Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing [ 5 ]

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 5 ]

Questions For Revising .

1-] Is my writing clear ?Does it make sense ? 2-] What is my purpose and do I accomplish it ? 

 3-] Have I chosen the best , most precise words to meet the needs of my audience ? 4-] Do I say enough about my idea ?5-] Have I maintained a consistent focus on my central idea ? 6-] Where     can I elaborate , adding details that will make my ideas clearer ?

To revise your draft you should .

1-] put yourself in the place of your audience and read over your draft using the above questions     2-] Have a writing conference . 3-] Make changes to your paper .

Revising Stage : Writing Unified Paragraphs .

As a writer you want to make sure that each paragraph has a single , clear focus and that the sentences work together . So you check for unity .

Checking For Unity .

A paragraph is unified if all its sentences work together to express one main idea . That main idea     is usually expressed in a topic sentence which may appear at the beginning or the end or even in     the middle of the paragraph . In revising , decide whether the main idea would be clearer , if you added or revised a topic sentence . Make sure that all the details support the main idea .

Revising Stage : Creating Sentence Fluency .

A good writer tries to produce a pleasing rhythm or fluency in his sentences.  Varying the length           and the structure of sentences gives writing this rhythm .

A-] Varying Sentence Structure .

One way to give your writing a pleasing rhythm is to vary your sentence structure . Instead of always beginning with a subject , start some sentences with an adverb , a prepositional phrase , a participial phrase or a subordinate clause .

B-] Varying Sentence Length .

Good writers avoid monotony . They do not string long sentences together . They avoid choppiness that results rom too many short sentences in a row .

To revise your draft for sentence fluency check 1-] a mixture of long and short sentences .                  2-] variety in the order of words and phrases 3-] sentences that can be combined to express ideas more clearly .

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