Grammar American & British

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 47 ] Test Forty Eight

4 7 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Forty Seven

1 - ] Cars & driving

Read the story . Refer to the list below and fill in the blanks with the best word or words . The first one has been done for you .

I’m what is known as a ( 0 ) learner driver . I’m learning to ( 1 ) --------------- a car . So far , I’ve learnt how to ( 2 ) -------------- the ( 3 ) ------------- of my car and I know how to ( 4 )

------------------- I can even ( 5 ) ---------------quite long distances .

        Twice a week , my instructor sits in the ( 6 ) ----------------- beside me and ( 7 ) ------------

me a lesson . First , we look at ( 8 ) ------------- and decide on the best ( 9 ) ----------------Then we go for a ( 10 ) -----------------round the town .

         My instructor gives me advice like ‘Don’t (11 ) ------------------‘ , or ‘Stop before you get to the next ( 12 ) ---------------‘ , or ‘We can’t go down there . The road is ( 13 )-----------‘, or ‘You can’t turn right . It says ( 14 ) -----------------‘ , or ‘Always stop to allow pedestrians to ( 15 ) ---------------- at the zebra .’

         Sometimes we stop at a ( 16 ) ---------------and my instructor says , ‘You must never fill up when your engine is 9 17 ) -----------------Your engine must be ( 18 ) …………..before you put any ( 19 ) --------------- in the car.’

         There are two things I hate about driving . One is looking for a ( 20 ) --------------- and the other is being held up in a ( 21 ) ---------------- of traffic . Yesterday , I sat in a traffic jam for a whole hour and all I could see was the ( 22 ) --------------- of the big truck in front of me !

                                                1 . ( A )  conduct          2 . ( A ) start         3 . ( A ) engine

                                                     ( B )  lead                     ( B ) begin              ( B ) machine   

                                                     ( C ) drive                                                    ( C ) machinery

                                                     ( D )  guide  

 4 . (  A ) turn it off               5 .  ( A ) steer                  6 . ( A ) seat           7 . ( A ) makes

      ( B ) close it                           ( B ) pilot                        ( B ) chair              ( B ) does

      ( C ) shut it                            ( C ) guide                                                      ( C ) gives    

                                                      ( D ) drive

8 . ( A ) chart                         9 . ( A ) road                    10 . ( A ) drive         11 . ( A) run  

     ( B ) map                                ( B ) route                          ( B ) walk                 ( B ) go too fast

     ( C ) cart                                 ( C ) way                            ( C ) ride

12 . ( A ) corner                     13 . ( A ) shut                   14 . ( A ) No Entry   15 . ( A ) pass

       ( B )  angle                              ( B ) barred                     ( B ) No Entrance     ( B ) cross

       ( C ) curve                               ( C ) closed

16 . ( A ) filling station          17 .  ( A ) on                       18 . ( A ) off               19 . ( A ) essence

       ( B ) service station                 ( B ) open                          ( B ) out                      ( B ) petrol

                                                         ( C ) alight                        ( C ) closed                ( C ) benzine     

                                                                                                   ( D ) shut

 20 . ( A ) parking space         21 . ( A ) tail                       22 . ( A ) plaque

        ( B ) parking                           ( B ) row                            ( B ) plate 

                                                         ( C ) queue                         ( C ) record

                                                                                                     ( D ) number plate

Answer Key

1 . C 2. A 3 . A 4 . A 5 . D 6 . A 7 . C 8 . B 9 . B 10 . A 11 . B 12 . A 13 . C 14 . A 15 . B 16 . A

17 . A 18 . A 19 . B 20 . A 21 0 C 22 . D

2 . Adjectives and noun modifiers .

