Grammar American & British

Monday, September 21, 2020

Student English Grammar [ 1 ]

1- ]  Student English Grammar

The Tenses.

The Simple Tenses .

The Present Simple Tense .

Form :

It is formed by using the infinitive of the verb .

I , We , They , You  + plural noun subjects } infinitive .

e.g. We usually gp to school .

He , She , It + singular noun subjects } infinitive + s , es ,ies .

- Verbs ending in [ o , s , ss , x , ch , sh , z ] , we add ‘es’ to the infinitive .

e.g. go [ goes ] , dress [ dresses ] , fix [ fixes ] , watch [ watches ] , wash [ washes ]

Ex . He watches TV every evening .

        The technician fixes computes .

- Verbs ending in ‘y’ , ‘y’ is changed into ‘i’  → ‘ies’ .

e.g. carry [ carries ] , dry [ dries ] , cry [ cries ] , fly [ flies ] , try [ tries ]

Ex. She always carries her bag .

Uses :

1-] Universal facts that is always true .

Ex. The sun rises in the morning .

       Egypt lies in Africa .

2-] Actions that last for a long time .

Ex. My family lives in Cairo .

3-] Habits or habitual actions .

Ex. I usually get up early in the morning .

       We go to the club every week .

Adverbs of Frequency With The Present Simple :

Adverbs of frequency indicate the times or how often the verb happens .

Never 0% , rarely 1 – 20 % , sometimes 20 – 50 % , often 60 – 75 % , usually 75 – 85 % , always 100% 

Positions Of Adverbs Of Frequency In Sentences :

They come before the main verb and come after verb ‘to be’ .

Ex. He always comes early . He is always early .

Adverbs of time come at the beginning or the end of the sentence .

e.g. ever , at night , in the morning , in the afternoon , at morning etc.

Ex. In the morning he goes to school . He goes to school in the morning .

4-] Clause of time expresses future .

e.g. when , before , after , until [ till ] , as soon as , by the time .

Ex . When I go home , I will phone you .

        I will watch a film , before I go to bed .

Negative :

Do , does + not + infinitive . [ don’t , doesn’t ]

Ex . She goes to the beach every summer .

        She does not  [ doesn’t ]go to the beach every summer .

        They help their father in the field .

        They do not [ don’t ] help their father in the field .

Interrogative [ Question ] :

Question word + do , does + subject + infinitive .

Ex . I swim in the swimming pool .

        Do you swim in the swimming pool ?

         Yes , I do .

          No , I don’t .

        Where do you swim ?

         He learns English .

         Does he learn English ?

         Yes , he does .

         No , he doesn’t .

        What does he lean ?


Exercise 1

Change the following as directed :

Birds fly in the sky. (negative)

Ali loves his teacher. (interrogative)

Boys are doing their homework. (negative)

My friend speaks good English. (interrogative)

Dogs are barking. (interrogative)

He is learning music. (negative)

We are going to Kolkata soon. (interrogative)

Children play in the evening. (negative)

Noha sings a song. (negative)

I am listening to western music. (interrogative)

Ahmad  and Salah run fast. (interrogative)

Exercise 2


Fill in the blanks with is, am or are:

These bags ……… heavy.

Look! There ……… Raman.

My brother and I ……… good cricket players.

The weather ………  nice today.

This bag ……… not so heavy.

I ………  not tired.

Rama ……… at home.

Her children ……… at school.

I ……… a student.

My sister ……… a doctor.

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks in the following with the correct form of the verb given in brackets : (Present Tense)

1. I …………… in Model Town. (live)

2. The mother …………… food for us. (cook)

3. She …………… to temple every morning. (go)

4. He …………… on me whenever he wants. (call)

5. I …………… what my sister …………… . (eat)

6. My father …………… from his office in the evening. (return)

7. They …………… football every evening. (play)

8. I …………… everybody well. (wish)

9. The cat …………… rats. (kill)

10. The farmers …………… rain. (need)

Exercise 4

Insert the correct form of the verb given in the brackets : (Simple Present Tense)

1. The boys …………… a song. (sing)

2. I …………… in the school which is the best in the city. (read)

3. The sun …………… during the day . (shine)

4. God …………… those who …………… themselves. (help)

5. Farmers …………… a hard life. (lead)

6. Mr. Hassan …………… us English. (teach)

7. He …………… his lesson regularly. (learn)

8. The toy …………… a child happy. (make)

9. He …………… to bed at 10 pm. (go)

10. You …………… up at 5 am. (wake)

The Past Simple Tense [ Past Indefinite Tense ].

Form :

It is the past of the verb . Regular verbs end in ‘ed’ , but irregular verbs are different and must be kept by heart .

Uses :

1-] It indicates an action that happened in the past .

Ex. The Ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids .

       I went to the club yesterday .

To express an action where some word, showing past action (yesterday, ago, last, etc.) is given in the sentence, as,

Keywords :

Yesterday , last , ago , in the past .

2-] Repeated actions in the past  -  habitual or regular action in the past.

Ex . They visited Luxor twice last year .

        We went to the countryside every summer .

         He always spoke the truth.

3-]Actions following each others in a story .

Once upon a time , there was a man who live in a forest . He hunted animals and birds for his food .

(d) To express an action which occupied a period of time in the past , but is now ended.

We lived in this house for ten years.

I stayed at the Green Hotel for two months.

Negative :

Did + not  [ didn’t ] + infinitive .

Ex. She cleaned the house .

       She did not  [ ‘didn’t’ ] clean the house .

Interrogative [ Question ] :

Question word + did + subject + infinitive .

Ex . She cleaned the house ?

        Did she clean the house ?

        Yes , she did .

        No , she didn’t .

        What did she clean ?

       He climbed the tree last week .

       Did he climb the tree last week ?

       Yes , he did .

       No , he didn’t .

      When did he climb the tree ?


Exercise 1

Put in am / is/are (present) or was / were (past):

Last year she …………….. 10, so she …………….. 11 now.

I ……………..  hungry. Can I have something to eat?

‘Where …………….. the children?’ ‘I don’t know. They …………….. in the garden ten minutes ago.’

Today the weather …………….. nice, but yesterday it …………….. very cold.

I feel fine this morning but I …………….. tired last night.

Where …………….. you at 11 o’clock last Friday morning?

I like your new shirt …………….. it expensive?

Don’t they wear those shoes? These …………….. very expensive.

This time last year I …………….. in Goa.

They …………….. in school today morning.

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple:

enjoy       clean      die     open       finish

happen    ram      start    stay        want

It was hot in the room, so I …………….. the window.

I …………….. my teeth twice yesterday.

The shop …………… 9 yesterday.

The match …………….. at 6 in the evening.

I always …………….. to be a doctor.

It is a nice day but yesterday it …………….. all day.

The accident …………….. last Sunday afternoon.

Sama’s grandmother …………….. when she was 90 years old.

We …………….. our holiday last year.

We …………….. at Grand Hotel when we went to Kolkata.

Exercise 3

Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in brackets :

1. I …………… your letter this morning. (receive)

2. How many deer …………… you …………… in the zoo ? (see)

3. My father …………… a new house last month. (buy)

4. Prices …………… by forty percent last year. (rise)

5. Columbus …………… America. (discover)

6. Thousands of people …………… their lives in the earthquake. (lose)

7. Nasser …………… ten pounds from me. (borrow)

8. When …………… you …………… from Aswan ? (return)

9. I …………… to her house on foot. (go)

10. A thief …………… into our garage last night. (break)

The Future Simple Tense .

Form :

Will  [ ‘ll ]  + infinitive

Ex. We will  [ ‘ll ] visit the museum next week .

Uses :

1- Future facts .

Ex. Ali will be ten next month .

2-] Predictions .

Ex. Man will go on trips to other planets in the future .

3-] Decisions .

I will to the beach next summer .

Keywords :

Tomorrow  , next , in the future , the coming [ week , year , day etc. ]

4-] Quick decisions .

Ex. Some one is ringing the doorbell . I’ll open the door .

       It’s a fantastic car . I’ll buy it .

5-] Offers .

Ex. Shall I help you do your homework ?

6-] Threats and warnings .

Ex. I’ll hit you , if you forget to do your homework .

       You will cut yourself , if you don’t pay attention to this knife .

Negative :

Will [ ‘ll ] +  not   [ won’t ] +  infinitive

Ex. I will build a new house .

       I will not [ won’t ] build a new house .

Interrogative [ Question ] :

Question word + will [ ‘ll ] + subject + infinitive .

Ex . Our father will buy a new car .

       Will your father buy a new car ?

        Yes , he will .

        No , he won’t .

       What will your father buy ?

Going to + Infinitive [ Future ].

Form :

I                                                           am

He , She , It + singular subject         is       +  going to    + infinitive

We , They , You + plural subject      are

Use :

1-] It is used to express future planning .When we talk about an intention to do something in the future , although no definite arrangement has been made , we prefer ‘going to’ rather than the present continuous . To emphasize that we are talking about a ‘definite arrangement’ , we prefer the present continuous .

Ex . Before I go to China next year , I’m going to learn some Cantonese .

        I’m still not feeling vey well , so I think I’m going to see the doctor some

        time this week .

         What are you going to do next , now that you’ve finished your course ?

2-]  Predicting future with an evidence .

Ex. Look at those black clouds ! It’s going to rain .

The Perfect Tenses .

The Present Perfect Tense.

Form :

He , She , It + singular subjective nouns } has + Past Participle .

I , We , They , You + plural subjective nouns } have + Past Participle .

Uses :

1-] It indicates an action ended from a short time or right now .

[ just , already , soon ]

Ex. He has just [ already ] come to school .

2-] An action that happened in a period of time in the past within two weeks but not more than a month , but the time in not fixed . [ When we fix the time we use the past simple ]

[ recently , lately (negative ) ]

Ex. He has recently come from Italy .

       He hasn’t visited us lately .

       He came from Italy last month [ yesterday ] . [ fixed time in the past ]

3-] It indicated an action that started in the past , but not finished or ‘its effect is still existing’ .

[ for ‘period of time’ , since ‘start of time’ ]

Ex . He has worked in Cairo for ten years .

          He has worked in Cairo since 2006 .

4-] To express someone’s experience .

[ ever , never ]

Ex . This is the best friend I have ever met . [ the superlative ]

        I have never seen such a fantastic scene before . [ such ]

Interrogative [ Question ]

Question word + has , have + subject + past participle .

Ex . I have studied English ?

        Have you studied English ?

         Yes , I have .

        No , I haven’t .

       What have you studied ?

[ ever , yet ]

5-] They are used to ask about others’ experience .

Ex . Have you ever visited France ?

        Have you visited France yet ?

        Have you ever travelled by plane ?

        Have you travelled by plane yet ?

Negative [ Question ] :

Has , have + not  [ hasn’t , haven’t ] + past participle .

Ex . We have visited Aswan .

        We have not [ haven’t ] visited Aswan .

        She has gone shopping .

        She has not [ hasn’t ] gone shopping .

[ never , yet ].

6-] They are used to indicate an action that never happened up till now .

Ex . I have never visited France .

        I haven’t visited France yet .

Note :  Notice the difference between the sentences in the past simple and the present perfect .

1-] The lift stopped . [ May be repaired and now working ]

    - The lift has stopped . [Not repaired yet ]

2-] Shakespeare wrote many plays . [ died and does not write any more ]

    - The author has written many novels . [ He is still living and writes novels .]

3-] I have gone to London . [ I did not return . ]

    - I have been to London . [ I returned . ]

4-] I have lived in Cairo . [ I started to live in the past and I am still living . ]

      I lived in Cairo . [ I lived in the past and moved ]


Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect tense form of the verbs given in the brackets. 

The train _______  just now. (arrive)

I _______ not _______ the cinema all these years. (visit)

Someone _______ some crockery. (break)

I _______ never _______ the Taj (see)

I _______ not _______ him so far. (meet)

I_______ not _______ the work even now. (finish)

My friend _______ his purse, (lose)

They _______ my pen. (take)

Birds _______ from here, (fly)

Samia_______ food, (cook)

Exercise 2

Fill in the following blanks with correct tense (present) of the verbs given in brackets :

1. Where …………… you …………… your purse ? (lose)

2. …………… he not yet …………… her work ? (finish)

3. How many sums …………… she …………… ? (solve)

4. My sister …………… from Meerut presently. (return)

5. Raja …………… Samia since 1980. (know)

6. Aisha …………… never …………… the Red Sea. (see)

7. …………… you not …………… your bath as yet ? (take)

8. I …………… not …………… my lesson. (revise)

9. We …………… not …………… from Rami for the last four months. (hear)

10. She …………… in Delhi for eight years. (live)

The Past Perfect Tense .

Form :

Had + Past Participle .

Usage :

It is used to describe actions that were completed before other actions in the past . So we have two actions joined with a joining word . This is called the time clause .

Keywords :

1-] after , as soon as , no sooner ……than , hardly …….when } past perfect , past simple .

Ex. After he had finished work , he went home .

       - Had [ Having ] finished work , he went home .

         As soon as he had finished work , he went home .

        He had no sooner  finished work , than he went home .

        No sooner  had he finished work , than he went home .

        Hardly had he finished work , when he went home

[ Notice the inversion and the difference ]

2- ] before , then .

Before } past simple , past perfect .

Past perfect ,{ then }  ,  past simple .

Ex. Before  he went to bed , he had finished his homework .

       He had finished his homework , then he went to bed .

3-] already .

Already }past perfect , past simple .

Ex. He had already seen the film , so he knew the end .

4-] because :

Past simple { because } past perfect .

Ex . I felt sick because I had eaten a lot .

5-] by :

By } period of time , past perfect .

Ex . By the end of June I had finished my exams .

6-] when , by the time :

Past perfect { when , by the time } past simple .

Ex. The train had left when [ by the time ] I arrived at the station .

When , by the time } past perfect , past simple .

Ex. When [ By the time  ] I had finished work , I went home .

Notice  the different used of ‘when’ , ‘by the time’ .

7-] until [ till ] :

Negated sentences :

Past simple { until , till } past perfect .

Ex . He did not ‘didn’t’ go home , until [ till ] he had finished work .

Affirmative [ positive ] sentences :

Past perfect { until , till } past simple .

Ex. He had waited until [ till ] his father came .


Exercise 1

Choose the correct verb from those given in brackets:

He thanked me for what I ………………. (have dope, had done, have been doing).

When we went to the cinema, the film ……………….  .

(already started, had already started, would already start.)

Did your think you ………………. me somewhere before?

(have seen, had seen, were seeing.)

I    to Mumbai once before.

(have gone, had gone, have been going)

They    anything till night.

(have not read, were not reading, had not read)

Exercise 2

Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in brackets. (Past Tense) ;

1. Mohamad …………… already …………… his breakfast. (take)

2. If she …………… for the examination she would not have failed. (prepare)

3. The bell …………… before I reached the school. (go)

4. The patient …………… before the doctor arrived. (die)

5. She …………… not …………… the place before her husband permitted her. (leave)

6. …………… the child …………… before his mother returned from office ? (sleep)

7. The rain …………… when we stepped out of our house. (stop)

8. If you …………… her, she would have got first division. (help)

9. The cinema show …………… when I reached the hall. (start)

10. If she …………… a bus, she would have caught the train. (board)

The Perfect Future Tense .

Form :

Will + have + past participle .

Uses :

It is used to indicate an action that will be completed in a certain time in the future .

Ex . By next June I will have finished my exams .

The Future Perfect Tense expresses an action which is expected to be completed by a certain time in the Future ; as—

She will have covered half of her journey by Monday next.

The Future Perfect Tense sometimes expresses the speaker’s belief that something has taken place. In such sentences it does not express the Future ; as—

‘You will have discussed the plans how to celebrate the function”, said my mother.

It is also used for an action which at a given future time will be in the past; as—

In two years’ time (Le., two years from now) I shall have taken my degree.

Exercise 1

Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in brackets.

1. The picture …………… by the time we reach the hall. (start)

2. …………… you …………… your studies by 2007 ? (finish)

3. The farmers …………… not …………… the harvest before September. (reap)

4. I …………… exercise before the sun rises. (take)

5. He …………… his lesson by next week. (learn)

The Continuous Tenses .

