Grammar American & British

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Comprehension [ 19 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

19 - ] Comprehension

Upper Intermediate & Advanced


Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

          At the end of the 20th century , the world is changing in important ways. Until recently , nations acted independently . Each country did its business and tried to solve its problems alone . But now , the economy is worldwide and communications technologies have connected people all over the globe . Many problems are global , too , and can no longer be solved by individual nations .

             Environmental destruction is one of these problems . As the world’s population has grown and technology has developed , the environment has suffered . Some nations have begun to try to stop the pollution and the environmental destruction . But the environment is global - the atmosphere , the oceans , and many forms of life are all connected . Thus , the solutions require global thinking .

               The problem of ocean pollution is a good example . All the oceans of the world are connected . Pollution does not stay where it begins . It spreads out from every river and every harbor and affects bodies of water everywhere.

                For centuries , people have used the oceans as a dumping place . Many cities take tons of garbage out to sea and dump it there . The quantity of garbage that ends up in the water is incredible . Five million plastic containers are thrown into the world’s oceans every day ! Aside from Plastics , many other dangerous substances are dumped in oceans . These include human waste and chemicals used in agriculture . And every year , oil tankers accidentally spill millions of gallons of oil into the sea .

                Some people believe that the oceans are so large that chemicals and waste will disappear . However , many things , such as chemicals and plastics , stay in the water and create problems . They eventually float to shore and are eaten by tiny sea creatures . Then the larger animals that eat the tiny creatures are poisoned and die . Harbors and coasts around the world have become unsafe for humans or animals . The world’s fish populations are rapidly shrinking .

                Another global pollution problem concerns the atmosphere . Until recently , chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) were used around the world in manufacturing refrigerators . Scientists discovered that these CFCs were destroying the ozone layer in the atmosphere .The ozone layer helps protect the earth from the sun’s rays . Without this layer , most forms of life on earth - including humans - probably would not be able to live .

                  CFCs will soon be completely banned in the United States and in most developed countries . But many other countries still use CFCs in manufacturing . Among these countries are some of the most populous on earth , such as India and China . These countries need to change their refrigerator factories to non-CFC process . But they may not be able to make this change alone . They will need help from the industrialized countries . This is what global thinking means - working together for solutions .

Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) air pollution .

( B ) old ways of thinking .

( C ) global thinking .

( D ) refrigerator factories in China .

2 . You may infer from this passage that in the past

( A ) problems were more local .

( B ) nations were more interested in the environment .

( C ) the economy was more global .

( D ) individual nations did not have as many problems .

3 . Until now , most nations followed the principal that

( A ) all countries should share their problems .

( B ) all nations were enemies .

( C ) each nation should take care of its own problems .

( D ) what happens in China affects everyone .

4 . According to this passage , many environmental problems

( A ) are caused by global thinking .

( B ) are caused by old ways of thinking .

( C ) are caused by the United States and Japan .

( D ) cannot be solved by local laws .

5 .  The solution to ocean pollution requires global thinking because

( A ) no one cares about the ocean .

( B ) the oceans are so large .

( C ) all the world’s oceans are connected .

( D ) more oil is needed in the developing countries .

6 . increasing global population and the development of technology

( A ) will solve the problem of ocean pollution .

( B ) have made the pollution problem worse .

( C ) is a result of global thinking .

( D ) have resulted in more business opportunities .

7 . From this article , we can infer that , in manufacturing refrigerators ,

( A ) CFCs must be used all around the world .

( B ) only China uses CFCs .

( C ) other chemicals can be used in place of CFCs .

( D ) only CFCs are available in China .

8 . Nations must learn to think globally because

( A ) communication technologies will solve our problems .

( B ) large businesses will spread around the world .

( C ) changes in the world require stronger nations .

