem . You’ll get your money back .
Mr. Hashem : Why do you want this money ?
Husband : I’m going to make a record .
Wife : A record . Oh , no !
Husband : Yes . I’m a great singer . Everyone will buy my record . Listen .
Wife : Oh ! Stop singing ! Stop that noise !
Mr. Hashem : I hate listening to records .
Wife : Stop singing ! Come back , Mr. Hashem ! Stop singing ! Mr. Hashem , come back  !
Invitation .

Tamer : I have tickets to the show on The Opera House on Friday night . Would you like to go ?
Suzan : Thanks . I’d love to . What time is the show ?
Tamer : It’s at 8 o’clock .
Suzan : That sounds great . So , do you want to have dinner at 6 o’clock ?
Tamer : Uh , I’d like to , but I have to work late .
Suzan : Oh , that’s OK . Let’s just meet at the theatre before the show , around 7 o’clock .
Tamer : That sounds fine .
Giving Suggestions .
Rasha : Can you tell me a little  about  Mexico City ?
Maria : Sure I can . What would you like to know ?
Rasha : Well , what’s a good time to visit ?
Maria : I think you can go anytime . The weather is always nice .
Rasha : Oh , good ! And what should I see there ?
Maria : Well you should visit the National Museum and go to the Palace Fine Arts .
Rasha : What else ?
Maria : Oh , you shouldn’t miss the Pyramid of the Sun . It’s very interesting .
Rasha : It all sounds really exciting !
Shady : Is your houseguest still staying with you ?
Hamed : No , after three weeks , he finally left . Thank goodness !
Shady : So how did you get rid of him ?
Hamed : Well , I lied and told him my parents were coming for a visit and I needed the room . I probably shouldn’t have lied . Now I feel bad . What would you have done ?
Shady : Oh , I would have told him to leave after a week . By the way , my friend and his parents are coming to visit me next week . Can I move in with you for a few days ?
Hamed : No way !

Conversation & Dialogue [ 30 ]

30- ] Conversation & Dialogue 

Describing Cities .
Said : Where in Canada are you from , Ken ?
Ken : I’m from Toronto .
Said : Oh , I’ve never been there . What’s it like ?
Ken : It’s a fairly big city , but it’s not too big . The nightlife is good , too .
Said : Is it expensive there ?
Ken ; No , it’s not too bad .
Said : And what’s the weather like in Toronto ?
Ken ; Well , it’s pretty cold in winter , and very hot and humid in summer . It’s nice in spring and fall , though .

Describing Countries .
Sadeq: I’m going to Australia next year . Aren’t you from “down under” , Kelly ?
Kelly : That’s right .
Sadeq:I hear there’s not much pollution , and the beaches are clean and beautiful .
Kelly : Oh , yes . Australia has some of the most famous beaches in the world – like Bondi Beach .
Sadeq : What else would I see ?
Kelly : Well , the Great Barrier Reef is there . It’s the longest coral reef in the world .
Sadeq : Wow ! It sounds beautiful . You’re lucky to be an Australian .
Kelly : Thanks , but actually . I’m a New Zealander .
Sadeq : So , what’s New Zealand like ?
Kelly : Oh , it’s beautiful . It has lots of farms , and it’s very mountainous .
Sadeq : Mountainous ? Really ? I didn’t know that . How high are the mountains ?
Kelly : Well , the highest one is Mount Cook . It’s about 3,800 meters high .
Sadeq : Hmm . How far is New Zealand from Australia ?
Kelly : Well , I live in Auckland , and Auckland is about 2,000 kilometers from Sydney.
Sadeq : Well , maybe I should visit you next year , too .
Kelly : That would be great .

Conversation & Dialogue [ 29 ]

29- ] Conversation & Dialogue 
Speaking About Your Country .