The Present Continuous Tense .

Form :

I                                                            am

He , She , It + singular subjects        is            + verb + ing [ present participle ] 

We , They , You + plural subjects    are

Ex. We are studying English now .

Uses :

1-] It is used to indicate an action happening at the time of speaking .

Ex . They are swimming in the pool at this moment .

Keywords :

Now , at this moment , at present , ‘words to draw attention’ [ Look ! / Watch ! / Listen ! Be careful ! / Look out ! / Watch out ! etc. ]

2-] Temporary actions .

Ex. He is staying at a hotel .

3-] Future use :

It is used to express future arrangements .

Ex. I am flying to France tomorrow . [ every thing is arranged ]


We do not use the present continuous in the following , but we use the present simple :

1-] Verbs of sensation [ taste , sound , smell , feel , look ] .

Ex . This dish smells / tastes / looks delicious .

         The song sounds horrible .

          A stone feels hard .

2-] Mental state verbs [ imagine , know , think , forget , remember etc. ] .

Ex . I know English well .

        I think war is destructive .

3-] Emotional state verbs [ hate , love , like , dislike , scorn , detest etc. ] .

Ex . I like football .

        I hate our enemies .

4-] Other verbs such as verbs of possession [ haves , own , belong to , include , contain , cost , seem , want etc. ] .

Ex . We have a new car .

         This house belongs to our family .

         This tin contains sardine .

          This shirt costs 100 pounds .


Exercise 1


Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs:

build        cook        go         have       stand

stay         swim       work     rain        watch

Please be quiet. I ………………….

Where is Adel? He is in the kitchen. He ………………….

‘You …………………. on my foot.’

Look! Somebody ………………….in the river.

We’re here on holiday. We …………………. at the Royal Hotel.

Where’s Mohamad? She …………………. a shower.

They …………………. a new theatre in the city center at the moment.

I …………………. now. Goodbye.

The weather is nice at the moment. It is not ………………….

You can turn off the television. I am not ………………….it.

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form (Present Continuous) of the verbs given in bracket.

I am ……………….. the table (turn).

Hari is …………………. the juice (suck).

Rami and Rashid  …………………. under the cot (crawl).

The dog is …………………. its tail (wag).

You are …………………. on your paper (write).

She is …………………. right hand (wave).

He is …………………. over the fence (jump).

You are …………………. your books (take).

You are …………………. the sweets in your mouth (put).

Sara is …………………. on her dress (put).

Exercise 3

Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in brackets :

1. Look ! the sun …………… . (rise)

2. Why …………… you so fast ? (run)

3. The children …………… in the park. (play)

4. Mohamad …………… a novel now. (read)

5. Water …………… from the running tap. (flow)

6. …………… it …………… outside now ? (rain)

7. What …………… your sister …………… these days ? (do)

8. I …………… tonight. (return)

9. They …………… or Luxor tomorrow. (leave)

10. Why …………… you …………… a noise ? (make)

The Past Continuous Tense .

Form :

I , He , She , It + singular subjects } was

We , They , You  + plural subjects | were   +  verb   + ing [ present participle]

Ex . We were watching a football match yesterday .

Uses :

1-] It is used to express an action which was happening in the past .

Ex . They were studying in the garden yesterday .

2-] It is used to express an action interrupted by another action .

Keywords :

While , as  , just as , when .

While , as , just as } past continuous , past simple .

Ex. While  [ As , Just as ]Ali was studying , his father came .

When } past simple , past continuous .

Ex. When the phone rang , Khalid was having his lunch .

3-] It is used two actions happening or were happening at the same time .

While , as , just as } present continuous [ or past continuous ] the two sentences.

Ex.  I am watching a film while [ as , just as ] my friend is playing football .

        I was watching a film while [ as , just as ] my friend is playing football .

Note :

We do not use the past continuous in the following :

1-] Events or habits in the past . The past simple is used . ‘Used to’ is preferred.

Ex . We visited our uncle every summer .

         When I was a child , I played [ used to play ] with toys .

2-] Repeated actions in the past .

Ex. They visited Luxor twice last year .


Exercise 1

Use the correct form of the verb:

We (watch) the shop windows when we met Amal .

I (wait) outside the theatre when I saw Said .

When Adel arrived, Soma (study).

When he saw Ramesh in the library, he (return) his books.

When I saw them at midnight, they (try) to find a taxi.

Exercise 2


Change the following sentences into negative:

Salem was living in Cairo in July last year.

Nader was talking to Saleh at ten o’clock last night.

At four o’clock yesterday we were all drinking tea.

I was trying to get a taxi at ten o clock last night.

It was raining in Alexandria at five o’clock last evening.

Exercise 3

Change the following sentences into questions:

They were crying there.

He was playing cricket.

He was doing his homework.

Rania and Rubi were cooking in the kitchen.

We were going to the market.

Exercise 4

Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in brackets : (Past Tense)

1. The baby …………… in the room. (weep)

2. Children …………… a noise in the class. (make)

3. Why …………… you …………… at her ? (look)

4. We saw the aeroplane while it …………… . (take off)

5. The students …………… their morning prayer when I reached their school. (say)

6. I …………… my beard when the telephone bell rang. (shave)

7. My mother …………… when I returned home. (sleep)

8. The old lady …………… the Gita when the guests arrived. (read)

9. Mother …………… tea for us when the school bus homed. (prepare)

10. She found that the baby …………… bitterly. (cry)

The Future Continuous Tense .

Form :

Will + be + verb + ing [ present participle ]

Use .

It is used to express an action that will be happening at a specific time in the future .

The Future Continuous Tense is used to express an event that is expected to take place in the normal course or at some time in the future ; as—

Ex . I will be watching a football match at 7 o’clock tomorrow .

They will be visiting the Pyramids next Friday afternoon .

We shall be playing a football match on Sunday.

The new edition of this book will be coming out shortly.

When I reach Calcutta, it will be raining heavily there.

Will you be taking part in the debate ? (Interrogative)

The farmers will not be watering the plants at this time. (Negative)


Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in the brackets : (Future Tense)

1. Dinesh …………… for us at the appointed time. (wait)

2. When Sara calls on me, I …………… my clothes. (iron)

3. The gardener …………… the plants next month. (water)

4. Said…………… his lesson tomorrow at this time. (revise)

5. Mohamad…………… tea when you enter her room. (make)

6. The patient …………… rest when the doctor arrives. (take)

7. The peon …………… the bell when 1 reach the school. (ring)

8. Shahin …………… for Aswan this time tomorrow. (leave)

9. We …………… our courses by the end of January. (complete)

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense .

Form :

He , She , It + singular subjects }             has

I , We , They , You + plural subjects  } have         + been + verb + ing [ present participle ]

Uses :

1-] It indicates an action that started in the past , its continuity now or at the moment is stressed .

Keywords :

For [ period of time ] , since [ start of time ] , all .

Ex . It has been raining for two days .

        It has been raining all the day .

        It has been raining since Friday .

2-] It is used to describe a repeated regular action which has recently started and is still continuing and may continue in the future .

Ex . They have been revising their lessons this week .

3-] It is used to explain a present state . [ No need to mention the time ]

Ex. He has been running , so he is out of breath .

Note :

1-] It is not used when the times of the action are mentioned . The present perfect or the past simple is used .

Ex . I have visited my friend 3 times this week .

        I visited my friend 3 times this week .

2-] The present perfect and the present perfect continuous are the same when we change from active into passive .

Ex . She has studied her lessons . She has been studying her lessons .

        Her lessons have been studied by her .

Since as a joining word :

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(Shall/will + have been + Verb + ing)

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express an action that will have been going on at or before some point of time in the Future ; as—

We shall have been waiting for you for a long time.

 Exercise 1


Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in brackets using future tense.

1. They …………… the sums since morning. (solve)

2. We …………… in the river for three hours before noon. (bathe)

3. We …………… our time during examination days. (not waste)

4. The farmers …………… the fields since 2008. (plough)

5. …………… he …………… for you for an hour ? (wait)

6. By next year, I …………… in Japan for seven years. (live)

7. Our school team …………… the other team for the seventh time. (defeat)

8. She …………… since 8 A.M. before I reach home at noon. (study)

Present perfect / present perfect continuous { since } past simple .

Ex . I have been writing 3 letters since I started writing .

        I haven’t visited my friend , since I came from Luxor .

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense .

Form :

Had + been + verb + ing [ present participle ]

Use :

It is used to describe something or an action that happened for a length of time before another action in the past .

Ex . When I got home , I was very tired . I had been working all day .

The town was flooded . It had been raining for three days .

 Tense       Indefinite     Continuous or Progressive      Perfect                  Perfect Continuous


Present      I play              I am playing                     I have played         I have been laying

Past          I played           I was playing                        I had played        I had been playing

Future     I shall play   I shall be playing             I shall have played       I shall have been playing


Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous Tense of the verbs given in brackets.

We ______  English for two years. (study)

He ______  in this school for several years. (teach)

I ______  in this flat since 2000. (live)

It ______ for three hours. (rain)

They ______  for seven hours. (work)

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with since or for:

He has been here ………………..  last Monday.

She has been on the phone ……………….. twenty minutes.

I have been in this town ……………….. 1967.

You have been married ……………….. six years.

Raman has been on holiday ……………….. last Friday.

Exercise 3

Fill in the following blanks with correct tense (present) of the verbs given in brackets :

1. It …………… outside for half an hour. (hall)

2. The storm …………… since 4 O’clock. (howl)

3. I …………… for the bus since morning. (wait)

4. Since when …………… you in this school ? (read)

5. It not …………… since midnight. (rain)

6. She …………… midnight oil for five years. (bum)

7. I …………… for the examination for one year. (prepare)

8. Malaria …………… in this city since July. (rage)

9. How long …………… you …………… for me ? (wait)

10. The washerwoman …………… our clothes since 1985. (wash)

Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with correct present tense form of the verbs given in brackets :

1. Water …………… at 100°C. (boil)

2. We …………… a hockey match tomorrow. (play)

3. …………… your brother …………… his account ? (clear)

4. The cattle …………… in the field. (graze)

5. She …………… meat several times. (taste)

Exercise 5

 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs (present tense) given in brackets :

1. There …………… (go) the bell !

2. If you …………… not …………… (obey), you will be punished.

3. …………… you …………… (go) for a walk daily ?

4. The players …………… (warm) themselves up at the moment.

5. The train …………… just (arrive).

Exercise 6

Supply the correct form of the verbs (present tense) given in brackets :

1. Ask him what he (want).

2. The girls (rehearse) a play for the School Day.

3. She (absent) herself since Monday last.

4. What (make) you laugh ?

5. I (fly) to New York next week.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Structure of the Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

—> Subject + had been + V4 (V1 + ing)

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used for an action that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to that time; as:

Ramadan had been reading book for two hours.

It had been raining continuously since last Wednesday.

You had not been going to school since Tuesday.

He had not been meeting me for a month.

Where had Raman been playing since noon?

Error Correction

Each of the following sentences in this exercise has an underlined word/phrase and three words/phrases are given after the sentence. If one of the given words/ phrases makes the sentence grammatically correct, select the word/phrase as your answer. If the sentence is grammatically correct as it is, choose option (d) i.e. No correction.

Question 1.

When Kovid died he and Nisha had been married for six years.

(a) have been

(b) has been

(c) having been

(d) No correction


(d) No correction

Question 2.

If it rained we will get wet.

(a) rains, will bc

(b) raining, will

(c) rains, will

(d) No correction


(c) rains, will

Question 3.

I am contributing to my nation’s infrastructure.

(a) contributing

(b) contributed

(c) contributes

(d) No correction


(a) contributing

Question 4.

I appeared for the interview today.

(a) appear

(b) has appeared

(c) appearing

(d) No correction


(d) No correction

Question 5.

In the last ten years, the problem has almost became an epidemic.

(a) becomes

(b) become

(c) had become

(d) No correction


(b) become

Question 6.

She waiting for her sister’s marriage.

(a) waits

(b) is waiting

(c) will waiting

(d) No correction


(b) is waiting

Question 7.

Digital downloads having changed the way we listen to music.

(a) been

(b) having been

(c) have

(d) No correction


(c) have

Question 8.

Now would be a good time to get your stuff in order.

(a) get

(b) getting

(c) gets

(d) No correction


(a) get

Question 9.

Suhail will have arrived in the hospital by now.

(a) has arrived

(b) is arriving

(c) will has arrived

(d) No correction


(d) No correction

Question 10.

But nothing has changed in the way we are storing and manage our MP3s.

(a) managed

(b) managcs

(c) managing

(d) No correction


(c) managing

Question 11.

Kejriwal p 18 conditions before Sonia and Rajnath.

(a) put

(b) putting

(c) had puts

(d) No correction


(a) put

Question 12.

Bru Gold coffee have an incredible aroma.

(a) having

(b) has

(c) had

(d) No correction


(b) has

Question 13.

I have read this book since 10 am.

(a) have been read

(b) have reading

(c) have been reading

(d) No correction


(c) have been reading

Question 14.

Does Shams go for a walk every morning?

(a) goes

(b) going

(c) will go

(d) No correction


(d) No correction


Question 15.

Samir came to meet me after you have leaving.

(a) have left

(b) had left

(c) left

(d) No correction


(b) had left

Question 16.

As soon as Mona heard the alarm, she left for work.

(a) hears

(b) hear

(c) will hear

(d) No correction


(d) No correction

Question 17.

Watching too many cartoons and junk food consumption are triggers that are lead to obesity in children.

(a) are lead

(b) lead

(c) are leading

(d) No correction


(c) are leading

Question 18.

When I left home my brother watch television.

(a) watches

(b) watched

(c) was watching

(d) No correction


(c) was watching

Question 19.

The Earth revolved around the sun.

(a) revolves

(b) is revolving

(c) revolve

(d) No correction


(a) revolves

Question 20.

All of us have a great time at the parry.

(a) had

(b) will having

(c) having

(d) No correction


(a) had

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with suitable verb:

You had been …………………. till now since morning, (slept, sleeping, sleep)

She …………………. sun-bath for a month, (have been taking, had taken, had been taking)

I …………………. this car for four years, (have driven, had driven, had been driving)

He had not been …………………. for a few days, (seen, saw, seeing)

The players had been …………………. for three hours, (running, ran, run)

…………………. he been studying for examination for four days? (had, have)

Where had he been …………………. for so many days? (lived, live, living)

Exercise 2

Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in brackets (Past Tense).

1. She …………… hard since December. (study)

2. Sara …………… her lover for many years. (befool)

3. How …………… long the two neighbors when a third one joined them ? (quarrel)

4. I …………… for four hours when you knocked at my door. (sleep)

5. Tenzing …………… to climb Everest for many years before he succeeded in his mission, (try)

Exercise 3


Rewrite the following sentences changing the Verbs into the Past Tense :

1. Our hen lays one egg daily.

2. Whenever my mother comes, she brings toys for me.

3. She knows that your brother turns with a tide.

4. Anyone who travels by railway through India can see that the country is well sup¬plied with natural wealth.

5. He behaves nicely at tables, talks gently, remains cheerful, thinks of others, keeps an eye on the company and tries to be pleasant and polite in every way.

Rewrite the following sentences changing the Verbs into the Present Tense :

1. No one knew what was in store for him.

2. Work, not worth, shall rule mankind.

3. Why did he abuse you ?

4. Fortunately the fighting was over soon.

5. Meanwhile President Kennedy’s father fell ill.

6. A school bus accident killed scores of children.

General Exercises On Tenses

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the option so that the sentence appears to be in the correct form of Tense.

Q.1. How many pegs of Vodka _____ yesterday?

Did you drink

Do you drink

You have drank

You were drinking

Q.2. She shall _____ your ice-cream parlour soon because she ____ ice-cream.

Be visiting, like

Visit, likes

Have been visiting, is liking

Visiting, like

Q.3. Shakespeare ____ dramas that are appealing to the people of all ages.


Had written

Had been writing

Has written

Q.4. The barber ___ his finger while he ____ off my hair.

Had cut, was chopping

Cut, chop

Cut, was chopping

Cuts, had been chopping

Q.5. Salah ___ for London early and he must ___ by this time.

