Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing [ 39 ]

39- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

45-] Friendship .

                          Friendship is defined in million ways . Friendship is a relationship that has many dimensions and styles . Friendship can be between any two or more persons and there is     no compulsion of age , gender , geography , race , creed or nationality . People living in a house    or living in this world are equally to prone to this relationship of friendship . Friendship has no boundaries and no limits . True friendship is like sound health , the value of it is seldom known until it be lost . Who finds a faithful friend , finds a treasure .

                        There are many valuable things in life but friendship may be one of the most important . To lead life without the experience of friendship is life without living . Human interaction is a necessity to survival , but developed friendships are essential to the successful     well being of anyone .

                        Many people look for different characteristics in friends , things that may be common in nature . Only your real friends tell you when your face is dirty . The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend .Friendship doubles your joys and divides your     sorrows . A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out . My personal definition of a friend is someone who is always looking out for me and will help me if I am in trouble . A friend has to be someone I trust and who trusts me in return . Another important characteristic in a friend is someone who I can talk to and make me laugh . One of the most important traits of a friend is someone who will help you if you need help . A strong friendship  also depends on mutual trust . If you do not trust each other , then it is impossible to establish a strong relationship .


46-] The Benefits of Cooperation .

                          Cooperation is conductive to better health and liking one another . It makes work easier and life better . How about family members deciding together who does which household chores ? What about businesses sharing information and resources ? Just imagine the global benefits of nations working together and negotiating , so every one wins ! Cooperative concepts are beneficial in school , work , play challenge , discovery and success are shared . Emphasis is on participation , acceptance and the joy of play . The team sports like football , volleyball and basketball , all the members of the team must be cooperative or play cooperatively . Selfishness makes it difficult to share our skills , experiences and resources because each person is separately involved in his or her exclusive goal .

                       In our school and work places , students and employees are often taught to regard each other as potential collaborators not as opponents , rivals and obstacles to their own success . In cooperative settings every person’s role is important and valued . Individuality is respected and concern for the needs of others fostered . The challenge shifts from striving to be number one to working toward a mutual goal . The idea that we all share in decision making is a powerful tool . In work or play people really want and need to feel safe , be open and honest and above all feel trusted . Cooperative situations help create that atmosphere because participants give encouragement and support of one another .

                       Cooperativeness has been linked to greater learning , emotional maturity and strong personal identity . Participants often become more flexible in their thinking and willingness to invent creative solutions . The result is enjoyment , personal confidence and a feeling of self-worth . Cooperative activities are non-threatening and non-judgmental . As a result this creates an atmosphere for relaxation and well-being – the foundation for more genuine , healthy and playful fun .

                     There is an idea extremely common among social contract theorists that the primary function of social institutions is to secure some form of cooperative benefit . It is useful when trying to conceptualize the benefits of cooperation to imagine a state of society in which there is a complete absence of cooperation . The most obvious form of cooperation arises because of the simple fact that not all jobs can be done by one person . God organizes things in such a way that people can do better working together than they can working individually . Individuals may be able to achieve benefits by rearranging the distribution of goods or tasks among themselves . This is what motivates various forms of exchange . Gains from trade can be achieved because individuals have different needs , tastes and abilities . So it will be advantageous to have a division of labour . Some people are better at certain types of work and others are better at other types . Therefore , there must be cooperation among people as they depend on each others so that life can continue on Earth .


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