4- ] Grammar American & British .
Chapter Four .
Noun .
concrete -------------------abstract
A noun is or word group that is used to name a person , a place , a thing , or an idea .
Person Hala , Amr ,
Tom , teacher , Mr. Hassan etc.
Place Cairo , town ,
Egypt , USA , school , etc.
Things apple , table , dogs , stone
, fish etc.
Ideas happiness , freedom , honesty , democracy etc.
Grammatical Functions of Nouns .
A noun may be used :
1- ] As the subject of a sentence .
The boy opened the door .
2- ] As the direct object of a verb .
I saw the boy .
3- ] As an indirect object .
I told the boy a story .
4- ] As the complement of a verb .
He is a clever boy .
5- ] In a phrase with a preposition [ prepositional phrase ] .
I spoke to the boy . The House of Commons .
6- ] As a prepositional object .
Give the money to your brother .
7- ] As the antecedent ( the word for which the relative pronoun
stands ) of a relative pronoun .
The ship that took the passengers sailed soon .
1- ]Noun
Classification ( Kinds ) .
Nouns and Common Nouns .
Proper Nouns
A proper noun denotes a particular person , place , thing , or idea and begins with a capital letter .
Examples Omar , Cairo Tower , Arabic , River Nile , Africa , Europe ,
England etc.
Common Nouns
A common noun denotes any one of a group of persons , places ,
things or ideas and is not generally capitalized .
Examples man , engineer , country , language , bravery , computer , cow , hill
and Abstract Nouns .
Concrete Nouns ( material )
A concrete noun names a person , place or thing that is material
and can be perceived by one or more of the senses ( sight , hearing , taste ,
touch , smell ) .
Examples apple , milk , rice , fish , music , smoke , the Amazon , the Res
Abstract Nouns
An abstract noun denotes an idea , a feeling , a quality or
characteristic , and states or activities .
Examples honor , liberty , self-control , beauty , Islam , Arabic , fun ,
truth , pleasure , laughter , love , wisdom arrival etc.
Common and Proper Nouns .
Identify each noun by writing common or proper . If a noun is
common , also write concrete or abstract to further identify it .
1- ] The Rocky Mountains in Colorado are majestic .
2- ] Cats are frequently accused of mischief .
3- ] A spirit of goodwill pervades the Special Olympics .
4- ] John eats tomatoes in the summer .
5- ] Ali met my aunts in Paris .
Compound Nouns
A compound noun is a single noun made up of two or more words used
together . The compound noun may be written as one word , as a hyphenated word
or as two or more separate words . The elements composing a compound may be
almost any part of speech , e.g. schoolmaster ( noun + noun ) , quick-silver (
adjective + noun ) , whitewash ( adjective + verb ) , pickpocket ( verb + noun
) , overlook ( adverb + verb ) , walking-stick ( gerund + noun ) . The most
important pattern in compound nouns is noun + noun , or gerund + noun , and the
first element only is stressed .
One word grandfather , basketball , filmmaker , Iceland , grasshopper ,
Passover , Greenland etc.
Separate words fire drill , North America , grand piano , jumping jack etc.
Hyphenated word self-control , fund-raiser ,
president-elect , eight-year-olds , mother-in-law , light-year etc.
It is the single stress which differentiate compound nouns from
‘word groups’ In word groups both elements take stress .
góld ring / lády dóctor , rìce pŭdding , stóne wáll ,
Lóndon policeman , Óxford University .
If the group is longer than two words the principle is the same ,
each word has stress , e.g. Tóttenham Cóurt Róad , Lóndon Pássenger
Tránsport Bóard .
This differentiation by stress is important , as it may convey
difference of meaning . Thus a bláck bìrd can apply to any bird ( e.g. a
crow or a raven ) which is black . : a blackbird is a bird of a particular
species ( turdus merula ) .
The first word , both in word groups and compound nouns is the
‘qualifier or modifier’ , and a reversal of position may bring about a complete
change of meaning . Thus a race-horse is not the same as a horse-race ,
lawn-tennis as a tennis-lawn , a Grammar School as a school grammar , a
flower-garden as a garden-flower .
In number of compound nouns , especially those that have been in
the language a long time during which the original meanings of their elements
have become obscured , the vowel in one or other and even occasionally in both , has become
shortened or otherwise modified .
breakfast , shepherd , forehead , cupboard , Sunday , Newton ,
Portsmouth , bonfire , postman , etc.
] ( Noun Number ) Singular and Plural
Nouns .
Nouns .
Singular nouns denote one and plural nouns denote more than one .
singular nouns plural nouns
car cars
egg eggs
Singular Nouns
The singular nouns are divided into countable and uncountable nouns
And Uncountable Nouns .
Countable nouns
The countable nouns are those that can be counted .
a , one / car , book , pen , wall , boy etc.
Uncountable nouns
Nouns that cannot be counted such as abstract nouns .
freedom , beauty , milk ,
iron , wool , etc.
Material nouns that stand for substances are countable in nouns
like boys , books , apples , and sheep . But they are uncountable in nouns like
bread , sand , glass , steam , water , ink etc. , as they stand for substances
that cannot be counted , they can only be measured . Some of these words , e.g.
glass , paper , stone , etc. can be countable in one context and , with a
different meaning , ‘uncountable’ in another .
A glass ( countable ) is made of glass ( uncountable ) .
You can throw a stone ( countable ) at a wall made of stone (
uncountable ) .
The price of tin ( uncountable ) rose today . The food is packed in
tins ( countable ) .
Common nouns may be countable or uncountable ; most abstract nouns
, e.g. help , courage , perseverance , truth , are uncountable . But some
abstract nouns are countable and can be used in the plural , e.g. ideas ,
opinions , truths , etc. Only countable nouns have a plural form , and only
countable nouns can be preceded in the singular by the indefinite article ( a ,
an ) .
