Grammar American & British

Friday, October 22, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 9 )

9 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests


( 9 )

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.


1 . In the end he ------------- and allowed the chairman to prepare the document.

2 . I ---------------- paying for this meal. You paid for the last one.

3 .The Prime Minister --------------- that it was a historic day for the country.

4 . My friend always------------------ me ------------- smoking a cigarette with him, but I don't want to.

5 . I'm sorry I ---------------- the meeting. But it wasn't all my fault.

6 . It took the teacher a few minutes to get the class -------------------.

7 . I ------------------------ him for help after the incident had happened.

8 . They worked for a few hours on the problem but simple weren't able to -----------------what had happened.

9 . He always--------------- me ----------------- a person I met at high school many years ago.

10 . The doctor told me to ------------------- and not get hysterical. It was only a minor injury I had.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the passive voice in the correct tense!

The war -------------- next week (DECLARE).

Your homework ----------------- by tomorrow afternoon. (MUST FINISH)

That house ------------------ since I was a child. (NOT PAINT)

Smoking ------------------ in this hotel (NOT ALLOW)

After all the flights ------------------- the tourists checked in at the airport hotel.(CANCEL)

The car ------------------ for over a week (NOT WASH).

He --------------- a new contract last year (GIVE)

This song ------------------- by the Beatles in 1967. (WRITE)

The earth -------------------- if we try hard enough to do something (CAN SAVE)

The new bridge -------------------- at the moment. (BUILD)

Complete the sentences using gerund or infinitive (with or without "TO").

Dad suggested --------------- the car here and walking the rest of the way. (LEAVE)

I am getting used ----------------- from home. (WORK)

Are you interested in ------------------ the whole story (HEAR)?

I'd rather ------------------- for a walk than do my homework. (GO)

It's not much use ------------------- a smartphone if you don't know how to use it (HAVE).

My suit needs -----------------. Look at how dirty it is (CLEAN)

The boy hoped ----------------- the exam, but he wasn't sure about it (PASS)

The policeman advised us -------------------------- into that neighbourhood. (NOT GO)

A lot of husbands expect their wives --------------------- for them every day. (COOK)

After -------------------- to his story I decided ------------------ him (LISTEN, NOT BELIEVE)

Do you remember ------------------ me about the lost pen ? (ASK)

Remind me ------------------------ my mother in the afternoon (CALL)

The man offered ----------------------- after the car while we were outside. (LOOK)

The firemen were the first ----------------------- at the danger zone. (ARRIVE)

I used ------------------- an instrument but I haven't had any practice recently. (PLAY)

Choose the correct word for each blank.

I had to stand in [ order , queue , tail , line ]  for an hour to get tickets.

2 . The post office is open [ day , daytime , daily , a day ]  from 9 to 4.

3 . Many animal species today are [ danger , in danger , in risk , endangered ] .

4 . He { appeared , arrived , emerged , entered ]  on stage only in the first scene

5 . We [ agreed  , acting , view , rehearse  ]  to meet in the corridor in front of the office.

6 . Are there any tickets left for tonight's [ performance , fame , pride , regard ] ?

7 . He soon made a [ fame , pride , reputation , regard ]  for himself on stage.

8 . There is a bomb in the garden. It can [ break out , explode , erupt , crash ]  at any moment.

9 . The soldiers had  [ marched , hiked , run , wandered ]  for two days until they finally reached the village.

10 . Why are you in such a bad [ glad , desire , mood , feeling ] . It's a lovely day today.

11 . That's a nice dress you're wearing. It [ wears , goes , suits , matches ]  you perfectly.

12 . Our school offers a wide [ group , list , choice , range ]  of subjects.

General Grammar Exercises & Tests [ 8 ]

8 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests 

( 8 )

Choose the correct article or leave blank !

                    [ a , an  , the ]

1 . I plan to be ------------ candidate for --------------- Parliament at ----------- next election.

2 . We took -------------- trip around London and stopped at ----------- Westminster Abbey.

When I left ------------ station I had to wait for ---------------- taxi for a long time.