Supply the best words

1 . ----------------table tops mark easily . (  Glass , Glassy )

2 . She fixed me with a -----------------stare . ( glass , glassy )

3 . How much would you have to pay for a ---------------watch ? ( gold , golden )

4 . Silence is ---------------- . ( gold , golden )

5 . We danced by the light of the ------------------moon . ( silver , silvery )

6 . My mother has a lovely old -------------- teapot . ( silver , silvery )

7 . There’s an old ----------- wall at the end of the garden .( stone , stony )

8. It’s impossible to cultivate such --------------- soil . ( stone , stony )

9 . ---------------- cutlery is very practical . ( Steel , Steely )

10 . Dr Magid has such terrifying --------------blue eyes . ( steel , steely )

11 . I wouldn’t drink water that flows through -------------- pipes . ( lead , leaden )

12 . Under a grey sky , the sea looked heavy and --------------. ( lead , leaden )

13 . Take a --------------- cardigan with you in case it gets cold . ( wool , woolen )

14 . You might find one in a ---------------- shop . ( wool , woolen )

15 . They specialized in --------------- goods . ( wool , woolen )

 16 . Use a ------------------ spoon if you want to stir the soup . ( wood , wooden )

Answer Key

1 . Glass 2 . glassy 3 . gold 4 . golden 5 . silvery 6 . silver 7 . stone 8 . stony

9 . Steel 10 . steely 11. lead 12 . leaden 13 . woolen 14 . wool 15 . woolen 16 . wooden

Vocabulary Tests [ 46 ] Test Forty Six

46 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Forty Six 

1 - Social Exchanges  

Supply the best word or words .

1 . You’re late for an appointment , so you say , ‘--------------------. I’m late .’

( A ) Sorry / I’m sorry ( B ) Excuse me ( C ) Forgive me . ( D ) Pardon me .

2 .  You fail to hear what someone says to you , so you say , ‘------------------?’

( A ) Excuse me ( B ) Pardon ( C ) Forgive me ( D ) Pardon me

3 . A passenger on a bus complains you’re standing on his foot ; you say , ‘---------------!’

( A ) Sorry ( B ) Forgive me ( C ) Excuse me ( D ) Pardon me .

4 . Here’s your apology for bad behavior :‘------------------for mu awful behavior last night .’

( A ) Please pardon me ( B ) Please forgive me ( C ) I beg your pardon ( D ) Pardon

5 . You answer the phone and you might say , ‘-----------------!’

( A ) Speak ( B ) Hullo ( C ) Enter ( D ) Say

6 . You are introduced to a stranger , so you say , ‘-----------------------?’

( A ) How are you ( B ) How do you do ( C ) What do you do ( D ) What a good chance

7 . You’re leaving , so you say , ‘------------------!’

( A ) Adieu ( B ) Goodbye

8 . You’re refusing food that is offered ; you say , ‘--------------‘ .

( A ) Thank you ( B ) No , thank you ( C ) Thanks

9 . You thank me for holding the door open and my response might be , ‘-------------‘ .

( A ) It’s nothing ( B ) --- ( C ) Please ( D ) Nothing

10 . You meet a friend at the airport on arrival and you might say , ‘---------------London.’

( A ) Welcome to ( B ) Be welcome to ( C ) Welcome in ( D ) Well come to

11 . Someone asks you how you are and you answer , ‘---------------thanks .’

( A ) Good ( B ) Very good ( C ) Fine ( D ) Very fine

12 . Your friend is waiting for you to finish what you’re doing and you say , ‘----------‘ .

( A ) One moment ( B ) A moment ( C ) One minute ( D ) Just a minute

13 . You’re attending an interview and the interviewer says , ‘---------------‘ .

( A ) Sit yourself ( B ) Take a seat ( C ) Sit ( D ) Sit you

14 . The class stands up as you enter the room and you say , ‘---------------‘ .

( A ) Sit yourselves ( B ) Take a seat ( C ) Sit down ( D ) Sit ( E ) Sit you

15 . This is what you say to a friend on January 1st : ‘-------------------New Year !’

