Grammar American & British

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 68 ) , Impact of Global Warming on Ocean , Impact of Cinema in Life

 68 - ) Composition & Essay Writing

102 - ) Impact of Global Warming on Ocean

                        Oceans are beautiful, but Global Warming is ruining them. Global warming is becoming one of the major problems for the whole world. It is affecting our health, reducing the life span of animals, and also impact oceans. In this essay on global warming, we will see how it impacts oceans.

Global warming is impacting oceans in many ways. It is decreasing the level of oxygen, increasing ocean temperature, changing the oceans current, and impacting the lives of many species and marine animals.

                         Global warming is increasing not only the temperature of the environment but also of oceans. Oceans are heating up more day by day, and this is the worst impact of global warming on oceans. In the last two decades, the temperature of oceans is increased by two times. This will impact the sea level of the ocean which will, in turn, affect the climate in a very bad way.

                       Global warming increases the temperature of the water, which makes the water warm. And in warm water, oxygen is less soluble. Thus, oxygen in the ocean is reducing, which is known as Deoxygenation. Deoxygenation will, in turn, reduce the life span of fishes, and marine animals. Fishes will get lesser oxygen and will not be able to live longer. Furthermore, there are many people who are dependent on ocean and marine animals for their livelihood. Global warming is also affecting them indirectly.

                               Fishes are not comfortable with the higher temperature of oceans. They are not getting enough oxygen to live. What are they going to do? They will migrate from one place to another. Most fishes are now migrating towards the northern pole because of deoxygenation and the increasing temperature of the ocean. This will impact a lot of things.

                              Global warming is also impacting the ocean current levels. Due to changes in the ocean current levels, there is also a change in climate temperature, rain patterns are changing, and it is also disrupting the condition of weather. And once again, it is impacting the health of marine animals and species.

                  Global warming is the first world problem that needs to be solved quickly. We need to stop water waste, use public transport instead of private transport, make the use of renewable energy more and more. There are a lot of things we humans can do to stop global warming. But we all need to unite, form strict rules and regulations and follow it. If we do not stop global warming today it will affect our lives and lives of future generations. If we want to make sure our future generation live their life happily and peacefully we need to maintain discipline and contribute as much as we can in stopping Global warming.

             Keeping the world clean and green should be the motto of each and every human on earth. We need to educate people more about how to fight global warming. The more people will discover and realize they are making mistakes, they will stop doing it. If we all unite together, we can stop global warming!

103 - ) Impact of Cinema in Life

                               Cinema has been a part of the entertainment industry for a long time. It creates a massive impact on people all over the world. In other words, it helps them give a break from monotony. It has evolved greatly in recent years too. Cinema is a great escape from real life. Furthermore, it helps in rejuvenating the mind of a person. It surely is beneficial in many ways, however, it is also creating a negative impact on people and society. We need to be able to identify the right from wrong and make decisions accordingly.

                         Cinema has a lot of advantages if we look at the positive side. It is said to be a reflection of the society only. So, it helps us come face to face with the actuality of what’s happening in our society. It portrays things as they are and helps in opening our eyes to issues we may have well ignored in the past. Similarly, it helps people socialize better. It connects people and helps break the ice. People often discuss cinema to start a conversation or more. Moreover, it is also very interesting to talk about rather than politics and sports which is often divided. Above all, it also enhances the imagination powers of people. Cinema is a way of showing the world from the perspective of the director, thus it inspires other people too to broaden their thinking and imagination.

                     Most importantly, cinema brings to us different cultures of the world. It introduces us to various art forms and helps us in gaining knowledge about how different people lead their lives. In a way, it brings us closer and makes us more accepting of different art forms and cultures. Cinema also teaches us a thing or two about practical life. Incidents are shown in movies of emergencies like robbery, fire, kidnapping and more help us learn things which we can apply in real life to save ourselves. Thus, it makes us more aware and teaches us to improvise.

                             While cinema may be beneficial in many ways, it is also very damaging in various areas. Firstly, it stereotypes a lot of things including gender roles, religious practices, communities and more. This creates a false notion and a negative impact against that certain group of people.