At ---------- moment, the club is steering towards ------------------ uncertain future.

When we looked out of ---------------- window we saw the mountains covered with --------snow.

---------- most of the main roads in --------- country were built ---------- long time ago.

If I had time I would like to take up ----------- photography.

There is going to be ---------- fog and ------------ bad weather for most of next week.

Jack doesn't like ----------- bread from ------------ local bakery.

It's been -------------- long time since I met someone like you.

Inflation has increased for ---------- third time in ----------- row.

Have you got ----------- latest album by ------------ Rolling Stones?

We spent a wonderful evening having ------------- drinks at one of -------- best pubs in -------- neighbourhood.

 Danube River flows right through ------------- centre of -------------- city.

Confusing words : Choose the correct answer.

1 . ( Steel , Steal ) workers have been on strike for the better part of the month.

2 . He never [ lends , borrows ]  his camera to anyone but me.

3 . The toys were hidden [ under , below ]  the mattress

4 . If you have kept your [ recipe , receipt ]  you can go to the store and exchange your dress.

5 . I don't [ hope , expect ]  him to change his mind. He's so stubborn.

6 . ] It's not [ save , safe ]  for you to go outside during a thunderstorm

7 . On Sundays I stay in bed and just [ hear , listen to ]  the radio.

8 . The country has been in a very bad [ economic , economical ]  situation for over a decade.

9 . Punishing him will have no [ effect , affect ]  on his future behaviour.

10 . The [ mayor , major ]  has told the residents of the town to stay at home.

11 . It was [ passed , past ]  four when he finally arrived with the groceries.

12 . There are a few [ peaces , pieces ]  missing.

13 . She ate the [ hole , whole ]  pizza and left nothing for the others.

14 . I am not going to [ dye , die ]  my hair because it makes me look younger.

15 . We sold more newspapers [ then , than ]  we did last year.

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.


1 . When we went to high school we used to ----------------- on weekends in a nearby park.

2 . When I retire I'll --------------- some new hobbies like fishing or playing golf.

3 . Mum ---------------- at the local fitness center twice a week.

4 . When we looked through the old albums we ------------- a photo of my aunt.

5 . He tried really hard and ran as fast as he could but simply couldn't ---------------- with the best runners.

6 . We waited for over an hour but they simply didn't -------------. Something might have happened to them.

7 . I am going home anyway so I can --------------- you ------------ wherever you want.

8 . We decided to ----------- the south because the weather was much better there.

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.


1 . When I was a child I ------------ Father Christmas, but that was a long time ago.

2 . She always keeps ------------------ about how much money she has and all the things she can buy.

3 . He is such an arrogant colleague. I don't want to ----------------- his behaviour any longer.

4 . The book I read didn't ----------------- my expectations, but maybe I was influenced by too many people.

5 . The mayor offered his version of the plan but local residents-------------------- it at once.

6 . After 8 hours of meetings, the trade talks finally -------------- without an agreement.

7 . After our quarrel we decided to go for a meal and -------------------

8 .They happened to be in the city for a short holiday so they just ------------------ without calling in advance.

Composition & Essay Writing ( 77 ) Self-discipline , AIDS

77 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 


120 - ) Self Discipline

                           Self-discipline means self-control, which gives you inner strength and a way to control yourself, actions, and reactions. It is one of the most important and useful skills to achieve success and everyone should possess this quality. Self-discipline comes naturally to some people. And some people can achieve it with some effort. The effort made is worth it as it changes life for the better. It just means exercising self- control. A person who stays in control has the tips to achieve self-discipline

                 The first step towards leading a disciplined life is to set goals. Goals give you a clear idea about what needs to be achieved. One must always set a timeline for your goals. This serves as a driving force and motivates you to work hard. It is a good idea to set both short term and long term goals and create a well thought out plan to achieve them.

                     Meditation is one of the best ways to channel our energy in the right direction. It helps maintain focus, acquaints us with our inner self and furthers better self- control. It is the stepping stone for a disciplined life. Meditating for half an hour every day can help in inculcating self-discipline.