Leave, have been reaching

Left, have reached

Had left, be reaching

Left, have been reached

Q.6. No, Rama is not at home, He ___ just ____ for shopping

had, gone

has, gone

was , going

will have, be going

Q.7. It is clearly ____ ‘passengers ____ to smoke in the train’, still, they ___ ignorant.

Written, are not allowed, are being

Written, was not allowed, be

Wrote, do not allow, are been

Written, are not allowing, have been

Q.8. They ____ a football match in the evening. What ___ you do?

Were playing, do

Played, did

Have played, —

Are playing, will

Q.9. Sheren ____ what you mean. Please explain it to her again.

Don’t understand

Didn’t understand

Doesn’t understand

Hadn’t understand

Q.10. By the end of this September, she ____in this organization for thirteen years.

Will work

Had been working

Will have been working

Will be working

Q.11. Nancy and Princy ____ to our house to play the treasure hunt with us.

Will have been coming

Had been to come

Are coming


Q.12. The flight ____ before we reach the airport.

Will have taken off

Has taken off

Is taking off

Was taking off

Q.13. I have just ____ a typewriter and I ____ typing nowadays.

Have been hiring, have been learning

Hired, have learned

Had hired, am learning

Have been hired, had been learning

Q.14. Mother ___ me to watch time and return soon, I replied, Please don’t worry, if  ____ late tonight.

Is asking, I will be

Asked, I am

Had been asking, be

Had asked, I will be

Q.15. If she ___ late just one more time the manager ____ suspend her.

Is arriving, is going to

Will be arriving, would

Arrives, will

Is going to arrive, would have

Q.16. They  ___ out for an evening walk after they ____ dinner.

Went, had taken

go , had taken

Have gone, took

Are going, took

Q.17. The warden ___ into the room to see what the students ____.

Go, had been doing

Went, was doing

Gone, had been doing

Went, were doing

Q.18. When our train ____  at the station, we found the bridegroom’s family ____ for us.

Was reaching, waited

Reached, had been waiting

Have been reaching, waited

Reached, waiting

Q.19. Rohan, I ___ seen you for a long time, How ___?

Had not, are you

Have not, have you been

Did not, had you been

Have not, are you been

Q.20. She ____ movies. ____ any recent Hollywood movies?

Loves watching, have you watched

Love to watching, did you watched

Is loving, have you been watching

Loves watching, had you seen

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of present tense from those given in brackets.

(a) I am attempting the Civil Services exam coming up, so I ………………. (am/is) studying hard these days.

(b) My grandmother ………………. (carries/carrying) a walking stick when she goes out for a walk.

(c) Shashi isn’t at home. She ………………. (is/are) out shopping with our father.

(d) Can you speak louder please, I ………………. (am not/cannot) hear you.

(e) My widower uncle often ………………. (coming/comes) to our house for lunch on Sundays.

(f) Since he changed his job, he ………………. (found/has found) more time to relax and enjoy his hobby.

(g) I feel proud of my team as it ………………. (performed/has performed) very well.

(h) Look! They ………………. (gossip and while away/are gossiping and whiling away) their time.

(i) An apple a day ………………. (keeps/is keeping) the doctor away.

(j) By profession, an artist ………………. (creates/is creating) a picture whereas an author ………………. (writes/is writing) a book.

2. Fill in the blanks in the telephone conversation given below with the correct present tense form of the verb given in brackets.

Sameer : Savita! How (a) ………………. (be) you? This is Sameer.

Savita : Ahhh……Sameer! I (b) ………………. (be) fine. How are you?

Sameer : I’m great, thanks.

Savita : That (c) ………………. (be) good. So, what’s up?

Sameer : Well, I (d) ………………. (has) a problem for you to solve.

Savita : Sure, just say it.

Sameer : My motorcycle (e) ………………. (be) defective. I (f) ………………. (try) to repair it for days. I (g) ………………. (not, know) what is wrong with it. I (h) ………………. (no, can, fix) it.

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of past tense by selecting from the options given in brackets.

(a) The other employees had already left the office but Hani ………………. (still worked/was still working) there.

(b) A small boy ………………. (fell/was falling) from the train when it was moving at full speed.

(c) We saw a bus fallen into a ditch when we ………………. (went/were going) to Mansoura .

(d) Anita ………………. (burnt/was burning) her finger while she was cooking.

(e) While I ………………. (waited/was waiting) for my bus Rashid was running after hers.

(f) The farmer sold the crop after he ………………. (harvested/had harvested) it.

(g) Indians ………………. (had fought/fought) a long struggle before they ………………. (had attained/attained) independence.

(h) The train ………………. (departed/had departed) before we reached the station.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of past tense of the verbs given in brackets.

(a) Ali ………………. (bring up) by his father because his mother died when he was a baby.

(b) Ramesh, who ………………. (work) in Banha for 10 years, is now seriously ill.

(c) I once ………………. (hear) Honey Singh singing live on the stage.

(d) Majid, my best friend, ………………. (stay) in Aswan for the last five years.

(e) Nisma (break) her left ankle bone while she ………………. (dance) at the party.

(f) Tailor Master, are the clothes I ………………. (give) for stitching ready yet?

(g) Salem ………………. (not/write) a letter to me since last year.

(h) Mummy, tell Papa that his phone ………………. (ring) while he ………………. (have) his bath.

. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of future tense of the verbs given in brackets.

(a) Now Nikhil ………………… (want) to move to a bigger city for a better job.

(b) The famous Dr. Yaqob ………………… (operate) on my uncle tomorrow to remove his tumour.

(c) Sara’s mother ………………… (stay) in a rented house after her divorce gets through.

(d) Ahmad………………… (win) the wrestling bout against Nasser this evening, I’m sure.

(e) I think Raman………………… (start) his journey tomorrow.

(f) Our Math teacher ………………… (correct) the exam papers by Sunday.

(g) I think Anil ………………… (certainly/get) good marks in the Social Science test.

(h) By 7 PM, Sameera ………………… (finish) her homework.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of future tense by selecting from the options given in brackets.

(a) The train ………………… (will have left/will leave) from Rajkot by 10 PM.

(b) My grandfather will ………………… (have arrived/be arriving) at home by now.

(c) The entertainment program ………………… (will have ended/will end) by now.

(d) I think that tomorrow Rania ………………… (is starting/will start) on her new project.

(e) My class teacher ………………… (probably assigning/will probably assign) a lot of homework for the summer holidays.

(f) The building contractor ………………… (will finishing/will have finished) my new house by next month.

(g) I will ………………… (be completing/have completed) this task at this time tomorrow.

(h) I ………………… (will be passing/will have passed) my MBA by the time you return from abroad.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb (mixed tenses) given in brackets.

One day a husband and wife (a) ………………… (drive) to the countryside to visit their friends when they realized they needed to stop for petrol. The man was filling up the car when he (b) ………………… (see) a penguin standing by the petrol pump. He (c) ………………… (think) it was very strange and when he went to the cashier to pay, he asked, “Why is there a penguin standing next to the pump?”

The cashier replied, “I don’t know. It (d) ………………… (be) there all morning.”

Put in the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.

1- ]We-------------- TV when it started to rain. (to watch)

2- ]I ------------------- to visit you yesterday, but you

 not at home. (to want) (to be)

3- ] Look! It -------------------, so we can't --------------- to the beach. (to rain) (to go)

4- ] There are a lot of clouds! It---------------- soon. (to rain)

5- ] The sun--------------------- in the east. (to rise)

6- ] Since 2011 they -------------------------- their son every year. (to visit)

7- ] While the doctor ------------------------ Mr. Jones this morning, his son

 outside. (to examine) (to wait)

8- ] I---------------- for my father for two hours. (to wait)

9- ] After Larry ----------------- the film on TV, he decided to buy the book. (to see)

10- ] Wait a minute, I ---------------- this box for you. (to carry)

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.

1. The boys were playing games when it ………………………. raining.

was starting


had started

2. You were watching TV when I ……………………… for my exam.


am preparing

was preparing

3. The phone ………………………. while I was cooking dinner.



was ringing

4. How long ……………………… a social activist?

have you been

are you

were you

5. We …………………….. each other for a long time.


are knowing

have known

6. We ……………………… nothing from all the wars in history.

are learning

have learnt


7. I ………………………… well for the exam.


have prepared

had prepared

8. I ……………………….. well for the exam, yet I failed.


have prepared

was preparing

9. The teacher ……………………… an interesting question in the class yesterday.


has asked


10. I looked around but I ……………………. anyone.

didn't find

hadn't found

don't find

11. She threw a glass at me, but ……………………

was missing


had missed

2. If you don’t hurry, you …………………. the train.

will miss

would miss


Conjunctions [ Joining Words ] .

Conjunctions are joining words that join two sentences and ae divided into kinds .

1-]Addition .

And -  as well    too    besides – in addition .

In addition to – as well as – not only ….. but also – not only ….but …/ as well –besides – both….. and – either …or .

And – as well – too – besides – in addition .

Ex . I will play football and watch TV.

        I will play football and watch TV as well [ too , in addition , besides ]

Besides – as well as – in addition to – [ verb + ing ‘gerund’ / noun ].

Ex . Besides [ As well as – In addition to  ] going to school , he works in a shop .

        Besides  [ In addition to – As well as ] his success as a businessman , he is a                                    

    talented writer and director .

‘Both’     noun  ‘and’  → noun /  ‘Either’  → noun ‘or’  → noun / as well as .

Ex. Both Ahmad and Ali play football .

       Ahmad as well as his brothers plays football .[ The form of the verb follows  

       the first subject ]

       My sister as well as  her friends is coming to the party .

       Either  Ahmad or  Ali plays football .

       Either Ali or his father and mother are coming . [ the form of the verb follows

       the second subject ]

Not only ……but also ….. / not only ……but ……as well /.

Ex . Ahmad not only played football but also watched TV.

       Ahmad not only played football but watched TV as well .

       Not only did Ahmad play football but also watched TV .

       Not only did Ahmad play football but watched TV as well .

       Not only Ahmad but also all his classmates play football . [ the form of the

       verb follows the second subject ]

Negation :

 Both ….and / either ……or / not only …….. but also / are negated by using ‘neither ……nor’ …..

The form of the verb follows the subject after ‘nor’ .

Ex . Neither Ali nor his friends play football .

        Neither my brother nor my sisters are coming to the party .

2-] Reason [ Cause ] .

Because – since – as } sentence .

Due to – owing to – because of – through – as a result of [ verb + ing ‘gerund’ / noun ]

Because – as – since .

Ex . I went to the doctor because [ as / since ] I was ill .

        I go to school because [ as / since ] I want to learn .

Due to – owing to – because of – through – as a result of .

Ex . I went to the doctor due to [ owing to – because of – through – as a result of ] being ill / my illness .

He won the prize due to [ owing to – because of – through – as a result of ] training hard / his hard training .

3-] Result .

So – therefore – hence – consequently – as a result } sentence .

Ex . He drove his car carelessly , so [ therefore – hence – consequently – as a result ] he had an accident .

5-] Purpose .

To – in order to – so as to } infinitive .

That – so that – in order that } sentence .

To – in order to – so as to } infinitive .

Ex. I go to the club to [ in order to – so as to ] do karate .

That – so that – in order that } sentence .

Present simple  { that – so that – in order that } may / can + infinitive .

Ex . We go to the beach that [ so that – in order that ] we can ‘may’ enjoy the fresh air and go swimming .

Past simple { that – so that – in order that } might , could + infinitive .

Ex . We went to the beach that [ so that – in order that ] we could ‘might’ enjoy the fresh air and go swimming .

5-] Contrast .

Sentence { But , however } sentence .

Though , although – even though[{ sentence }  .

In spite of – despite { verb + ing ‘gerund’ / noun }

But , however .

Ex. The student was ill , but [ however ] he went to school .

Though – although – even though [ sentence ] .

Ex . Although  [ although – even though ] she was tired , she worked hard .

        Our team won the match , although [ though , even though ] they did not play

        well .

in spite of , despite { verb + ing ‘gerund’ / noun }.

Ex . In spite of { Despite } being tired [ her tiredness ] , she worked hard .

6-]Conditionals .

If – in case – provided – providing [ that ] – as long as → sentence .

In case of , with [ verb + ing’ gerund’ / noun ].

Unless – otherwise → sentence .

Without – but for [ verb + ing ‘gerund’ / noun ].

1-] Zero conditional .

Present simple { if ,unless etc. } present simple .

Ex . If we boil water , it evaporates .

        If water is boiled , it evaporates .

        Unless we boil water , it does not evaporate .

        Unless water is boiled , it does not ‘doesn’t’ evaporate .

        In case of boiling water , it evaporates .

Use :

It is used to express facts .

2-] The first conditional .

 [ if , in case , provided , providing  ‘that’, as long as  ] present simple , simple future .

Ex. If [ In case , Provided , Providing that , As long as ]  he woks hard , he will succeed .

       If [ In case , Provided , Providing that , As long as ] he doesn’t work hard , he

       will not ‘won’t’ succeed[ will fail ] .

- It is possible to use ‘ may’ if something is possible but not certain  ,and  ‘can’ to express ability .We use ‘going to’ not ‘will’ , if we plan for future .

Ex. If he comes late , he may be punished .

       If he trains hard , he can cross the river .

       If we can’t go camping , we are going to visit Luxor .

{ In case of – with } verb + ing ‘gerund’ / ‘nouns’ .

Ex . In case of / With /training hard , he will / may / can cross the river .

Unless = If not .

Ex . Unless  [ If not ] he trains hard , he will not ‘won’t / can not ‘can’t’ / may not’ cross the river .

        He trains hard , otherwise he won’t cross the river .

Without  / But for  →verb + ing +ing 'gerund^'  noun  .

Ex. Without [ But for ]training hard ‘hard training’ , he won’t cross the river .

Uses .

1- ]It is used to express possibility or probability .

Ex . If you study hard , you will succeed . [ possibility ]

2-] It is used for ‘warning’ , ‘threatening’ , ‘promise’ and ‘advice’ .

Ex . If you play here , I’ll hit you . [ threatening ]

        If you play with matches , you will burn yourself . [ warning ]

        If you come first , I’ll give you a prize .[ promise ]

        If you eat your food , wash your hands [ you should wash your hands ].[advice]

3-] The second conditional .

 [ If , unless ] past simple  [unreal past ] , future in the past [ would + infinitive ]

Ex . If he worked hard , he would get high marks .

        Unless he worked hard , he would not ‘wouldn’t’ get high marks .

Use :

It is used to express impossibility .

4-] The third conditional .

{ If , Unless etc. } past perfect  , perfect future [ would + have + past participle ] .

Ex . If he studied hard , he would have succeeded . [ regret ]

        If I had learned German , I would have spoken to tourists . [ wish ]

Use . It is used to express regret or wish .

7-] The Relative Clause .

The relative clause describes , adds to the subject or is related to it by a joining word that joins the two sentences .

1-] ‘Who’ or / ‘that’ + sentence  is used when the relative clause describes or is related to a person – subject or object .

Ex . I visited my brother . He lives in Alexandria .

        I visited my brother who [ that ] lives in Alexandria .

        I respect the manager of the company . He is serious and hard-working .

        I respect the manager of the company who [ that ] is serious and hard-working .

        The businessman owns a big company . He is one of the richest people .

        The businessman who owns a big company is on of the richest people .

2-] ‘Which’ , or ‘that’ + sentence describes or is related to a ‘thing’ – subject or object.

Ex . The students read in the library . It is quiet and tidy .

        The students read in the library which [ that ] is quiet and tidy .

         The cow is a useful animal . It gives us meat and milk .

         The cow is a useful animal which [ that ] gives us meat and milk .

3-] ‘Where’ / or ‘preposition + which’ + sentence  describes or is related to a place .

Ex . The sea is clean . Many people swim in tit .

         The sea is clean where [ in which ] many people swim .

4-] ‘When’ / or ‘preposition + sentence’ describes or is related to ‘time’ – subject or object .

Ex . Spring is fantastic . Many birds fly and sing .

        Spring is fantastic when ‘in which’ many birds fly and sing .

5-] ‘Whose’ is used for possession .

Ex . My friend is rich . His father is a millionaire .

