Grammar American & British

Friday, September 16, 2022

14 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners - Active And Passive

14 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners

19 - Active And Passive

To change from active to passive follow these rules :

1 . The object becomes subject .

2 . Use verb [ to be ] in the tense of the active verb .

3 . Use the past participle .

4 . The subject becomes object and use [by] before it .

Verb To Be





Simple Present

Present Continuous

Present Perfect

Simple Past

Past Continuous

Past Perfect




Perfect Future

am , is are

am , is , are + being

have , has + been

was , were

was , were + being

had + been


will , would , shall , should , may , might , can , could , must , ought to + be

will + have + been


1 . Mary cleans the house .

The house is cleaned by Mary .

2 . Mary cleaned the house .

The house was cleaned by Mary .

3 . Mary is cleaning the house .

The house is cleaning the house .

4 . Mary was cleaning the house .

5 . Mary has cleaned the house .

The house has been cleaned by Mary .

6 . Mary had cleaned the house .

The house had been cleaned by Mary .

7 . Mary will clean the house .

The house will be cleaned by Mary .

Changes of Pronouns

I     -  me

she - her

they - them

we - us

he - him

it , you - no change





Change the following sentences into the passive voice:

1 . He paid the bill last week .      ----------------------------------------------

2 . An earthquake destroyed the town .   ---------------------------------------------

3 . Mother will look after the baby .  --------------------------------------------------

4 . You must clean your teeth every day .   -------------------------------------------------

5 . I am playing the piano .     ------------------------------------------------

6 . Ali has answered the questions . ---------------------------------------------

7 . We have done the homework .   ------------------------------------------------

8 . Someone stole my money .  ---------------------------------------------

9 . They were eating sandwiches .  -----------------------------------------

10 . We are following the teacher .  --------------------------------------------------

11 . The airplanes have dropped bombs .   --------------------------------------------

12 . The cold wind has frozen my face . ----------------------------------------------

13 . We defeated the enemy .   --------------------------------------------------------

14 . My father can cancel the race .  --------------------------------------------------

15 . We obey orders .     --------------------------------------------------

16 . Children drink milk everyday .  ----------------------------------------------------

17 . My father has written the list . -----------------------------------------------------

18 . My sister plays music .  ---------------------------------------------------

19 . Grandfather told us nice stories . ------------------------------------------------

20 . He spent the money foolishly .          -----------------------------------------------------

21 . We are washing the dishes now .    ----------------------------------------------------------

22 . Some people collect pictures .   -----------------------------------------------------------

23 . Some people hunt wild animals .  --------------------------------------------------------

24 . She often forgets dates .   -------------------------------------------------

25 . We sharpen pencils with a sharpener .        -------------------------------------------------

26 . The teacher will explain the new words .    --------------------------------------------------

27 . People often visit that garden .       ----------------------------------------------------

28 . Children generally need help .   --------------------------------------------------------

29 . People exchange presents at birthdays .        -------------------------------------------------

30 .  The ship had struck the rock .             -------------------------------------------------------

31 . She tasted the honey .    ------------------------------------------------------

32 . We did our work well .   -------------------------------------------------------- 

13 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners - General Exercise On Tenses

13 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners

18 - General Exercise on Tenses

Correct the verbs between brackets :

1 . We ----------------[ live ] in this palace for a long time .

2 . I -----------------[ not see ] my father since he traveled abroad .

3 . I ---------------[ not finish ] my work yet .

4 . She ----------------[ just eat ] her breakfast .

5 . Miss Sally ----------------[ teach ] s English for ten years .

6 . He -----------------[ start ] studying English three years ago .

7 . They -------------------[ be ] good friends for years .

8 . My father ---------------[ by ] a new car tomorrow .

9 . He ----------------[ be ] a doctor in the future .

10 . Tom -------------[ not finish ] the exercise yet .

11 . My family ----------------[ travel ] to London last year .

12 . I ---------------[ live ] in London for nine years .

13 . I ---------------[ not write ] to him for ages .

14 . He ----------------[ be ] awake since four o’clock in the morning .

15 . John is now in hospital . He ------------------[ be ] there for three weeks .

16 . I --------------------[ never wear ] a hat .

17 . Mohammad --------------just [ catch ] a lot of fish .

18 . Our neighbors ------------------[ keep ] a very fierce dog for five years .

19 . He often -----------------[ read ] detective stories .

20 . He ----------------[ leave ] for Aswan tomorrow .

21 . Ahmad usually -------------[ take ] his breakfast at seven o’clock at seven o’clock .

22 . She ---------------[ be ] an artist when she grows up .

23 . The policeman always --------------[ catch ] the thieves .

24 . The child ------------------[ not drink ] his milk yet .

25 . ---------------you -------------[ watch ] television every day ?

26 . She ---------------------[ telephone ] from London today .

27 . She --------------------never ---------------[ be ] to Canada .

28 . The children already ------------------[ clean ] their room .

29 . I ------------------[ not play ] the bill yet .

30 . Nobody -------------------[ hear ] from him since last summer .

31 . Nobody ---------------------[ discover ] a cure for common cold yet .

32 . He always -------------------[ go ] for a walk in the morning .

33 . ---------------you ever ------------[ ride ] an elephant ?

34 . The teacher ----------------------[ not explain ] the lesson yet .

35 . She -----------------[ make ] a nice cake yesterday .

36 . I ----------------[ buy ] a new bicycle next week .

37 . My father often -----------------[ read ] the papers in the morning .

38 . The final examination ---------------[ begin ] next Monday .