People also consider it to be a waste of time and money as most of the movies nowadays are not showing or teaching anything valuable. It is just trash content with objectification and lies. Moreover, it also makes people addicts because you must have seen movie buffs flocking to the theatre every weekend to just watch the latest movie for the sake of it. Most importantly, cinema shows pretty violent and sexual content. It contributes to the vulgarity and eve-teasing present in our society today. Thus, it harms the young minds of the world very gravely.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 67 ) Organ Trafficking , Democracy vs Dictatorship

67 - ) Composition & Essay Writing

100 - ) Organ Trafficking

                        Organ trafficking is a very big issue which the world is facing right now. It is a deadly crime which robs human beings of their healthy life. It is essentially an illegal business of human organs, tissues and body parts. They use them for transplantation. It is bringing down the human body to the worth of an object. They trade them off for a little money or some other commodities.

                      There are various reasons why this happens greatly in all parts of the world. When we look at the problems people are facing in today’s world, a lack of organ donors is the main one. There are too many patients nowadays and too few volunteers. Thus, when the supply and demand do not match, crimes like these will rise.

               Organ trafficking is caused due to a lot of factors. Some of them are poverty, high demand low supply, illiteracy , war, developing regions, lack of strict laws and more. Most importantly, poverty is a great cause of this. People who are in great debt or in need of money sell off their organs to get some temporary relief. They get very less amount than the actual worth. Furthermore, illiteracy is also a great cause. Those who are not educated are not aware of the consequences of selling their organs. They do not know the health hazards and are very vulnerable to this crime.

                   The children in war and developing regions are also very vulnerable to organ trafficking. When they get displaced from their homes, the traffickers make them easy targets. Furthermore, deceiving and dishonest medical firms and people also are a major cause. As organ transplant cannot be done without proper knowledge of it, people of the medical field who are corrupt contribute to it.

The lack of proper implementation of laws also contributes largely to this problem. As there are no stringent laws against this crime, the traffickers have no fear. Moreover, they also get off easy which makes it easy to commit this crime.

                        Organ trafficking has a negative impact on society as a whole. The poor people get robbed off their good health due to this crime. The traffickers exploit them endlessly to make sure they do not betray them. Moreover, kidnapping and human trafficking also happen due to this crime only. The traffickers abduct and traffic children into selling their organs. Some also murder them after their work is done to not leave any proof behind. Organ trafficking also impacts the health of a person as well as their safety. The high demand for organs results in diseases and illnesses amongst people whose organs are trafficked. People also rob others so they can sell their organs. Even medical firms are losing their credibility because of such illegal practices. It impacts humans gravely. It robs them of a healthy life. Moreover, organ trafficking also gives rise to kidnapping, murder, human trafficking. It also hampers with the safety of a person.

                   We need to eliminate this crime to protect people. Governments must take strict measures and implement stringent laws against this crime. We must spread awareness about organ donation so people can donate their organs after death so the supply meets the demand. This will ensure no organ trafficking happens. Moreover, people must also be made aware of the dangers of organ trafficking so they can be better prepared and aware of the consequences.

 101 - )Democracy vs Dictatorship

              Democracy is a form of government in which the citizen is eligible to choose their representative in the government. In addition, it enables the citizen to give their voice in legislation. While on the other hand, dictatorship is a form of government in which the entire power resides in the hand of a single person that is the dictator. Since the 19th and 20th century both democracy and dictatorship emerged as a major form of government in the world.

                        Democracy is a form of government in which the majority of people elect the government. Furthermore, the general public takes interest in this form of government as they have the right to elect their representatives. Moreover, public participation is very important in a democratic system also the citizen of the country participate and are aware of social issues and their right to vote. Furthermore, there is a sense of responsibility in the people. Besides, the representatives are elected by means of elections and they are monitored impartially to ensure system integrity.

                     There are some basic qualities or characteristics of democracy that are equality, political freedom, and the rule of law. Moreover, democracy runs over the principle of majority rule. Furthermore, the eligible people have access to the legislative and are equal before the law. In addition, every eligible citizen vote has equal weight and value. Also, the constitution protects the liberties and right of the citizen of the country. Moreover, the constitution protects human rights through coordination and co-operation. And it offers to represent the diversity of all communities. Besides, equality is the heart of democracy.

