Grammar American & British

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Twenty Seven

    27 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Twenty Seven

1- ] Read the sentence or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

Schooled in the nuances of gesture and facial expression , mimes encourage audiences to examine body movements .

1 . Which word could best replace nuances ?

( A ) embarrassing repetition ( B ) loud outcries

( C ) legal obligations ( D ) slight variations                       1 . ---------------------

Audiences must examine the body movements with the keen attention of a detective searching for clues .

2 . Which word could best replace keen ?

( A ) intense ( B ) struggling

( C ) broken ( D ) voluntary                                                   2 . --------------------

The body language of mimes unravels the mysteries of character , motivation , and plot that they adroitly crowd into sketches lasting only minutes .

3 . Which word could best replace adroitly  ?

( A ) mindlessly ( B ) skillfully and cleverly

( C ) authoritatively ( C ) foolishly                                          3 . ---------------------

Marcel Marceau who developed an early taste for pantomime tells most of his stories through this simple , pathetic , and irrepressible clown who named Bip .

4 . Which word could best replace irrepressible ?

( A ) easily frightened ( B ) capable of being provoked

( C ) overpowering ( D ) impossible to restrain                       4 . ---------------------

Marceau’s performances are deceptively simple , yet they embody the most intricate theatrical techniques .

5 . Which word could best replace embody  ?  

( A ) give definite form to ( B ) slyly manipulate

( C ) discard ( D ) authorize                                                        5 . --------------------

His eyes and his stark , almost shocking ,painted-white face further absorb the audience in the action .

6 . Which word could best replace stark ?

( A ) twisted ( B ) thin

( C ) harsh ( D ) barely noticeable                                                6 . --------------------

Each of the sketches in his repertoire offers a glimpse into the amusing foibles of human nature .

7 . A repertoire can best be explained as -------------------

( A ) background ( B ) forceful devotion to a specific cause ( C ) a formal promise ( D ) the pieces or parts a player or group is prepared to perform          7 . -------------------- 

8 . Foibles can best be explained as ---------------------

( A ) serious errors produced by carelessness ( B ) minor , excusable weaknesses in character ( C ) short tales accompanied by morals ( D ) disregard of danger 8 . ----------------

With posture and facial expression alone , Marceau re-creates fugitive displays of misery , jealousy , solitude , defeat , frustration , and shame .

9 . Which word could best replace fugitive  ?

( A ) difficult to watch ( B ) unnecessary

( C ) lasting only a short time ( D ) criminally negligent               9 . -------------------

Marceau devotes most of his energy to the students enrolled in his mime school and troupe. These young artists are his legacy .

10 . A legacy can best be explained as ---------------------

( A ) a constructive habit ( B ) a reassuring declaration ( C ) something handed down from one generation to another ( D ) something provided by agreement 10 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . A 3 . B 4 . D 5 . A 6 . C 7 . D 8 . B 9 . C 10 . C

2- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . POMPOUS ( A ) self-important ( B ) ceremonious

( C ) formal ( D ) outstanding                                                        1 . --------------------

2 . ADJUNCT ( A ) wise ( B ) subordinate

( C ) released ( D ) highly prized                                                    2 . --------------------

3 . SEGREGATE ( A ) deny ( B ) insult

( C ) separate ( D ) combine                                                            3 . ---------------------

4. KEEN ( A ) clever ( B ) blunt

( C ) simple ( D ) intense                                                                  4 . --------------------

5 . WASPISH ( A ) sensitive ( B ) easily irritated

( C ) protective  ( D ) dangerous                                                      5 . --------------------

6 . ADROIT ( A ) awkward ( B ) uninformed

( C ) skillful ( D ) unfamiliar                                                           6. ---------------------

7 . FOIBLE ( A ) small fault ( B ) clever trick

( C ) official command ( D ) carefree attitude                                7 . --------------------

8 . NUANCE ( A) soft noise ( B ) subtle quality

( C ) something fresh or new ( D ) argument                                 8 . --------------------

9 . EGOCENTRIC ( A ) self-centered ( B ) circular

( C ) attractive ( D ) enclosed                                                           9 . -------------------

10 . JUNCTURE ( A ) prohibition ( B ) worthless items

( C ) intersection ( D ) military rules                                              10 . ------------------

