Grammar American & British

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 54 ] Test Fifty Four

54 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Fifty Four

Occupations , etc.

Supply the best word or words

1 . The person in charge of a business is informally known as the -----------------.

( A ) chef  ( B ) chief ( C ) boss

2 . The person who is in charge of a car is the --------------------- .

( A ) guide ( B ) leader ( C ) motorist ( D ) driver ( E ) conductor

3 . A person who prepares food is a --------------------- . 

( A ) coo ( B ) cooker

4 . A person who works in an office is an -----------------

( A ) officer ( B ) office worker

5. A person who takes photographs is a ------------------------

( A ) photograph ( B ) photographer ( C ) photography

6 . A person who knows how to use a keyboard is a ---------------------- .

( A ) typewriter ( B ) typist ( C ) typing machine writer

7 . A woman who looks after other people’s children is a ------------------- .

( A ) nanny ( B ) nurse  

8 . The person you work with is your -------------------- .

( A ) college ( B ) colleague ( C ) collaborator

9 . The person who is in charge of a restaurant is the --------------------- .

( A ) patron ( B ) manager

10 . The person who would service your car is ----------------------

( A ) a mechanic ( B ) an engineer ( C ) a technician

11 . A person who studies the origins of the universe is a ----------------- .

 ( A ) physician ( B ) physicist ( C ) physics

12 . Another word for a ‘doctor’ is a -------------------- .

( A ) physician ( B ) physicist ( C ) medicine

13 . The person who teaches you or taught you at school is a ---------------- .

( A ) teacher ( B ) professor

14 . If you are one of the people waiting to be served in a shop you are a ----------------- .

( A ) client ( B ) customer ( C ) patient ( D ) guest

15 . If you serve people who come into a shop , you are ----------------------- . 

( A ) an official ( B ) a shop assistant ( C ) an attendant ( D ) a bank clerk

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . D 3 . A 4 . B 5 . B 6 . B 7 . A 8 . B 9 . B 10 . A 11 . B 12 . A 13 . A 14 . B 15 . B  

2 . Words easily confused , misspelt , etc.

Supply the best words

1 . Have you finished your breakfast ------------------ ? ( A ) already ( B ) all ready

2 . Don’t worry about me . I’ll be -----------------           ( A ) all right ( B ) alright

3 . I’ll expect you to ring me tomorrow . -  ---------------  ( A ) all right ( B ) Alright  

4 . She’s ------------------ complaining about something .  ( A ) always   ( B ) all ways  

5 . ------------------------ of those dates will be suitable .     ( A ) Anyone  ( B ) Any one

6 . I’m going to the beach for a -------------- .                     ( A ) swim      ( B ) bath

7 . -------------- the wound in warm water .                        ( A ) Bath       ( B ) Bathe

8 . Keep your foot on the --------------                                 ( A ) break      ( B ) brake

9 . Businessmen usually wear ---------------                        ( A ) costumes ( B ) suits

10 . Most of the family are -----------                                  ( A ) died          ( B ) dead

11 . My old aunt is -------------------                                     ( A ) dead         ( B ) death

12 . They crossed the Sahara ------------- by camel .         ( A ) desert       ( B ) dessert

13 . Most people are afraid of -------------- .                       ( A ) dieing       ( B ) dying

14 . I ring my mother ------------------- .                              ( A ) everyday  ( B ) every day

15 . There are ------------- people in our office .                 ( A ) fiveteen    ( B ) fifteen

16 . The river has ----------------- this way for centuries .  ( A ) flown        ( B ) flowed

17 . Look ! I ------------ this coin in the garden .                ( A ) found        ( B ) founded

18 . How do you write ‘-----------------‘ ?                            ( A ) forty-four ( B ) fourty-four

19 . They say -------------- mad .                                          ( A ) his              ( B ) he’s

20 . Have you given the cat -------------- milk ?                 ( A ) it’s              ( B ) it’s

Answer Key

 1 . A 2. A 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . A 7 . B 8 . B 9 . B 10 . B 11 . A 12 . A 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B

16 . B 17. A 18 . A 19 . B 20 . B

Supply the best words

1 . Our hen’s just ------------------ an egg .                          ( A ) lain           ( B ) laid

2 . Let’s ---------------- on the grass .                                   ( A ) lie              ( B ) lay

3 . How long have you been -------------- there ?               ( A ) lying          ( B ) laying

4 . I’d like to --------------- in the country .                         ( A ) live            ( B ) life

5 . Don’t ----------------- your ticket !                                   ( A ) loose         ( B ) lose

6 . What time did you --------------- home ?                        ( A ) live            ( B ) leave

7 . Did you hear that -------------- sound ?                          ( A ) aloud         ( B ) loud

