Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Spelling & Vocabulary Enrichment [ 10 ]

10-] Spelling & Vocabulary Enrichment .
Word Suffixes .

           Suffixes can be added to the ends of words to create new words with new meanings. Besides having specific meanings , suffixes also have grammatical functions . Notice that the spelling of a root may change when a suffix is added .                                                                                                             

            Suffixes that form nouns :

suffix                              Meanings                      Original word      New Word

acy                                  state , act , quality of       democrat        democracy

age                                  result , process                 lever                leverage

al                                     state , act                         commit            committal

ance                                state , quality                 relevant             relevance

ant, ent                           agent , doer                     reside               resident

ce                                    state , act , quality of       independent   independence

dom                                condition , state                king                 kingdom

er , or                             doer , maker ,resident     bake , island , act       baker , islander , actor

hood                               state , act , quality of       adult , child    adulthood , childhood

ism                                  system , practice               commune        communism

ment                               action , result                    astonish          astonishment

ness                                 quality , state                    light                lightness

ship                                state , act , quality of       partner , friend         partnership , friendship

th                                    state , act , quality of       warm              warmth

tion , sion                       action , state , result         prosecute              prosecution

tude                                quality , state                    sole                     solitude

ty                                    state , act quality of         secure                security

 Suffixes that form adjectives :

 Suffix                             Meanings                  Original Word           New Word

able                                capable of                    read                            readable

al                                     characteristic of         nation                         national

en                                    made of , like            trod                             trodden

fold                                 to a certain degree    five                            fivefold

ful                                   full of  , having          wonder                     wonderful

ile                                    capable of , like        infant                         infantile

ish                                   like                            self                               selfish

ive                                   capable , able to      adapt                         adaptive

less                                  lacking , without        care                        careless

ous                                  full of                        space                        spacious

some                               apt to , tending to    burden                     burdensome

ward                               in the direction of     home                      homeward

y                                      resembling , full of     bone                     bony

Suffixes that form verbs :

suffix                              Meanings                      Original word      New Word

ate                                   become , form              fluoride              fluoridate

en                                    make , cause to be            length           lengthen

fy , ify                             cause , make                  verity              verify

ize [ ise ]                         make , cause to be            modern           modernize

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