11 . CONTEMTUOUS ( A ) full of disdain ( B ) modern

( C ) skillful ( D ) short-tempered                                                    11 . -----------------

12 . STARK  ( A ) endangered ( B ) light and filmy

( C ) impulsive ( D ) absolute                                                            12 . ------------------

13 . AGGREGATE ( A ) aggravate ( B ) gathered together

( C ) explain ( D ) rearrange                                                              13 . -------------------

14 . INJUNCTION ( A ) command ( B ) crossroads

( C ) foreign interference ( D ) type of injury                                   14 . ------------------

15 . CONGREGATE ( A ) welcome ( B ) exclude from membership

( C ) assemble ( D ) separate into groups                                          15 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . B 3 . C 4 . D 5 . B 6 . C 7 . A 8 . B 9 . A 10 . C 11 . A 12 . D 13 . B 14 . A 15 . C

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . cavalier                      a . something handed down                          1 . ---------------

2 . gregarious                     b . showing offhand disregard                  2 . -----------------

3 . enjoin                             c . impossible to hold back                        3 . ----------------

4 . unpretentious                d . prohibit                                                  4 . ---------------

5 . ebullient                         e . displaying a sense of superiority          5 . ---------------

6 . egregious                        f . enjoying the company of others           6 . ---------------

7 . repertoire                       g . simple and modest                                7 . ----------------

8 . legacy                              h . enthusiastic                                            8 . ----------------

9 . irrepressible                    i . extremely bad                                         9 . ----------------

10 . condescending              j . pieces or parts a person or group is ready to perform

                                                                                                                    10 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . b 2 . f 3 . d 4 . g 5 . h 6 . i 7 . j 8 . a 9 . c 10 . e

Monday, October 4, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 5 )

5 - ) General Grammar Exercises & Tests 

 Look at these third conditional sentences. Some of them have errors. Are the Correct or Wrong?

1. The doctors would have called by now if they had finished the operation.



2. I might have be very rich if I'd been born in the USA.



3. I wouldn't have invited Tara to the party if I'd known she was in town.



4. You could've stayed at home if the weather had been worse.



5. I never would have gone to prison if I hadn't stolen that money.



6. I might had won the lottery if you'd remembered to buy me a ticket.



7. She may not have fell ill if she hadn't eaten that seafood.



8. Lilly said she wouldn't have said "no" if Barry had asked her to marry him.




Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: correct.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: wrong.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: correct.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: correct.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: correct.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: wrong.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: wrong.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: correct.

For each sentence, use the passive with "get" whenever possible.

1. I don't know why this class is always so dirty. It  (clean) every morning.

2. The murder suspect told the police a complicated alibi but it  (believe) by them and he was charged with the murder.

3. "Whose is that computer in the corner of the office?" "I don't know - it  (never use) by anyone."

4. When foreign films are dubbed into English, usually a lot of the original meaning  (lose) in the translation.

5. Humans  (think) to have originated in the east of Africa.

6. If my car  (damage) by you, you will pay for the repairs.

7. Glenn Miller  (kill) in an air crash in England in the 1940s.

8. When I am older, I  (know) as a famous scientist.

9. The films of Charlie Chaplin  (love) all over the world.

10. The new factory will open next July and the company says that over 250 employees  (need) initially.

11. Did you hear that Jane  (promote) to a management position at work! What great news.

12. (pay) for a job you enjoy doing must be the definition of a happy life!

Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: gets cleaned.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: wasn't believed.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: never gets used.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: gets lost.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: are thought.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: gets damaged.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: got killed.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: will be known.

Question 9 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: are loved.

Question 10 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: are needed.

Question 11 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: got promoted.

Question 12 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: Getting paid.

Fill in the gaps with a form of the passive. The tense could be past, present or future.

1. Many rock stars say the real thrill is that they enjoy  (watch) by thousands of adoring fans.

2. Your car is a death trap. It  (should/send) to the scrap yard years ago!

3. I'm sorry this office is so dirty but it can't  (clean) until tomorrow morning at the earliest.

4. Any teacher who hits a student should  (sack) immediately.

5. John's big dream is that he wants  (discover) by a big time music producer.

6.  (rob) in the street is a terrifying experience indeed.