        My friend is rich whose father is a millionaire .

Conjunction Exercises

Complete each sentence using the subordinating conjunction from the parenthesis:

1- ] I visit the Grand Canyon _________ I go to Arizona. (once, whenever, wherever)

2- ] This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how)

3- ] _________ you win first place, you will receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless)

4- ] You won’t pass the test _________ you study. (when, if, unless)

5- ] I could not get a seat, _________ I came early. (as, though, when)

6- ] We are leaving Wednesday _________ or not it rains. (if, whether, though)

7- ] Pay attention to your work _________ you will not make mistakes. (so that, unless, or)

8- ] The musicians delivered a rousing performance _________ they had rehearsed often. (though, as, once)

9- ] She’s honest _________ everyone trusts her. (if, so, when)

10- ] Write this down _________ you forget. (or, when, lest)

Complete each sentence using the correct correlative conjunction pair from the parenthesis:

1- ]I plan to take my vacation _________ in June _________ in July. (whether / or, either / or, as / if)

2- ] _________ I’m feeling happy _________ sad, I try to keep a positive attitude. (either / or, whether / or, when / I’m)

3- ] _________ had I taken my shoes off _________ I found out we had to leave again. (no sooner / than, rather / than, whether / or)

4- ] _________ only is dark chocolate delicious, _________ it can be healthy. (whether / or, not / but, just as / so)

5- ] _________ I have salad for dinner, _____________________I can have ice cream for dessert. (if /then, when / than, whether / or)

6- ] _________ flowers _________ trees grow _________ during warm weather. (not only / or, both / and, not / but)

7- ] _________ do we enjoy summer vacation, _________ we _________ enjoy winter break. (whether / or, not only / but also, either / or)

8- ] Calculus is _________ easy _________ difficult _________ (not / but, both / and, either / or)

9- ] It’s _________ going to rain _________ snow tonight. (as / if, either / or, as / as)

10- ] Savory flavors are _________ sweet _________ sour. (often / and, neither / nor, both / and)

Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunction from the parenthesis:

1- ] My car has a radio _________ a CD player. (but, or, and)

2- ] Sharon hates to listen to rap music, _________ will she tolerate heavy metal. (but, nor, or)

3- ] Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, _________ Bill insisted that they fly. (and, or, but)

4- ] I’m afraid of heights, _________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building. (and, yet, nor)

5- ] I have to be on time, _________ my boss will be annoyed if I’m late. (and, nor, for)

6- ] Do you like chocolate _________ vanilla ice cream better? (or, nor, and)

7- ] I have to go to work at six, _________ I’m waking up at four. (but, so, yet)

8- ] I was on time, _________ everyone else was late. (so, but, for)

9- ] Nadia doesn’t like to drive, _________ she takes the bus everywhere. (but, yet, so)

10- ] Our trip to the museum was interesting, _________ there were several new artifacts on display. (but, for, yet)

Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunctive adverb from the parenthesis:

1- ] Bianca wore her rain boots; _________, her feet stayed dry during the storm. (however, therefore, on the other hand)

2- ] I love the color red; _________, this shade seems a little too bright. (therefore, nonetheless, in fact)

3- ] You have to be on time; _________, you’ll miss the train. (nonetheless, however, otherwise)

4- ] Teresa likes to read; _________, her sister Julia prefers to watch TV. (however, in contrast, again)

5- ] She really wanted to eat ice cream; _________, she had a salad. (however, likewise, instead)

6- ] We were working hard; _________, Jill and Jerry were lounging by the pool. (meanwhile, instead, therefore)

7- ] He is a weak leader; _________, he has plenty of supporters. (otherwise, moreover, nevertheless)

8- ] She has an incredible voice; _________, she will go far in her music career. (otherwise, undoubtedly, similarly)

9- ] Natalie wanted to make pie but didn’t have apples; _________, she decided to bake a cake. (therefore, namely, in contrast)

10- ] We had hoped to go to Spain; _________, we ended up in France. (otherwise, instead, again)

Complete with the correct conjunction.

1- ] I need to work hard -------------- I can pass the exam.

2- ] ------------- he was the best candidate, he didn't win the elections.

3- ] -------------------- you come back from your trip, we'll meet to discuss the problem.

4- ] They said that the movie was fantastic, ---------------- I watched it.

5- ] ------------------- he was very ill, he didn't take any medicine.

6- ] I don't know ---------------------- I can buy a pair of jeans.

7- ] She went to the shops------------------ couldn't find anything that could fit her needs.

8- ] Everybody likes him because he is nice ------------------- helpful.

9- ] --------------- he was angry with her, he didn't utter a word.

10- ] Keep quiet ---------------------- go out.

Choose the correct answer (and or but)

1- ] It was a difficult exam,-------------- I passed it.

2- ] She worked hard --------------------- made a lot of money.

3- ] He looks too serious, --------------- in fact, he's so much fun.

4- ] I was against the new project, ---------------------- I accepted to help.

5- ] He was late ---------------- wasn't allowed to get in.

6- ] It was very expensive, ---------------- I bought it.

7- ] She was very poor, ------------------ she never asked for help.

8- ] He wanted to eat sushi for dinner, ------------------ he couldn't find a Japanese restaurant.

9- ] He stopped talking -------------------- lit a cigarette.

10- ] I wanted to attend the meeting, ---------------- I couldn't because I was very ill.

Choose the correct answer :

1- ] I like sugar in my tea, [and – but – or – so ]  I don't like milk in it.

2- ] Listen to the story [ and – because – but – or ]  answer the questions in complete sentences.

3- ] Is it Thursday [ and – but – or – then ]  Friday today?

4- ] He was late [ although – because – but – or ]  the bus didn't come.

5- ] We were very tired [ and – but – or – so ]  happy after our flight to Sydney.

6- ] They climbed the mountain [ although – nor – or – so ]  it was very windy.

7- ] [ And – But – So – While ] Lenny was watching the planes his wife was reading in the car.

8- ]I'll text you [ after – or – so – then ]  I have arrived in Toronto.

9- ] Neither my brother [ and – but – nor – so ]  my sister own a car.

10- The sun was warm, [ after – nor – so – yet ]

 the wind was a bit too cool.

Choose the correct answer :

I will phone you ... I arrive at the hotel, the minute I get there, I promise.



  ?    as soon as

  ?    after

... the weather is good tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.

  ?    If

  ?    When

  ?    Until

  ?    As soon as

What ... when you get home tonight?

  ?    you do

  ?    will you do

  ?    do you do

  ?    do you

If ... hard, I will achieve good results.

  ?    I will study

  ?    I study

  ?    I'm studying

  ?    I studied

After ... school, I want to go to university.

  ?    I leave

  ?    I will leave

  ?    I'm going to leave

  ?    I'm leaving

Don't wait up for me tonight; I won't be back ... late.

  ?    before

  ?    when

  ?    until

  ?    after

If he ... that plant soon, it will die.

  ?    not water

  ?    waters

  ?    don't water

  ?    doesn't water

I can't wait ... the skiing season starts.

  ?    until

  ?    before

  ?    when

  ?    while

If I ... back late tonight, I'll just order a pizza.

  ?    gets

  ?    will get

  ?    got

  ?    get

This is important, can you send the document ... possible.

  ?    when

  ?    if

  ?    until

  ?    as soon as

Don't worry, if I have any problem, ... you.

  ?    I call

  ?    I'll call

  ?    I'm going to call

  ?    I'm calling

Use the words in the box to complete the sentences below.

[ in case      unless     provided     in the event     whether ]

1- ] ---------------- that Jane sees the broken vase, just tell her the dog ran into it.

2- ] Bring my phone number with you when you travel -------------- you need to get in contact with me.

 3- ] -----------------that you have filled out the form correctly, you should get your refund within seven working days.

 4- ] ---------------------you tell me where to go, I'll get lost.

5- ] Bring these chips with you-------------------- you get hungry on the journey.

6- ] Jane needs to know---------------------- you still want to buy her old car or not.

Q1 - She didn't like _____ of them.



Q2 - Doesn't she like _____ of them?



Q3 - I'm sorry, but I couldn't get through to ______ of them.



Q4 - _____ of them told me about it so I didn't go.



Q5 - Did you manage to speak to _____ of them by any chance?



Q6 - If _____ of them can come, I'll be upset- I hope at least one turns up.



Q7 - We use a negative verb with...



Q8 - Neither...



Q9 - Either...



Q10 - We ____ a negative verb with 'neither'.


don't use

Choose the right indefinite pronouns each, every, either, neither, none, no, all to complete the following sentences in English.

The room was full of people and ______ were speaking.

  ?    all of them

  ?    neither of them

  ?    none of them

  ?    each of them

I looked everywhere for my pen and it was here ______.

  ?    all the time

  ?    each time

  ?    every time

  ?    none of the time

I had ________ a hundred offers for my car.

  ?    no less than

  ?    each

  ?    neither

  ?    all

He walked into the room with a knife in either _______.

  ?    hand

  ?    door

  ?    side

  ?    one

I tried to lift the heavy box but it was ______.

  ?    neither good

  ?    no good

  ?    no less than good

  ?    not good

I feel tired this evening. I've been working hard _______.

  ?    each day

  ?    every day

  ?    all day

  ?    day by day

The two cars were not in good condition, so I didn't buy ______.

  ?    both of them

  ?    either of them

  ?    neither of them

  ?    each of them

______ spent more time walking a century ago.

  ?    All

  ?    Each people

  ?    All persons

  ?    All people

People say that there is _______ like show business.

  ?    all business

  ?    all business

  ?    no business

  ?    not business

My girlfriend has got a gold earring in ______.

  ?    the ears

  ?    her two ears

  ?    each ear

  ?    every ear

Complete the sentences with both/ neither/ either/ both of/ neither of/ either of.

1- ] 'Do you want tea or coffee? ' ---------------, I really don’t mind.'

2. 'What day is it today - the 18th or the 19th?' ------------, It’s the 20th,'

3. 'There are two sandwiches here; which one shall I take? / 'Oh, take -----------: the sandwich with ham or the sandwich with cheese.'

4. I asked two people the way to the station but--------------them could help me.

5. 'When shall I phone you, morning or afternoon?' ----------------, I’ll be in all day.'

6. 'Where’s Kate? Is she at work or at home?'-----------------, she's away on holiday.'

7. To get to the town centre you can go along the footpath by the river or you can go along the road. You can go ---------------way.

8. I tried to call George twice but---------------- times he was out.

9. ----------------------Tom's parents is English. His father is Polish and his mother is Italian.

10. I was invited to two parties last week but I didn't go to -----------------them

11. Sarah and I play tennis together regularly but-------------------us can play very well.

12. I tried two bookshops for the book I wanted but ----------------them had it.

13. There were two windows in the room. It was very warm, so I opened ---------------them

Active & Passive Voice .

The active sentence is that with an active ‘doer’ or ‘subject’ , but the ‘doer’ or ‘subject’ is passive in the passive sentence – the emphasis is on the verb or action itself not the doer or subject .

Ex . The carpenter makes chairs . [ active - the emphasis is on the ‘doer’]

  Chairs are made by the carpenter . [ passive  - emphasis is on the verb not the ‘doer ]

How to change from active into passive :

1-] The object is used as the subject of the passive sentence .

2-] Verb ‘to be’ is used as a helping verb, depending on the tense of the active sentence and the object used as a subject .

3-] The past participle of the verb .

4-[ by + the subject .

I →me / We →us  /She →her / He →him / It →it / They →them / You →you .

The passive sentence in the different tenses .

1-] The present simple passive .

Am , is , are + past participle .

Ex . We play football .

        Football is played by us .

        They grow cows in their farm .

        Cows are grown by them in their farm .

2-] The past simple passive .

Was , were + past participle .

Ex . They made some kites .

        Some kites were made by them .

        I scored a goal .

        A goal was scored by me .

3-] The present continuous passive .

Am , is , are  + being + past participle .

Ex . He is studying English .

        English is being studied by him .

        She is reading many books .

        Many books are being read by her .

4-] The past continuous passive .

Was , were + being + past participle .

Ex . He was repairing the computer . 

        The computer was being repaired by her .

         The students were drawing maps .

          Maps were being drawn by the students .

5-] The present perfect passive .

Has , have + been + past participle .

Ex . I have irrigated the field .

        The field has been irrigated by me .

         She has bought some books .

         Some books have been bought by her .

6-]The past perfect passive .

Had + been + past participle .

Ex . You had passed the test .

        The test had been passed by you .

7-] The modals and ‘to’ infinitive .

Modal + be + past participle .

Must , have to , has to , shall , should , will , would , may , might , ought to , can , could , need to , going to .

Ex . I will play the match .

        The match will be played by me .

        We are going to write the lesson .

         The lesson is going to be written by us .

         He has to pass the test .

         The test has to be passed by him .

Notes .

1-] They started [ began ] to respect him .

      He started [ began ] to be respected by them .

2-] We had thought prices rose sharply .

      It had been thought that prices rose sharply .

       Prices had been thought to rise sharply .

3-] She missed her friends meeting her in the club .

     She missed being met by her friends in the club .

4-] His father didn’t let him go .

      He was not allowed to go .

5-] I haven’t told anyone about my journeys .

      No one has been told about my journeys .

6-] People say the director is going to resign .

     It is said that the director is going to resign .

7-] Nobody can solve this problem .

      This problem cannot be solved by anyone .

8-] He started to read .

      Reading was started by him .

The Causative .

Get + past participle .

This form can be used instead of verb ‘to be’ form .

Ex . The traffic jam delayed him to attend the conference .

        He was delayed by the traffic jam to attend the conference .

        He got delayed by the traffic jam .

        The police arrested the thief .

        The thief was arrested by the police .

         The thief got arrested by the police .

- We can do the same with these verbs such as [ elected , married to , caught , divorced , killed , suck , lost , hurt , injured , confused , dressed , puzzled , dismissed ].

Using ‘get’ and ‘have’ as causative :

Subject  + have , get [ in different tenses ] + object + past participle .

Use :

The causative is used when the subject has the ‘service’ or ‘something done’ by another person or others .

Ex . The mechanic will repair his car . [ get / have ]

         He will have [ get ] his car repaired by the mechanic .

Subject + will + have ‘get’ + object + past participle .

The mechanic has repaired my car .

I have had [ got ] my car repaired by the mechanic .

The Passive Constructions .

The passive constructions express what is said by people in general or unknown groups of people .

Form :

It + [ verb to be in different tenses ] +past participle + that + sentence .

Ex . People think that Ali will pass the test .

        It is thought that  Ali will pass the test .

   It + verb to be ‘is’ + past participle + that + sentence .

        Scientists may believe that pollution will end life on earth .

        It may be believed that pollution will end life on earth .

We can start with the subject after ‘that’ , so the form of the sentence is formed in this way :

Subject + verb’ to be’ [ in different tenses ] + past participle + to + infinitive .

Ex . They expect the athlete will get a medal in the Olympic Games .

        The athlete is expected   to get a medal in the Olympic Games .

Other Examples .

--It is recommended to use that medicine .

It is recommended that you use that medicine .

That medicine is recommended to be used .

- It is expected to live in space .

Experts expect living in space .

- It was reported that there was a fire .

  A fire was reported to be there .

Some verbs used for passive construction :

agree   claim   estimate           suggest

allege   consider          appreciate       suppose

announce         decide  expect  say

assume discover           propose           show

believe feel       recommend     declare

calculate          find      know    think

mention           understand      prove   conclude

Change the following active sentences into passive voice.

1. I did not beat her.

She is not beaten by me.

She has not beaten by me.

She was not beaten by me.

2. I will never forget this experience.

This experience is not forgotten by me.

This experience would never be forgotten by me.

This experience will never be forgotten by me.

3. Mother made a cake yesterday.

A cake made by mother yesterday.

A cake is made by mother yesterday.

A cake was made by mother yesterday.

4. The boy teased the girl.

The girl was teased by the boy.

The girl had teased by the boy.

5. Did she do her duty?

Was she done her duty?

Was her duty done by her?

Had her duty done by her?

6. The tiger was chasing the deer.

The deer was chased by the tiger.

The deer was being chased by the tiger.

