Grammar American & British

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue [ 26 ]

26- ] Conversation & Dialogue 
Getting Things Repaired .

Customer : Hello , car-repair garage ?Yes , my name’s Nour Salem . That’s right . When will my car be ready , please ? Ah , I see . Yes . Problems . A lot of problems . Yes , I understand . OK , thank you . Goodbye .  ( He puts down the telephone )
Wife : When will the car be ready ?
Husband : Well . By Thursday ?
Wife : Not till Thursday ?
Husband : That’s all right . We’re going on holiday till Friday .
Wife : Yes , that’s true . So it’ll be ready in three days’ time .
Husband : Well , no . Not in three days’ time , exactly . In two weeks’ time . It’ll be ready by Thursday , the twenty second .
Wife : Oh , no !

Bridegroom : We’ve got to look after each other now .
Bride : Love , honor and obey each other .
Bridegroom : O.K. Look out while I slam the door of the car .
Parent : Goodbye you two . Have a marvelous time .
Best Man : Cheerio , folks ! Sorry I made such a mess of my speech .
Bridegroom : Nonsense – it was very funny . You had everyone rolling under the table .
Parent : Where are you two going for your honeymoon ? The Cot d’Azur ?
Best Man : It doesn’t matter where you go , when you’re on a honeymoon .
Bridegroom : Well , we’re off . Goodbye .
Parent : Goodbye , my darlings .Ah ! You know I’ve never seen so many people – both families got on so well with each other – and all our friends .
Bridegroom : They’ve more in common than we realized .
[ There’s a strange sound coming of the car . ]
Bride : Darling , why are you slowing down ?
Bridegroom : I don’t know . Something’s wrong with the car . It was fine up to two minutes ago .
Bride : What’s wrong ?
Bridegroom : I don’t know . I just can’t get it to start .
Bride : Oh , it doesn’t matter , darling . Look – there’s a sign . Er ! Service station 200 yards . Can you drive that far ?
Bridegroom : I don’t think so . You’d better get out and push .
Bride : Oh , O.K.
Bridegroom : Is It O.K. now ?
Mechanic : Ah ! It should be . Your battery was flat . It needed recharging .
Bridegroom : What ? But that takes ages .
Mechanic : Oh ! I’ve put in another one . Hope that’s O.K.
Bride : You let us have a spare one ?
Mechanic : You can pick yours up on the way back .
Bride : Oh good .
Mechanic : The spare’s a bit old but it’ll do . It’s just been recharged . Anyway . I’ve put it in for you .
Bridegroom : But how much do I owe you ?
Mechanic : Well ….since you’ve just married ……nothing .
Bridegroom : Oh , we couldn’t
Bride : Of course we could , it’s a lovely thought .
Bridegroom : Well thank you very much .
Bride : Um ! How did you know ?
Mechanic : Know what ?
Bride : That we’re just married ?
Mechanic : Ha , ha ! It’s pretty obvious , isn’t it ? Ha , ha !

Wife : What’s that ?
Husband : That’s what the sign means : “Road Works Ahead . Diversion .” We’ll have to go back .
Wife : There you are – The town is straight on . Get in lane .”
Husband : I thought we’d never find the way .
Wife : I’m glad we’re out of that town .
Husband : Driving along quietly . On our way home .
Wife : Home ? We’re only going back to that town .
Husband : Well , you know what I mean .
Wife : No . Hey , what’s happening ?
[ She hears a sound coming of the motor ]
Husband : The car’s stopping !
Wife : Oh , there’s a garage ! Try and get over there .
Mechanic : Hello !
Husband : My car has broken down .
Mechanic : Has it ? Is it serious ?
Husband : I don’t know . But I think there’s something wrong with the carburetor .
Mechanic : Oh , dear ! That’s serious .
Wife : Is it ?
Mechanic : Oh , yes . Very serious .
Wife : It only needs adjusting .
Mechanic : No , it’s more than that .
Wife : How do you know ? You haven’t looked at it .
Mechanic : I’m a mechanic .
Husband : But won’t you look at it ?
Mechanic : Well , all right .You see . Very serious .
Husband : How long will it take ?
Mechanic : Oh , I don’t know , I can’t tell you that .
Wife : Can you repair it so that we can get back to the town ?
Mechanic : I don’t know . It’s serious . Very serious indeed .

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