Grammar American & British

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Simple Narrative -Art of Writing [ 1 ]

1- ] Art of Writing .
Writing Simple Narrative .
                 A narrative is a story that relates a sequence of events . The story may be true [ nonfiction ] or imagined [ fiction ] . A successful narrative involves realistic characters and situations brought to life with specific details .
The Basics of Narrative .
All narratives contain characters , setting and plot . Characters are the individuals in a story . Setting establishes a story’s time and place . The events that occur in a story make up its plot . Narratives may contain a conflict , or a struggle that triggers the action . In a narrative as in a movie , it is often the conflict or struggle that keeps the audience interested . The conflict in a story is what sets events in motion and makes the audience want to find out what happens . In the movie ( Jaws ) for example, the uncertain outcome in the conflict or struggle between people and shark creates a gripping story .
A conflict plays the same role in a narrative that a main idea plays in other types of writing . Just as all supporting details help develop a main idea , all events in a narrative help develop its conflict .
 As a character grapples with the conflict the plot builds to a climax , the high point of the story . The resolution in which the aftermath of the climax is revealed brings the narrative to an end. 
The Progression of Conflict in a Narrative .
              The Progression of Conflict in a Narrative .
                                          Plot                                   climax                          
                              ^                                         ^                                  
      ^                      ^                                                                             ^                conflict builds                                                
                                                                   ^                              resolution of conflict        ^      

Tension   Introduction to conflict
Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A narrative plot might look like this .
3-]Climax .
 [ The “ high point “ when you know how conflict will be resolved ]

2-]Complication .  
 [ Development of characters and setting ]
1-]Exposition .
[ Introduction of characters and setting ]
                                                                             4-] Denouement
                                                                             [ Resolution of conflict ]             The Types Of Conflict .
Conflict can be internal or external . External conflicts involve one or more characters and an outside force .Internal conflicts occur within a character .
To write an effective narrative you should .
1-] Include events that develop the conflict 2-] Build your plot to a climax. 3-] Create a resolution to the conflict . It is also called denouement [ the very end of the story ] . The short story ranges from 500 [ in the short-short story] to 15.000 words . It is very tightly structured with a formal development .                                                                              
   The Definitions of The Common Elements of a Story.
1-] Setting = The place and time n which the action of the story occurs . The location can be real or imaginary . In a myth , the time is usually the past .
2-] Characters = The people , animals or gods [ myths ] that participate in the action of the story .
3-] Conflict  = The struggle that is central to the story . It can be external [ a struggle between characters or forces] . The external conflict can be 1-] Person against person . 2-] Person against nature . 3-] Person against society . 4-] Person against fate . The internal struggle within a character or characters . It is a mental struggle between opposing thoughts or feelings.
4-] Plot  = The story’s sequence of events . A plot revolves around a conflict and builds to a climax that is later resolved .
5-] Theme = The message or main idea of the story . The theme may or not be stated directly . 

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