A British Teacher : Well , now . Let’s see . Something about Britain . Our political parties . Yes . We have three main political parties . The Conservative Party , the Labor Party , and the Liberal Party . Our government at the moment is from the Labor Party . Ah , but you know all that already , of course .
A British Citizen : If you work in this country , you pay thirty per cent income tax . If you’re ill , or if you haven’t got a job , you get some money from the government . Wages go up by ten per cent a year . Of course , prices go up by fifteen per cent a year .
A British Teacher : We have many daily newspapers in Britain . For example , there’s The Guardian , the Daily Telegraph and The Times . They’re the most serious newspapers . Then there are the popular newspapers  ---- the Daily Mirror , the Sun , the Daily Express and the Daily Mail . The popular newspapers have more photographs than the serious papers . They have fewer articles about international politics , They’re more --- popular .

Speaking About  A Place .
Tourist : I visited the Lake District . As you know , it’s a beautiful part of the country , in the north of England , about 300 kilometers from London . Of course , it costs a quite a lot to get there . It’s famous for its countryside . It has beautiful hills and lakes , forests and rivers . You can go swimming , go sailing , go fishing , or go for walks .
Speaking About A Match .

Spectator : I went to a football match . I went to see my team at the stadium . The match began badly , but it got worse ! The score was seven-one to the other side . It was a terrible game . I’m going to see the other team next week .
Worker  1: It was wrong to strike .
Worker 2 : Oh , no . Don’t start that again .
Worker 1 : All right . We’ll ask our friend . What do you think ?
Worker 3 : I think you’re lucky , you’ re both young . When I was your age , I knew what to believe in . Now I don’t know anymore .
Worker 2 : But are you a Socialist or a Conservative ?
Worker 3 : Do you support Women’s Liberation Movement ?
Worker 1 : Perhaps .
Worker  2 : Well , I think women are as good as men .
Worker 3 : I think you’re right .
Speaking About Television .

A Critic : I watched three new programs last night . Two of them were old films . That were wrong to show two old films in one evening , even if they were good . And these were terrible ! Fatin Hamamah was in one of them . She looked good but her acting was very bad . But I loved it when she went into hospital at the end . She didn’t look ill at all ! I thought the best program of the evening was the News . No more old films , please !
Speaking About Computer .

Sobhi : Hey ! Nice computer ! What’s this for ?
Nawal : That’s modem . It’s used to connect the computer to the phone line , so I can send faxes and access the Internet .
Sobhi : So you can go on-line and all that ?
Nawal : Yes . And I use the World Wide Web for finding information on astronomy , movies , UFOs ---just about anything .
Sobhi : Sports ? Cars ?
Nawal : Uh-huh . And I can exchange information with people , too . I belong to a “chat group” on astronomy .
Sobhi : Hmm . I just use my computer to write letters and reports .
Nawal : Why don’t you get on the Internet ? It’s not really expensive .
Sobhi : May be I will . It sounds like fun .

Speaking About The Cellular Phone “The Mobile” .
Hakeem : I read the instructions , but I’m still not sure how to use my cellular phone .
Hashem : Actually , it’s pretty easy . First of all , don’t forget to turn it on .
Hakeem : Got it !
Hashem : Then dial the number . And remember to press the “send” button .
Hakeem : That’s all ?
Hashem : Pretty much . Just make sure to recharge the batteries every few weeks . And try not to drop it . It’s fragile .
Hakeem : Good advice .
Hashem : And one more thing . Be sure to pay the phone bill every month !
Speaking About A Watch .

Wife : What a lovely watch !
Husband : Yes , it tells the time and the date and the day .
Wife : The time , the date and the day !
Husband :  Yes , look . It’s exactly nine minutes past five .
Wife : Good !
Husband : And what day is it ?
Wife : It’s Tuesday .
Husband : look . Tuesday !
Wife : Oh ! Good .
Husband : And what date is it ?
Wife : It’s the fifteenth today .
Husband : Yes , today’s your birthday . It’s the fifteenth .
Wife : No , My birthday’s tomorrow .
Husband : Tomorrow ? Oh dear ! I need a watch like this too .

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...