Grammar American & British

Friday, July 17, 2020

Convrsation & Dialogue [ 14 ]

14- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

Someone Doesn’t Look Well .

Salwa : What’s the matter ? Is Fatma ill ?

Zenab : I don’t know , but she doesn’t look well .

Salwa : Perhaps she’s got a headache .

( to Fatma ) Fatma , you don’t look well . You look ill .

Fatma : I feel ill .

Salwa : What’s the matter ?

The Mother : Ah ! You’ve got a headache . I need a doctor .But , there isn’t a doctor here .

The Father : Oh yes , there is Samah , over there , is one .



Doctor : Are you ill ?

Fatma : I think so , but I don’t know . I didn’t feel very well in there .

Doctor : You don’t look very well . Perhaps you need some food . Are you hungry ?

Fatma : No . I’m not hungry .

Doctor : Are you thirsty ? Do you want a drink ?

Fatma : No , not now , thank you .

Doctor : Take this medicine . You’ll feel better .

Fatma : Ugh !

Doctor : You’ll feel fine tomorrow . Shall we go to the party ?

Fatma : Yes , let’s go back . I feel better now .




Girl : I’ve got a cold .

Boy : I know . You’ve got some tissues .

Girl : I’ve got many . This box is empty .

Boy : Here’s another box .

Girl : There are only a few in this box . I need more .

Boy : More ! I bought five boxes yesterday .

Girl : I had a lot of tissues yesterday . I’m cold and I’m wet .



Man : I don’t feel very well , doctor .

Doctor : Do you smoke ?

Man : Yes .

Doctor : Then if I were you ,I’d stop smoking .

Man : I can’t stop smoking , doctor .

Doctor : Then if I were you , I wouldn’t smoke as many cigarettes every day .

Man : I’ve tried that , doctor .

Doctor : Well , why don’t you smoke less of each cigarette ?

Man : I still smoke a lot , doctor .

Doctor : Then you should smoke a lighter cigarette .

Man : I know I should , doctor . But it’s very difficult .

Doctor : Well why don’t you take the cigarette out when you aren’t smoking ?

Man : I’ll do that , doctor . I’ll take the cigarette out . Thank you very much .



Doctor : Well , Mrs Hend . What’s wrong with you ?

Mrs Hend : Well ?

Doctor : What’s wrong with you ?

Mrs Hend : My shoulder hurts . Here . I want you to look at it .

Doctor : Right . Why don’t you take your dress off ?

Mrs Hend : All right .

Doctor : You can take this medicine three times every day after each meal .

Mrs Hend : I’ll do that , doctor . Thank you .


 Jana : Hi , Soad ! How are you ?                      

Soad : Not so good . I have a terrible cold .

Jana :Really ?That’s too bad !You should be at home in bed .It’s really important to get a lot of rest. .

Soad : Yeah , you’re right .

Jana : And have you taken anything for it ?

Soad : No , I haven’t .

Jana : Well , it’s helpful to chop up some garlic and cook it in chicken stock . Then drink a cup     every half hour . It really works !

Soad : Ugh !


Pharmacist : Hi . Can I help you ?

Patient : Yes , please . Could I have something for a cough ? I think I’m getting a cold .

Pharmacist : Well , I suggest a box of these cough drops . And you should get a bottle of   vitamin C , too .

Patient : Thank you . And what do you have for dry skin ?

Pharmacist : Try some of this new lotion . It’s very good .

Patient : OK . Thanks a lot .


Salah : Ugh ! I feel awful . I really have to stop smoking .

Aiman : So why don’t you quit ?

Salah : Well , if I quit , I might gain weight !

Aiman : A lot of people do , but ……

Salah : And if I gain weight , I won’t be able to fit into any of my clothes !

Aiman : Well , you can always go on a diet .

Salah : Oh , no . I’m terrible at losing weight on diets . So if my clothes don’t fit , I’ll have to buy new ones . I’ll have to get a part-time job , and ……

Aiman : Listen , it is hard to quit , but it’s not that hard . Do you want to know how I did it ?


Doctor : Come in ! ….Good morning , Mr. Kamel ?

Mr. Kamel : Yes , doctor .

Doctor : How are you today ?

Mr. Kamel : I’m very well –hic!- , thank you , doctor .

Doctor : Oh ! Why are you here then ?

Mr. Kamel : I’ve got –hic!- hiccups , doctor ; I can’t stop them –hic!- .

Doctor : Hmm …O.K. Stand up … No . Don’t stand up , sit down . Stnsup ….Da-dum-ds-dum . da-dee-da-da , stand up ……Dee-dum-da-da .

Mr. Kamel : Doc…. –hic !- . Doctor !

Doctor : Yes ?

Mr. Ksamel : MY –hic!- .hiccups .

Doctor : Ah yes , yes . Stand up . Now , open your mouth , and say Aah !

Mr. Kamel : Aah ! –hic!- .

Doctor : Don’t say Urr . Say Aah !

Mr . Kamel : Aah ! –hic!- .

Doctor : Yes , you’ve got hiccups .

Mr. Kamel : Yes , doctor –hic!- . Oh ! What can I do ?

Doctor : Go home .

Mr. Kamel : Go home ? –hic !- .

Doctor : Yes , yes . Go home . Sit down . Close your eyes . Open your mouth . Drink six cups of tea , and eat four bananas .

Mr. Kamel : Yes , thank you –hic!- , doctor .


Wife : Help ! Help !

Husband : What’s wrong ?Where are you ?

Wife : I’m in the kitchen .

Husband : What’s wrong ?

Wife : I’ve fallen over some utensils . Help me , quick !My arm ! Quch !I’ve broken my arm .

Husband : Don’t be silly . You haven’t broken your arm . Come on . Get up . I’ll help you .

Wife : Ouch ! My leg ! I can’t get up . I’ve broken my leg !

Husband : Oh dear . Perhaps you have broken your leg .

Wife : Yes , I have broken my leg .

Husband : All right . Stay there . I’ll phone the doctor .

Wife : Yes , phone the doctor .

Husband : He’ll come round straight away .


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