The deer had chased by the tiger.

7. She has written a novel.

A novel has written by her.

A novel has been written by her.

A novel had written by her.

8. She has learned her lessons.

Her lessons has learned by her.

Her lessons have been learned by her.

Her lessons had been learned by her.

9. Have you finished the report?

Has the report finished by you?

Has the report been finished by you?

Had the report been finished by you?

10. The police have caught the thief.

The thief has been caught by the police.

The thief was caught by the police.

The thief had been caught by the police .

Change these active sentences to passive.

1) The Government is planning a new road near my house.

2) My grandfather built this house in 1943.

3) Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.

4) The cleaner has cleaned the office.

5) He had written three books before 1867.

6) John will tell you later.

7) By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal.

8) Somebody should do the work.

9) The traffic might have delayed Jimmy.

10) People speak Portuguese in Brazil.

11) Everybody loves Mr. Brown.

12) They are building a new stadium near the station.

13) The wolf ate the princess.

14) At six o'clock someone was telling a story.

15) Somebody has drunk all the milk!

16) I had cleaned all the windows before the storm.

17) A workman will repair the computer tomorrow.

18) By next year the students will have studied the passive.

19) James might cook dinner.

20) Somebody must have taken my wallet.

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1- ] John collects money. -

2- ] Anna opened the window. -

3- ] We have done our homework. -

4- ] I will ask a question. -

5- ] He can cut out the picture. -

6- ] The sheep ate a lot. -

7- ] We do not clean our rooms. -

8- ] William will not repair the car. -

9- ] Did Sue draw this circle? -

10- ] Could you feed the dog? –

Sentences are in the active voice. Change them into the passive voice.

1. He usually buys the tickets.


2. We booked the flights.


3. He opened the bottle easily.


4. She cleans my shoes.


5. They arrested the burglars.


6. He wrote the note.


7. They washed the car.


8. She found the key.


9. He sold his coin collection.


10. We started a new system.


11. Someone stole his car.


12. They used the towels.


13. We turned on the TV.


14. She served tea at 4.


15. The rain flooded the camp.


Positive & Negative Agreement .

So / neither .

Using ‘so’ for ‘positive agreement’ :

So + helping verb + subject .

Ex . Alan comes to school early , so do I .

        Ali is a student , so is his friend .

        Huda went to the park , so did her parents .

        He is studying hard , so am I .

Using ‘neither’ for ‘negative agreement’ .

Neither + helping verb + subject.

Ex . Salem isn’t a student , neither is his friend .

They won’t go fishing , neither will I

We shan’t be here , neither shall our friends .

The children didn’t have enough food , neither did Sami .

Verbs Followed By Infinitive Or Gerund .

A list of verbs that are followed by ‘to’ + infinitive only :





















Ex . He arranged to meet he manager .

        He threatened to kill the blackmailer.

        They offered to help us .

         She pretended to be ill .

         He refused to come .

         He longs to return home .

         She deserves to get a prize .

          He attempted to climb the mountain .

         He expected to increase the production .

A list of some common verbs followed by the gerund .
















can’t help

give up

go on

keep on

put off

can’t bear / stand


look forward to

don’t mind

Ex . The thief denied committing the crime .

        I suggest camping near the sea .

        He gave up smoking .

        She enjoys reading stories .

        I can’t bear [ stand ] listening to loud music .

Verbs that take either form , with a slight change in meaning :

Begin – start – continue – prefer .

Ex. When he began to [ started to ] play the match , he broke his leg . 

                                            [ just a particular occasion ]

He began [ started ] playing football , when he was six .                                                             

  [ general statement ‘activity’ ]

She continued to play music in the party .

She has  continued playing music since she was ten .

We prefer to have tea not coffee .

We prefer having tea .

Verbs that take either form with a big change in meaning :

Remember – forget – try – regret – stop .

Ex . He remembered to see his uncle . [ He remembered and then saw ‘did the verb’. ]

        He remembered seeing his uncle . [ He saw ‘did the verb’ and remembered later. ]

        He forgot to meet the customer .[ He didn’t meet the customer . ]

        He forgot meeting the customer .[ He met and couldn’t remember or forgot that. ]

        He regretted to play the match . [ He was sorry because it was necessary to play. ]

        He regretted playing the match . [ He was sorry because he played ‘did the verb’.]

        He stopped to play the piano . [ He stopped doing something to play the piano . ]

        He stopped playing the piano . [ He stopped and didn’t play any more . ]

        Try to open the door . [ See if you can open the door – make an attempt . ]

        Try opening the door . [ Make an experiment to see the effect of what happens .]

Gerunds and Infinitives Exercises

Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive:

1) She delayed (get) out of bed.

2) He demanded (speak) to the manager.

3) I offered (help).

4) I miss (go) to the beach.

5) We postponed (do).

6) I'd hate (arrive) too late.

7) She admitted (steal) the money.

8) I chose (work) here.

9) She waited (buy) a drink.

10) I really appreciate (be) on holiday.

11) I couldn't help (laugh) .

12) It seems (be) raining.

13) I considered (move) to Spain.

14) They practised (speak).

15) Finally I managed (finish) the work.

16) I really can't stand (wait) for the bus.

17) Unfortunately, we can't afford (buy) a new car this year.

18) She risked (be) late.

19) I'd love (come) with you.

20) I prepared (go) on holiday.

Put the verb into either the gerund (-ing) or the infinitive (with 'to'):

1) I don't fancy (go) out tonight.

2) She avoided (tell) him about her plans.

3) I would like (come) to the party with you.

4) He enjoys (have) a bath in the evening.

5) She kept (talk) during the film.

6) I am learning (speak) English.

7) Do you mind (give) me a hand?

8) She helped me (carry) my suitcases.

9) I've finished (cook) - come and eat!

10) He decided (study) biology.

11) I dislike (wait).

12) He asked (come) with us.

13) I promise (help) you tomorrow.

14) We discussed (go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home.

15) She agreed (bring) the pudding to the dinner.

16) I don't recommend (take) the bus - it takes forever!

17) We hope (visit) Amsterdam next month.

18) She suggested (go) to the museum.

19) They plan (start) college in the autumn.

20) I don't want (leave) yet.

Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive

1) It appears (be) raining.

2) We intend (go) to the countryside this weekend.

3) I pretended (be) sick so I didn't have to go to work.

4) Can you imagine (live) without TV?

5) They tolerate (smoke) but they prefer people not to.

6) I anticipate (arrive) on Tuesday.

7) A wedding involves (negotiate) with everyone in the family.

8) He denies (steal) the money.

9) He claims (be) a millionaire but I don't believe him.

10) I expect (be) there about seven.

11) Julia reported (see) the boys to the police.

12) It tends (rain) a lot in Scotland.

13) Do you recall (meet) her at the party last week?

14) She mentioned (go) to the cinema, but I don't know what she decided to do in the end.

15) The teenager refused (go) on holiday with his parents.

16) I understand (be) late once or twice, but every day is too much!

17) I would prefer you (come) early if you can.

18) That criminal deserves (get) a long sentence.

19) She completed (paint) her flat.

20) We arranged (meet) at four but at four thirty she still hadn't arrived.

Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive:

1) I couldn't sleep so I tried (drink) some hot milk.

2) She tried (reach) the book on the high shelf but she was too small.

3) They tried (get) to the party on time but the bus was delayed.

4) We tried (open) the window, but it was so hot outside it didn't help.

5) He tried (get) a job in a newspaper firm but they wouldn't hire him.

6) He tried (get) a job in a newspaper firm but he still wasn't satisfied.

7) You should stop (smoke), it's not good for your health.

8) We stopped (study) because we were tired.

9) They will stop (have) lunch at twelve.

10) We stopped (have) a rest because we were really sleepy.

11) Oh no! I forgot (buy) milk.

12) Please don't forget (pick up) some juice on your way home.

13) I forget (lock) the door, but I'm sure I must have locked it.

14) Have we studied this before? I've forgotten (learn) it.

15) Please remember (bring) your homework.

16) I remember (go) to the beach as a child.

17) Finally I remembered (bring) your book! Here it is.

18) Do you remember (eat) steak in that little restaurant in Rome?

19) I regret (tell) you the train has been delayed.

20) I regret (tell) Julie my secret. Now she has told everyone.

Question Tags .

Question tags are short questions at the end of a statement , used for certainty or assurance .

Ex . He came today , didn’t he ?

Form :

Auxiliary verb or modal + subjective pronoun .

Ex . He plays well , doesn’t he ?

        He will play , won’t he ?

Rule :

1-] If the statement is positive , the question tag is negative and the reply to the question is positive or affirmative .

Ex . A : They decided to go , didn’t they ?

        B : Yes , they did .

2] If the statement is negative , the question tag is positive and the reply to the question is negative .

Ex . A : They didn’t decide to travel , did they ?

       B : No , they didn’t .

Other cases of question tags :

1-] I am →aren't I

Ex . I am an honest man , aren’t I ?

     I am not → am I

Ex . I am not coming , am I ?

2-] This is / That is → isn’t…

Ex .This is a good boy , isn’t he ?

       These are / Those  are  → aren’t they

Ex . These are good boys , aren’t they ?

3-] There is / are →aren't there / isn’t there

Ex . There is a boy , isn’t there ?

        There are boys , aren’t there ?

4-] Let’s [ suggestion ] → shall we

Ex . Let’s go home , shall we ?

5-] Let [ imperative ] → won’t you

Ex . Let me go home , won’t you ?

6-] Imperative [ could , would , can ] →  will you

Ex . Open the window , please , will you

        Would you mind opening the window , will you ?

         Could you open the window , will you ?

7-] Negative imperative  → will you .

Ex . Don’t swim in the dirty water , will you ?

8-] Everyone , each one → don’t , didn’t etc. they

Ex. Everyone likes football , don’t they ?

       Everyone liked football , didn’t they ?

9-] Nothing  → is / does / will etc. it

Ex . Nothing is bad , will it ?

10-] No one → do / did / is etc. they

Ex . No one came late , did they ?

11-] Somebody →  do / did / is etc. they

Ex . Somebody helped them , didn’t they ?

12- ] Verb → sentence [ the question tag follows the other verb of the sentence ]

Ex . I believe he will play , won’t he ?

        They thought him swam in the sea , didn’t he ?


Write the correct word in the boxes below.

[ isn't   aren't  don't    doesn't ]

1.He's rich, ---------------- he?

2.These are your glasses, --------------- they?

3.You live in Fairfield, -------------- you?

4.It's a lovely day,------------------- it?

5.I'm late, -------------------- I?

6.You smoke, ------------------ you?

7.They walk to work, ------------ they?

8.Bill likes chocolate, -------------------- he?

9.Those flowers are beautiful, ---------------- they?

10.Anna is from Sweden, --------------- she?

Choose the correct answer :

1. You are ill, ________?

 isn't you?

 aren't you?

 are you?

2. Sarah is happy, ___________

 doesn't she?

 isn't she?

 is she?

3. They are busy, ___________

 can't they?

 do they?

 aren't they?

4. He can’t speak English___________

 can't he?

 can he?

 does he?

5. My mum can cook well___________-

 doesn't she?

 can't she?

 can she?

6. You didn’t study, ___________

 do you?

 didn't you?

 did you?

7. Your teacher was angry____________

 was she?

 wasn't she?

 didn't she?

8. You waited too long,____________

 do you?

 were you?

 didn't you?

9. She has a new car____________

 hasn't she?

 has she?

 does she?

10. You like beer_____________

 do you?

 doesn't you?

 don't you?

11. You were afraid______________

 weren't you?

 were you?

 are you?

12. The baby sleeps well ______________

 doesn't she?

 does she?

 is she?

13. Your team plays every Saturday, ___________-

 don't they

 do they?

 are they?

14. You can play the piano,__________

 do you?

 can't you?

 can you?

15. It is cold,_______________

 isn't it?

 is it?

 does it?

Write  the correct word in the boxes below.

[ was    wasn't  did       didn't   were    weren't ]

1.You saw George yesterday, ----------- you?

2.We weren't wrong, -------------- we?

3.He didn't go, --------------- he?

4.I was correct, --------------- I?

5.It didn't rain last night, -------------------- it?

6.You were sick at the party, --------------- you?

7.She didn't leave early, ------------------- she?

8.He wasn't looking at me, -------------- he?

9.They got married last year, ----------- they?

10.They weren't going, --------------- they?

Fill in the correct question tag:

1. Your mobile isn´t new, ---------------?

2. The test isn´t difficult, ------------------?

3. Peter isn´t at home, -------------------?

4. Sue isn´t in her room, ----------------------?

5. We aren´t late, -------------------------?

6. Mr. and Mrs. Brown aren´t in the taxi, --------------?

7. The prize isn´t good, -------------------?

8. The bag isn´t expensive, --------------------?

9. You aren´t in London, are --------------------------?

10. The football game isn´t this weekend, -------------------?

Fill in the gaps with the right question tags in English.

1. I'm late, ------------------?

2. They're waiting, ---------------------?

3. He's left, -----------------------?

4. It works, ------------------------?

5. I've finished, -----------------------?

6. You like it, -----------------------------?

7. You can see him, --------------------------?

8. I'm not late, ------------------------?

9. He isn't leaving, --------------------------?

10. He hasn't finished, -----------------------------?

Definite & Indefinite Articles .

The / a , an .

1-]The Indefinite article ‘ a ‘ / ‘an’ :

1-] We use ‘a’ before a singular countable noun beginning with a consonant .

Ex . a car / a boy / a table / a shelf / a desk etc.

        I have a car , a boat and a farm .

2-] We use ‘an’ before a singular countable noun , beginning with a vowel [ a , e , i , o , u ] .

Ex . an apple / an egg / an ice-cream / an orange / an umbrella .

I had an apple , an egg , an orange and an ice-cream .

3-] In a passage or a speech , we use ‘a’ or ‘an’ , if the noun is mentioned for the first time . Then ‘the’ is used .

Ex . We have a house with a garden . The house is big and the garden is beautiful .

Note .

The articles ‘a’ , ‘an’ or ‘the’ precede the adjective or adjectives that denote the noun .

Ex . a tall , big man / an expensive , attractive car / the new hotel .

2-]Countable & Uncountable Nouns .

1-] There are nouns that can be used as countable or uncountable .

Ex . a cake – cake  / an ice-cream – ice-cream .

I like cake and ice-cream .

I bought two cakes and two ice-creams .

2-] We can make singular or plural of uncountable nouns by using certain words [ a piece of  / a bit of / an item of ] .

Ex . a piece of advice / information / furniture / news .

        a bit of news / information / advice .

        an item of food [ plural food items ]

3-] We use units of weight or measurement to make singular or plural of uncountable nouns  [ kilo – litre – metre etc. ]

Ex . a kilo of sugar / meat / orange etc.

        a litre of oil / milk / juice etc.

        a metre of cloth

4-] We use packages and containers to make singular or plural of uncountable nouns .

Bottle – tube – packet – tin – can – sack – carton – cup – glass etc.

Ex . a jar of [ jam , coffee ] – a tube of [ toothpaste ]– a packet of [ tea , salt ] – a bottle of [ juice – milk – oil – water etc. ] – a tin of [ sardine ] – a can of [ juice ,Pepsi ] – a sack of [ rice , wheat , corn etc. ] – a carton of [ milk , juice etc. ] – a cup of [ tea, coffee] – a glass of [ water , milk , lemonade etc. ].

5-] We use units and parts to make singular and plural of uncountable nouns .

Ex . a loaf of bread – a cube of meat – a piece of bread – a slice of meat / bread etc.

3-] When we mention somebody’s job or nationality .

Ex . He is a French .

        She is an Egyptian .

        He is an accountant .

        He is a lawyer .

5-] We use ‘a’ / ‘an’ , when we speak about the number .

Ex . a pair of [ shoes , socks , sandals etc. ] – a couple of [ minutes , girls , chairs etc. ]

, a score ‘twenty’ of  [ sheets , chairs etc. ] – a dozen of ‘twelve’ [ sheep , cats , people etc. ] - a hundred , a thousand , a million , a billion .

Ex . This shirt costs a hundred pounds .

         I have ten thousand pounds .

         There are hundreds / thousands / millions / billions of pounds in the bank .

