Grammar American & British

Friday, July 10, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing [ 21 ]

21- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

14-] The Problem Of Over-population .

                   Over-population is a condition where an organism’s numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. In common parlance the term usually refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment – the Earth .

                  Over-population does not depend only on the size or density of the population , but on the ratio of population to available sustainable resources and on the means of resource use and distribution used by that population . Over-population can result from an increase in births , a decline in mortality rates due to medical advances , from an increase in immigration or from an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources . It is possible for very sparsely-populated areas to be over-populated as the area in question may have a meager or non-existent capability to sustain human life . Over-population places competitive stress on the basic life sustaining resources leading to a diminished quantity of life .

               At the dawn of agriculture about 8.000 BC the population of the world was approximately 5 million .From around 800AD onwards the growth was slow but steady . The faster growth began from the start of the Industrial Revolution around 1700AD . The number of population was estimated about one billion in 1804 . In 1939 it was approximately 2.3 billion. In 2009 it was over 607 billion . By 2050 population is forecast to carry on growing to 9.5 – 11 billion . World population is currently growing by approximately 74 million people per day . Almost all growth will take place in the less developed regions where today’s 5.3 billion population of underdeveloped countries is expected to increase to 7.8 billion in 2050 . By contrast the population of more developed regions will remain mostly unchanged at 1.2 billion . The population of 51 countries or areas including Germany , Italy , Japan and most of the successor states of the former Soviet Union is expected to be lower in 2050 than in 2005 . During 2005-2050 nine countries are expected to account for half of the world’s projected  population increase : India , Pakistan , Nigeria , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Bangladesh , Uganda , USA , Ethiopia and China listed according to population growth .

                       With the imbalance growing between population numbers and vital life sustaining resources , humans must actively conserve cropland , fresh water , energy and biological resources . There is a need to develop renewable energy resources . Humans everywhere must understand that rapid population growth damages the Earth’s resources and diminishes human well-being . Many of the minerals that we need for a variety of products are in danger of running out in the near future . A large expansion of agriculture to provide growing populations with improved diets is likely to lead to further deforestation , loss of species , soil erosion and pollution from pesticides and fertilizer run off as farming intensifies and new land is brought to production . The structure of the world’s ecosystems changed more rapidly in the second half of the 20th century than any time in recorded human history and virtually all of the Earth’s ecosystems have now been significantly transformed through human actions . The objective of this is not to present a dark and gloomy scenario , but an urgent call to action .

                    More than 100 countries now import wheat and 40 countries import rice . Egypt relies on imports for more than 40% of its grain supply . Just 6 countries supply 90% of grain exports – US , Canada , France , Australia , Argentina and Thailand . The US alone supplies almost half of world grain exports . Hunger and malnutrition kill nearly 6 million children a year in Africa . In sub-Saharan Africa the number of malnourished people grew to 203.5 million people in 2000 – 2002 . Nearly half of India’s children are malnourished according to recent government data .

                  Agriculture has displaced one-third of temperate and tropical forests and one-quarter of natural grass lands . Usable land may become less useful through salinization , deforestation , desertification , erosion and urban sprawl . Global warming may cause flooding of many of the most productive agricultural areas . Thus available useful land may become a limiting factor . By most estimates at least half of cultivable land is already being farmed and there are concerns that the remaining reserves are greatly overestimated . The UN indicates that about 850 million people are malnourished or starving and 1.1 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water .

                    There are several mitigation measures that have or can be applied to reduce the adverse impacts of over-population such as birth regulations , education , space invasion and settlement and making the most optimum use of the sea and reclamation of desert land , clean energy resources etc. 

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