( A ) Lucky ( B ) Happy ( C ) Merry ( D ) Good

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . B ( Am E ) A 3 . A 4 . B 5 . B 6 . B 7 . B 8 . B 9. B 10 . A 11 . C 12. D

13 . B 14 . C 15 . B

2 . Adjectives : opposites

Supply the right opposites

1 . dry paint                                     ------------- paint

2 . weak tea                                       --------------tea     

3 . tender meat                                  --------------meat

4 .a full glass                                    an --------------------glass

5 . a solid cylinder                            a -------------------cylinder

6 . an old man                                   a -------------------- man 

7 . an old suitcase                             a ------------------- suitcase

8 . salt water                                      -------------------- water    

9 . a cool day                                     a ---------------------man                   

10 . a cold day                                    a ------------------- day

11 . a single person                            a ---------------- person

12 . a living person                            a -----------------person    

13 .a  tall person                                a ----------------person

14 . a long time                                  a ----------------time

15 . an open door                               a ----------------door

16 . a right answer                             a ---------------answer

17 . a high wall                                  a --------------- wall

18 . a sick person                               a --------------- person

19 . a loud sound                               a ---------------   sound

20 . a loud voice                                 a ---------------- voice

21 . a thin ruler                                  a ---------------- ruler

22 . a large suitcase                            a ---------------- suitcase

Answer Key

1 . wet 2 . strong 3 . tough 4 . empty 5 . hollow 6 . young 7 . new 8 . fresh 9 . warm

10 . hot 11 . married 12 . dead 13 . short 14 . short 15 . closed 16 . wrong 17 . low

18 . healthy 19 . soft / quiet 20 . quiet / soft 21 . thick 22 . small

Vocabulary tests - Test forty five [ 45 ]

45 - ] Vcabulary Tests 

Test Forty Five .

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

After the cold gray winter , spring brings a sense of freshness and renewal . The salutary effect of the new season has been celebrated in festivals and ceremonies for centuries .

1 . Which word could best replace salutary ?  

( A ) demoralizing ( B ) confusing

( C ) religious ( D ) beneficial                                 1 . ---------------------

Perhaps more than anything else , the green sprouts that burst from the soil and gradually elongate upward reflect this annual renewal .

2 .Which word could best replace elongate  ?

( A ) lengthen ( B ) shorten

( C ) retract ( D ) demand                                      2 . ---------------------

After witnessing this phenomenon year after year , one might begin to take this rebirth of plant life for granted .

3 . A phenomenon is a -------------------- .

( A ) noteworthy event ( B ) game

( C ) photograph ( D ) serious crisis                      3.--------------------

A little sunny warmth , some water , soil , and seeds can endow a field with explosions of flowers and a dense green cover in just a few weeks .

4 . Endow means ---------------

( A ) take away ( B ) supply

( C ) discard ( D ) subtract                                      4 . ----------------------

How can a field that was frozen in lifeless ice and snow in February produce such grandeur

in April and May ?

5 . The word grandeur means --------------- .

( A ) ugliness ( B ) magnificence

( C ) confusion ( D ) tallness                                    5 .----------------------

Almost all life on earth is powered by energy imparted by the sun .

6 . Which word could best replace imparted ?  

( A ) given ( B ) removed

( C ) taken away ( D ) concealed                              6 .---------------------

Directly or indirectly , the energy that powers almost all life is derived from the sun .

7. Which word could best replace derived  ?

( A ) predicted ( B ) ignored

( C ) hidden ( D ) received                                        7 . ---------------------

During this phase , water is decomposed , ultimately giving off oxygen and leaving hydrogen iron behind .

8 . Which word or words could best replace decomposed ?

( A ) built ( B ) written down

( C ) broken down ( D ) assembled                           8 . ---------------------

This oxygen is then accessible to you and other living things .

9 . Which word could best replace accessible  ?

( A ) explained ( B ) available

( C ) denied ( D ) unpleasant                                     9 . ---------------------

Photosynthesis is the pivotal chemical reaction of human existence .  

10 . The word pivotal means -----------------

( A ) extremely important ( B ) unnecessary

( C ) sensible ( D ) repulsive                                 10 . ----------------------

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . A 3 . A 4 . B 5 . B 6 . A 7 . D 8 . C 9 . B 10 . A

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

It’s a peaceful a summer afternoon in the late 1950s , and sounds of Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly wail from almost-new portable radios . In yards and on street corners , young boys - and maybe a few girls take packs of rubber-banded cards from their pockets . Flipping thin cardboard in regular competitions , they maintain a steadfast hope of winning a Willie Mays or a Mickey Mantle from an unwary friend .

1 . Which word or words could best replace steadfast ?