( D ) that is the only way to solve global problems .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . C 4 . D 5 . C 6 . B 7 . C 8 . D

Comprehension ( 18 ) Upper Intermediate & Advanced

18 - ] Comprehension 

Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

 Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

            In present-day Hawaii , there are at least twelve different ethnic groups . None of these is large enough to form a majority of the population . The largest groups are The Japanese , the Europeans , the Chinese , the Filipinos , the part-Hawaiians , and the people from mixed families .

           No other state in the United States gas such a mixed population . However , in many other states the ethnic groups are growing . Soon those states may be like Hawaii , with many cultural groups living together . Hawaii is thus a good example of how people from different ethnic groups can get along .

           In Hawaii , in fact , the lack of an ethnic majority means that people from different ethnic groups must work together .One result is that everyone has more opportunities to meet people of other ethnic groups and to learn about their cultures . With this experience , people can learn to respect each other’s ideas and ways of life . Children can grow up to be more tolerant as adults , more willing to accept differences . This tolerance can have obvious benefits for society as a whole . In the long run , it can mean less social tension , and probably less poverty and violence .

          One way to measure the level of tolerance in Hawaii is by the percentage

of mixed marriages . In fact ,over 45 percent of the marriages in Hawaii are between people from different ethnic groups . Children from mixed marriages are called “hapas” . The children from these marriages may marry people from yet other ethnic groups . Their children may have quite a complex ethnic mixture in their blood . Here are some real examples of the many possible cultural mixtures : Irish , Portuguese , Japanese , German , Spanish , and other East Indian .

            The special mixture of cultures that is Hawaii also gives the individual more opportunities for different cultural experience . Hawaiians , in general , take good advantage of these opportunities . Each ethnic group keeps its traditions - its style of cooking , its costumes and music . But many people also participate in some way in the traditions of other groups . Frequent ethnic festivals give everyone a chance to learn about the traditions of other groups . These events are usually well-attended , and not just by the ethnic group in question .

            Many different ethnic foods are available everywhere . Restaurants serve dishes from all corners of the earth . In every supermarket , you can find a wide variety of food specialties : noodles from the Philippines , fish from Portugal , special snacks from Japan , and vegetables from China . And , of course , the traditional Hawaiian dish called “poi” is in every shop , too .

         As some Hawaiians like to say , Hawaiian society is like a rainbow . Each ethnic group brings its color to the rainbow , because each group has something important and beautiful to offer . But what is really special is the way the people are living side by side , creating a beautiful whole .


Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) mixed marriages .

( B ) Hawaii’s majority culture .

( C ) rainbows in Hawaii .

( D ) the mixture of cultures in Hawaii .

2 . Hawaiian society is unusual because

( A ) there are few mixed marriages .

( B ) all Hawaiians have the same beliefs .

( C ) it is a mixed society .

( D ) there are many Japanese families .

3 . In Hawaii there is no majority culture , so

( A ) problems are never solved .

( B ) people don’t get along .

( C ) different groups must work together .

( D ) people are afraid of other cultures .

4 . One advantage of a mixed society is that

( A ) people have many choices .

( B ) people do not have to make many choices .

( C ) ethnic groups do not have to mix .

( D ) people have “hapas” .

5 . Mixed marriages in Hawaii

( A ) are not accepted by most Hawaiians .

( B ) make up almost half the marriages .

( C ) cause prejudice and unhappiness .

( D ) are not permitted .

6 . Hawaiians use the word “hapa” for

( A ) a person who marries someone from another ethnic group .

( B ) someone who is part-Hawaiian .

( C ) the child of a mixed marriage

( D ) any child who is born in Hawaii .

7 . You can infer that everyone who lives in Hawaii  

( A ) eats the same kind of food .

( B ) marries someone from another ethnic group .

( C ) is uninterested in ethnic traditions .

( D ) learns something about native Hawaiian traditions .

8 . Some Hawaiians say that the ethnic groups in Hawaii

( A ) are all becoming the same .

( B ) are like a colorful rainbow .

( C ) will never get along .

( D ) are unimportant .