6- ] We use ‘a’ / ‘an’ with expressions of speed , price and times .

Ex . Twenty pounds a kilo of cheese .

        The speed of the car is sixty kilometres an hour  [ per hour ] .

         Unemployment increased at a rate of 70% [ seventy per cent ] .

        I go to the club once , twice, three , four/ times – a week , a month , a year etc.

7-]We use ‘a’ / ‘an’ with diseases .

Ex. a cough , a headache , a flu , a fever , a cut , a wound etc.

I had a cold last week .

The Definite Article ‘the’ .

1-] We use ‘the’ , when we speak about something definite .

Ex . The farmer in the field irrigated his land .

2-] We use ‘the’ , when we speak about a species of animals or plants .

Ex . The camel is the ship of the desert .

        The dog is a loyal and faithful animal .

3-] When there is only one thing .

Ex . the sun – the moon – the earth .

        The earth goes round the sun .

4-] The names of the rivers , seas , oceans , ranges of mountains , islands etc.

Ex . The River Nile is the longest river in the world .

        Tourists like to dive in the Red Sea .

        The Alps are in Europe .

        The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean in the world .

5-] Some countries [ especially of two words ]

Ex. the Sudan , the Yemen , the Lebanon , the United States of America , the United Kingdom , the United Arab Emirates etc.

6-] When we use  an adjective to mean a group of people .

Ex . The rich must help the poor .

        The young must respect the old .

7-] Inventions and places of entertainment .

Ex . the radio – the internet – the cinema – the telephone

Bell invented the telephone .

I like to log on the internet .

I go to the cinema every week .

I listen to the radio .

8-] Musical instruments .

Ex . the drum , the piano , the guitar , the violin etc.

She likes playing the violin and the guitar .

No Article .

We do not use ‘a’ / ‘an’ / or ‘the’ :

1-] When we use abstract nouns and material nous to mean the material as a whole or in general .

Ex . – freedom , justice , courage , bravery , slavery , boldness etc. [ abstract nouns ]

       - wood , milk , oil , money , sugar , ink , iron etc. [ material nouns ]

        Wood is used in making paper .

        The bag is made of leather .

         Slavery is prohibited .

2-] The days of the week , months and seasons .

Ex . We do not go to work on Friday .

         It is cold in winter and hot in summer .

         I will travel next January .

3-] The meals .

Ex . breakfast , lunch , dinner ,super .

I have lunch at four o’clock .

4-] Names of countries , cities , towns , areas , people etc. [ proper names ].

Ex . Egypt , Cairo , London . France , John , Mohammad , Huda , Aswan etc.

We live in Cairo . Jane is my pen- friend .

5-] When we use plural countable nouns to make general statements such as people , food , jobs and plants .

Ex . Nurses work in hospitals .

        Women and men must cooperate to bring up their children.

        Doctors and engineers are the graduates of practical faculties .

         Shrimps are delicious .

        Trees are the factories of oxygen on earth .

6-] When we speak about activities , sports , school subjects , languages , actions and processes .

Ex . drawing , football , tennis , Arabic , French , Science , Religion , breathing , evaporation , fishing , swimming , hunting etc.

I like to go swimming every week .

Sailing is my favourite sport .

My favourite subject is Science [ Algebra ] .

Breathing is necessary for life .

My favourite hobby is reading .

Notes .  Notice the difference in the following examples .

1-] I go to bed [ sleep ]   / I go to the bed [ a piece of furniture ]

Ex . I go to bed at ten o’clock .

        I went o the bed in the hotel to bring my wallet .

2-] go home = go to the house  - at home = in the house

Ex . I go home at four o’clock .

        My father was at home yesterday .

3-] at sea = sailing , - in the sea = swimming

Ex. We were at sea , when the storm blew .

       I stayed at the beach , but my brother was in the sea all the time .

4-] TV [media ]- the TV [ a set ].

Ex . He watched TV last night . [media ]

        He put the book on the TV. [ a set ]

5-] prison – the prison / school – the school / hospital – the hospital / office – the office .

Ex . I go to office [ school , hospital ] every day . [ working , at work ]

       We went to the hospital to visit our sick friend there . [ visitor , not working there]

        The criminal was sent to prison . [ imprisoned ]

      The lawyer went to the prison to see his friend , the officer working there . [visitor]

6-] mosque , church [ pray ] the mosque , church [ visit ]

Ex . I go to mosque all the days of the week .

        Christians go to church every Sunday .

        Tourists like to visit the ancient mosques and churches .


Put ‘a’ or ‘an’

1-] A hammer is .... useful tool.

2- ]Here is ... ticket for the football match.

3- ] This is ... interesting book.

4- ]It's .... ugly car.

5- ] I'll see you in ... hour.

6- ] There's ... cat in the garden.

7- ] Mrs. Johnson is ... English teacher.

8- ] Britain is ... island.

9- ] Do you want ... egg for breakfast?

10- ] There is ... old tree next to this house.

11- ] French is not .... easy language.

12- ] Are you .... student?

13- ] This is ... new book.

14- ] They're at .... restaurant.

15- ] I'm tired. I need .... holiday.

Put ‘a’ or ‘an

1. How many exercises can you do in _____ hour?

2. She needs _____ hair cut.

3. I'm taking _____ history class at the university.

4. That's _____ one way street.

5. Is that _____ squid?

6. Let's get _____ ice cream cone.

7. He has _____ one track mind.

8. Are you _____ optimist?

9. There were _____ lot of people here yesterday.

10. She gets 60 e-mails _____ day.

11.Did anyone buy _____ ticket for the movie?

12. I'd like _____ cup of coffee please.

13. _____ heir received all the money.

14. That's _____ original story.

15. Could I have _____ orange juice instead?

16. He wears _____ uniform to school.

17. She made _____ upside-down cake.

18. She has _____ good head on her shoulders.

19. I'll take _____ hamburger and fries please.

20. It's _____ honour to meet you.

Underline the correct word

I'm reading [ a book – book – an book ] about European history at the moment.

2 An elephant is [ animal – an animal – a animal ]  from India or Africa.

3 An elephant is [ a large animal – an large animal – large animal ]  from India or Africa.

4 What's the Nile? It's [ an river – a river – river ]  in Africa.

5 Do you like [ football – a football – the football ]  ?

6 I had [ rice – the rice – rice ]  for dinner yesterday.

7 I usually have [ a milk – milk – the milk ] in my tea.

8 My father bought [ new television – a new television ]  at the weekend.

9 What do British people usually have for [ lunch – a lunch – the lunch ]  ?

10 My older brother is [ a teacher – teacher – the teacher ]  in London.

11 My younger brother is [ an engineer – a engineer – engineer ]  in Leeds.

12 The train from Brighton to London takes [ a hour – an hour – hour ]  .

13 It was [ interesting – an interesting – a interesting ]  film.

14 It was [ a very interesting – very interesting – very an interesting ]  film.

15 I want to work in a zoo because I love [ animals – an animal – an animals ] .

Write the right article a, an or zero article.

1. Memory is important for ------------ actor.

2. Hardly ever have ---------------- people -------------- good memory.

3. Coal is important in ------------ war and ------------- peace.

4. Is it true that ------------------- playing ----------- computer games is --------- waste of time?

5. Children need -------------- lot of ---------------- love.

6. Iron has been known for ----------------- centuries.

7. Have you bought --------------- iron?

8. The youth don’t like ------------- responsibility.

9. Statues are often made of ---------------- stone.

10. He was hit by --------------- stone.

Adjectives & Comparative & Superlative .

An adjective is used to describe a noun .

Ex . The lion is strong .

        The boy is tall .

         The field is fertile .

Comparative & Superlative Adjectives .

Comparative  is to compare between two persons , things or sides .

Ex . Sameh is taller than Khalid .

        The elephant is bigger than the horse .

         Our students are better than the students in the neighbouring school .

Superlative is to prefer one person , thing , side etc. to others .

The River Nile is the longest river in the world .

Adam is the tallest boy in the class .

Travel by plane is the most expensive means of travel .

1-] One-syllable adjectives .

Words are divided into syllables – each including a vowel sound .

Ex . strong , tall [ one syllable ] , tired [ two syllables ]

- To compare between two persons , things or sides ‘ er’ is added to the adjective . This is called ‘comparative’ .

Ex . Ali is stronger than Adel .

-To prefer a person , a thing or a side etc. to others , ‘est’ is added to the adjective . This is called ‘superlative’ .

Ex . Saad is the strongest boy in the class .





longer than

the longest


taller than

the tallest


cheaper than

the cheapest


colder than

the coldest


poorer than

the poorest


shorter than

the shortest

- Adjectives ending in a vowel before a final consonant , the last letter is doubled .





fatter than

the fattest


wetter than

the wettest


bigger than

the biggest


thinner than

the thinnest


fitter than

the fittest


hotter than

the hottest 

Ex . Hassan is fatter than Shadi . Salem is the fattest pupil in the class.

- Adjectives ending in ‘y’ not preceded by a vowel , ‘y] is changed into ‘i’→^' ier^'  iest^'.





happier than

the happiest


busier than

the busiest


lazier than

the laziest 

Ex. Alexandria is busier than Port Said , but Cairo is the busiest .

2-] Multi-syllabic Adjectives .

Most of the multi-syllabic adjectives end in [ ed , ing , ful , ive , ic , ant , ent , less , al , ous , ly ] .

Ex . tired , tiring ,excited , exciting , interesting , wonderful , careful , expensive , aggressive , terrific , fantastic , important , constant , intelligent , existent , careless , hairless , general , dangerous , generous , friendly .

- To make comparison we use ‘ more + adjective + than .

Ex . A car is more expensive than a bicycle .

        Football is more exciting than swimming .

- To make superlative we use ‘ the most + adjective .

Ex . He is the most intelligent boy in the class .

        Football is the most popular game in the world .






more tired than

the most tired


more exciting than

the most exciting


more fantastic than

the most fantastic


more expensive than

the most expensive


more generous than

the most generous

The Irregular Adjectives .





better than

the best


worse than

the worst


farther [ further] than

the farthest [ furthest ]


less than

the least

               much , many

more than

the most

Ex . Aswan is farther from Cairo than Minia .

        Saloum is the farthest town west north of Egypt .

         This is the best friend I have ever seen .

          That was the worst accident I have ever seen .

Notes :

1-] The most X the least

Ex . Travel by air is the most expensive , but travel by sea is the least expensive .

        Egypt is one of the most poor countries in the world , but we hope it will become  

        one of the most rich countries in the world .

        Egypt is also one of the least developed countries and the most corrupt in the world.

2-] Far from   X near to

Ex . The farthest planet from the sun is Pluto .

         Banha is the nearest city to Cairo .

3-] A bit X much , a lot + adjective .

Ex . The box is a bit heavier than the bag .

        The weather is a little bit hotter here .

        The chair is a bit more comfortable than the stool .

         The car is much more expensive than the bicycle .

         Travel by air is a lot more comfortable than by bus .

4-] Less + adjective .

Ex . Noha is less intelligent than her sister .

5-] as + adjective + as  [ equality or similarity ] / not as + adjective + as .

Ex . Ali is as tall as his brother .

        The bicycle is not as fast as the car .

6-]Two comparative adjectives as connectors :

 Comparative adjective + sentence , comparative adjective + sentence .

Ex . The more you study , the more you get information .

         The more carful you drive , the safer .

          The slower you drive , the better .

          The higher the mountain , the more dangerous the climb [is] .

7-] Ever , [ present perfect ] + superlative

Ex . He is the funniest boy , I have ever seen .

Fill in the gaps with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets to complete the following sentences in English.

1. Our ----------- research should prove it. (far)

2. It will be ------------- to remove it now. (easy)

3. The weather today is ---------------- than it was yesterday. (bad)

4. My ---------------- brother is a lawyer. (old)

5. Hit it -----------------. (hard)

6. It stank---------------- than you could imagine. (badly)

7. Who is a ---------------- driver: you or your wife? (good)

8. Here is a -------------- map. (detailed)

9. Neptune is ------------------ away from the Sun than Jupiter. (far)

10. Mary cooks ---------------- than I do. (well)

11. I lost ------------------ than I'd thought. (little)

12. He treats the boy------------------ than his dog. (badly)

13. I don't want any-------------------------- hints. (far)

14. It is ------------------------ away than I've expected. (far)

15. John is a --------------------- actor than I am. (good)

16. This copy is in a --------------------- condition. (good)

17. I got ---------------------- than they'd promised. (much)

18. His -------------------------- sister is ---------------- than his older sister. (young / nice)

19. It took me ------------------- than you think. (long)

20. I sleep ----------------------------- now. (well)

Complete the sentence using the comparative form of the adjective. Start with the first noun. Use the comparative form of the adjective. Mind the example.

1- ] Dan / Harry (young)


2- ] French / English (difficult)


3- ] Moscow / London (big)


4- ] Lisa / Tony (tall)


5- ] the black car / the white car (cheap)


6- ] Robert / Henry (happy)


7- ] dogs / cats (intelligent)


8- ] my room / your room (nice)


9- ] Tokyo / Paris (busy)


10- ] the girls / the boys (quiet)

Exercise 3-

Write the correct forms.

1- ] My father is old  than my mother.

2- ] Chinese is difficult than English.

3- ] Jane lives near  the city than you.

4- ] The car is bad  than we thought.

5- ] Tigers are dangerous than rats.

6- ] Dogs are intelligent  than rabbits.

7- ] My uncle is fat  than my aunt.

8- ] Cars are expensive  than bikes.

9- ] Cakes look delicious  than bread.

10- ] My cat is ugly  than your dog.

11- ] This man is clever  than that one.

12- ] Oranges are good  than pizzas.

Adverbs .

Kinds of Adverbs .

1-] Adverbs of time .

They answer the question when an action happens .

Ex . yesterday , today , tomorrow , now , ago etc.

        I met my friend yesterday .

2-] Adverbs of place .

They answer where an action happens .

Ex . here , there , up , down etc.

       He is standing here .

       They sailed down in the river.

        The cat climbed up the tree .

3-] Adverbs of frequency .

They answer how often an action happens .

Ex . never , rarely , sometimes , frequently , from time to time , often , usually , always .

       I usually get up early .

  I never smoke any cigarettes .

4-] Adverbs of degree .

They describe to what extent the verb happens or the adjective is .

Ex . slightly , fairly , rather , extremely , a bit , a little bit etc.

       The weather is rather cold .

        Ali is extremely tall .

        I am a bit tired .

5-] Adverbs of manner .

They describe how an action happens or the manner in which an action happens .

Ex . He drove the car carefully .

Form :

They are formed  by adding ‘ly’ to the adjective .

EX. careless + ly = carelessly

       extreme + ly = extremely

       whole + ly = wholly [ exception ]

- Adjectives ending in ‘le’ , the ‘e’ is omitted and only ‘y’ is added .

       terrible + ly = terribly

       horrible + ly = horribly

Irregular adverbs of manner .

Hard , late , early , well , fast .

- Notice the difference between ‘hard’ and ‘hardly’.

Ex . It rains hard . [ adverb of manner ]

        It hardly rains . [ It is negative ]

        He is always late . He comes to school late .

        He is always early . He comes to school early .

        He is good at studying . He studies well .

       The car is fast . He drives his car fast . He runs fast .

Choose the best answer for each sentence.

1- ] The girls had to finish their work ____________ because the teacher told them to stop.



2- ] Megan is a very ____________ athlete. She loves sports.



3- ] When they heard the bad news, they were very ____________.




4- ] Barbara swims ____________ than Anna because she has stronger arms.




5- ]My teacher said that Warren works ____________ in our class.

      harder than


      the hardest

6- ] I wish that I could explain things ____________ my teacher. I always understand what he says in class.


     as clearly as


7- ]I want my children to behave ____________ to every person that they meet.




8- ]The group found their hotel ____________ after they bought the map of the city.




9- ]Angelina is a ____________ student. She is kind and pleasant.



10- ]Do you think you speak English ____________? Yes, of course!




11- ]Do you think men drive ____________ women in your country?


      more dangerously than

     more dangerously

12- ]When he was a child, Tony spoke very ____________ and his friends couldn't understand him.