( A ) halfhearted ( B ) unnecessary

( C ) steady ( D ) disorderly                                   1. -----------------------

2 . Someone who is unwary could best be described as ------------------------ .  

( A ) lacking caution ( B ) forgetful

( C ) careful ( D ) disorganized                              2 . ----------------------

Today , those same boys and girls have grown up , and they plumb attics and basements for the shoeboxes that housed their baseball cards.

3 . Which word or words could best replace plumb ?

( A ) escape from ( B ) measure

( C ) treat thoughtlessly ( D ) examine closely       3 .---------------------

Once the pastime of grade-school kids , collecting baseball cards has become big business , and gleeful hobbyists have been transfigured into serious-minded investors .

4 . Which word or words could best replace transfigured

( A ) changed ( B ) consumed carelessly

( C ) affected negatively ( D ) separated                  4 . -------------------

The publishers’ inchoate notions of what the cards should contain seem rather peculiar today .

5 . If something is inchoate , it can best be described as ---------------- .

( A ) easily irritated ( B ) in an early stage

( C ) geographically close ( D ) random                   5 . ---------------------   

Although the early cards meet the demands of age and rarity , they usually lack an important variable in determining worth - condition .

6 . A variable can best be described as ---------------------- .

( A ) a pattern of markings ( B ) a member of a group

( C ) something likely to change ( D ) one of a series  6 . ---------------------

Pristine cards are straight-out-of-the-package perfect : sharp corners , crisp edges , and brilliant colors .

7 . Which word or words could best replace Pristine ?  

( A ) Modest ( B ) Incidental

( C ) Remarkable ( D ) unspoiled                                  7 . ---------------------

Even the tiniest defect indelibly labels a card as damaged goods .

8  . Which word or words could best replace  indelibly ?

( A ) privately ( B ) permanently

( C ) without equal ( D ) unfairly                                   8 . --------------------


As collectors and dealers vie for choice merchandise , they speculate on players’ futures . Rookie cards of players who were later elected to the Hall of Fame are thus among the most valuable .

9 . Which word or words could best replace  vie  ?

( A ) live lavishly ( B ) cause to appear greater

( C ) make note of ( D ) strive for superiority                     9 . --------------------

Putting money into baseball cards is akin to speculating on the stock market .

10 . Akin can best be explained as -------------------- .

( A ) having a similar character ( B ) not openly practiced

( C ) winning approval ( D ) excessively sentimental         10 . -----------------

Answer Key

 1. C 2 . A 3 . D 4 . A 5 . B 6 . C 7 . D 8 . B 9 . D 10 . A

3 - ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . COMPULSORY ( A ) required ( B ) optional

( C ) sudden ( D ) simple                                            1 . --------------------

2 . CAPRICIOUS ( A ) clumsy ( B ) unconnected  

( C ) stale ( D ) constant                                              2 . ------------------

3 . IMPLAUSIBLE ( A ) unlikely ( B ) probable

( C ) without pauses ( D ) attractive                          3 . ------------------

4 . MALLEABLE ( A ) rigid portable ( B )

( C ) impossible ( D ) counterfeit                                4 . -----------------

5 . VACILLATE ( A ) awaken ( B ) deny

( C ) remain unchanged ( D ) lubricate                      5 . ---------------

6 . VIABLE ( A ) invisible ( B ) genuine

( C ) unable to survive ( D ) solid                                6 . -----------------

7 . REPELLENT ( A ) attractive ( B ) repeated often

( C ) calm ( D ) sickly appearance                               7. -----------------

8 . IMMUTABLE ( A ) loud ( B ) easily changed

( C ) lovable ( D ) attractive                                         8 . -----------------

9 . SCRUPULOUS ( A ) humorous ( B ) illogical

( C ) honest ( D )  careless                                             9 . ----------------

10 . DESULTORY ( A ) well organized ( B ) complimentary

( C ) pure ( D ) harmful                                                10 . ----------------

11 . MODULATE ( A ) simplify ( B ) proceed without change

( C ) modify ( D ) examine closely                               11 . --------------

12 . EPHEMERAL ( A ) essential  ( B ) plain

( C ) long-lived ( D ) commonplace                              12 . ----------------

