Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing [ 40 ]

40- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

47-] Money In Our Life .

                        What were you taught about money as you were growing up ?something like

 “ money does not grow on trees “ or “ money is the root of all evil “ or may be" all rich people    are greedy “ and also I believe that we must say “ the too much love of money is the root of all evil".  Money is a tool at our hands . Fools work for money wise men make money work for them .

                             Money can buy books but not knowledge . Money can buy medicine but not health . Money can buy a house or a palace but not a home, money can buy relationship but not love etc. – meaning money has limited application . In spite of this we must remember that no knowledge without books that money can buy , no cure without medicine that money can buy ,     no settlement or stable living without a house that money can buy and we can not have a good relationship without contact with others and that contact needs means such as help , presents , visits – all need money . So money can not be ignored .

               We need money for our survival . All of us work hard for earning money and leading a happy life . You need money for a happy life too . You need it for building a home , for giving quality education to your children ,for purchasing jewels or new clothes for you wife etc. If you    do not have enough money ,your married life will soon be miserable .Even your wife and     children may hate you , if they do not get what they want in their life .

                     In fact money is good . You can help people with money .You can stimulate the economy with money . Even the most kind-hearted spiritual person who says that he or she does not need money , can do more to make the world better with money than without it . Sure there must be some rich people in the world who are greedy . But there are also poor people who are greedy . There are both rich and poor people who are very giving and generous as well . The amount of money you have has nothing to do with these character traits .

                    The world needs to be a balance of give and take . One must make money so that people with money can not exploit you . One must make money to the extent that leaves you   happy , contented and peaceful without getting greedy . If you have excess it should help the    poor and needy . Money is the sixth sense without which all other five senses are useless .


48-]The Benefits Of Money .

                        The history of money spans thousands of years . Numismatics is the scientific study of money and its history in all its varied forms . Many items have been used as commodity money such as naturally scarce precious metals ,conch shells , barely , beads etc. as well as many other things that are thought of as having value . Modern money [ and most ancient money ] is essentially a token –in other words an abstraction . Paper currency is perhaps the most common type of physical money today .

                       Before the invention of money , barter was the primary medium of exchange . The exchange of goods for other goods . The capacity to carry out transactions was severely limited since it depended on a coincidence of wants . The seller of food grain had to find a buyer who wanted to buy grain and who also could offer in return something the seller wanted to buy .    There was no common medium of exchange into which both seller and buyer could convert their tradable commodities . There was no standard which could be applied to measure the relative value of various goods and services .

                      Many cultures around the world eventually developed the use of commodity money . In ancient China and Africa , cowrie shells were used. From early times metals where available have usually been favored for use as proto-money over such commodities as cattle , cowrie shells or salt because they are at once durable , portable and easily divisible . The use of gold as proto-money has been traced back to the fourth millennium BC when the ancient Egyptians used gold bars of a set weight as a medium of exchange as the Sumerians had done somewhat earlier with silver bars . The first stamped money was introduced about 650 BC in Lydia .

                   The introduction of metal coins marked a step or bridge in the evolution from usable commodities to symbolic forms of money . The adoption of representative money represented a significant evolution in human consciousness . It directly led to the creation of a new social organization banking . During the reign of the Ptolemies around 330 BC grains were deposited    in  "banks" for safe keeping and the Egyptian farmers received warehouse receipts which were accepted as a form of symbolic money because they were fully backed by the grains in the warehouse .

                     In the 600s AD there were local issues of paper currency in China . From the ninth century to the 15th century AD in China the first actual paper currency was used as money . By 960 the Song Dynasty issued the first generally circulating notes . Paper money was introduced  into Europe from China and it took three centuries before it was considered common .

                   Every country in the world has its local currency with certain value . Now people use credit cards especially in big deals instead of money and also cheques for their financial transactions . Digital cash in the form of bits and bytes will most likely become an important new currency of the future .


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