                    Those who set a routine and follow it daily lead a more disciplined life. It is suggested to list all the tasks that you require accomplishing in a given day. Write them in the order of their priority, set a timeline for each and act accordingly. This is a good way to lead an organized and disciplined life.

                             In this technology-driven world, there are numerous things that can distract us and take charge of our lives. Our mobile phones, television, and chatting apps are some of the new age things that are a big hindrance in practicing self-discipline. No matter how determined we are to study, work or sleep on time, we tend to get distracted at the beep of our phone. Social media platforms, chatting apps and web series are extremely addictive and hamper work. In order to practice self-discipline, it is important to stay away from these distractions. Put your phone on silent or keep it at a distance when you sit to study or work. Similarly, just put your phone away at bedtime and instead pick a book to read.

                            Reward yourself for every goal you achieve. This will motivate you to work harder to achieve more. This is a good way to trick your brain to inculcate self-discipline. You can inculcate self-discipline only when you are well-rested. So, it is essential to sleep for eight hours each night. Maintaining a good sleep cycle is also essential. This means that you should try sleeping and waking up at the same time each day. A power nap during the afternoon can help further.

                            Many people want to inculcate self-discipline but are unable to because they somehow believe that it is difficult to achieve. They feel that it is too much to ask for and that they shall not be able to practice it. This is the wrong approach. You can achieve anything in life if you stay positive and believe in yourself. So, you should stay positive. It is a pre-requisite for inculcating self-discipline.

                          Self-discipline helps you to overcome the bad habits by meditating regularly. It gives you the ability not to give up after failure and setbacks, develop self-control, provide the ability to resist distractions, helps you to motivate yourself until you accomplish your goals. Achieving self-discipline may be difficult but in order to lead a healthy personal and professional life, it is very important. A self-disciplined person makes optimum use of the time. Hence, he can achieve more and do more work as compared to a person who is not self-disciplined. We should, therefore, make some efforts to achieve it- ability to take charge of his/her actions and reactions.

121 - )AIDS

                        Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or better known as AIDS is a life-threatening disease. It is one of the most dreaded diseases of the 20th century. AIDS is caused by HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which attacks the immune system of the human body. It has, so far, ended more than twenty-nine million lives all over the world. Since its discovery, AIDS has spread around the world like a wildfire. It is due to the continuous efforts of the government and non-government organizations; AIDS awareness has been spread to the masses.

                            The cause of AIDS is primarily HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus replicates itself into the human body by inserting a copy of its DNA into the human host cells. Due to such property and capability of the virus, it is also known as a retrovirus. The host cells in which the HIV resides are the WBCs (White Blood Cells) that are the part of the Human Immune system.

                         HIV destroys the WBCs and weakens the human immune system. The weakening of the immune system affects an individual’s ability to fight diseases in time. For example, a cut or a wound takes much more time to heal or the blood to clot. In some cases, the wound never heals.

                HIV majorly transmits in one of the three ways – Blood, Pre-natal and Sexual transmission. Transfusion of HIV through blood has been very common during the initial time of its spread. But nowadays all the developed and developing countries have stringent measures to check the blood for infection before transfusing. Usage of shared needles also transmits HIV from an infected person to a healthy individual. As part of sexual transmission, HIV transfers through body fluids while performing sexual activity. HIV can easily be spread from an infected person to a healthy person if they perform unprotective sexual intercourse through oral, genital or rectal parts. Pre-natal transmission implies that an HIV infected mother can easily pass the virus to her child during pregnancy, breastfeeding or even during delivery of the baby.

                                 Since HIV attacks and infects the WBCs of the human body, it lowers the overall immune system of the human body and resulting in the infected individual, vulnerable to any other disease or minor infection. The incubation period for AIDS is much longer as compared to other diseases. It takes around 0-12 years for the symptoms to appear promptly. Few of the common symptoms of AIDS include fever, fatigue, loss of weight, dysentery, swollen nodes, yeast infection, and herpes zoster. Due to weakened immunity, the infectious person falls prey to some of the uncommon infections namely persistent fever, night sweating, skin rashes, lesions in mouth and more.