13 . PRIMITIVE ( A ) complex ( B ) related to animals

( C ) artistic ( D ) dangerous                                         13 . -----------------

14 . INVETERATE ( A) experienced ( B ) changeable

( C ) confusing ( D ) tending to arouse anger             14 . -----------------

15 . VIVACIOUS ( A ) deceitful ( B ) possessing high moral principles

( C ) easily embarrassed ( D ) dull                               15 . ------------------

Answer Key

1. B 2 . D 3 . B 4 . A 5 . C 6 . C 7 . A 8 . B 9 . D 10 . A 11 . B 12 . C 13 . A 14 . B 15 . D 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests [ 18 ]

18 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests

[ 18 ]

Choose a phrasal verb to complete the sentences. (Answers at the end of the exercise .)

1 .They hope to  _________ _____  a contract and sign it before the end of the week.

(a) set up (b) put up (c) draw up (d) make up

2 . He's very dependable.  You can _________ _____ him in any circumstances.

(a) count for (b) trust in (c) stand for (d) rely on

3 . Many husbands avoid housework. They  manage to  _______ _____ ___ it. 

(a) get safe of (b) go past on (c) stay away of (d) get out of

 4 .  I'm glad you're coming to the meeting.  I  _________ _________ to meeting you.

(a) look ahead (b) look forward (c) see forward (d) think ahead

5 . Leo reads the newspaper every day to _________ _____ _____ the latest events.

(a) stand up to (b) stay on to (c) keep up with (d) get up to

6 . Tom and Bill had a meeting in order to  _________ _____ their difficulties.

(a) bash out (b) wash out (c) iron out (d) spread out

7 . Tests will be  _________ _____ to determine the causes of the failure.

(a) taken up (b) carried out  (c) looked into  (d) run on

8 . The plans for the new theatre   _________ ______ _______ a lot of criticism.

(a) ran up to (b) faced up with (c) came up against (d) was opposed to

9 . Sophie wants to resign.  We'll must _________ ____ a way to make her stay.

(a) set up (b) turn out (c) figure out (d) stumble on

10 . Anyone can make a mistake but George never  _________ ____  to his errors.

(a) comes on (b) owns up (c) goes forward (d) pays up


  1 (c)   2 (d)   3 (d)   4 (b)   5 (c)   6 (c)   7 (b)   8 (c)   9 (c)   10 (b) 

Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition.


(The answers are at the end of the page.)

1. Mr. Martin is responsible ______ recruitment.

2. I'm sorry but I don't understand the reason ________ the increase ________ price.

3. In this company, salaries depend ________ the level of responsibility.

4. You have to pay ________ the tickets the day you order them.

5. Our new Chairman reminds me ________ my old  history teacher.

6. Do you think the report could be translated ________ English for the meeting tomorrow?

7. Thank you for offering to help.  It's very kind ________ you.

8. Look ________ the woman ________ the picture.  Who is she?

9. The manager didn't take part ________ the discussion.  He didn't want to intervene.

10. It's no use taking him to the Louvre.  He isn't interested _______ art.

11. The food in Japan is very different ________ European food.

12. I don't agree ________ you.    ________  my opinion you're wrong.

13. John was late for the meeting as usual.  That's typical ________ him.

14. We should invite Pete to the party.  He's very good ________ telling jokes.

15.The car crashed ________ a fence ________ the other side of the road.

 Answers :

| 1. for  | 2. for/in  | 3. on  | 4. for  | 5. of  | 6. into  | 7. of  | 8. at/in  |

| 9. in  | 10. in  | 11. from  | 12. with/in  | 13. of  | 14. at  | 15. into/on |

Q1. Punctuate the following sentences.

i like playing with my friends sandy sunny sameer

we went through the smoky mountains, near shimla on our way to leh

my favourite soap is pears and my favourite toothpaste is pepsodent

i’m a catholic and that’s why i go to st.joseph’s school

my friend priya speaks german and she is teaching me some words


150-] English Literature

150-] English Literature Letitia Elizabeth Landon     List of works In addition to the works listed below, Landon was responsible for nume...