Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing [ 38 ]

38- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

43-] The Importance Of Trade .

                       Trade is vital to the success of a civilization . The civilization that can produce just enough of everything it and its people need to survive . Trade is simply the trading of something for something else . This can be goods for another goods , goods for money ,goods for services , services for goods , money for services etc. .Trade is an exchange of things . Usually people or civilizations trade things that they have too much of for things that they do not have enough of . This is the classical definition of trade .

                  Civilizations of yesterday and today have thrived because they were able to work out agreements to get what they did not have from other people and give what they had to other  people , often at the same time . In this way if your civilization plants a lot of grain but not so  much rice and your people like to eat both , you can give some grain to the rice growers and get some rice from them and eat both .This is true for other goods besides food such as machinery ,   oil , cars and electronics . Nearly every single day , trade keeps civilizations prospering . Planes land and take off , ships dock and leave port , trucks unload and load again all bringing goods  from one people to another and taking other goods to other people .

                      Capitalist economic theory holds that a completely liberalized global market is the most efficient way to foster growth because each country specializes in producing the goods and services in which it has a comparative advantage . Yet in practice cutting trade barriers and opening markets do not necessarily generate development. Rich countries and large corporations dominate the global marketplace and create very unequal relations of power and information .     As a result trade is inherently unequal and poor countries seldom experience rising well-being   but increasing unemployment , poverty and income inequality . An additional problem is that   free trade is not equally free .Agricultural subsidies and other trade barriers in US and the EU   prevent poor countries from gaining access to the most important markets .

                  Fair Trade is an organized social movement and market-based approach that aims to help producers as well as social and environmental standards in areas related to the production   of  a variety of goods .It focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries most notably handicrafts ,coffee , coca ,sugar , tea ,bananas , honey , cotton ,fresh fruit , chocolate and flowers . Fair trade’s strategic intent is to work with marginalized producers and workers in order to help them move towards economic self-sufficiency and stability .It also aims   to allow them to become greater stakeholders in their own organizations as well as play a wider role in international trade .Fair trade proponents include a number of international development aid , social , religious and environmental organizations . In June 2008 , it was estimated that over 7.5 million producers and their families were benefiting from fair trade .Fair Trade Organizations backed by consumers are engaged actively in supporting  producers awareness raising in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade .


44-] Democracy .

                        Democracy was defined by Abraham Lincoln as the government of  the people for the people and by the people . It is a system that is the most acceptable . Every single individual in the country is a part of the process of governing the legislature is elected by the people . The executive selected from the legislature runs the country for the people . If it is corrupt or failing in this duty , it will not be re-elected the next time .

                       Democracy is better than other forms of government . Other forms of government are monarchy and dictatorship of an individual of a foreign imperialist government of a military or of a political party . In both monarchy and dictatorship the ruler individual or group wields absolute power and people have no remedy against its misuse . Absolute power corrupts absolutely . There is no individual freedom of speech or expression .

                    Democracy is a form of government in which the right to govern is held by the majority of citizens within a country or a state . Even though there is no universally accepted definition of democracy – there are two principles that any definition of democracy includes . The first principle is that all members of the society [ citizens ] have equal access to power and the second that all members [ citizens ] enjoy universally recognized freedoms and liberties .

                   However , if any democracy is not carefully legislated to avoid an uneven distribution of political power with balances , such as the separation of powers , then a branch of the system of rule could accumulate power and become harmful to democracy itself . The majority rule is often described as a characteristic feature of democracy , but without responsible government it is possible for the rights of a minority to be abused by the tyranny of the majority . An essential process in representative democracies is competitive elections that are fair both substantively and procedurally . Furthermore , freedom of political expression , freedom of speech and freedom of the press are essential so that citizens are informed and able to vote in their personal interests .

                   The most important attribute of democracy is that everyone is treated equally before the law , irrespective of caste , creed or sex . Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech , worship , occupation and to move through out the country . The dignity of man is recognized and respected . People are given ample opportunities to become strong and self reliant . For this and many other reasons democracy is more advantage than other forms of government and best reflects the will of the people in the governance of the country .

                      If democracy is to be effective the people have to be alert . They must continuously keep track of the activities of those to whom they have entrusted the reins of government . They must raise their voice against injustice and atrocities . Democracy gives them this height and opportunity .But most important they must perform their functions as citizens faithfully and to the best of their abilities . If an individual is corrupt he/ she can not be accept those in power to be free from corruption .

                     According to Islam it is the community as a whole not one person that owns and exercises power . The Holy Quran describes Muslim society as one in which individuals manage their affairs through consultation or “ Shura “ which represents the kind of direct democracy in which all people participate in meetings held to discuss community affairs . Direct democracy takes place when members of a group each representing himself or herself come together to exchange views and arrive at decisions reached by the majority and applied by all . Members of the opposition have complete freedom to say and do as they please . Muslims are urged to practice “ Shura “ in their daily work and family lives . It is like every ritual commandment , a personal duty which no one can perform on behalf of another . So , democracy in Islam is considered a ritual commandment . Islamic democracy “Shura “ entails accountability – the executives who rule the society are accountable before it – they are called “ Olo Al Amr “ meaning “ those of the affairs “ . In brief the right democracy with all aspects of rights and duties is the most adequate system to rule a country or a state .


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