Grammar American & British

Friday, July 17, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue [ 13]

13 ] Conversation & Dialogue 

Welcoming Someone After A Long Trip .

Wife : Malek . I’m tired . Are you tired ?

Husband : Yes . I’m tired too . But we’ll soon be home . We can sleep then .

Wife : I’m hungry . Are you too ?

Husband : Yes , I’m hungry too . But we’ll soon be home . We can eat then .

Wife : I’m thirsty . Are you thirsty too ?

Husband : Yes , I’m thirsty too . But we’ll soon be home . We can drink then .


Asking About Some Places & Activities .


Tourist : Where can I see a football match In London ?

Citizen : Well , at Wembley , I suppose .

Another Citizen : Or at Stamford Bridge . Chelsea play there .

Tourist : And where can I play football ?

Citizen : At a football ground .

Tourist : I like listening to music as well . Where can I listen to music ?

Another Citizen : At the Festival Hall .

Tourist : And where can I buy a good book ?

Citizen : At Boyle’s in West Street .

Tourist : Thank you .


Customer : Excuse me .

Assistant : Yes . Madam ?

Customer : Where can I get some fresh fruit ?

Assistant : In the supermarket . Downstairs .

Customer : Oh , thank you . And things for the garden ? Where’s the gardening department , please ?

Assistant : There we are ---- “Gardening” .Sixth floor , madam .

Customer : Thank you .

[ Where can I get ( a shirt / men’s department / - some records  / music department /

have my hair done / hairdresser’s shop / - a necklace l jewelry department / )



How Can We Get There ?

Tamer : What shall we do this weekend ?

Samar : Let’s go to the seaside .

Tamer and Naser : Yes , let’s .

Fayez : I want to go to the seaside too .

Tamer : It’s a long way from here .

Naser : It isn’t . The seaside isn’t far from Cairo .It’s 150 kilometers away .

Samar : Wait a moment . Sokhnah is the nearest seaside resort .

Fayez : How far is it ?

Samar : It’s 130 kilometers .


Shams : Excuse me . Can you tell me the way to Banha ?

Cyclist : Drive down this road . The the first turning on the left .

Shams : First turning on the left . Is it very far ?

Cyclist : No , it’s not very far . It’s about four hundred meters . Then drive for about  fifteen kilometers .

Shams : About fifteen kilometers .

Cyclist :Then you come to the motorway .

Shams : The motorway ? Then how far is it ?

Cyclist : Oh about fifteen kilometers .

Shams : Thank you . Thank you very much .


Woman : Can you help me , please ?

Policeman : Yes , of course .

Woman : Where’s the park ?

Policeman : The park ? It’s over there . On the left .

Woman : Thank you very much .


Man : Good morning .

Policeman : Good morning ,sir . Can I help you ?

Man : Yes , please .Where’s the nearest post office ?

Policeman : Look at this map . There’s a post office in Nasr Street . And there’s one in       Horyia Street and one in Market Street , and ………

Man : Where’s the nearest one ?

Policeman : Ah , yes . The nearest post office is in Market Street . Look at this map .


Wife :Excuse me . Can you help me ?Where’s Sheraton Hotel , please ?

Man : Sheraton Hotel ? I’m sorry . I don’t know .

Husband : Excuse me . Where’s Sheraton Hotel , please ?

Woman : Oh , it’s near here . It is in the Airport Road .

Wife : Thank you very much !


Shaheen : Hello , Soad . These are for you .

Soad : Oh ! How nice ! Thank you ,Shaheen .

Shaheen : Would you have dinner with me this evening ?

Soad : Of course . Where ?

Shaheen : Let’s go to Cook Door restaurant in Roxy .

Soad : How can I get there ?

Shaheen : Go along Mamoun Street . Turn Left down Korba Street and take the second    turning on the right . That’s Roxy Street . The restaurant’s on the corner .Next to Misr Bank.


Businessman : Good morning . I’m looking for Mr. Hazem .

Receptionist : Mr. Hazem’s office in on the second floor . Room 205 .

Businessman : Thank you .

Man : Excuse me . Is there a telephone near here ?

Receptionist : Yes . It’s on the ground floor . Over there . Next to the lift .

Man : Thank you .

Receptionist : Can I help you ?

Woman : Yes , please . I want to see Mrs. Huda .

Receptionist : Mrs. Huda’s office is on the fourth floor . Take the lift to the fourth floor, and    it’s room 403 .

Woman : Thank you very much .


Basheer : Excuse me . Could you tell me where the bank is ?

Basem : There’s one upstairs , across from the duty-free shop .

Basheer : Oh , thanks . Do you know what time it opens ?

Basem : It should be open now . It opens at 8 A . M .

Basheer : Good . And can you tell me how often the buses leave for the city ?

Basem : You need to check at the transportation counter . It’s right down the hall .

Basheer : OK . And just one more thing . Do you know where the nearest restroom is?

Basem : Right behind you . See that sign ?

Basheer : Oh . Thanks a lot .



Ayman : Oh dear ! Where am I ? I’m lost . Ah , here’s a passer-by . Hallo .

Passer-by : Hallo .

Ayman : I’m lost . How can I find a café .

Passer-by: A café  ?

Ayman : Ys , I’m thirsty , and I want a cup of tea .

Passer-by : Go down the street .

Ayman : Down the street .

Passer-by : Past the post-office . And turn right . The café is there .

Ayman : Good . Thank you .


Amal : Excuse me .

Woman : Yes ?

Amal : Can you tell me the way to the hotel , please ?

Woman : The hotel ? Ah ! Certainly . Go down this street .

Amal : Down this street , yes .

Woman : Turn left at the crossroads . And the hotel is on your right .

Amal : On my right . Thank you . How far isn't it ?

Woman : Oh , it’s five minutes’ walk .

Amal : Five minutes’ walk . Thank you .

Woman : Thank you .


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