Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Spelling & Vocabular Enrichment . [ 9 ]

9-] Spelling & Vocabulary Enrichment .
Spelling Rules .

If you have problems with spelling words correctly , try this method . First , check the spelling in dictionary . Then , say the word aloud . Say it again , pronouncing each syllable . Visualize the word . Write it several times . Use this method in conjunction with the rules of the parts of the word and rules of pronunciation .

Mastering the Basics : Being an avid reader is really , the best route to good spelling . Besides wide reading , if you notice and remember the common sound patterns in groups of words spelled similarly and if you learn basic spelling rules , you can become a good speller .

Word Prefixes .

Prefixes are attached to the beginnings of words . Prefixes can modify change or completely reverse the meaning of a root . Prefixes commonly show quantity , time , direction or position . Some prefixes have more than one meaning .                             

Prefixes showing quantity or size :

Prefix                                Meaning           Examples  

semi , hemi                        half                 semi-annual , hemisphere

uni , mon , mono              one                 unicycle , monarchy , monorail

bi , di , dich                       two                bimonthly , dilemma , dichotomy

macro                                large , long    macrocosm , macrostructure

 micro                                  small             microscopic , microbe

omni                                   many            omnipotent , omniscient

poly                                    all , every      polyglot , polysyllabic

quadr , quar                      four               quadruple , quartet

tri                                    three                  tripod , triangle 

 Prefixes showing negation :

Prefix                                Meaning              Examples

a , an                              not , without         abacterial , atypical

ant , anti                        against                  antacid , antipathy

counter                          opposite to            counterclockwise , counterweight

de                                    remove , reduce   devalue , dehorn

dis                                   deprive of , do the opposite         disbelieve , disillusion

im , in , un                     without , not         immoral , invalid , unsold

mis                                  hate , bad              misanthrope , misfortune

pseudo                            false                       pseudonym , pseudoscience

Prefixes showing direction or position :

Prefix                                Meaning           Examples

 circum                            around                  circumnavigate , circumspect

eu                                    good , well , advantageous          eulogize , euphemism , euphoria

exo , extra                      out of , outside     exotic , extraordinary

hetero                             different               heterogeneous , heteronym

hom , homo                   same                      homogenized , homograph

inter                                between , among international , interdependent

intra                               within                   intrastate , intramural

mid                                 in the middle of   midlife , midweek

peri                                 around , about , near       periscope , periphery , peripatetic

pro , pre                         in front of             proceed , precede , prefix

sub                                  below , outside of submarine , suburban

super                              above , over          supervise , super charge

trans                               across , over         transporter , transgress

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