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . C 3 . C 4 . A 5 . B 6 . C 7 . D 8 . B

Comprehension - Upper Intermediate , Advanced [ 17 ]

17 - ] Comprehension 

Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

             The first people to settle in the Hawaiian Islands were the Polynesians.

They came from the Marquesa Islands , many thousands of miles to the southeast . In about 500 A.D. , the Polynesians on the Marquesa Islands were facing many problems . They had lost a war with other Polynesians . On their islands there were too many people and not enough food . So some of them decided they wanted to start a new life somewhere else .

             The Polynesians had learned songs and poems about a wonderful place far to the north . We do not how know this knowledge became a part of their culture . Maybe they had guessed it from the birds that flew to the north and never returned . Or perhaps they had seen bits of wood arrive with the north winds . We do know that the Polynesians were excellent sailors . They

had no instruments to help them . Instead , they used the sun , the stars , the ocean currents , and the wind to guide them . They managed to travel to many distant places in the Pacific Ocean .

              The people from the Marquesa Islands filled their boats for a long journey . They used large double canoes , about 80-100 feet long . In these canoes , they put food , water , goats , pigs , chickens , and plants . They carried everything they needed for their way of life , even statues of their gods. Many of the canoes were probably lost at sea . But a few did find their way to the Hawaiian Islands .

               These early settlers were a very fierce and warlike people . They practiced cannibalism ( eating people ) . However , in Hawaii they lost their violent ways and lived peacefully . Over the next few centuries , more Polynesians joined them in Hawaii . The many different tribes lived together quietly for about 500 years . For a period of several hundred years they had no contact with other people .

                 Then , in about 1200 A.D. , a new group of people arrived from Tahiti . These people introduced a very different way of life . Their religion was full of strict rules and angry gods . Anyone who broke the rules could be put to death . They might be killed and sometimes even eaten by other people . However , the newcomers , too , because less violent after a while .They did continue to fight among themselves ,but they no longer practiced cannibalism.

                  No one knows what happened to the first settlers on the island . They may have mixed in with the invaders . Or they may have died or moved to other islands . For the next 500 years , the people on the islands again had no contact with anyone from the outside world . Each island had its own king and chiefs , and for many centuries no single ruler was successful in controlling all the islands .

                 Then in 1800 , a king - Kamehameha - managed for the first time to gain power over all of the Hawaiian Islands . But this event now seems of little importance in the history of the islands . Another event was much more important in the long run : in 1778 Captain James Cook’s ships landed in Hawaii . With the arrival of the Europeans , Hawaii was changed forever .


Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A) the Polynesian people .

( B ) The Marquesa Islands .

( C ) how people sailed to Hawaii .

( D ) early settlers in Hawaii .

2 . In order to find the way to Hawaii , the Polynesians

( A) took statues of their gods .

( B ) used the sun and the stars .

( C ) watched the birds .

( D ) fought a war with Tahiti .

3 . The Polynesians from Marquesa came to Hawaii with

( A) lots of food and supplies .

( B ) Tahitian gods .

( C ) a peaceful spirit .

( D ) Captain James Cook .

4. You can infer from this passage that

( A) sailing to Hawaii was difficult and dangerous .

( B ) all of the Marquesans arrived safely in Hawaii .

( C ) the Marquesans were better warriors than the Tahitians .

( D ) the Marquesans faced many problems in Hawaii .

5 . When the first Marquesans arrived in Hawaii , they probably found  

( A) many Polynesians .

( B ) a rich , fertile land .

( C ) the first settlers .

( D ) a new god .

6 . The Tahitians who arrived in 1200 A.D.   

( A) lived in peace with the people already in Hawaii .

( B ) became the rulers of the Hawaiian Islands .

( C ) had no gods .

( D ) believed that all people were equal .  

7 . The Original Marquesan settlers in Hawaii

( A) are still living in Honolulu .

( B ) were killed by Captain Cook .

( C ) have disappeared .

( D ) became the rulers of the Tahitians .

8 . The first person to control all of the islands was  

( A) King Kamehameha 1 .