                               Till date, no treatment or cure is available for curing AIDS, and as a result, it is a life-threatening disease. As a practice by medical practitioners, the best way to curb its spread is antiretroviral therapy or ART. It is a drug therapy which prevents HIV from replicating and hence slows down its progress. It is always advisable to start the treatment at the earliest to minimize the damage to the immune system. But again, it is just a measure and doesn’t guarantee the cure of AIDS.

                                    AIDS prevention lies in the process of curbing its spread. One should regularly and routinely get tested for HIV. It is important for an individual to know his/her own and partner’s HIV status, before performing any sexual intercourse activity. One should always practice safe sex. Use of condoms by males during sexual intercourse is a must and also one should restrict oneself on the number of partners he/she is having sex with. One should not addict himself/herself to banned substances and drugs. One should keep away from the non-sterilized needles or razors.  Multiple awareness drives by the UN, local government bodies and various nonprofit organizations have reduced the risk of spread by making the people aware of the AIDS – spread and prevention.

                              Life for an individual becomes hell after being tested positive for AIDS. It is not only the disease but also the social stigma and discrimination, felling of being not loved and being hated acts as a slow poison. We need to instill the belief among them, through our love and care, that the HIV positive patients can still lead a long and healthy life.

                        Though AIDS is a disease, which cannot be cured or eradicated from society, the only solution to AIDS lies in its prevention and awareness. We must have our regular and periodical health checkup so that we don’t fall prey to such deadly diseases. We must also encourage and educate others to do the same. With the widespread awareness about the disease, much fewer adults and children are dying of AIDS. The only way to fight the AIDS disease is through creating awareness.

Composition & Essay Writing ( 76 ) , Conservation of Natural Resources , Acid Rain

76 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

 118 - ) Conservation of Natural Resources

                    Natural resources are something that is occurring naturally on Earth. It forms an indispensable part of our lives. It comprises of air, water, sunlight, coal, petroleum, natural gas, fossil fuels, oil, etc. However, they are exploited by humans for economic gain. Natural resources are at depletion because of the overuse. Some of these resources are available in abundance with the capability to renew. On the other hand, some are non-renewable. Thus, it demands a responsible behavior for the conservation so as to ensure their sustainability.

                       Human beings depend upon the natural resources for their development activities. If the resources are not used wisely, it would create an imbalance in the environment. Thus would head us in opposition to an eco-friendly atmosphere. The need for conservation arises from the significance of natural resources. It is as follows. Water is a renewable natural resource. We use it for drinking, producing electricity, irrigation, in various industries and for a number of activities. Its scarcity would cause loss of vegetation, adverse effect on flora and fauna, erosion of soil, etc. Plants and animals provide a wide range of industrial and biological materials. Also, it assists in the manufacturing of medicine and for various other uses.

                         It takes millions of years for the formation of natural resources. Fossil fuels are of great importance. A lot of energy is produced from coal, oil and natural gas all of which are fossil fuels.

                   Forest is the most important natural resource which helps in economic development. Forest provides paper, furniture, timber, medicine, gum, etc. Also, it maintains a balance in the ecosystem. Moreover, it prevents soil erosion and protects wildlife. Land resources support natural vegetation, wildlife, transport. The land also provides us food, cloth, shelter, and other basic needs.

                     Different ministries of governments , national and international agencies have been working for the purpose of conserving the natural resources. Environment education must be imparted by including the same in the curricula of the schools. National parks are making an effort for the safety of the natural resources. By reducing, reusing and recycling of non-renewable resources.

                  Non-human species must be disturbed only to meet the basic needs. Planting of more and more trees to save our forest resources. There are ways for seeking alternatives to non-renewable resources. 1 -] By increased use of bio-gas and bio-fuels. 2- ] By preventing the dumping of industrial wastes into the river bodies. This is a measure to protect the rich marine life. 3-] Overgrazing must be prevented. 4 - ] Also, poaching of animals must be controlled. 5 - ] Practicing crop rotation techniques helps in maintaining the fertility of the soil.

