Grammar American & British

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 61 ] , Test Sixty One

61 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test Sixty One .

1 - ] ‘Do’ , ‘make’ and ‘have’

1 - ] Supply the correct forms of do ,make or have

1 . Have you --------------your English exam ?

2 . I must congratulate you . You’ve ---------------a very good job .

3 . When are you going to ------------- your bath ?

4 . We’ll be ---------------- a big party next Saturday .

5 . Excuse me . I’ve got to -------------- a phone call .

6 . I wish you wouldn’t ------------------so much noise !

7 . You’ve -------------------dirty marks on the wall !

8.Did you hear that Mrs. Simpson has ------------ a baby boy ?

9 . I ---------------------- a pain in the stomach after eating too many figs .

10 . I’ll join you in a minute , after I’ve --------------- a shower .

11 . She doesn’t say very much . It’s difficult to -------------------conversation with her .

12 . Try not to ----------------too many mistakes !

13 . I’d like to know how he has -------------------so much money .

14 . We’ve got a lot to do , so it’s time we ------------------ a start .

15 . Did you -----------------English at school ?

16 . I didn’t finish my exam paper . I couldn’t ---------------------all the questions .

17 . ----------------------something ! Don’t just stand there watching me !

18. I won’t be free at 11. I’m going to ------------------a driving lesson .

19. Let me --------------- a try !

20. The world has ---------------------so many wars !

Answer Key

1 . done / had 2 . done 3 . have 4 . having 5 . make 6 . make 7 . made 8. had 9 . had

10 . had 11 . make 12 . make 13. made 14 . made 15. do 16 . do 17 . Do 18 . have

19 . have 20. had

2 - ] Supply the correct forms of do ,make or have

1 . Let’s hope European nations will never again -----------------war on each other .

2 . I hope you --------------------- a nice sleep !

3 . You’ll have to ----------------what you think is right .

4 . A long walk in the fresh air will --------------you a lot of good .

5 . I’ve ------------------------ my suitcase lighter by removing a couple of books .

6 . Don’t blame me . I didn’t ---------------anything out of a few ingredients .

8 . It --------------------no difference whether you believe me or not !

9 . Everyone will -----------------fun of you if you go to school dressed like that !

10 . I’m sure you’ll have a lovely evening and I hope you’ll ----------- a lot of fun .

11 . I’ve ----------------------an appointment to see my dentist on Wednesday .

12 . I can’t see you at 11 . I -------------------an appointment with my dentist .

13 . I -------------------------- a headache , so I took an aspirin .

14 . It looks as though those two cars have been -------------------- a fight .

15 . Did you --------------- a good game ?

16 . I don’t want to ----------------------  trouble for you .

17. If it’s fine tomorrow , we can go for a long walk and ------------------a picnic .

18. ---------------------a good trip !

19 . I don’t like being criticized after I’ve --------------my best .

20 . You can watch TV after you’ve ---------------------- your homework .

Answer Key

1 . make 2 . had / have 3 . do 4 . do 5 . made 6 . do 7 . make 8. makes 9 . make

10. have 11 . made 12 . have 13 . had 14 . having 15 . have 16 . make 17 . have

18 . have 19 . done 20. done

2 . Dressing and Clothes

 Supply the best  word or words .

1 . How long does it take you to -------------------in the morning ?

(A) get dressed (B) dress up (C) dress yourself

2 . You can’t go to the interview -----------------------jeans and an old jacket ?          

(A) dressed with (B) dressed in (C) dressed up

3 . Just a minute ! I must have a shower and ------------------before we go out .     

(A) change  (B) exchange

4 . You’d better --------------------your coat before you go out into the cold .          

(A) wear (B) dress in (C) have in (D) put on   

5 . ---------------------that blue dress to see if it suits you .       

(A) Test (B) Prove (C) Try on (D) Probe  

6 .  I can’t go out in this shirt . I’ve ----------------all day .         

(A) dressed in it (B) had it on (C) got dressed in it

7 . The doctor asked me to ----------------my shirt .         

(A) put off (B) take off (C) take out (D) put on

8 . We got John a new --------------------for his job interview .            

