Grammar American & British

Monday, July 13, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing [ 27 ]

27- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

21-] How To Preserve The Environment .

                      Earth resources are limited and many of them are not renewable . Even renewable resources such as food require space , water , soil etc. to produce them and this ultimately means that these resources will be taken from other living beings on Earth . Natural resources are not distributed evenly ,so wars in military or economic terms are reality of our life . So preserving the earth’s environment is all about keeping the rate of our usage of the earth’s resources slower than the rate at which the earth can  regenerate the resources so that the earth’s resources can be available to us indefinitely and our subsequent generations can enjoy the earth as much as we do .

                      To preserve the environment there are principles to follow – reduce , reuse , recycle , repair , share : do not acquire what you do not need. When you acquire stuff , make sure they are reusable or at least recyclable . Foe instance , we can reuse cloth bags for groceries , instead of paper or plastic . We can donate old furniture , computers , clothes , books etc. to be recycled , instead of trashing them .We can repair broken stuff , instead of buying new ones . We can share books , household items , magazines , newspapers , tools , cars etc.

                         As for transportation we must walk or ride in every possibility . We must remember that cars are always  a big source of pollution : greenhouse gases emission and other liquid leaks .

                         We can preserve our environment by adapting eco-friendly sources of energy such as wind energy , solar energy , hydro energy and other renewable sources of energy . Industrialization should be controlled in order to keep pure environment free from pollution . Even nuclear power is also unwise because it is just another fossil fuel , the burning of which causes pollution as well as atomic waste .

                          The developed world needs to adopt a more frugal life style that consumes fewer resources , particularly fossil fuels . The developing world needs to learn from the mistakes of others and develop public transport rather than cars and sustainable power generation rather than coal and oil fired power plants .


22-] Epidemics .

                              When new cases of a certain disease occur in a given human population during a given period substantially exceed what is expected , it is called endemic [ in a country ] or epidemic in more than one country or pandemic worldwide . A disease or condition is not epidemic or pandemic merely because it is wide spread or kills many people , it must also be infectious . For example , cancer is responsible for many deaths , but it is not considered a pandemic disease because the disease is not infectious or contagious .

                           There are many factors stimulating new epidemics including 1-] Contamination of water supplies and food sources 2-] International travel 3-] Climate change 4-] Poor population health [ e.g. malnutrition , high prevalence of HIV 5-[ Failure of public health programs 6-] Hospitals and medical procedures 9-] International trade 10-] Evolution of pathogen [e.g. increased virulence , drug resistance ] .

                           In the past the worldwide epidemics were black death or plague , cholera , typhus and influenza . There have been a number of significant pandemics recorded in human history which came about with domestication of animals such as influenza and tuberculosis . There have been a number of particularly significant epidemics that deserve mention . The plague of Athens 430 BC which was typhoid fever killed a quarter of the Athenian troops and a quarter of population over four years . This disaster fatally weakened the dominance of Athens . Plague of Justinian from 541 to 750 AD was the first outbreak recorded of the bubonic plague . It started in Egypt and reached Constantinople killing 10.000 a day at its height . The plague went on to eliminate a quarter to a half of the human population that struck throughout the known world . It caused Europe population to drop by around 50 % between 550 and 700 AD . The Black Death that started 1300s caused a total number of deaths worldwide estimated at 75 million people . In 1918 – 1920 due to the avian flu more people were hospitalized in World War1 from this epidemic than wounds . The estimates of the dead ranged from 20 t0 100 million worldwide . During the 20th century it is estimated that smallpox was responsible for 300 -400 million deaths and tuberculosis killed approximately 100 million people .

                         The World Health Organization reported an unprecedented rate of infectious diseases . There has been wide concern about the natural hosts for a range of influenza A viruses . Occasionally viruses are transmitted from these species to other species and may then cause outbreaks in domestic poultry or give rise to a human pandemic . The H5NI

[ Avian flu ] virus spread in many countries from 2006 – 2008 . The swine flu has started to spread from Mexico in 2008 and it has continued to spread. It is feared that if the avian flu virus combined with a human flu virus the new subtype created could be both highly contagious and highly lethal in humans . Moreover , the swine flu is also feared to change to a highly lethal one .


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