                  Dictatorship is a form of government in which absolute power is in the hands of the dictator. Also, the dictator exercises this power in his self-interest. Furthermore, the dictator acts like the whole nation itself.                 The main characteristics of dictatorship are the suspension of the election, rule by decree, lack of civil liberties, repression of political opponents, and proclamation of the state of emergency without acting in harmony with the rule of law. Furthermore, dictators take advantage of their position. They do so by restraining the freedom of speech of the citizen. Also, they do so to maintain their political and social supremacy.   Also, people do not have the right to voice against the ways by which they are governed. In addition, there are no elections and people do not have the right to choose their representatives. All the rules and regulations are made by a single person (dictator).  Moreover, a single person (dictator) makes the law so at times they become brutal for the masses. Most noteworthy, the dictator pays fewer regards to the rights of the people.

          In conclusion, the Democratic form of government is enjoyed by the people and it gives a great deal of liberty to people and the power is in the hand of masses. On the other hand, dictatorship takes away all those rights and liberty. Furthermore, power is in the hand of a single person. In a democracy, development happens to fulfill the need of people. On the other hand, in dictatorship development happens according to the dictator. Above all, democracy is the best form of government that most of the nation of the world love and practice.


Composition & Essay Writing ( 66 ) Role of Youth In Nation Building , Consequences of Global Warming

66 - ) Composition Essay Writing 

 98 - ) Role of Youths in Nation Building

                           It is a well-known fact that the youth of any country is a great asset. They are indeed the future of the country and represent it at every level. The role of youths in nation-building is more important than you might think. In other words, the intelligence and work of the youth will take the country on the pathway of success. As every citizen is equally responsible, the youth is too. They are the building blocks of a country.

                     The youth is important because they will be our future. Today they might be our partners, tomorrow they will go on to become leaders. The youths are very energetic and enthusiastic. They have the ability to learn and adapt to the environment. Similarly, they are willing to learn and act on it as well to achieve their goals.

                  Our youth can bring social reform and improvement in society. We cannot make do without the youth of a country. Furthermore, the nation requires their participation to achieve the goals and help in taking the country towards progress. Likewise, we see how the development of any country requires active participation from the youth. It does not matter which field we want to progress in, whether it is the technical field or sports field, youth is needed. It is up to us how to help the youth in playing this role properly. We must make all the youth aware of their power and the role they have to play in nation-building.

                    There are many ways in which we can help the youth of our country to achieve their potential. For that, the government must introduce programs that will help in fighting off issues like unemployment, poor education institutes and more to help them prosper without any hindrance. Similarly, citizens must make sure to encourage our youth to do better in every field. When we constantly discourage our youth and don’t believe in them, they will lose their spark. We all must make sure that they should be given the wind beneath their wings to fly high instead of bringing them down by tying chains to their wings. Furthermore, equal opportunities must be provided for all irrespective of caste, creed, gender, race, religion and more. There are various issues of nepotism and favoritism that is eating away the actual talent of the country. This must be done away with as soon as possible. We must make sure that every youth has the chance to prove themselves worthy and that must be offered equally to all.

     In short, our youth has the power to build a nation so we must give them the opportunity. They are the future and they have the perspective which the older generations lack. Their zeal and enthusiasm must be channelized properly to help a nation prosper and flourish.

99 - )Consequences of Global Warming

                   We all have been very well aware of the climate change that is happening these days. The wind patterns, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity and all determine our climate. The different part of the world has different climates, for instance, dry, moderate, tropical and more. The climate is what determines the seasons of that area. As we are human beings, our aspect of life depends on the environment around us. That is why we need a healthy and stable one to lead a normal life. However, global warming is disrupting this pattern.

                                Global warming processes in which the temperature of the earth rises steadily and constantly. It is a threatening problem which will bring great danger to all living beings. Similarly, there are many reasons for this phenomenon. The enhanced levels of carbon dioxide, as well as greenhouse gases, contribute to it greatly. If we do not take measures to tackle this problem now, the living beings will soon face their doom. Moreover, we need to realize its harmful consequences so we can work on fixing it quickly.