7. The factory is losing a lot of money every week and  (shut) next Thursday.

8. But it might  (save) if we make an appeal to the local bank.

9. Before  (recycle), glass bottles are thoroughly washed and the labels removed.

10. Jack was fired from the local car wash because, even though he hadn't paid, he let his friend's car  (wash).

Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: being watched.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: should have been sent.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: be cleaned.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: be sacked.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: to be discovered.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: Being robbed.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: is being shut.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: be saved.

Question 9 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: being recycled.

Question 10 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: be washed.

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 4 )

4 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests

Look at each situation and decide if it describes a past or a present situation. Then write a sentence using "wish".

1. I am not very tall.

----------------------------------------  taller.

2. I didn't learn English when I was younger.

--------------------------------when I was younger.

3. I can't speak perfect English.

----------------------------------perfect English.

4. My hair isn't blonde.


5. My tennis serve is useless.


6. I didn't sleep very well last night.

--------------------------------------------well last night.

7. I got really badly sunburnt on the beach yesterday because I forgot my sun-cream.

-------------------------------------------------  my sun-cream yesterday.

8. My nose is too big.


9. I'm not the best student in the class.

--------------------------------------------------------student in my class.

10. I didn't go out with my friends to the disco-bar last night.

-------------------------------------------- with my friends to the disco-bar last night.

11. My neighborhood is terribly noisy at night.

 -------------------------------------------------------- at night.

12. I have to get up early every day.



Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I was.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I had learned English.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I could speak.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I had blonde

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish my tennis serve wasn't useless.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I had slept.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I hadn't forgotten.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish my nose wasn't so big.

Question 9 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I was the best.

Question 10 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I had gone out.

Question 11 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish my neighborhood wasn't terribly noisy.

Question 12 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I didn't have to get up early every day.

For each question, read the situation and choose the best sentence using the third conditional.

1. I wasn't thirsty. I didn't drink the lemonade.

    If I was thirsty, I would drink the lemonade

    If I had been thirsty, I would've drunk the lemonade

    If I would have been thirsty, I drank the lemonade

2. I didn't know Kirsty was in town. I didn't call her.

    If I had known Kirsty was in town, I would have called her

    I had called Kirsty if I had know she was in town

    I would had called Kirsty if I have known she was in town

3. I didn't know watching this documentary was important for our exam. I didn't watch it.

    If I knew this documentary was important, I had watched it

    If I would have known this documentary was important, I had watched it

    If I had known this documentary was important, I would've watched it

4. I walked home from the disco. My friend was too drunk to drive.

    I hadn't walked home from the disco if my friend wasn't too drunk to drive

    I wouldn't have walked home from the disco if my friend hadn't been too drunk to drive

    I wouldn't had walked home from the disco if my friend hadn't been too drunk to drive

5. I didn't go to the store. I thought it closed at 5pm. It closed at 6pm.

    If I had known the store had closed at 6pm, I would've gone

    If I knew the store would have closed at 6pm, I would've gone

    I would've gone to the store if I know it had closed at 6pm

6. I ate the yoghurt in the fridge. I thought it was mine, not yours.

    If I would have known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn't have eaten it

    If I had known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn't have eaten it

    I hadn't eaten the yoghurt if I knew it was yours

7. I am really hungry now. I didn't have any breakfast.

    If I had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now.

    If I would had had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now.

    If I had had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now

8. I didn't see Tony at the party. I wanted to speak to him about his vacation in France.

    If I saw Tom at the party, I would've spoken to him

    If I had seen Tom at the party, I would've spoken to him

    If I would have seen Tom at the party, I would've spoken to him


Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had been thirsty, I would've drunk the lemonade.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had known Kirsty was in town, I would have called her.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had known this documentary was important, I would've watched it.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wouldn't have walked home from the disco if my friend hadn't been too drunk to drive.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had known the store had closed at 6pm, I would've gone.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn't have eaten it.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had seen Tom at the party, I would've spoken to him. 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 71 ) Depletion of Natural Resources , Mountain Climbing

71 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

108 - ) Depletion of Natural Resources

                                               Humans are using natural resources endlessly day by day. The population explosion is causing overexploitation of natural resources with little or no care to conserving them. To meet this massive population, depletion of natural resources is happening. However, we need to understand that natural resources are finite. Even renewable resources are not being given enough time to replenish. Thus, one can even wonder what the condition of non-renewable resources might be. Therefore, this depletion of natural resources is quite harmful to the earth and its inhabitants.