8 . Don’t talk so -------------- !                                              ( A ) loud            ( B ) aloud

9 . --------------------- they’re out .                                        ( A ) Maybe        ( B ) May be

10 . Have you ----------------- her yet ?                                ( A ) meet            ( B ) met

11 . Take ----------------- your coat .                                     ( A ) of                 ( B ) off

12 . It’s just -------------- the post office .                            ( A ) past              ( B ) passed  

13 . You’ve ------------------ too much for that bike .         ( A ) payed           ( B ) paid

14 . Have you -------------------- the flowers ?                     ( A ) paid for        ( B ) paid

15 . The teacher asked the class to be ---------------- .        ( A ) quite             ( B ) quiet

16 . She’s still too small to ------------- the table .               ( A ) rich              ( B ) reach

17 . Do you ever see them ? -  ------------------------ .           ( A ) Some times ( B ) sometimes

18 . --------------------- all mine !                                           ( A ) There           ( B ) They’re

19 . I can’t find ------------------ coats .                                ( A ) there             ( B ) their

20 . John will be arriving here ----------------- 7 .               ( A ) till                 ( B ) by

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . B 7 . B 8 . A 9 . A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . A 13 . B 14 . A 15 . B

16 . B 17 . B 18 . B 19 . B 20 . B

Vocabulary Tests [ 53 ] Test Fifty Three

53 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Fifty Three

1 . Buildings and parts of buildings

Supply the best words

1 . Is there a ---------------- that sells papers near here ? ( A ) magazine  ( B ) shop     

2 . I can’t find the -----------------to the building .            ( A ) entry         ( B ) entrance     

3 . We employ 900 workers in this ------------------          ( A ) factory      ( B ) fabric  

4 . You can buy anything in a large ----------------           ( A ) boutique   ( B ) store    

5 . It’s a long way up to the tenth ---------------                ( A ) storey        ( B ) story  

6 . Don’t stand in the ------------------- !                             ( A ) doorway    ( B ) door  

7 . We have all our meals in the ------------------ .             ( A ) kitchen       ( B ) cuisine  

8 . Our ---------------- is the best room in the house .       ( A ) living room ( B ) saloon    

9 . Have you ever seen the ---------------- at Cologne ?    ( A ) dome           ( B ) cathedral  

10 . Let’s have our meal on the --------------- .                 ( A ) roof              ( B )  terrace 

11 . What does it cost to rent a small ---------------- ?     ( A ) room            ( B )  camera 

12 . That cupboard takes up too much --------------   .    ( A ) place            ( B ) room  

13 . How much is that shirt in the ------------------------? ( A ) vitro             ( B ) window   

14 . There’s an ------------ staircase leading to the roof . ( A ) outside         ( B ) exterior     

15 . The --------------floor is one up from the basement . ( A ) first              ( B ) ground  

16 . Where’s mother ? - She’s ---------------- .                   ( A ) downstairs   ( B ) down  

17. There’s an Anglican ------------------ in Athens .         ( A ) church         ( B ) temple  

18 . It’s up the --------------------- and on the first floor .  ( A ) ladder          ( B )  stairs

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . A 4 . B 5 . A (Am E B ) 6 . A 7 . A 8 . A 9 . B 10 . B 11 . A 12 . B 13 . B

14 . A 15 . B ( Am E A ) 16 . A 17 . A 18 . B   

2 .Verbs / verb phrases with and without prepositions

Supply suitable prepositions only where necessary

1 . I completely agree ---------------- you !

2 . A stranger approached ---------------- me in the street and asked me for money .

3 . I’ll have to go ------------------ home soon .   

4 . I didn’t do it . Don’t shout ---------------------me !

5. How long will it take us to reach ------------------ London ?

6 . Everyone stood up when the President entered ---------------- the room .

7 . I’ll be thinking -------------- you when you’re having your interview .

8. I told ------------- my wife I’d be late home this evening .

9 . Why don’t you answer --------------- me when I ask you a question ?

10 . Shall I ask --------------- the bill , so we can pay and leave ?

11 . The car left the road and went --------------------- a tree .

12 . What time did you leave ---------------- home ?

13 . Are you going to attend ---------------- the funeral service ?

14 . It doesn’t matter what her mother say, she never obeys --------------- her .

15 . John married ------------------ the girl next door .

16 . I’ve been married ------------------John for five years .

17 . How long have you been waiting ---------------- the bus ?

18 . They’ve replied ---------------------- our letter of February 15th .

19 . What can I say ------------------- them that they haven’t heard before ?

20 . I think they’ll agree --------------- the terms of our contract .