 (A) dress (B) costume (C) suit (D) suite

9.  How much would you expect to pay for a pair of men’s -----------------?         

 (A) socks (B) stockings (C) tights

10 . They won’t let you into the restaurant without a -------------------- .         

(A) cravat (B) tie

11 . These are -----------------------I work in .            

(A) clothing (B) clothe (C) clothes (D) cloth

12 .  Your collar looks very tight . Why don’t you your tie ?       

(A) loose (B) lose (C) loosen

13 . Ticket inspectors usually wear a blue suit and a ----------------------- .        

 (A) peaked cap (B) casket

14 . It was so early in the morning that she answered the door in a ---------------------           

(A) dressing gown (B) robe (C) dress

15 . How much -------------------in the window ?        

 (A) is that trouser (B) are these trousers (C) are those pantaloons

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . B 3 . A 4 . D 5 . C 6 . B 7 . B 8 . C 9 . A 10 . B 11 . C 12 . C 13 . A

14 . A ( Am E B) 15 . B 

Vocabulary Tests [ 60 ] , Test Sixty

 60 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test Sixty

Traveling By Train

Read the story . Refer to the list below and fill in the blanks with the best word or words . The first one has been done for you .

There are so many things you have to do when you (0) travel . Always make sure your

(1) ------------has(2) ---------------on it !

        If you’re going (3) ---------------train , the (4) -----------------you have to do is buy yourself (5) -----------à You usually have to stand in a (6) ----------------and it’s easy to

(7) --------------------your train and then waste hours (8) ---------------the next one !

         You buy (9) -----------or return ticket , and then look for a (10) -------------where you hope you will find a free (11)  --------------- .

          At last , you can (12) ----------------the train and settle down to enjoy the (13) ----------

If you’re lucky , the train (14) ---------------the station (15) --------------- .

          Sometimes (16) -----------------comes round to (17) ---------------your ticket , but usually you travel without interruption and can enjoy the (18) --------------- . You can relax till (19) -------------------time for you to (20) --------------when you arrive at your (21) --------------- .

0 . (A) journey                1 . (A)  luggage         2 . (A)  a cartel          3 (A) with

     (B)  travel                        (B)  valise                  (B)  a card               (B) by

                                              (C)   coffer                 (C) a label                (C) via  

                                                                                  (D) an etiquette

4 . ( A) first                      5 . ( A ) a billet         6 . ( A) a queue          7 . ( A ) miss           

     ( B ) first thing                ( B ) a ticket              (B ) line                      ( B ) lose

                                              ( C )  a card               ( C) row                      ( C ) loose

                                              ( D ) an etiquette       (D ) tail

8 . ( A ) waiting               9 . ( A ) a single       10 . ( A ) wagon             11 .( A ) seat

     ( B ) expecting                 ( B ) an ordinary      ( B ) carriage                 ( B ) place

                                                                                     ( C ) car                   (C ) chair

                                                                                                                       ( D ) space

12 . ( A ) get into             13 . ( A ) travel            14 . ( A ) leaves for  15 . ( A ) on time

       ( B ) enter into                ( B ) voyage                   ( B ) leaves for        ( B ) in time

       ( C ) enter                        ( C ) journey                 ( C ) leaves              ( C ) to time

       ( D ) go in                         ( D ) travels                   ( D ) lives                 

16 . ( A ) a conductor      17 . ( A ) examine         18 .  ( A ) ride           19. ( A ) it’s

       ( B ) a driver                    ( B ) interrogate            ( B ) drive               ( B ) its

       ( C ) an inspector             ( C ) question                ( C ) flight              ( C ) it has

       ( D ) a guide                      ( D ) look                        ( D ) walk

20 . ( A ) get off                21 . ( A ) term

       ( B ) go down                    ( B ) terminal

       ( C ) get down                   ( C ) station

       ( D ) descend                     ( D ) terminus

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . C 3 . B 4 . B 5 . B 6 . A 7 . A 8 . C 9 . A 10 . B 11 . A 12 . A 13 . C 14 . C

15 . A 16 . C 17 . A 18 . A 19 . A 20 . A 21 . C

2 -] Outside

Supply the best word or words

1 . The line you cross to go from one country to another is called the ------------- .

