Grammar American & British

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Memos , E-mail , Applications - At of Writing [ 5 ]

5- ] Art of Writing .
Memos , E-mail And Applications .
For most workers , memos and e-mail messages are far more common in business life than letters . Applications are a form of communicational most – everyone will come across sooner or later .
A memo [ short for memorandum ] is a letter that is written and distributed within a school , a business or an organization . It shares many of the characteristics of the business letter but is less formal .
The memo is designed for maximum efficiency . Typically , it is one page or less in length and all text aligns flush with the left margin . The heading is double-spaced and indicates to whom the memo was sent , who wrote it , the date it was sent , and what it is about . The body of the memo is single-          -spaced with a line space between paragraphs . The content is direct and to the point . Because the writer has already been identified in the heading , there is no closing or signature .
One of the advantages of the memo format is that the recipient can write a response on the memo itself before returning it . If you choose you can end the memo with the word “Response “ or “ Comment “ to make clear that you expect only a quick hand written reply .Memos may be sent to an individual or a group .
An example :
To : All French Club Members .
From : Beth Jones .
Date : March 15 , 2015  .
Re : French Club meetings .
The French Club has decided to change the date of its regular meeting from the first Tuesday of every month to the first Thursday . Many members had scheduling conflicts on Tuesday . Our meeting’s location will not change .
                                                                                         Thanks .
Because the memo begins with a subject line , there is no need to repeat the subject at the beginning of the letter . You can deliver your message immediately and directly .
There is no closing or signature , but the writer can initial his or her name in writing on the form line .
To Write an Effective Memo , you should :
1-] use the correct format 2-] convey the message clearly and concisely .3 -] include all necessary information . 4-] proofread for errors in spelling , grammar and information that includes dates , times or addresses .
E-mail .
Of all the forms of business communication , e-mail by far the most informal. E-mail often reads like the transcript of a conversation .
          Writers of e-mail need to analyze their audiences . Sentence fragments , colloquial language and abbreviations may e fine notes to friends , but they are not appropriate for many business exchanges .
For many other than a close friend , an e-mail message should be similar to a memo in format and style . The subject line is very important because many readers use it to decide whether to open the message immediately . When answering an e-mail , repeat enough of the original message to remind its writer of the context so that he / she does not have to guess what you are replying to .
Because you can not always format one an e-mail message as you can a letter , communications that must be somewhat formal should be written in a word processing program and e-mailed as attachments . Sending an attachment in most e-mail programs requires that you click on the “Attachment button “ , type in the path and file name and click on OK .
Applications .
In your life time , you will complete many application forms . You may apply for library cads , credit , a driver’s license , a marriage license , bank accounts , a social security card , memberships in organizations and various jobs . There may also be forms to fill out for attending camps , colleges and trade schools and for renting or buying a place to live .
It is important that an application form be completed accurately and neatly. A form that is incomplete or that contains incorrect information can cause problems and delays .In the hiring process , many employers use the application form as an indicator of a person’s aptitude for a job . If the application form is incomplete or looks sloppy , the person may not be considered for the position . It is a good idea to ask for more than one copy of any application form that you are going to complete . You can fill out one copy in pencil , making changes until you are sur all the information is correct and in the right place . Then , you can transfer the information in ink into the copy that you will submit .
          There are four important things to remember when filling out an application form :
1-] Read the instructions , if any , and the entire form carefully before writing anything .
2-] Use your best printing or handwriting . Neatness counts .
3-] Fill in all the blank . If the information asked for does not apply to you , write n/a [ not applicable ] in the blank . Leaving the blank empty suggests that you have something to hide or that you did not read the form carefully.
4-] Complete the form in ink , preferably blue or black .
To prepare an application form properly , you should :
1-] read the instructions and the entire form before you begin writing . 2-] use a duplicate form as your draft version . 3-] answer every question , leave no blanks . 4-] place information on the form correctly . 5-] print                   [ preferably ] or write neatly and legibly . 6-] proofread for spelling and punctuation errors .  7-] transfer the revised information in blue or black ink to the final form .
Sample Application .
Name ………………………….        Date ………………………………..
Address …………………………………………………………………….
Phone :………………………….     Mobile ………………………………
Identity Card ……………………   Military Service ……………………
Previous Experience ………………………………………………………
Qualifications ……………………………………………………………..
Signature …………………………….

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