Answer Key

1 . with 2 . - 3 . - 4 . at 5 . ------- 6 .-------- 7 . of / about 8 . ----- 9 . ----------- 10 . for

11 . into 12 . ---------- 13 . ---------- 14 . ----------- 15 . --------- 16 . to 17 . for 18 . to

19 . to 20 . to

Supply suitable prepositions only where necessary

1 .I’d like to speak ---------------- the manager please .

2 . Please listen carefully ---------------- what I have to say .

3 . We’ve entered ---------------- an agreement and we can’t change our minds now .

4 . What time did you finish ---------------- work ?

5 . They didn’t hear you . You’ll have to shout ----------- them again .

6 . I’ll be passing ---------------- a letterbox , so I can post this for you .

7. It’s the first time I’ve ever played chess --------------- anyone who is as good as you .

8. Children find it hard to pay attention ----------- their teachers all day long .

9 . You can’t regard a degree ------------- a passport to a job .

10 . I seem to spend most of my time dreaming --------------- you .

11 . Today we hope to visit -------------------- two museums .

12 . It’s no good raising your voice ; he can’t hear ----------- you .

13 . We’re looking forward ------------ seeing you again soon .

14 . It’s taken them a month to respond ----------------- our letter .

15 . Smile ----------------- the camera .

16 . You shouldn’t ask -------------- people personal questions .

17 . I want to spend the afternoon watching ------------- football on TV .

18 . No one ever died ---------------- hard work .

19 . We expect to arrive -------------- London before the shops shut .

20 . What do you know --------------- the care of indoor plants ?

Answer Key

1 . to 2 . to 3 . into 4 . ------- 5 . to 6 . -------- 7 . against / with 8 . to 9 . as 10 . of / about

11 . ------- 12 . ------ 13 . to 14 . to 15 . at 16 . -------- 17 . ------ 18 . of 19 . in 20 . about  


Vocabulary Tests [ 52 ] , Test Fifty Two

52 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Fifty Two

1 . ‘Be’ , ‘get’ , ‘go’ , ‘make’ , etc.

Supply the best word or words

1 . You don’t have to --------------- every time I ask you a question .

( A ) annoy ( B ) get annoyed

2 . I avoid eating cakes and biscuits because I don’t want to ------------------- .

( A ) get fat  ( B ) fatten

3 . How much --------------------- ?

( A ) does it make ( B ) is it ( C ) does it ( D ) has it

4 . Take an umbrella with you . You don’t want to ------------------

( A ) wetten ( B ) get wet ( C ) wet yourself

5 . These apples have ------------------- and they’re very nice .

( A ) softened ( B ) goes soft ( C ) made soft

6 . I ---------------------- playing tennis .  

( A ) heated ( B ) hotted ( C ) got hot ( D ) got heat

7 . This nice hand cream will --------------------- your hands soft .

( A ) do ( B ) make ( C ) get

8. I -----------------waiting for the bus .

( A ) cold ( B ) colded ( C ) get cold ( D ) made cold

9 . She was weak and thin after two months’ illness , but we soon ----------------- .

( A ) fattened her up ( B ) gopt her fat ( C ) made her fat

10 . English is easy when you begin learning but it soon --------------------- .

( A ) gets difficult ( B ) does difficult ( C ) difficults ( D ) makes difficult

11 . This egg smells awful  . Its --------------------------- .

( A ) baddened ( B ) gone bad ( C ) got bad

12 . I ----------------------wandering about all day without any food . 

( A ) got hungry ( B ) hungered ( C ) made hungry

13 .  Your children have --------------------- since I last saw them !  

( A ) talled so much ( B ) got so tall ( C ) been so tall

14 . I don’t mean to --------------------- with so many questions !

( A ) get you tired ( B ) tire you ( C ) tire yourself ( D )

15 , Why didn’t you--------------- this morning ? 

( A ) shave you ( B ) shave ( C ) get shaved yourself

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3. B 4 . B 5 . B 6 . C 7 . B 8 . C 9 . A 10 . A 11 . B 12 . A 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B

2 . Work and jobs

Supply the most suitable words from the list on the right .

1 . ……………. is hard to find at the moment .                                   ( a ) boss

2 . The quality of the food in a restaurant depends on its …………. ( b ) chauffeur

3 . I work in a garage as a car …………..                                              ( c ) chef

4 . Nancy has started a new ………………                                            ( d ) colleague

5 . Mrs. Davis is the …………….. of this shop , not the owner            ( e ) college

6. If you want to know the way , ask a ……………. .                            ( f ) conductor

7 . Who’s the …………….. of the Boston Symphony Orchestra ?       ( g ) doctor

8 . Brenda Mittens was a university …………… at the age of 26 .      ( h ) engineer

9. He has a car with a uniformed …………….. .                                    ( i ) job

10 . His …………….. at school has given him a good report .              ( j ) manager