( A ) frontier   ( B ) boundary

2 . It’s wide and large and it’s often lines with trees . It’s ----------------- .

( A ) an avenue   ( B ) an alley ( C ) a street

3 . Climb to the top of a hill so that you can admire the ---------------------- .

( A ) country ( B ) land ( C ) countryside

4 . You have to drive very carefully if a road is full of ------------------------ .

( A ) angles ( B ) bends ( C ) corners

5 . If you want to put up a tent , you’ll have to look for a nice flat piece of -------------- .

( A ) ground ( B ) soil ( C ) earth

6. There are quite a few islands off the west ------------------of Scotland .

( A ) shore ( B ) cost ( C ) coast ( D ) beach ( E ) seaside

7 . It can be very cold at night in the ------------------ .

( A ) dessert ( B ) desert

8 . How many people are there in the ---------------------- ?

( A ) cosmos ( B ) earth ( C ) world

9 .  An open place in a city , town or village where people like to sit . It’s called -------------

( A ) a square ( B ) a circus ( C ) a place

10 . You’d expect to be able to buy fresh fruit and vegetables in ---------------- .

( A ) a market ( B ) a bazaar

11 . Where you were born in your -----------------of origin .

( A ) countryside ( B ) country ( C ) nation

12 . If we ask ‘How long will you be in this country ?’ , we are referring to ---------------

( A ) the country we are in ( B ) some other country

13 . Look up and you will see -------------------

( A ) the sky ( B ) heaven ( C ) the heaven

14 . It’s often made of iron and can lead into a garden . It’s -------------------- .

( A ) a port ( B ) a door ( C ) a gate ( D ) a doorway  

15 . I think Mauritius is my favorite -------------------on earth . 

( A ) place ( B ) part ( C ) space ( D ) room

Answer Key

1. A 2 . A 3 . C 4 . B 5 . A 6 . C 7 . B 8 . C 9 . A 10. A 11 . B 12 . A 13 . A 14 . C 15 . A

Vocabulary Tests [ 59 ] , Test Fifty Nine

59 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Fifty Nine

1 . ] Questions and Exclamations

Supply the best word or words .

1 . I haven’t met our new secretary yet . ------------------?

( A ) What’s she like ( B ) How is she ( C ) How is she like

2 . I don’t know the English word for this -------------------?

( A ) What do you call it  ( B ) How do you name it ( C ) What do you name it

3 . I don’t know your friend’s name ------------------------?

( A ) How’s she called ( B ) What’s she named ( C ) What’s she called

4 . ---------------------- paid the waiter ? - Jane did .

( A ) Whom ( B ) How ( C ) Who ( D ) Whose

5 . ----------------------- borrowed my pen ?

( A ) Whose ( B ) Who’s ( C ) How’s

6 . I hear you’ve been ill ----------------------- now ?

( A ) How do you do ( B ) How are you ( C ) What do you do

7 . -----------------for a living ? - I’m an engineer .

( A ) What are you doing ( B ) How do you do ( C ) What do you do

8 . There are two coats here -----------------------------is yours ?

( A ) Which ( B ) What ( C ) What one

9 . I’ve never met your son ---------------------------?

( A ) How old is he ( B ) What age has he

10 . --------------------------‘s the weather like today ?

( A ) What ( B ) Who ( C ) How

11 . I’ve never heard of John Kennedy . --------------------- is he ?

( A ) Who ( B ) What ( C ) How

12 . ------------------- tall you’ve grown !

( A ) What ( B ) How ( C ) How much

13 . -------------------------- are you !

( A ) What a tall girl ( B ) How tall girl ( C ) What tall girl

14 . It’s so nice to see you . --------------------------!

( A ) What surprise ( B ) What a surprise

15 . -----------------------we’ve been having !

