Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 37 ]

37- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

41-] Computers .

                    Computers are extremely important in the modern world of today . In the fast moving life of the modern world of today , computers hold tremendous significance . Many of us will feel crippled without a computer as we have got so used to this machine . The importance of computer can not be denied in the corporate or business world , at the work place and even in one’s personal life .

                    In the modern work place , pen and paper are becoming extinct . It will not be long before pen and paper stop to exist altogether . Children today are forgetting how to write and many blame their awful handwriting on this machine which has taught everyone to type at speed .

                    Computer has become an important tool for keeping databases , filing systems and track records . It has made data analysis extremely easy and it can be done at a single click of the mouse . Computers save storage place . Data stored on just one CD in paper would use room of dozens square meters and would weigh thousands of kilos . Computers can calculate and process information faster and more accurate than humans . Computers improve our lives . We do not worry about making mistakes in typewriting .

                    Computers also serve as useful tools for communication . Normal post is now commonly referred to as snail mail as the most faster email has replaced it . We can communicate with the whole world very fast and cheap using the internet . Computers are a means of entertainment . We can watch videos , listen to music or something else , and play video games everywhere , anytime by using laptops or palm tops .

                   Computers not only are used in science and industry , they are also used in many other fields , especially flying , shipping , navigation and space travel . Thanks to them modern medicine can diagnose diseases faster and more thoroughly . Also , in banking system computers have become irreplaceable . They control ATMs – all data is stored on special hard disks and paper is not used in accountancy any more . Furthermore , architects , designers and engineers can not imagine their work without computers . These machines are nearly everywhere and we depend on them also in such fields as criminology . They help police to solve crimes and collect evidence . Moreover , computers are wide-spread in education . They have become so popular that not knowing how to use them means to be illiterate .

                     There is also a dark side of computer technology because every invention brings us not only benefits but also threats . Computers are dangerous to our health . The monitors used to be dangerous for our eyesight . Nowadays due to technological development , they are very safe . But there are other threats to our health than damaging our sight . Working with computers and permanent looking on the monitor can cause epilepsy , especially with children . Parents very often do not draw enough attention to how long their children use computer . The main threat to our data is computer viruses . There are billions of them and every day new ones come into being . If you have the internet connection you have to be particularly careful and download anti-virus programs and you have to remember to download updates . The main threat to younger users of computer is violence and sex through internet pornography and bloody games . The presence of sexual content or level of violence should be properly marked and parents are obliged to draw attention to this issue . There are many extremely bloody games such as “ grand theft auto" ,  "quake" , hangman etc. The availability of sexual content is enormous and you can do partially nothing to protect your child . The other threat is that you can be a computer addict by spending most of your free time using computer . But the truth is that computers will rule the world sooner or later .


42-] Mobile Phones .

                        Mobile phones benefit their users in several ways such as  1-] Emergency use . People can immediately call for help in the event of sickness , injury and accidents . 2-] Social use . People use mobile phones to stay connected to family and friends . 3-] Economic benefits . People use mobile phones to monitor market prices , sell and exchange goods and coordinate trade . 4-] Entertainment . People use mobile phones to listen to the radio , watch TV and take photos and as video . They can use them to log on the internet .

                      Are mobile phones harmful to our health ? There has been an ongong debated over this question since the first analogue mobiles appeared in 1980s . It is an important question given that worldwide about 1.5 billion people use one and the number is increasing . If they are harmful , the health of  very large populations could be at risk .

                    We know that mobile phones emit radio frequency radiation from the handset and that these low-energy electro magnetic waves travel into the head .But do they cause injury to living tissue , possibly triggering a brain tumor or other disease ? There has not been much research into the effect of the radiation especially over the long term . The technology of mobile phones keep changing . It is evolving faster than scientists can do trials to monitor safely and many brain conditions such as brain tumors take years to develop .

                        Should you throw your mobile phone out ? Not necessarily as the medical findings have to be repeated by other studies to be of much significance . There are health benefits of using mobile phones to be taken into account . A significant percentage of mobile phone owners have used them to call ambulance or get help in an emergency situation . It drastically cuts the time between reporting a medical emergency and help arrival . The medical studies probably are not a reason to discard your phone just yet . They support taking some basic precautions especially if you use your mobile a lot . So if it is possible use a land liner , use text messages rather than voice and for voice calls on a mobile use headset . If you have children think twice about giving them a mobile phone although there is no direct evidence the phones harm children any more than adults . But some experts argue children’s developing brains are more susceptible to damage . Whatever is said mobile phones have become indispensable for our daily life. So they must be used but not unnecessarily  .

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