                   Burning of fossil fuels emits carbon-di-oxide which is a major greenhouse gas. It is responsible for the greenhouse effect. Thus, the burning of fossil fuels must be controlled. These are some of the measures which we can undertake for the conservation of natural resources. As Human- beings, we have a social responsibility to fulfill towards nature. Thus, while using resources, we shall follow the principle of sustainable development. Natural resources are a present for the creation. These help in satisfying the human needs to its fullest. Furthermore, the rational use of natural resources maintains the earth’s atmosphere. Also, the wise use leads to protection of bio-diversity. Humans cannot imagine their lives without natural resources. Thus, the conservation of the same is essential.

119 - ) Acid Rain

                        Acid Rain includes rain, snow, hail, fog, or dew that is high in acid pollutants, especially sulphuric and nitric acid. Acid Rain is mainly caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide from various sources. They react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. The problem of Acid Rain has not only increased with rapid growth in population and industrialization, but it has also become more harmful. In fact, the use of the tall chimneys on a factory, ship, has contributed to the spread of Acid Rain by releasing gases into the atmosphere. A large number of acid deposits are witnessed in Canada, the United States, Europe , portions of Sweden, Norway, and Germany. Some amount of acid deposits are found in parts of South Asia, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Southern parts of India like Bangalore, New Delhi, Mumbai.

                        There are two types of depositions in which acid rain occurs. They can be discussed as follows: 1- ] Wet deposition: When the acid falls on the ground in the form of rain, snow, fog or mist, it removes acid from the atmosphere and settles them on the Earth’s surface. When this acid flows through the ground, it affects a large number of plants, animals and aquatic life. The water from drain flows into the water sources like rivers and canals which is then mixed up into seawater; thereby affecting the aquatic habitats. 2 - ] Dry deposition: When the acidic pollutants merge into dust or smoke and fall to the ground as dry particles, these stick to the ground and other surfaces such as buildings, cars, houses, trees, and monuments. Majority of the acidic pollutants in the atmosphere spread through dry deposition.

                    The major causes of acid rain are Natural and Human-Instigated causes. However, Acid Rain is basically caused due to the combustion of fossil fuels which results in emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NO2) in the atmosphere.  The main nature causing agents for acid rain are volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes emit a large amount of lava, producing harmful gases which create a higher than normal amount of Acid Rain. Decaying vegetation, wildfires and other biological processes within the environment also generate the Acid Rain forming gases. Lighting strikes also produce nitric oxides that react with water molecules via electrical activity to produce nitric acid, thereby forming acid rain.

                               Human activities leading to the emissions of chemical gas include sulphur and nitrogen gases from the factories, power generating premises and automobiles. Mainly, the use of coal for electrical power generation is the biggest contributor to gaseous emissions. These also lead to acid rain. These gases react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form various acidic compounds such as sulphuric acid, nitric acid, etc. As a result, those areas experience exceedingly high amounts of acid rain.

                                 Acid Rain adversely affects the environment includes marine biodiversity, soil, architecture & infrastructure, forests, and forest wildlife, public health. For example, Taj Mahal is turning yellow mainly due to air pollution, discoloration of marble due to oxidation of its constituents is one of the harmful effects of acid rain.

                          Acid Rain caused due to the natural reasons cannot be stopped. But there are ways following which we can avoid the same, caused due to man-made reasons. The ways by which acid rain can be avoided are by the use of limestone by which people can repair the damages caused by acid rain to lakes, rivers, brooks, and other water sources. By adding lime into acidic surface also we can avoid acid rain as water balances the acidity.