                                        As we require minerals for almost everything from housing to business, they are being used up rapidly. There has been a major decline in these minerals like coal, copper and more. Soon, we will run out of them all if we do not conserve them properly. Similarly, the oil reserves are also running out. We won’t be able to produce more oil and thus we won’t get any petroleum. There will be inflation in prices and many economies will crumble due to this lack of resources. Similarly, forests are being cut down at an alarming rate. For instance, the recent decision to cut down the Aarey forest in Mumbai in India  is a major example. However, the damage being done due to this deforestation is quite worrisome. This will only spike the carbon dioxide levels and alter the water cycle on earth. We will soon face frequent faces of floods and soil erosion through which even our biodiversity will decrease.

                                 Most importantly, the way we are wasting water needs to be checked right away. As it is many countries are facing a water crisis and we know life without water is impossible. The farmers won’t get enough water for irrigation. It can also result in famine and many more deadly consequences. We must not waste these resources instead find ways to prevent this depletion.

                                       There are many ways in which everyone can help in this prevention of natural resource depletion. Firstly, we must reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. You can do it by stop wasting electricity. Try to carpool with your neighbors or relative and take public transport instead. Moreover, stop polluting water. As it is our freshwater bodies are running out of clean water. We must organize cleanliness drives to clean the water of these bodies. Do not let your tap run for a long time. The industries must be banned from dumping their toxic waste into the water. Furthermore, do not take long showers, instead use the buckets for a bath. Most importantly, please plant more trees. Preserve our existing forests and do not let them be cut down. They are a very important natural resource needed for human survival. Use less paper to avoid cutting down trees. We can all come together and prevent this depletion of natural resources only if we realize the harmful consequences.

109 - ) Mountain Climbing

        Mountain climbing has been on the bucket list of many people. It is an activity which is considered to be very exciting and adventurous. Moreover, it is something you will find to be very common all across the world.

Indeed mountain climbing has come a long way. The people of the yesteryears had a tough time accomplishing it; however, it is not the case now. It is still challenging but not as challenging as it used to be. The modern-day equipment and technology have made it easier.

                    Mountain climbing is one of the most adventurous sports which give an adrenaline rush like never before. People find solace and pleasure in this activity. Furthermore, it is also a great activity to rejuvenate oneself.     Mountain climbing is an expedition that brings you closer to nature and helps you connect with it closely. Furthermore, a person who decides to do mountain climbing has already accomplished and overcome his fear. It is an activity that teaches a lot about facing challenges and overcoming our fears. Moreover, it also makes us fitter both mentally and physically. It can be easily that those who have tried it have said to come out as better people through this experience. Above all, people also take up mountain climbing to set new records or break the older ones. But, it is safe to say that most of them do it for the thrill of the experience and doing something adventurous. It does pose a lot of challenges for the person but that does not stop people from pursuing it nonetheless. This is so because the excitement and kick one gets here won’t find anywhere else.

                                        People have also found mountains to be there true calling. However, they are quite challenging as well. You must have noticed that people aim for the highest peaks to conquer solely for victory and experience. Furthermore, we can see that nearly all the mountains of the world have been conquered by man. One of the most dangerous things to do is definitely mountain climbing. One needs to have a lot of courage and endurance powers to be able to accomplish this challenging task.

It is truly a life-risking experience as one faces a lot of challenges while doing it. Firstly, you face breathing troubles as the air becomes rarefied the higher you go. After that, there is always the risk of falling or slipping off. Plus, the cold weather just makes it worse. Moreover, the climber also suffers from frostbite and their toes and fingers get numb. One must also possess good decision-making skills and know how to use the map correctly.

                       In addition to that, people also have to scale steep rock faces. There is also the risk of slipping on wet rocks. Subsequently, the extra clothing and equipment they have to carry on their backs just make their climb more challenging and risky.


