Grammar American & British

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A Movie Review -Art of Writing [ 4 ]

  4- ] Art of Writing .
Chapter Four .
Other Kinds Of Writing .
Writing A Movie Review .
A movie review is one person’s evaluation of a film . Although critics may differ in their opinions , most critics go through a similar process in writing their reviews .
The Elements Of a Movie .
1-] Meaning : What to write .
2-] Plot : What happens in the film . Does it hold your interest ? Does it seem plausible or contrived ?
3-] Theme :  The main idea or message that the film conveys . Is the movie’s theme significant ? Does the film develop the theme , or does it over-
-simplify a complex subject ?
4-] Characterization :   The way the characters are developed by the script writer and the director . Do the characters seem real ? Believable ? Are their motivations and actions true to their backgrounds and personalities ?
5-] Acting .  The way the actors portray their characters . Do the actors create believable characters ? Do they evoke the intended responses in the audience laughter , fear sorrow etc. ?
6-] Special Effects :   Techniques used to create illusions . Do special effects create the desired illusions ? Do they enhance or overpower the story?
7-] Sound Track : The music that accompanies the visuals . Is the music appropriate to the scene in which it is used ? What is the quality of the music? Is the sound track well recorded ? Clear ?
To Write An Effective Movie Review You Should :
1-] provide background information . 2-] discuss whether special effects enhance or overpower the movie 3-]explain whether the special effects create the desired illusions . Compare the special effects to those in another movie . Explain the audience’s response to the movie .

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