Grammar American & British

Sunday, July 5, 2020

American Division Literature [ 5 ]

American Division Literature . [ 5 ] 

Rhyme Scheme

Kinds of Rhyme Scheme .

 End rhymes : They are when the rhyming words fall at the ends of two or more lines of verse .

e.g. But were some child of yours alive that time .

       You should live twice – in it , and in my rhyme .

 Echo verse :   It employs a form of end rhyme used commonly in the 1500s and 1600s in which the closing syllables of a line are repeated to form the next line .

The Echo [ William Barnes ]

An’mother’s call” Come , come my dears”

                                                    - my dears :

Or  “ Do as I do bid , bad chaps”

                                                    - bad chaps .

 Internal rhymes : They are two or more rhyming words within a line of verse .

      Off to the right  , we see the dawn’s light  ;

      An upturned face , tears not a trace  .

 Masculine rhyme : It is a rhyme of a single stressed syllable that generally is forceful : look , cook / sing , bring / sweet , treat / sob , rob / .

 Feminine [ or double ] rhyme :   It is rhyme of a stressed , then unstressed syllable . As a result , it is softer than masculine rhyme : looking , cooking / feature , creature / .

 Compound rhyme :  It is rhyme of both pairs of compound components : fish broth , dish cloth / cork screw , pork stew / .

 Triple rhyme :  It is rhyme of a stressed followed by two unstressed syllables . bacteria , diphtheria .

Perfect rhyme [ also called true or pure rhyme ]:  It is an exact alignment of sounds , whereas imperfect rhyme [ also called partial slant , or half rhyme ] is only a close alignment .

e.g. And when he’d ride in the afternoon . [ partial , slant ]

       I’d follow with a hickary broom .    [ half [ imperfect ] rhyme

 Eye rhymes [ also called visual rhyme ] :  They look like they should rhyme [ and at one time perhaps did ] as in the first two lines .

           Shall a woman’s virtues move

           Me to perish for her love ?

           Or her well-deserving known ,

           Make me quite forget mine own ?

 Rime riche [ also called identical rhyme ]: It consists of words that sound the same , but different spellings and meanings .

Seas, sees / hare , hair / their , there / heart , hart / .

Rime riche is sometimes identified as one of the many ways writers can make a “ play of words” and rime riche lies at the heart of a pun . Shakespeare uses the “ rime riche” as an internal rhyme in “ The Rape of Lucrece” .

   That for his prey to pray he doth begin ,

   As if the heavens should countenance his sin .

 Historical rhymes :  They are words that once rhymed but due to pronunciation shifts no longer rhyme : tea once rhymed with day .

 Forced rhymes : They are invented by the poet . Along with eye rhyme and imperfect rhyme , forced rhymes are examples of “ poetic license ”- when a poet departs from the usual use of rhyme , diction , syntax and other such conventions .

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