39 . Mother always ----------------[ fry ] eggs foe supper .-------------------

40 . She usually -----------[ try ] to help others .

41 . An airplane usually -----------------[ fly ] high .

42 . He --------------[ play ] tennis every Friday .

43 . Miss Williams ------------------[ teach ] us Science everyday . 

12 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners - Past Perfect , The Simple Future Tense , "Going To" Form

12 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners

16 . Past Perfect




I had played .

I had not (hadn’t) played.

Had I played?


She had played. 



She had not (hadn’t)played .



Had     he   played ?



Theyhad played .



They had not (hadn’t) played.



Had they played ?


1 . The past perfect is used in a sentence with two verbs in the past ; the verb that happened first is past perfect while the other is simple past .

After we had had our dinner , we went out for a walk .

The football match had come to an end before I reached the field .

The injured man had died before the ambulance arrived .

When the policemen arrived , the thieves had already escaped .

2 . The past perfect tense is often used with : after , before , when , as soon as


Correct the verbs in brackets using past perfect or past simple :

1 . After I [ hear ] the news , I [ hurry ] to see him .

2 . Before he ate the egg , he [ boil ] it .

3 . The train [ leave ] before he could catch it .

4 . The train [ leave ] before he [ arrive ] at the station .

5 . The merchant said that he [ arrange ] for the meeting .

6 . When he [ examine ] jewels , he found that they were good .

7 . He said hat the journey [ cost ] him twenty thousand pounds .

8 . When w [ hear ] that he [ be ] in hospital , we [ go ] to se him .

9 . I asked a policeman what the time [ be ] .

10 . When thunder roared , rain [ fall ] heavily .

11 . Jane [ study ] hard when she was a girl .

12 . She [ read ] Hamlet last month .

13 . Yesterday was so hot so we [ use ] a fan .

14 . He lived quietly on a little money he [ save ] before his retirement .

15 . His firm [ give ] him a better position last year because he [ earn ] it .

16 . Our host [ introduce ] me to Mr. Khalid whom I [ not meet ] before .

17 . Sonia [ not be ] abroad before so everything [ seem ] strange to her .

18 . We [ wake ] up late because the alarm clock [ not ring ] .

19 . He [ leave ] his office before his wife got there .

20 . After she had posted the letter , she [ go ] to the market .

21 . The teacher [ explain ] the lesson before you came to school yesterday .

22 . The police [ catch ] the robbers before they robbed the bank .

23 . The policeman asked me if I [ see ] the accident .

24 . The sick girl [ feel ] better after she [ take ] the medicine .

25 . When we [ reach ] the station , the  train [ leave ] , so we had to travel by bus .

26 . He [ buy ] a car before he [ learn ] how t drive .

27 . The naughty boy [ jump ] off the bus before it [ stop ] .

28 . The sun [ rise ] when we [ start ] our journey .

29 . Both his parents [ died ] before he [ finish ] his education .

17 . The Simple Future Tense




will + inf. [ ‘ll ]

We will play .

I will travel .

She will come .

will not [ won’t ]

We will not play.

I will not [ won’t ] travel .

She will not [ won’t ] come.



              we    play

Will       they come ?

              he    travel

              she   go


1. In modern English “will” is often used with all persons not “shall” and “will” .

2 . We use the future simple to :

A- ] express actions in the future .

The doctor will examine the patient tomorrow .

B- ] express the speaker’s opinion about the future .

Do you think he will come back tomorrow ?

C - ] make a prediction about what will happen in the distant future .

He will be famous one day . It will rain tomorrow .

D- ] To make a promise.

I’ll help you wash the car .

E- ] when we make a sudden decision to do something .

I’ll call my friend .

I’ll travel next week .

 The “Going to” Form




I am going to play

I am (‘m) not going to play.

Am I play?


She is going to play .



She is not (isn’t) going to play .



Is  he   going to play?



They are going to play.



They are not (aren’t) going to go



Are they going to play ?


1. “Going to” is used to express intentions or something about to happen .

I am going to meet my friend at the station .

It is going to rain . It is cloudy .

She is going to change car .

Be careful ! You’re going to have an accident .

Exercise 1

Write the correct form of [ going to ] to complete the following :

1 . When ------------you --------------[ finish ] the report ?

2 . They --------------not -----------------[ be ] back next week .

3 . What ---------------you ----------[ buy ] for your mother on her birthday ?

4 . I ------------not ----------------[ tell ] him anything .

5 . ------------------you -------------------[ play ] basketball on Sunday ?

6 . He ---------------------[ spend ] a few weeks in Italy .

7 . She ----------------[ buy ] a new washing machine next week .

8 . Where ----------------you -----------------[ stay ] during your visit to Luxor ?

9 . When ------------------you ---------------[ hand ] in your copybook ?

10 . Why ----------------you -----------------[ move [ to a new flat ?

11 . We ------------------[ have ] a party next week .

12 . Who’s ------------------[ do ] the washing up tonight ?

13 . How many people -------------you -------------[ invite ] to the party ?

Exercise 2

Complete with will or (be) going to :

1 . I --------------------------- go to a rock concert next week .

2 . He ---------------------be rich and famous in ten years .

3 . They --------------------buy the tickets for the football match next week .

4 . The Earth -----------------look very different in 30 years .

5 . Helen -----------------have a birthday party next week .

6 . In 20 years , robots ----------------do everything for us .

7 . I ----------------------meet John next week .

8 . We ----------------------all have electric cars in 20 years . 

184- ] English Literature

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