Choose the correct position for the adverb

Q1 - I ..... dancing

often go

go often

Q2 - She ......... in the morning

smokes never

never smokes

Q3 - ......... drink wine at lunchtime

I rarely

rarely I

Q4 - I ........ some gardening at the weekend if the weather's nice

do usually

usually do

Q5 - He ....... in to work on time

gets hardly ever

hardly ever gets

Q6 - She ....... reading the novel she started yesterday

already has finished

has already finished

Q7 - ........ not accept this deal

I will definitely

Definitely I will

Q8 - I ......... like fish very much; I can eat it, but I wouldn't choose it

really don't like

don't really like

Q9 - When we were young, we ......... on camping holidays to France

went always

always went

Q10 - ....... seen such a mess as his bedroom

Seldom have I seen

I seldom have seen

Q11 - I ......... be able to make it tomorrow

won't probably be

probably won't be

Q12 - ......... so insulted

I never have been

I have never been

Q13 - He ........ at all, in fact I'd say he hates her

He really doesn't like her

He doesn't really like her

Q14 - Hardly ever ..... it.

I do

do I

do I do

Choose the right words: adverb well or adjective good to complete the following sentences in English.

1- ]One must try to do _____ anything one does.



2- ]This is a _____ book.



3- ]You have done this exercise very _____.



4- ]What a _____ idea you had.



5- ]He reads _____.



6- ]He has obtained a _____ result.



7- ]You know that I can’t drive _____.



8- ]He knows the town _____.



9- ]He knows the town _____.



10- ]How are you? – I’m very _____ thank you.



11- ]She speaks French _____.



12- ]I know Henry very _____.



13- ]I like your idea very ______.



14- ]The trip was _____ organized.



15-- ]Henry and I are _____ friends.



16- ]She is a _____ girl.



Choose the correct answer below to fill the gap.

1- ] They dance the cha-cha-cha ____________ .



2-]She planned their trip to Greece very ____________ .



3- ]Jim painted the kitchen very ____________ .



4- ]She speaks very ____________ .



5- ]Turn the stereo down. It's too ____________ .



6- ] He skipped ____________ down the road to school.



7- ] He drives too ____________ .



8- ]She knows the road ____________ .



9- ] He plays the guitar ____________ .



10- ]We're going camping tomorrow so we have to get up ____________ .



11- ]Andy doesn't often work ____________ .



12- ]Sometimes our teacher arrives ____________ for class.



13- ]I passed my driving test. It seemed much ______ this time.





14- ] The film was so ______ that we couldn't sleep last night.





15- ]Write this report first. It's more important ______ your other work.





16-  ]I've got ______ job in the world.


      the best

     the better

     a good

17- ]Tom is working very ______ these days.





18- ]Our football team didn't play _____ I expected. I was disappointed.



    as well as

    as badly as

19- ]The faster Tom walks, _______.

    he gets more tired

      he gets tired

      more tired

      the more tired he gets

20- ]It's getting more ______ to find a cheap hotel.

      and more difficult


      and very difficult

      the most difficult

21- ]This cake smells ______!



      more wonderfully

      the most wonderfully

22- ]Sorry we're late. Your house is much _______ than we thought.

      the further


      the furthest


23- ]Could you talk _______? I'm trying to work.


      quieter than

      more quietly

    more quiet

24- ]Thank you! That's ______ I've ever received.

      a nice gift

      the nicer gift

      nicest gift

      the nicest gift

25- ]The lunch menu is very short. It's ______ than the dinner menu.

      the least varied

      less varied


      more varied

Choose the right words or expressions to complete the following sentences in English.

1-]Betty is staying at home. Her cold is a lot _______ today.


    the worst



It's getting more ______ to find a cheap hotel.

      and very difficult


      the most difficult

      and more difficult

Sorry we're late. Your house is much _______ than we thought.

     the further

      the furthest



I've got ______ job in the world.


      a good

      the best

      the better

Write this report first. It's more important ______ your other work.





The lunch menu is very short. It's ______ than the dinner menu.

      the least varied


      less varied

      more varied

Tom is working very ______ these days.

  ?    hardest

  ?    harder

  ?    hardly

  ?    hard

The film was so ______ that we couldn't sleep last night.

  ?    excite

  ?    excitingly

  ?    excited

  ?    exciting

Our football team didn't play _____ I expected. I was disappointed.

  ?    as badly as

  ?    as well as

  ?    better

  ?    well

The faster Tom walks, _______.

  ?    more tired

  ?    he gets tired

  ?    the more tired he gets

  ?    he gets more tired

This cake smells ______!

  ?    more wonderfully

  ?    wonderful

  ?    the most wonderfully

  ?    wonderfully

I passed my driving test. It seemed much ______ this time.

  ?    easier

  ?    easily

  ?    easy

  ?    easiest

Q1.      She's such a ..... dancer.




Q2.      He passed his test ......




Q3.      She is a very ..... worker.




Q4.      My mother speaks ..... German.




Q5.      It was raining very ......




Q6.      We'll have an accident if you don't drive more ......




Q7.      I've never seen her dance so ......




Q8.      I am ..... sure that I am right.




Q9.      Can you speak more ....., please?




Q10.    Please be ...... I'm trying to read.




Q11.    That was a ..... thing to say.




Q12.    She was smiling ......




Q13.    You were very ..... to lose the game.




Q14.    This soup tastes ......




Q15.    He smiled at me ......


            in a friendly way


Q16.    She looked at me ......




Q17.    She looked ....., but I'm sure she was feeling very nervous.




Q18.    You always work very ......




Q19.    She often comes ..... to class.




Q20.    I did really ..... in the mathematics test.




Q21.    I'm ..... sorry I'm late.




Q22.    She is a very ..... girl.




Q23.    He has a very ..... job.




Q24.    You are ..... right.




Q25.    She can run ..... than me.


            more quickly

 The Reflexive Pronouns .

A reflexive pronoun shows that the action in a sentence affects the person or thing that does the action .

Ex . He burned himself .[ the action affected the person who did the action ]

Form :

Singular :  I → myself .  He →  himself . She → herself . It → itself . You → yourself .

Plural : We → ourselves . They → themselves .  You → yourselves .

Uses :

1-] When the object is the same as the subject .

Ex . She saw herself in the mirror .

        He hurt himself .

2-] Emphasis .

Ex. I drove the car myself .

       My mother cooked the food herself .

       I helped my friend himself .

3-] To express ‘with no help’ , ‘on his own’ or ‘alone .

Ex . I repaired the bicycle myself . [ with no help ]

        I did the homework myself . [ on my own ]

        She stayed at home by herself . [ alone ]

4-]With expressions or idioms .

Ex . Enjoy yourself .

        Help yourself to the cake  .

        Behave yourself [ yourselves ].

        Make yourself at home . [ behave as if you are in your house ]

5-] They are not used after ‘prepositions’ and some verbs .

Ex .  get up ,worry .

        I get up at six o’clock .

        I never worry about my children at school .

        I put the book next to me .

        He had the money with him .

Exercise 1

1. Tom cut --------------------- while he was shaving this morning.

2. We really enjoyed ----------------------- very much.

3. I repaired my bike -------------------------.

4. Why don't you clean the windows --------------------?

5. Jack and I intoduced ------------------------ to our new neighbour.

6. He decided to repair his bike ------------------- .

7. They looked at ---------------------------.

8. The film --------------------- wasn't very good, but I liked the music.

9. The old woman sat at the park bench talking to ---------------------.

10.Let's paint the house ----------------------------.

11.Did you write it ----------------------------?

12.She locked the door -----------------------------.

13.The children cleaned their room ---------------------.

14.Ann backed the cake --------------------------.

15.The cat caught the mouse ----------------------.

Fill in each blank with the correct reflexive pronoun:

1. You cant do this for me - I have to do it--------------

2. Why doesnt she do it ----------------?

3. He saw ----------------- in the mirror.

4. We cant do this -----------------.

5. They dont like ----------------.

6. Are you going to the mall by-------------------?

7. She likes to think of ---------------------- as a good person.

8. I cant see ---------------------- doing that.

9. They talk about ------------------- all the time.

10. You dont respect --------------

. Type the correct word in the boxes below.

[ myself           yourself           himself herself  itself    yourselves       ourselves         themselves ]

1.The cat nearly killed --------------------- when it ran across the road.

2.I enjoyed -------------------- at the party.

3.He always looks at --------------- in the mirror.

4.We helped ------------------- to the coffee.

5.The woman accidentally hurt ---------------------- with the knife.

6.The children enjoyed ------------------ at the beach.

7.The two of you shouldn't do that. You'll hurt -------------- .

8.He paid for ---------------------- .

9.Some people only think about --------------------- .

10.She didn't tell him. I told him-------------------

Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - I hurt ____ playing football.



Q2 - She hurt ____.



Q3 - I cut ____ shaving.



Q4 - Do you mind if I take ____ home now?



Q5 - I helped ____ to some food.



Q6 - I wanted to do it ____.



Q7 - He's so ill he can't dress ____.



Q8 - She took it upon ____ to organize everything.



Q9 - The decision is fine by ____.



Q10 - He helped ____ do it.



Write the correct word in the boxes below.

[ myself           yourself           himself   herself   itself yourselves       ourselves         themselves ]

1.I went to the supermarket by ---------------- .

2.Harry lives by ------------------------ .

3.Anna had dinner at the restaurant by ----------------------- .

4.You shouldn't go there by ----------------------- .

5.We will build the house by---------------------------- .

6.The dog came home by -------------------------- .

7.They went on a holiday by ---------------------- .

8.I don't like eating by ----------------------------- .

9.She cooked the dinner all by ------------------------- .

10.Did the two of you do this by --------------------------- ?

The Reported Speech [ Direct & Indirect Speech ]

The direct speech :

It is the speech told directly or face to face speech .

Ex . He says to his son , “You must study hard this year to get high marks  .”

The indirect speech :

It is the speech that is reported or said by someone [s] .

Ex . He tells [ advises ] his son that he must study hard that year to get high marks .

How to change from direct speech into indirect speech :

1-] Statement .

1-] ‘say to’ / ‘says to’ → tell , tells [ no change in tenses ]

2-] ‘said to’ → told [ advised , denied , warned etc. ] [ tenses are changed ]

3-] Join with ‘that’ .

4-] Changing the pronouns to comply with the speaker and the spoken to .

I → he , she . my → his , her . me → him , her . mine → his , hers .

We → they  . our → their . us → them . ours → theirs .

5-] Changing the tenses .

- The present simple → The past simple .

- The past simple , the present perfect →The past perfect .

- The simple future [ will + infinitive ] → Future in the past  [ would + infinitive ].

- The present continuous → The past continuous .

- The modals are changed into the past .

Can → could / shall → should / may → might / must , have to , has to → had to .

6-] Changing some adverbs and the demonstrative .

Now → then , here → there , this →that , these → those , today → that day , tonight → that night  , yesterday →  the day before , ago → before , tomorrow → the next [coming] day , next → the following , the coming .

Ex . She said to her friend ,” We will travel tomorrow .”

        She told her friend that they would travel the next [ coming ] day .

        He says to the class , “ You have to bring your books tomorrow .”

        He tells the class that they have to bring their books the next [ coming ] day .

        They said , “ We visited France last week . We enjoyed ourselves .”

        They said that they had visited France the week before and added that they had

         enjoyed themselves .

Note :

We do not make changes in the tenses in the following cases :

1-] When the sentence begins with ‘say’ / ‘says’ / ‘tell’ / ‘tells’ etc. [ in the present simple ] .

Ex . He says to his friend , “ I will travel tomorrow .”

        He tells his friend that he will travel the next day .

2-] When the sentence expresses a fact .

Ex . She said , “ The earth goes round the sun .”

        She said that the earth goes round the sun .

3-] The second and the third conditional sentences [ wish , if only ] .

Ex .- He said , “ If I knew , I would visit you .”

         He said that if he knew , he would visit him .

       - He said , “ If I had known , I would have visited you .”

         He said that if he had known , he would have visited him .

       - He said , “ I wish I could fly.”

         He said that he wished he could fly .”

       - He said , “ If only I knew , I would come .”

         He said that if only he knew , he would come .

4-] When something has already been said or from a very short time [ just , already , soon etc. ]

Ex . He said just now , “ I shall leave at six o’clock .”

        He said just now that he shall leave at six o’clock .

2-] Interrogative [Question ] .

Changing the direct question into reported speech or interrogative sentence:

1-] ‘Say’ , ‘say to’ → ask , inquire , wonder , advise , warn etc. .

2-] Join with  ‘if’ or ‘whether’  in case of  ‘Yes , no question’ .

     - With the same question words , in case of ‘Wh questions’ or questions beginning with question words .

3-] Changing the question into interrogative sentence or statement by putting the subject at the beginning .

4-] We make the other changes as before [ tenses , pronouns, demonstratives , adverbs].

Ex . - She said to her son , “ Did you buy the vegetables ?”

          She asked her son if [ whether ] he had bought the vegetables .

        - He said to his father , “ When will you visit the museum ?”

           He asked his father when he would visit the museum .

3-] Imperative [ Order ] .

Changing the imperative sentence :

1-] Changing ‘say to’ → tell , advise , ask etc. .

                         ‘said’ → told , advised , asked etc. .

2-] Join with ‘to’[ affirmative or positive imperative ] ‘not to’ [ negative imperative ] .

Ex . The teacher said to the students ,”Give me your notebooks , please .”

         The teacher asked [ told ] the students to give him their notebooks .

       The mother said to her child , “ Don’t play in the street .”

        The mother told [ advised her child not to play in the street .


A sentence has been given in direct speech. Out of the four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in indirect speech.

1. Rahul asked me, ‘Did you see the cricket match on TV last night?’

Rahul asked me if I had seen the cricket match on TV the previous night.

Rahul asked me if I saw the cricket match on TV the previous night.

Rahul asked me did I see the cricket match on TV last night.

Rahul asked me whether I had seen the cricket match on TV last night.

2. James said to his mother, ‘I am leaving for New York tomorrow.’

James told his mother that he was leaving for New York tomorrow.

James told his mother he is leaving for New York tomorrow.

James told his mother that he was leaving for New York the next day.

James told his mother he would be leaving for New York the next day.

3. I said to him, ‘Why don’t you work hard?’

I asked him why didn’t you work hard.

I asked him why he didn’t work hard.

I asked him why he wouldn’t work hard.

I asked him why he wasn’t working hard.

4. He said to her, ‘What a hot day!’

He exclaimed sorrowfully that it was hot day.

He told her that it was a hot day.

He exclaimed that it was a hot day.

He said that it was a hot day.

5. The priest said, ‘Be quiet and listen to my words.’

The priest said them to be quiet and listen to his words.

The priest told them that they should be quiet and listen to his words.

The priest urged them to be quiet and to listen to his words.

The priest said they should be quiet and listen to him.

Complete the reported speech sentences. Do not use any contractions (I'm, he'd, she's etc.)

Full stops are not necessary.

1- ] 'I'll call you tomorrow.'

She said she ______________________________ .

2- ] 'Sally went home early.'

He told me ______________________ .

3- ] 'We've been waiting for an hour.'

He said _________________________ for an hour.

4- ] 'I had been expecting her to call.'

He told me he_____________________ her to call .

5- ] 'We're going to London next week.'

She said _____________________________ .

6- ] 'At the time of the accident the train was travelling at about 20 kph.'

He told the inquiry that at the time of the accident the train________________ at about 20 kph.

7- ] 'I might go to the party.'

She said she ______________ .

8- ] 'We can do the work by next Friday.'

They said ______________ .

9- ] 'We will be claiming compensation.'

A spokesperson for the victims told reporters _______________ compensation.

10- ] 'Have you reported the incident to Head Office?'

He asked me ________________ the incident to Head Office.

11- ] 'When are you going to be ready?'

She asked me ____________________ .

12- ] 'What do you think of the proposal?'

We asked her ___________________ of the proposal.

13- ] 'Where were you this morning?'

The inspector asked Biggs _________________________ .

14- ] 'Would you act as a witness?'

She asked me ______________________ .

15- ] 'Who told you they've split up?'

She wanted to know ______________________ .