Composition & Essay Writing [ 70 ] Life After School , The Effects of Deforestation

70 - ) Composition & Essay Writing 

106 - ) Life After School

                      School life is one of the most memorable and relaxing times in one’s life. You enjoy that period tension-free and just go with the flow. However, what happens after our school life ends? We are taught about all the equations and numerical, but we are not prepared about life after school. Life after school requires a more practical approach. It is the most crucial time of your life which will determine your future. We must be prepared beforehand so that life after school will become full of comfort for us. The most important thing is to set goals and build a career.

                           As we all know, school life is a time which is very easy and comfortable. You stay in the same place for over 12-14 years and the main concern is just to make it to the next class. However, after school life ends, you are sent out in the world to make choices for yourself. That is why it becomes essential to build a career from the point so that you can have a brighter future.

                                 In order to build your career, you need to set goals. The goals do not have to necessarily be long-term. In order to achieve success, you can set both long-term and short-term goals. To begin with, choose a career path that brings you interest. It is highly unlikely that you will excel in some fields that you do not take interest in. Similarly, also make sure that it has a fine scope in the future. Most importantly, make sure that you possess the skills to pursue that career. If you do not, there is no harm as you have time to acquire those skills through courses and classes. You can enroll yourself in different types of courses which will help you build a fine career out of your skills and talents. For instance, those who want to go into the culinary field can take up cooking classes learn the art beforehand.

                                         Once you go out of school, you will learn life after school is all about striking the perfect balance. Unlike your school life, you will now have to balance your work and life. There will be people who will ask you to bury your head into books or just constantly work on mastering certain skills. But, you must not forget to strike a perfect balance. As we all know that excess of anything is harmful, whether it is studies or play. Therefore, you must not let the pressure get to you. It will only be harmful to you as it will hamper with your health and impact it negatively. Always remember to maintain a schedule with an adequate amount of recreational facilities. Give time to yourself and keep taking short breaks. There is no harm in hanging out with friends whenever you feel the pressure is too much. Also, remember to exercise well to keep your mind and body fresh. Goals have the influence to reorganize things. However, your goals and schedule arranged to attain the same must not be too rigorous. It should be feasible and you must work with all your heart to achieve them.

107 - ) The Effects of Deforestation

                                    The world is losing most of its natural resources as and when you read this. There are many factors which are making this happen, however, one major concern is that of deforestation. Human activities are resulting in deforestation at a very rapid rate. Moreover, the effects of this activity are very dangerous. We do not realize the damage we are causing to living beings as well as the vegetation by cutting down trees. It will be clearer if we understand the impact of deforestation and make attempts to prevent it.

                                             When we cut down even a single tree, the impact it has is huge. Now imagine if we clear out whole forests only altogether, how damaging would that be. We cut down forests to meet the needs of humans. In order to fulfill the agricultural, commercial, industrial, residential and other needs we remove forests. Most of the earth was covered with forests until a hundred years ago, however, now we don’t have much of them left.

                                       Deforestation causes disruption in the ecological balance. Moreover, it also interferes with the lives of wildlife and human beings as well. Firstly, when there won’t be many forests left, the water cycle of the earth will get disturbed. There won’t be enough trees left to absorb the water. Moreover, it will cause floods and droughts too. Similarly, soil erosion will be another effect of deforestation.

                                   Other than that, the climate will experience massive change. Global warming is also happening partly due to deforestation only. The oxygen level in the atmosphere will drop down by a great number and thus naturally carbon dioxide levels will increase. Most importantly, the wildlife is losing their habitats due to deforestation. Forests are their only home and with no place left to go, they either lose their lives or wreak havoc in the cities. Therefore, we must all come together to stop this from happening and saving our earth as well as our lives. Humans must not be so selfish so as to make other animals homeless to shelter themselves. We must not damage our vegetation to create a beautiful garden for ourselves.

                                     We can do a lot of things that will contribute to preventing deforestation. To begin with, do not waste paper. The more demand there will be the more supply will happen. This way, trees will keep getting cut to meet these needs. Similarly, the governments must put a ban on deforestation so the big firms can find other alternatives instead of clearing forests for commercial and industrial needs. The laws must be made stringent enough and also implemented properly to prevent it. Moreover, there must be measures taken to control the increasing population. As there are more mouths to feed and fewer resources, our nature and forests are getting burdened. There is not adequate supply to meet the ever-increasing demands of the population. Thus, the lesser the demand, the better the conditions of the forests as well.


184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...