Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing [ 4 ]

Composition & Essay Writing [ 4 ]

To organize your ideas you should 1-] State your central idea in a topic sentence 2-] Circle supporting ideas in your prewriting notes .3-] Add any new ideas you       have . 4-] Plan how you will organize your writing .

Start YourDraft .

One place to begin drafting is at the beginning , with an introduction . Leads or openings             are important . A writer must create interest and make readers want to keep reading . Try         out  some techniques that professionals use in writing leads . You can ask a question ,              present an unusual detail or use a dramatic quotation . Be sure to state the central idea      clearly and explain what will follow . Not all writers begin at the beginning . Some start on a part that seems easier to write . Others tackle their conclusions first . Drafting means  trying options and taking chances .You may get stuck .To get unstuck try one of such these           strategies . -] Draw a picture about your topic 2-] Have a healthful snack . 3-] Free write in your journal . 4-] Take a walk or ride your bike .

To create a draft you should 1-] decide where to start with the lead or in the middle  2-] let   your ideas flow .

3-]Revising / Editing .[ Taking a fresh look].

It aims at improving content , structure and flow of your writing .When you revise , you       take a fresh look at your writing and refine it . After you finish your first draft , put it aside   for a time – at least a day , if possible . When you read your draft again , you will have              a better idea about how your writing will sound to readers .

Revise For Clarity and Sense .

Begin by reading aloud . Ask yourself “ Is this clear ? Does it make sense ? Have I chosen          the right words ?

The revising stage is a good time to consider whether you used the best words . You can            use a thesaurus in book form or on a computer to find words that say exactly what you          mean .

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