Furthermore, everyone must be made aware of how they contribute to the increasing level of global warming. Most importantly, we must find an alternative that will help in tackling this issue at the very earliest to save earth and life on it.

             We must all know by now that the temperature of earth has gotten warmer by one degree Celsius. Although it looks small in number now but the consequences it has are massive. It is so because the amount of energy we need to augment this temperature even by one degree Celsius is huge. This extra energy is equivalent to force-feeding our climate system .We are experiencing hotter and hotter days due to global warming only. Each year we are breaking the record for experience the hottest day, month or year. The worrying degree has gone as far as 54 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the frequent and intense extreme weather events we are facing are also due to that only. You see forest fires, droughts, floods, and more natural disasters becoming more and more common. For instance, the Amazon Rainforest fire being the latest one.

The melting of ice caps and glaciers is also a result of global warming only. All this melted ice just creates a rise in the water volume of the oceans. The sea levels are increasing due to this. Moreover, the warmer the temperature gets, the more the mass of the water expands. It poses a great threat to the low-lying islands and coastal cities. Furthermore, our oceans are becoming warmer and acidifying. As these water bodies absorb most of the excess heat as well as Carbon Dioxide they have become more acidic. This, in turn, also results in coral bleaching. In addition, it also drives stronger storms. This rising acidity poses a great threat to aquatic life and disrupts their food chain. Thus, we need to soon get together to eliminate this problem to help our earth heal.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Twenty One ( 21 )

21` - ) Vocabulary Tests 

Test Twenty One

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word .

For centuries , legions of clever linguists have attempted to create a world language .

1 . Which words could best replace legions ?

( A ) reduced quantities  ( B ) secret organizations

( C ) limited groups  ( D ) large numbers                              1 . ------------------------

With the universal language , linguists hoped to foster good-will as well as serve the causes of international commerce and learning .

2 . Which word could best replace foster ?

( A ) promote  ( B ) conquer

( C ) transfer  ( D ) communicate                                             2 . ----------------------

Numerous languages were spoken where he was born . As a result people in the place profoundly mistrusted and misunderstood each other .

3 . Which word could best replace profoundly  ?

( A ) remarkably  ( B ) deeply

( C ) rarely  ( D ) selectively                                                        3 . ------------------------

The initial goals for the nascent language were for it to be so simple and logical that anyone could learn it , and to be so neutral in political and cultural connotations that it could become everyone’s second language .

4 . A nascent language can be best described as one that is -------------

( A ) expressive  ( B ) coming into being

( C ) rejected as too difficult  ( D ) imposed on speakers          4 . -----------------------

The central tenets of Esperanto ( invented worldwide language ) are its elegant simplicity .  Every word is pronounced exactly as it is spelled .

5 . The word tenets can best be explained as --------------------

( A ) speculations  ( B ) followers

( C ) strange twists  ( D ) principles                                              5 . ----------------------

One of the advantages of Esperanto is its relentless logic .

6 . Which word could best replace relentless ?

( A ) inadequate  ( B ) amusing

( C ) steady  ( D ) mandatory                                                          6 . ---------------------Grammar and syntax have been reduced to sixteen rules that have no exceptions .

7 . Syntax can best be explained as a --------------------

( A ) way words are put together to form sentences  ( B ) complicated theory ( C ) system for translating foreign languages ( D ) demonstration of how something works 7 .-------------

Experts claim that even a novice can learn the language in one hundred hours or less .

8 . Which word or words could best replace novice ?

( A ) expert  ( B ) participant

( C ) teacher  ( D ) beginner                                                               8 . ----------------------

In keeping with his prosaic approach to language , Zamenhof searched dictionaries of the Western world , choosing from each the most common roots on which to graft his new language .

9 . Which word could best replace prosaic ?

( A ) fictional  ( B ) straightforward

( C ) obscure  ( D ) gentle                                                                  9 . ----------------------

Countries like Japan and China use Esperanto to facilitate discussions between speakers of different dialects .