( A ) What a dreadful weather  ( B ) What dreadful weather ( C ) How dreadful weather

Answer Key

1 . A  2 . A 3 . C 4 . C 5 . B 6 . B 7 . C 8 . A 9 . A 10 . A 11 . A 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B 15 . B

2 -] Quantities  and Amounts

1 - ] Supply the best word or words

1 . Have you got -------------------pen on you                     ( A ) one              ( B ) a

2 . I’d like -------------- water please .                                ( A ) some            ( B ) one  

3 . Please ---------------- the room carefully .                     ( A ) count           ( B ) measure

4 . I’ll be needing ------------------ of those plates .            ( A ) ten               ( B ) a decade

5 . ------------- house round here has a TV aerial .            ( A ) each            ( B ) Every

6 . You must tell me --------------- truth .                           ( A ) all the          ( B ) the whole

7 . I’ve lost ------------- hair .                                               ( A ) all my          ( B ) my whole

8 . Would you like some ---------------?                               ( A ) else              ( B ) more

9 . Serve the soup in --------------- amounts .                      ( A ) equal           ( B ) even

10 . My family have lived here for ------------ years .        ( A ) fourty          ( B ) forty

11 . They’re visiting us next week . - How long -------- ?  ( A ) ago               ( B ) for

12 . How ------------ names are on the list ?                        ( A ) much            ( B ) many

13 . I’ve got ------------- things to do !                                  ( A ) 100 and one ( B ) 100 one

14 . How many letters did you get ?  - Two-------------      ( A ) hundreds     ( B ) hundred

15 . Two ------------------- workers have been employed .  ( A ) hundreds of ( B ) hundred

16 . How many times did you phone me ?  -  -------------  ( A ) Twice            ( B ) Two times

17 . They beat us four --  -------------------- .                        ( A ) nil                 ( B ) nought

18 . There’s not ---------- enough food for everybody .      ( A ) almost          ( B ) nearly

19 . There are a large --------------- of students this year .  ( A ) amount       ( B ) number

20 . Give me ------------ cup please .                                      ( A ) another       ( B ) another

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . B 4 . A 5 . B 6 . B 7 . A 8 . B 9 . A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B 15 . B

16 . A 17 . A 18 . B 19 . B  20 . B

2 - ] Supply the best word or words

1 . The --------------- of them get on well together .           ( A ) two               ( B ) both

2 . Is there ------------- food for everyone ?                        ( A ) enough of    ( B ) enough

3 . I’d like to ask --------------------- questions .                  ( A ) few               ( B ) a few

4 . I’d like --------------- more time .                                    ( A ) little             ( B ) a little

5 . I’d like -------------- kilo of coffee please .                          ( A ) a half         ( B ) half a

6 . I think he’s got ---------------- money .                                ( A ) a lot of       ( B ) much

7 . They’ve cut down ----------------- trees .                             ( A ) a lot of        ( B ) many

8 . ---------------- people like ice-cream .                                  ( A ) Most            ( B ) The most

9 . You’re asking for ------------money than I have .             ( A ) much more  ( B ) very much

10 .There are --------------- messages for you                          ( A ) none              ( B ) no

11 . Was there much rain last winter ? - -------------- much . ( A ) No                 ( B ) not

12 . What did you say ?  - -------------------- .                           ( A ) Not anything( B ) nothing

13 . They’re $ 2 ---------------------                                             ( A ) the piece       ( B ) each

14 . --------------- money has been wasted .                              ( A ) Several          ( B ) A lot of

15 . I’d like -------------- room for the night .                           ( A ) an only           ( B ) a single

16 . Is there any coffee ? - Yes ,would you like ------------?   ( A ) some               ( B ) one

17 . Are there any eggs ? - Yes , would you like -------- ?      ( A ) one                  ( B ) it

18 . Give him a spoonful --------------medicine .                      ( A ) of                     ( B ) ------

19 . I’d like coffee with ------------- sugar .                              ( A ) no                    ( B ) any

20 .I’d like coffee without ---------- sugar .                              ( A ) no                    ( B ) any

Answer Key

1. A 2 . B 3 . B 4 . B 5 . B 6 . A 7 . A 8. A 9. A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . B 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B

16 . A 17. A 18 . A 19 . A 20 . B

Test Sixty

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...