                     Use of hybrid vehicles with negligible NO2 emissions is also a way out. Besides fossil fuels, there is a wide range of substitutable energy sources that can generate electrical power these include wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, nuclear power, and hydro energy. Using these energy sources can offer effective electrical power alternatives. Instead of using fossil fuels, use of natural gas, fuel cells and batteries can also substitute use of fossil fuels. As you can see, there are many attempts to clean our air. Due to increase in population and rapid industrialization, we need to make efforts on a war footing to reduce the phenomenon of Acid Rain. The whole world needs to take a call to avoid inflicting colossal damage to the environment.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Comprehension , Upper Intermediate & Advanced [ 16 ]


16 - ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                      The formation of the Hawaiian Islands was very different from the formation of the continents . Geologists ( scientists who study the earth ) believe that the islands appeared separately and more recently . According to the geological evidence , they were formed by volcanoes only about 30 million years ago .

                        These volcanoes began when some cracks appeared on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean . Deep under the earth’s surface , the rocks are very hot , so hot that they are in a liquid form called lava . This lava can sometimes come up through openings on the surface of the earth . The piles of lava slowly build up and become mountains . When the openings are on the ocean floor , the mountains are at first underwater . They may eventually become tall enough to rise above the water and form islands . This is how the Hawaiian Archipelago was created . This archipelago , or collection of islands , consists of 132 points of land . The larger points of land of the archipelago are the Hawaiian Islands .

                          According to geologists , the islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago are still changing like living things . The oldest islands , such as the Kure Atoll , are slowly disappearing under the sea . Over thousands of years , they have gradually been worn down by storms and the ocean waves . Now nothing is left but a semi-circle of coral reef ( rock-like forms made by tiny sea animals ) .

                            Other , younger islands , however , are still growing . The Big Island of Hawaii has two active volcanoes which are still adding new lava to the island . There are also new islands in the archipelago in the process of formation . Geologists have found an underwater volcano about 30 miles south of the island of Hawaii . Now about 3,000 feet below the surface of the ocean , it will probably rise above the water . Someday , this volcano could become another Hawaiian island .

                             The islands at first were bare rock and empty of all life . They remained this way for millions of years . The first kinds of plant life were probably carried there as seeds by the wind or by the ocean . Plants grew well in the rich , volcanic dirt and birds were attracted to the islands . Birds may then have brought more seeds from faraway places , and so introduced other new plants .

                             All this took a very long time . Scientists believe that at the most , one new plant arrived very 20,000 years ! But slowly the plants and the birds on the islands became more numerous and more varied . They also gradually evolved , changing to adapt themselves to their conditions . That is why the islands are home to so many plants and birds that can be found nowhere else .

                                The plants on the islands also attracted insects , which may have been blown there by storms . With just a few exceptions , plants , birds , and insects were the only forms of life . Then , about 1,500 years ago , the first humans arrived , bringing other animals with them . It was the beginning of an era of change for the Hawaiian Islands .

Circle the best answers to the questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) geologists at work .

( B ) underwater volcanic eruptions in the Pacific Ocean .

( C ) the age of the Hawaiian Archipelago .

( D ) the formation of the Hawaiian Islands .

2 .  The Hawaiian Islands

( A ) are older than the continents .

( B ) are younger than the continents .

( C ) have more birds than the continents .

( D ) have more volcanoes than the contents .

3 . Lava is very hot melted rock found

( A ) under the sea .

( B ) deep under the surface of the earth .

( C ) on coral reefs .

( D ) only on the top of volcanic mountains .

4 . When lava comes through cracks in the earth’s surface   

( A ) islands are formed .

( B ) the ocean becomes warmer .

( C ) mountains of lava are formed .

( D ) coral reefs are formed .

5 . The Hawaiian Islands are like living things because  

( A ) plants grow there so easily .

( B ) they grow , change , and disappear .

( C ) many coral reefs are forming there .

( D ) the islands are made of hot lava .

6 . You can infer from this passage that

( A ) some day all the islands could disappear .

( B ) there will always be new islands .

( C ) the Big Island of Hawaii may get a new volcano .

( D ) the first trees were planted by geologists .

7 .  Thje Big Island of Hawaii will probably

( A ) become an archipelago .

( B ) get more volcanoes .

( C ) become larger .

