Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 3 ]

composition & Essay Writing . [ 3 ]

Stages of Writing .

1-] Prewriting .

In this stage you find a topic , establish your purpose and research and plan your writing .

During prewriting you decide what you want to write about by exploring ideas , feelings and memories .

Prewriting is the stage in which you not only decide what your topic is but 1-] you refine ,focus and explore your topic 2-] you gather information about your topic 3-] you make notes about what you want to say about it 4-] you also think about your audience and your  purpose . Your audience is whoever will read your work . Your purpose is what you hope to  accomplish  through your writing .

After you have decided on a topic and explored it , making notes about what you will include , you will need to arrange and organize your ideas . There are many techniques you can use to generate ideas and define and explore your topic .

Once you have chosen a topic , you can explore it by brainstorming , free writing ,                clustering or listing .

We spoke about free writing and brainstorming . Clustering and listing are also helpful techniques for writing as writing is a process with logical steps leading to the final target –     that is the piece or work of writing .

1-]Clustering .

It is a writing technique . Some students use clustering to explore ideas for the memory         book .Write your topic in the middle of a piece of paper . As you think about the topic ,    briefly    write down everything that comes to mind . Each time you write something , draw       a a circle around it and draw lines to connect those circles to the main idea in  the   center . Continue    to think   about the secondary ideas and add off shoots to them . Draw circles  around those related    ideas and connect them to the secondary ideas .

2-] Drafting .

It includes organizing your thoughts and getting an introduction , body and conclusion on paper in rough form .Drafting or writing it down is putting your notes into sentences and paragraphs that work together to make an effective piece of writing .

Organizing Ideas .

Organizing ideas involves several steps – weeding out what does not belong , organizing the remaining ideas in a sensible way and filling in missing details .

Weeding Out What Does Not Belong .

Not all the ideas you gather on a topic belong in your writing . You have to decide what to keep      and what to take out . First think about what you want to say about your topic and  express that central idea in one sentence , Then list details and cross out that do not  belong .

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