10 . Which word or words could best replace facilitate ?

( A ) complicate  ( B ) record

( C) make easier ( D ) confuse                                                             10 . ----------------------

Answer Key

1 . D 2. A 3 . B 4 . B 5 . D 6 . C 7 . A 8 . D 9 . B 10 . C

2- ] Decide which definition best completes the sentence . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

1 . If you tell a computer expert to explain something without using a lot of jargon , you want him to -------------------

( A ) be brief and to the point ( B ) avoid technical or highly specialized words

( C ) use humor  ( D ) tell his thoughts without interruption           1 . -------------------

2 . A nondescript suit would -----------------

( A ) look very much like every other suit ( B ) lend itself to a detailed description

( C ) probably be very expensive ( D ) have a special pocket for pencils and pens 2 . ----------

3 . A prosaic task would probably ----------------

( A ) be lively and interesting ( B ) require great strength

( C ) take several days ( D ) be dull and practical                               3 . ---------------------

 4 . If a new law had a profound effect on crime , its impact was ----------------------

( A ) hardly noticeable ( B ) thorough and far-reaching

( Impossible to determine ( D ) unusual                                               4 . ----------------------

 5 . An actor who recites a soliloquy would -----------------

( A ) reveal his thoughts in a long speech ( B ) probably provoke laughter

( C ) speak to another character ( D ) make fun of someone or something 5 .-------------------

6 . If an old manuscript is ascribed to Mark Twain , it ---------------

( A ) was signed by Mark Twain ( B ) may have been stolen from Mark Twain

( C ) is assumed tat Mark Twain wrote it ( D ) was addressed to Mark Twain 6 . --------------

7 . A novice mechanic---------------

( A ) is an expert on new machinery ( B ) is an inexperienced beginner

( C ) refuses to learn new techniques ( D ) is an experienced expert      7 . --------------------

8 . When the teacher proscribed chewing gum in class , she -------------

( A ) allowed it ( B ) outlawed it

( C ) restricted it to certain areas ( D ) encouraged it                              8 . ------------------

9 . When a speaker alludes to a historic event , he ------------

( A ) discredits it ( B ) describes it in detail

( C ) takes credit for it ( D ) makes an indirect reference3 to it               9 . -----------------

10 . Someone holding an intractable opinion on an issue ---------------

(A ) stubbornly refuses to change ( B ) is uncertain about his or her position

( C ) tends to change his or her mind frequently ( D ) knows little about the issue 10 . --------

Answer Key

1. B 2 . A 3. D 4 . B 5. A 6 . C 7 . B 8 . B 9 . D 10 . A

 3- ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word .

1 . The editor changed Manny’s description of the famous opera singer from “ fat “

to “------------------” .

(  portly , sportive )

2 . The new doctor on the staff --------------- to have experience in five or six highly specialized fields .

( comports , purports )

3 . I am waiting for a / an ---------------- moment to tell mymother about my grade on the test .

( opportune , portable )

4 . Today report cards contain comments on children’s social skills . Your grandparents may have been graded on their ------------------

( deportment , opportunism )

5 . The soft drink industry often produces commercials in which --------------- young people work up a thirst playing volleyball or football .

( sportive , portly )

6 . The class officers finally discovered the year-long ------------------- of the graduation gift fund .

( extortion , pilferage )

7 . The ---------------- of those involved in selling secrets to the enemy is undeniable .

( culpability , clemency )

8 . “Obedience school will change your pup’s --------------behavior” , the trainer argued persuasively .

( culpable , incorrigible )

9 . By demanding part of his classmates ‘ lunches in return for his promise not to hurt them , the bully had begun a campaign of ------------

( extortion , pilferage )

10 . Although never arrested or imprisoned for their --------------- activities , the gamgsters were believed to be responsible for several murders .

( felonious , incorrigible )

Answer Key

1 . portly 2 . purports 3. opportune 4 . deportment 5 . sportive 6 . pilferage 7 . culpability

8 . incorrigible 9 . extortion 10 . felonious 


184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...