( B ) a Polynesian leader .

( C ) Captain James Cook .

( D ) a European .  

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . B  3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . B 7 . C 8 . A 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 44 ] Test Forty Four

44 - ] Vocabulary Tests

 Test Forty Four

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

W e were certain that the icy roads would impede our travel , so we left for the airport an hour early .

1 . ( A ) hasten ( B ) hinder

( C ) ignore ( D ) enhance                                    1 . ---------------------

Megan knew she had to finish her homework before class met on Monday , but as usual she had procrastinated . Once again she was doing her homework at midnight on Sunday.  

2 . ( A ) prepared carefully ( B ) offended others .

( C ) finished quickly ( D ) postponed until later  2. -----------------

For the two hours that the storm raged , we took shelter in the basement . When the wind and
rain finally began to abate , we were able to go outside and survey the damage .

3 . ( A ) lessen ( B ) increase

( C ) move unpredictably ( D ) turn to the west .   3 . -----------------

The Peters decided to place their pets in a kennel while they were on vacation . Since many hotels and parks do not allow pets , the Peters did not wish to fetter themselves by bringing the animals.  

4 . ( A ) expand ( B ) shorten

( C ) restrict one’s freedom ( D ) explain                4 . ----------------- 

The automobile manufacturer refused to allow the reporter to photograph the new solar-powered car . If photographs appeared in the newspapers now , the car’s debut at the energy conference would be spoiled .

5 . ( A ) first public appearance ( B ) destruction

( C ) competition ( D ) remodeling                          5 .--------------------

Because Maria was a neophyte , she paid too much for the stamps . An experienced collector would have bargained for a better price .    

6 . ( A ) well-known expert ( B ) native ( C ) beginner ( D ) someone unable to make a decision                                                                      6 .------------------- 

Even though the two nations were discussing a peace treaty , the hostile behavior of the border guards was certain to precipitate a war .     

7 . ( A ) prevent ( B ) postpone indefinitely

( C ) make impossible ( D ) cause to happen            7 . -----------------

The cold , rainy weather inhibited the repair work on the cottage . The project will now take two more months to complete .   

8 . ( A ) held back ( B ) improved slightly

( C ) destroyed ( D ) moved from place to place       8 .------------------

Thinking the rescuers were going to harm his master , the growling dog thwarted all efforts to treat the injured hiker . 

9 . ( A )  improved ( B ) prevented

( C ) admired ( D ) ignored                                          9 . ----------------   

The retreating soldiers left behind their heavy weapons . In order to make a quick retreat , they could not be encumbered by unnecessary weight .

10 . ( A ) burdened ( B ) moved to action

( C ) joined together ( D ) deceived                             10 . --------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . D 3 . A 4 . C 5. A 6 . C 7 . D 8 . A 9 . B 10 . A

 1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

Everyone in class smiled broadly when Jack insisted that he had to take care of his sick cat over the weekend and therefore could not finish his homework . Jack had fabricated such excuses before , but this was the most ridiculous one we had ever heard .     

1 . ( A ) decided against ( B ) made up

( C ) rejected ( D ) enjoyed                                    1 . ------------------

Even though Mayor Ronald admitted that  his administration had made serious mistakes , he was re-elected by a sizable majority . Voters apparently admired her veracity more than they worried about a few honest mistakes .  

2. ( A ) deceptive statement ( B ) political connections

( C ) blunt behavior ( D ) truthfulness                   2.--------------------

As he approached the foul line , Ezra’s calm appearance and confident stride belied the nervousness he felt inside . If he missed this basket , the season would be over for the team .

3 . ( A ) contradicted ( B ) revealed

( C ) celebrated ( D ) exaggerated                           3 . ------------------

When Judge Walker learned that he had once met the defendant , he withdrew from the trial . Even though the lawyers were certain he would be fair , Judge walker’s probity would not allow even the appearance of bias .