11 . What’s the name of the ……………. of your company ?               ( k ) mechanic

12 . An ……………. designs bridges or roads .                                      ( l ) medicine

13 . The ……………. of our shop is putting up the rent .                      ( m ) owner

14 . There had been a burglary , so we called the …………. .               ( n ) police

15 . I went into business after I left …………… .                                    ( o ) policeman

16 . I can’t use a ……………. , never mind a word processor !             ( p ) professor

17 . Gordon is a ……………. at the local hospital .                                 ( q ) teacher

18 . Has the burse given you your ………….. ?                                        ( r ) typist

19 . Smith is a …………… of mine at the office .                                     ( s ) typewriter

20 . It’s useful to be a good …………….. if you use a computer .           ( t ) work

Answer Key

1 . t 2 . c 3 . k 4 . i 5. j 6 . o 7 . f 8 . p 9 . b 10 . q 11 . a 12 . h 13 . m 14 . n 15 . e 16 . s

17 . g 18 . l 19 . d 20 . r

Vocabulary Tests [ 51 ] Test Fifty One

51 - ] Vocabulary Tests

                                             Test Fifty One

1 . Health

Correct the mistakes , which have been underlined for you . Suggest a suitable alternative for each one . The first one has been done for you .

Yesterday , I decided to visit my ( 0 ) medicine                0 . doctor

I’ve been having ( 1 ) aches in the chest .                           1 . -----------------

I ( 2 ) heat all the time , and                                                 2 . ----------------

then I suddenly ( 3 ) cold                                                      3 . -----------------

I ( 4 ) don’t have hunger at all                                             4 . ------------------

and I think I’m ( 5 ) thinning .                                             5 . -----------------

I ( 6 ) tire myself easily , as well .                                         6 . ------------------

Last week I developed a ( 7 ) sore neck  and could            7 . ------------------

hardly speak . I hoped it would ( 8 ) better .                       8 . ------------------

but in fact it got ( 9 ) worst .                                                  9 . -----------------

The doctor ( 10 ) interrogated me                                       10 . -----------------

and gave me a ( 11 ) recipe .                                                 11 . -----------------

‘You can get this medicine at the ( 12 ) pharmacist’s .’    12 . -----------------

he said .’Don’t worry . You’ll soon be ( 13 ) alright .’      13 . -----------------

I ( 14 ) pleased the doctor to give me                                  14 . -----------------

some ( 15 ) advices .                                                              15 . -----------------

‘When you feel better . ( 16 ) make plenty of exercise .    16 .----------------

and you need plenty of ( 17 ) open air .                              17 . ----------------

You’ll be ( 18 ) good in no time .’                                        18 . -----------------

I thanked the doctor as the ( 19 ) nanny showed me out   19 . ---------------

 before leading in the next ( 20 ) customer .                        20 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . pains 2 . get hot 3 . am not hungry 4 . getting thin(ner) 6 . get tired 7 . sore throat

8 . get better 9 . worse 10 . examined 11 . prescription 12 . chemist’s 13 . all right

( preferably ) 14 . asked 15 . advice 16 . take 17 . fresh 18 . well 19 . nurse 20 . patient

2 . Holidays

Supply the best words .

1- Guesthouses with ----------------- are often hard to find . ( A ) vacations ( B ) vacancies

2 . I looked for a sign which said Rooms --------------- .        ( A ) To Let ( B ) To Rent

3 . I like a room with its own --------------- .                           ( A ) toilet ( B ) cabinet

4 . or at least with a -------------- where I can shave              ( A ) washbasin ( B ) sink

5 . and I prefer it to be on the ground -------------- .              ( A ) stage ( B ) floor

6 . A ------------------ with a view                                              ( A ) camera ( B ) room

7 . of the surrounding ------------- is what I like best .           ( A ) countryside ( B ) land

8 . A holiday hotel should have a friendly ---------------- .     ( A ) manager ( B ) director

9 . who welcomes the ------------- at all times .                        ( A ) guests ( B ) clients

10 . Unfortunately , the best hotels are always ------------- .  ( A ) full ( B ) filled

11 . I like hotels where the lifts aren’t ------------- .                ( A ) out of order ( B ) broken

12 . and which don’t cost too ------------- .                               ( A ) much ( B ) many

13 . A big ----------------- at the end always                                 ( A ) bill ( B ) addition  

14 . spoils a good --------------- .                                                    ( A )  vacancy ( B ) holiday

15 . and makes you wish you had ---------------- .                       ( A ) rested ( B ) stayed

16 . at a cheaper --------------- .                                                     ( A ) place ( B ) space

Answer Key

1 . B 2. A 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . B 7 . A 8 . A 9 . A 10 . A 11 . A 12 . A 13 . A 14 . B

15 . B 16 . A   

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