( D ) be the next island to disappear .

8 .  The first plants in Hawaii

( A ) were brought there by the geologists .

( B ) were carried to the islands by the wind and the sea .

( C ) grew out of the hot lava .

( D ) came from another archipelago .

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . B 3 . B 4 . C 5 . B 6 . A 7 . C 8 . B 

Comprehension , Upper Intermediate & Advanced [ 15 ]


15 - ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

 Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                      Hawaiian culture was once rich in colorful  traditions . Though some of them have been forgotten , two important traditions are very much alive today . One of these is the “lei” ( a necklace made of flowers ) and the other is the “hula” ( a Hawaiian dance )  . According to local history , leis were first given to Hawaiians by the goddess of mercy and protection . She traveled to all the islands and destroyed the evil spirits . Leis were worn by Hawaiian chiefs at peace conferences . They are still important to the Hawaiian people , and are still symbolic of peace and friendship . Hawaiian host will almost always give a lei to non-Hawaiian visitors . When the guest arrives , the lei is placed around his or her neck , with the traditional greeting , “Aloha” .

                   Handmade by older women ,leis are created from the many kinds of fresh flowers found on the islands . The flowers are sewn together to form a large circle . It takes many flowers to make a lei and the effect is richly colorful . Since the flowers must be fresh , the leis cannot be made in advance . In Hawaii , you can find women selling leis in every shopping center and at the airports . Each island has its typical lei , with a different kind of flower . May I is “Lei Day” on all the islands .

Leis are often worn by Hawaiians when they dance the hula . According to Hawaiian tradition , the goddess Laka taught the people how to dance the hula . They say that she set up a temple for teaching the hula on the Napali coast in Kauai . A t first it was part of a religious ceremony and was danced only by the men . But later , women began to dance the hula , too . Now it is danced mostly by women .

                        Music played on Hawaiian instruments accompanies the dancing . These instruments are made of bamboo , wood , and gourds ( large vegetable that have been dried and hollowed out ) . The musicians also perform a kind of soft singing with the music . The music , singing , and dancing together form a Hawaiian-style opera . In this sense , hula dancing is typical of the extensive use of nonverbal expression in Hawaiian culture .

                         When Europeans came to Hawaii in the early 1800s , they did not like the hula . They thought such dancing went against proper religious beliefs . Therefore , they discouraged the hula and it almost disappeared from Hawaii . However , in the late 1800s King Kalakaua formed a special dance group and saved this important tradition.

Circle the best answers to the questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) a special kind of dance .

( B ) two special Hawaiian traditions .

( C ) peace and nonverbal expression .

( D ) the use of flowers in Hawaiian tradition .

2. Leis and hula dancing are

( A ) expressions of the Hawaiian way of life .

( B ) ways to make money for Hawaiians .

( C ) only seen at religious ceremonies .

( D ) no longer part of the Hawaiian way of life .

3 .  You can infer that , according to Hawaiian tradition , a guest is

( A ) considered an important person .

( B ) not given any special treatment .

( C ) discouraged from arriving .

( D ) treated like one of the family .

4 . Leis are

( A ) made of plastic flowers .

( B ) always made by hand .

( C ) made by machine on some islands .

( D ) always made by graceful girls .

5 . Hula dancing is        

( A ) part of a religious ceremony .

( B ) done only by young women .

( C ) found only on the island of Kauai .

( D ) a way of telling a story .

6 . Hula dancers are usually accompanied by

( A ) men dancers .

( B ) music and soft singing .

( C ) loud music .

( D ) lots of singers .

7 . According to Hawaiian tradition , leis and hula dancing were

( A ) both started by goddesses .

( B ) both discouraged by the Europeans .

( C ) started mainly for the tourists .

( D ) both started by Hawaiian chiefs .

8 . You can infer from this passage that many Hawaiians

( A ) still care about their traditions .

( B ) are not interested in their traditions .

( C ) only are interested in making money .

( D ) do not know very much about their traditions .

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . A 4 . B 5 . D 6. B 7 . A 8 . A

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...