4 . ( A ) integrity , honesty ( B ) meaningless gesture

( C ) clever trick ( D ) illegal activity                        4 . -------------------

It was just like Victor to come up with some artifice for getting out of helping us build the float . Not only did the cast on his arm have a zipper , the so-called broken bone healed the next day .

5 . ( A ) genuine problem or concern ( B ) helpful advice

( C ) crafty trick ( D ) emotional speech                     5 . ----------------------

Before the museum would agree to buy the painting , the dealer had to prove that it was a bona fide Rembrandt . Only an expert could distinguish between a true original and a good copy .   

6 . ( A ) imitation ( B ) colorful

( C ) inexpensive ( D ) genuine                                       6 . --------------------

The lecture on South American art was dreadfully boring , but I did not want to insult the speaker . So instead of yawning or staring at the ceiling , I feigned interest by appearing to take notes .

7 . ( A ) delayed ( B ) pretended

( C ) refused to accept ( D ) concealed                            7 . -------------------

When the star quarterback was injured in the first quarter , losing the game seemed a veritable certainty . he had scored all of the points in the last game .   

8 . ( A ) joyful ( B ) unusual

( C )  unquestionable ( D ) senseless                                8 . ------------------

Do not allow their cute appearance to beguile you into thinking they cannot harm you . Lion cubs have sharp claws that can cut very deeply .

9 . ( A ) deceive ( B ) amaze

( C ) enlighten ( D ) warn                                                   9 . -----------------

Just before the starting gun fired , Jason pointed to the sky and yelled , “Look out ! “ This was not the first time he had used such chicanery in an effort to win a blue ribbon .

10 . ( A ) sportsmanship ( B ) heroic effort

( C ) curiosity ( D ) trickery                                              10 .--------------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . D 3 . A 4 . A 5 . C 6 . D 7 . B 8 . C 9 . A 10 . D

3- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . BONA FIDE ( A ) well cooked ( B ) genuine

( C ) luxurious ( D ) plain                                1 . -----------------

2 . PROGENY ( A ) intelligence ( B ) tiny organisms

( C ) children ( D ) ancestors                          2 . ------------------

3 . BELIE ( A ) misrepresent ( B ) surprise

( C ) encourage ( D ) relax                               3 .-------------------

4 . ACCESSIBLE ( A ) undeniable ( B ) accidental

( C ) available ( D ) highly technical               4 . -----------------

5 . ELONGATE ( A ) press down ( B ) delay

( C ) enclose ( D ) lengthen                               5 . ----------------

6 . PIVOTAL ( A ) pointed ( B ) unusually strong

( C ) athletic ( D ) crucial                                  6 . ------------------

7 . GENRE ( A ) type ( B ) gentleness

( C ) prediction ( D ) argument                        7 . -----------------

8 . CONGENIAL ( A ) inherited ( B ) hostile

( C ) controversial ( D ) pleasant                      8 . ------------------

9 . FEIGN ( A ) offend ( B ) pretend

( C ) explain ( D ) capture                                  9 . ------------------

10 . HETEROGENEOUS ( A ) creative ( B ) identical

( C ) mixed ( D ) hesitant                                   10 . ----------------

11 . IMPART ( A ) allow ( B ) convey

( C ) remove ( D ) dismiss                                  11 . ---------------

12 . SALUTARY ( A ) rigid ( B ) celebrated

( C ) beneficial ( D ) unhealthy                          12 . ------------------

13 . GENERIC ( A ) general ( B ) sexual

( C ) corrupt ( D ) ancient                                  13 . ----------------  

14 . DERIVE ( A ) decide ( B ) obtain

( C ) ridicule ( D ) excuse                                    14 . ---------------

15 . VERACITY ( A ) bravery ( B ) common sense

( C ) false accusation ( D ) truthfulness              15 . ---------------

Answer Key

 1. B 2 . C 3 . A 4 . C 5 . D 6 . D 7 . A 8 . D 9 . B 10 . C 11 . B 12 . C 13 . A 14 . B 15 . D 

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...