Choose the correct answer

Q1 - I have no idea ____.

where she's

where she is

where is she

Q2 - Could you tell me ____ gone?

where she's

where is she

where has she

Q3 - I asked them where ____ going.

were they

they were

Q4 - Can you tell me how much ____ cost?

will it

it will

Q5 - Do you have any idea how long ____ me to do it?

did it take

it took

took it

Q6 - Has she told you whether ____ help?

will she

she will

Q7 - Can you explain why ____ so expensive?

is it


Q8 - She asked me where ____ from.

do I come

come I

I come

Q9 - I was wondering why ____ take the train; it'll be quicker.

don't we

we don't

Q10 - Can you remember _____?

what did she say

what she said

Complete the sentences in reported speech.

1- ]John said, "I love this town."

John said

2- ] "Do you like soccer ?" He asked me.

He asked me

3- ] "I can't drive a lorry," he said.

He said

4- ] "Be nice to your brother," he said.

He asked me

5- ] "Don't be nasty," he said.

He urged me

6- ] "Don't waste your money" she said.

She told the boys

7- ] "What have you decided to do?" she asked him.

She asked him

8- ] "I always wake up early," he said.

He said

9- ] "You should revise your lessons," he said.

He advised the students

10- ] "Where have you been?" he asked me.

He wanted to know

Modal Verbs [Modals ].

Modal verbs or modals are used to express different language functions .

1- ] Ability .

Can , could , ‘be + able to’ ‘manage to’ .

Can [ present ] , could [ past ] + infinitive .

Ex . I can swim . I can play football .  [ present ]

        I could swim and I could play football , when I was a child .

‘Be able to + infinitive’ ‘manage to + infinitive’ .

They are also used to express ability , but not as a certain activity or skill . They express ability to do a certain task or job .

Ex . The mechanic was able [ managed ] to repair my car .

        I managed to fix my computer .

2-] Possibility .

May / could / might .

May , could , might [ present ]

Ex . He is absent . He may [ could , might ] be ill .

May , could , might + have + past participle [ past ]

Ex . He was absent . He may [ could , might ] have been ill .

3-] Probability .

Should , ought to .

Should , ought to + infinitive [ present ] .

Ex . He should be early . [ probability ]

        He should pass the exam . [ probability ]

Should  , ought to + have + past participle [ past ] .

Ex . He should have come yesterday . [ We don’t know . ]

4-] Deduction .

Must , can’t .

Must , can’t + infinitive [ present , future ] .

Ex .  He is absent . He must be ill .

         He is present . He can’t be ill .

Must , can’t + have + past participle [ past ] .

Ex . He was absent . He must have been ill .

        He was present . He can’t have been ill .

5-] Permission .

Can / May [ informal ] / Could [ formal ] .

Ex . Can / May I go to the park , please ?

        Could I go to the toilet , please ?

6-] Request .

Can ….. / Will ….? [ informal ] / Could ../ Would…/ May ..? [ formal , polite].

Ex . Can [ Will ] you help me do my homework ? [ informal ]

        Could [ Would ] you pass the salt , please ? [ formal  ‘polite’ ]

7-] Offer .

Will you …. / Can I .../ Could I …. /Shall I ….

Ex . Will you have a drink ?

         Can I help you carry the bag ?

         Shall I carry the bag for you ?

8-] Suggestion .

Shall , Can , Could …..?

Ex . Shall we go to the park ?

        We can go to the park .

         We could go the park . [ polite ]

9-] Advice .

Shall / should / had better .

Asking for advice .

Ex . Shall I go on a diet ?

          Should I go on a diet ?

Giving advice .

Ex . You should [ ought to ] go on a diet .

         You shouldn’t [ oughtn’t to ] have lied to your father .

         You had better go on a diet .

10-] Necessity / Obligation .

Must / have to , has to / need .

Ex . You must [ have to ] come early .

         You had to travel yesterday .

         You must obey your parents . [ obligation ]

          Your car needs washing . [ necessity ]

11-] Lack of necessity .

Don’t have to / haven’t got to / don’t need to / needn’t .

Don’t have to / haven’t got to / don’t need to / needn’t [ present ].

Ex . The door is open . we don’t need to have a key .

        You don’t have to go to Ali . He is coming now .

Didn’t have to / hadn’t got to / didn’t need to / needn’t + have + past participle [past] .

Ex . You needn’t have bought a book . I’ve got one .

         You didn’t have to buy sugar . We have a lot .

Correct the answer

1. I'm not really sure where Beverly is. She [ might ] in the living room, or perhaps she's in the backyard.

2. Danny [ must ]  the video we rented on his way to work. It was on the table, but now it's gone.

3. You [ ought to ]  the air pressure in your tires. You don't want to get a flat tire on your trip.

4. The computer isn't working. It [ must ] damaged  during production.

5. The package [ should ]  tomorrow afternoon. It was sent by express mail this morning.

6. You [ have to ] book the tickets for the play in advance - they sell out quickly.

7. You can't mean that! You [ must ] joke .

8. If Debbie hasn't come home yet, she [ must still ] wait for us in the coffee shop.

9. Mike decided not to join us for lunch. He [ have to ] stay at work to finish the marketing report.

10. If I had gone with my friends to Jamaica, I would lie ]  on a white sand beach right now.

11. If I had gone with my friends to Jamaica, I [ would ]  come to work this week.

12. If I had gone with my friends to Jamaica, I [ could take ]  scuba diving lessons.

13. Margaret agreed to meet us at the entrance to the theater. She [ ought to wait ]  for us when we get there.

14. It [ might / should / ought to ]  Sam who called and didn't leave a message on the answering machine. He said he wanted to get together with us this weekend.

15. The machine [ can turn ] on by flipping this switch.

16. She [ might / could / have to  cry ] . That could have been why her eyes were so red and swollen.

17. If she was crying, she [ shall / would / must be ]  very upset.

18. That painting [ might paint ] by Picasso. It could be a forgery.

19. Your diving equipment [ must clean ] regularly if you want to keep it in good condition.

20. If I hadn't taken a taxi, I [ might / have to / ought to wait ]  for you at the train station for hours.

Modals of Ability 2 - Can, Could, Be able to, May, Might

Use the best modal to complete each sentence; use a negative form when necessary.

1. ------------- I borrow your pencil? Thanks!

2. James and Sara were so sad because they -------------------- go to their brother's wedding. They were too sick.

3. The students ----------------------- understand the instructions for the test yesterday, so many of them failed.

4. A: We have a big problem. What------------------ we do? B: I don't know. Maybe we

 ask our boss for help.

5. When Tina was a child, she --------------------- speak three languages: French, Arabic and English. She rarely practised French, so she ---------------------- speak it anymore.

6. I'm sorry. I ---------------------- hear you. Please speak more loudly.

7. My little brother --------------------------- play piano and guitar.

8. Excuse me. ----------------- I ask you a question?

9. A:What are you going to do on the weekend? B: I'm not sure yet. We --------------- go to a movie or we --------------------- stay home and relax.

10. I ----------------------------- go to school tomorrow because I'm feeling sick right now. I'm not sure.

An English exercise to help practise when you need must and when you need needn't.

1. I ------------------ tidy up my room but I -------------- tidy up my sister's room.

2. The girls ----------------- be home early but they ------------------ be home by midnight.

3. Children in Germany --------------------- go to school but they -------------- stay there all day long.

4. I ----------------- do my homework now but I ------------- learn my French vocabulary.

5. We ----------------- start to pack the parcels this afternoon but we ------------- pack them all until tomorrow.

6. You ---------------------- scream but you ----------------------- talk clearly.

7. You ---------------------- give me this book back again but you ---------------- give it me back this week.

8. John ---------------- go to football training but he ------------------ play in the match at the weekend.

9. The doctor said I ------------------- stay in bed but I ------------------- stay at home.

10. You ---------------- listen carefully to me when I speak but you -------------------- write everything down.

Choose the best form:

1. You ___ get in without a ticket – not a chance.

may not


2. In Spain, boys ___ do military service.

must not

don't have to

3. I promise I ___ stop smoking.


will stop

4. He's not answering the phone. He ___ have got home yet.



5. You absolutely ___ go and see Jenny.



6. We ___ decide to go to Germany again for Easter.



7. I think you ___ try to relax more.



Choose one of the following to complete the sentences.

[ Must have - Might have - Should have - Can't have ]

1. John ---------------- gone on holiday. I saw him this morning downtown.

2. Nobody answered the phone at the clinic. It --------------- closed early.

3. I ------------------- revised more for my exams. I think I'll fail!

4. Sarah looks really pleased with herself. She ----------------- passed her driving test this morning.

5. I didn't know you were going to Phil's party yesterday. You ------------------ told me!

6. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He ------------------ caught the wrong train.

7. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He ----------------- caught the correct train.

8. Don't lie to me that you were ill yesterday. You ---------------- been ill - Don said you were at the ice hockey match last night.

9. I don't know where they went on holiday but they bought Euros before they left so they-------------

 gone to France or Germany.

10. His number was busy all night - he ----------------- been on the phone continuously for hours.

11. It ------------------ been Mickey I saw at the party. He didn't recognise me at all.

Choose the correct answer

1- ] Erica must ___ gone out. I can't see her.




2- ]He looks tired. He might have ___ awake all night.





3- ] I think James must have ___ all the milk. There's none left.





4- ] Look at Lilly's suntan. She must have ___ somewhere hot on vacation.





5- ] She's late. She may have ___ the wrong road.





Write the correct modal verb into the box.

[  can  couldn't  have to  might  must  ought to  shouldn't  was able ]

1- ] It's very cold today. Do you think it----------------snow later?

2- ]  You---------------leave your door unlocked when you go out.

3- ] They-------------have filled the car with petrol before they set off.

4- ]  My motorbike broke down in the middle of nowhere, but luckily I-------------to fix it.

5- ]  Mum says we ----------------watch TV after we've finished our homework.

6- ] -------------pick me up at the station. I can get a taxi.

7- ] This is impossible, it-----------------be a mistake!

8- ]  Jim----------------have seen me because he walked past without saying 'Hello'.

General Grammar Test

1- ] Juan___________ in the library this morning.

is study


is studying

are studying

2- ] Alicia, __________ the windows please. It's too hot in here.




will opened

3- ] The movie was __________ the book.


as good

good as

as good as

4- ] Eli's hobbies include jogging, swimming, and __________.

to climb mountains

climb mountains

to climb

climbing mountains

5- ] Mr. Hawkins requests that someone _________ the data by fax immediately.




to send

6- ] Who is ____________, Maria or Nancy ?




the tallest

7- [The concert will begin ________ fifteen minutes.





8- ] I have only a ________ Christmas cards left to write.





9- ]Each of the Olympic athletes ____________ for months, even years.

have been training

were training

has been training

been training

10- ] Maria __________ never late for work.





11- ]The company will upgrade _________ computer information systems next month.






12- ] Cheryl likes apples, _________ she does not like oranges.





13- ]You were ____________ the New York office before 2 p.m.

suppose call

supposed to call

supposed calling

supposed call

14- ] When I graduate from college next June, I _____________ a student here for five years.

will have been

have been

has been

will have

15- ]Ms. Gary _________ rather not invest that money in the stock market.

has to




Level Test

Choose the correct option

1. All my life...

 A. I loved going to the movies

 B. I have loved to go to the movies

 C. I've loved going to the movies

2. There you are!

 A. I have waited for ages

 B. I have been waiting for ages

 C. I waited for ages

3. He's had his car...

 A. when he passed his driving test

 B. since he passed his driving test

 C. as he passed his driving test

4. I don't think Tokyo...

 A. is as dangerous like London

 B. is so dangerous as London

 C. is as dangerous as London

5. A. He looks just as his father

 B. He looks just like his father

 C. He looks just after his father

6. A. Your birthday's next month, isn't it?

 B. Your birthday will be next month, won't it?

 C. Your birthday is going to be next month, isn't it?

7. A. The doctor said it was nothing to worry about

 B. The doctor said its nothing. Don't worry

 C. The doctor said it isn't something to worry about

8. A. I can't imagine why he said that

 B. I might imagine why he said that

 C. I don't imagine why he said that

9. A. The painting sold for three thousand euros

 B. The painting was sold for three thousand euros

 C. The painting was being sold for three thousand euros

10. I have never been...

 A. such embarrassed

 B. so embarrassed

 C. such an embarrassed

... in all my life!

11. ... Richard, it seems he finally made his decision

 A. Had spoken to

 B. Having spoken to

 C. Speaking to

Fill in the appropriate verb to form the expression

[ form – cut – save – break –read – play – keep – fit –lay – take – form – make ]

1. To ------------ an opinion.

2. To ------------------  allowances.

3. To ------------------------ precautions.

4. To -----------------------  time.

5. To ----------------------  a tooth.

6. To --------------------  between the lines.

7. To -------------------------------  a leg.

8. To ------------------------  truant.

9. To ----------------------  a vacancy.

10. To ------------------------- the table.

11. To  a company.

12. To ------------------ house.

C. Choose the appropriate Preposition

1. It was   really nice [ for – to – with – of ]  you to invite me.

2. The house has been [ by – to – on – in ]  the market for a while.

3. I'm not very good [ with – on – at – for ] maths.

4. You are [ to – with – under – on ]  no obligation to go.

5. He is [ at – in – on – to ]  charge of the whole department.

6. Robert is an authority [ in – on – over – at ]  English literature.

7. You must be responsible [ of – to – by – for ]  your decisions.

8. I'm very concerned [ against – with - ­ about – for ]  his smoking.

9. Could you deal [ for – with – from – on ]  this problem later, please?

10. I want to protest [ over – about – on – of ]  the state of the building.

Level Test

Choose the correct option

1. A. He told he wasn't feeling well

 B. He said he doesn't feeling well

 C. He said he wasn't feeling well

2. A. We won't know how to do after we get the results

 B. When we get the results we won't know what to do

 C. We won't know what to do until we get the results

3. A. If you wouldn't tell me, I'll scream!

 B. If you don't tell me, I'll scream!

 C. If you didn't tell me, I'll scream!

4. A. He's probably lost her number

 B. He's lost her number, probably

 C. Probably, he's lost her number

5. A. I'll only tell you, if you can keep a secret

 B. If you can keep a secret, I would tell you

 C. you can't keep a secret, if I did tell you

6. A. What do you think we'll be doing in five years' time?

 B. What do you think you're doing in five years' time?

 C. What do you think we do in five years' time?

7. A. I didn't do that if I were you

 B. I wouldn't do that if I were you

 C. I wouldn't do that if I was you

8. A. I usually to live in Paris, but now I live in Madrid

 B. I used to live in Paris, but now I live in Madrid

 C. I am used to live in Paris, but now I live in Madrid

9. A. This time tomorrow, I am in Tokyo

 B. This time tomorrow, I am being in Tokyo

 C. This time tomorrow, I will be in Tokyo

10. A. You didn't use to smoke, did you?

 B. You usen't to smoke, did you?

 C. You aren't used to smoke, did you?

11. A. He looked tired, because he had travelled all day

 B. He looked tired, because he had been travelling all day

 C. He looked tired, because he had travelling all day

12. A. Sarah is working on something done!

 B. Sarah is having some work done!

 C. Sarah is doing work done!

13. A. You must have drink something!

 B. You must have drinking!

 C. You must have been drinking!

14. A. She's so nice a woman!

 B. She' s such a nice woman!

 C. She's a so nice woman!

15. A. I was told the party was next Friday

 B. I told the party was next Friday

 C. told them the party was next Friday

Confusing words

1. I've [ met – known ]  him since I was a little girl.

2. He [ told – said ]  us that he would be here later.

3. We met when we were [ doing – making ]  an exam.

4. It doesn't [ mind – matter ]  if we arrive a bit late.

5. They [ won – earned ]  a lot of money in the Lottery.

6. Do you see the man [ carrying – wearing ]  the dark glasses?

7. [ Remember – Remind ]  me to take an umbrella when I leave.

8. I suddenly [ realized – noticed ]  that she was wearing my green jacket.

9. He spends all his time [ avoiding – preventing ]  me, because he owes me money.

10. We are [ expecting – hoping ]  some visitors this weekend.

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...