Proper nouns , since they are the names of a particular person ,
place or thing are usually singular , but they are countable and may at times
be plural , e.g. the Himalayas , the West Indies , the Smiths ; or in such a
sentence as ‘There are three Johns in my class .
Nouns .
and Plural .
The Indefinite Articles ‘a’ / ‘an’
‘A’ and ‘an’ are called indefinite articles . The singular
countable indefinite nouns are preceded by ‘a’ or ‘an’ . ‘A’ and ‘an’ are
called indefinite articles because they refer to any of a general group . ‘A’
is used before a noun beginning with a consonant sound . ‘An’ is used before a
noun beginning with a vowel sound ( a , e , i , o , u ) .
‘a’ consonant sound
a cat , a pen , a table , a
river , a boy , a man , a child , a tree , etc.
‘an’ vowel sound ( a , e , i , o ,
u )
an apple , an ant , an animal , an arm
an egg , an ear , an elephant , an eagle
an ice-cream , an island
an orange , an ogre , an olive , an onion
an umbrella
Nouns .
The Plurals of Nouns .
1- ] To form the plurals of most nouns , add ‘s’ to the end of the
noun .
girl , girls
/ breeze , breezes / task , tasks / banana , bananas / orange , oranges
2- ] To form the plurals of nouns ending in ‘s , ss , x , z , ch ,
sh’ , add ‘es’ .
bus , buses / moss , mosses
/ fox , foxes /waltz , waltzes / watch ,
watches / brush , brushes
- Some one-syllable nouns ending in ‘z’ , the final consonant is
doubled when forming plurals
fez , fezzes / quiz , quizzes
3- ] To form the plurals of nouns ending in ‘y’ , preceded by a
consonant , change the ‘y’ is to ‘I’ and add ‘ –es’ .
lady , ladies / hobby , hobbies / city , cities / country ,
4- ] To form the plurals of nouns ending in ‘y’ preceded by a vowel
, ‘s’ is added to the end of the noun .
toy , toys / journey , journeys / highway , highways
5- ] To form the plurals of most nouns ending in ‘f’ , change ‘f’
to ‘v’ and add ‘es’ .
loaf , loaves / knife , knives / wife , wives / thief , thieves /
wolf , wolves
Some nouns ending in ‘f’ form their plurals by adding ‘s’ and ‘f’
is not changed .
Examples .
gulf , gulfs / belief , beliefs / roof , roofs / cliff , cliffs / reef , reefs / proof , proofs / chief , chiefs / hoof ,
hoofs / turf , turfs / safe , safes / dwarf , dwarfs / grief , griefs .
- Some words have both forms
scarfs , scarves / wharfs , wharves / staffs , staves / hoofs ,
hooves .
6- ] To form the plurals of nouns ending in ‘o’ preceded by a vowel
‘s’ is added .
studio , studios / radio , radios / video , videos / patio , patios
/ Romeo , Romeos / piano , pianos / cello , cellos / cuckoo , cuckoos / cameo ,
cameos / bamboo , bamboos / portfolio ,
portfolios /curio , curios
7- ] The plural form of many nouns ending in ‘o’ preceded by a
consonant is formed by adding ‘es’ .
veto , vetoes / hero , heroes / tomato , tomatoes / potato ,
silo , silos
8- ] You should form the plural of most musical terms ending in ‘o’
preceded by a consonant by adding ‘s’ .
piano , pianos / alto , altos / solo , solos / trio , trios
- Those words that are still felt to be ‘foreign’ take the ‘-s
form’ . The principal ones are .
pianos , photos , dynamos , magnetos , kilos , mementos , solos
9- ] To form the plural of some nouns ending in ‘o’ preceded by a
consonant , you may add either ‘s’ or ‘es’ .
banjo , banjos , banjoes / mosquito , mosquitos , mosquitoes / flamingo , flamingos ,
- The best way to determine the plural forms of nouns ending in ‘o’
preceded by a consonant is to check their spellings in an up-to-date dictionary
10- ] For most compound nouns written as one word , form the plural
by adding ‘s’ or ‘es’ as the noun ends .
textbook , textbooks / grandfather , grandfathers / toothbrush ,
11- ] For many compound nouns in which one word is modified by the
other word or words , we form the plural of the word modified .
sister-in-law , sisters-in-law / coat of arms , coats of arms /
editor-in-chief , editors-in-chief
12- ] Some nouns are the same in the singular and the plural .
moose / sheep / fish / salmon / deer / Sioux / Chinese / spacecraft
13- ] Form the plurals of numerals , letters , symbols , and words
referred to as as words by adding an apostrophe and ‘s’ .
1800 , 1800’s / B , B’s / i , i’s / 8 , 8’s / that , that’s
With No Singular Form .
Some nouns are never used in the singular .
14- ] Some nouns that are plural in form take singular verbs .
news , innings , gallows , works , physics ,
As a rule so are all other sciences or subjects ending in’-ics’ .
civics , economics , electronics , genetics mathematics , physics ,
phonetics , linguistics
-But this usage is not fixed . Singular or plural can often be used
. Many nouns that end in ‘s’ , such as mumps , measles , ethics , statistics ,
and politics , depending on the meaning , may require either a singular or a
plural verb . In general , if the noun refers to a whole such as a disease , or
a science , it requires a singular verb . If it is referring to qualities ,
activities or individual items , it requires a plural verb .
Mumps is contagious . [ singular ]
Mumps are itchy [ plural ]
Statistics is one of my favorite courses . [ singular ]
Statistics are the basis for many reports . [ plural ]
Politics have ( has ) always interested me .
Mathematics is ( are ) well taught at that school .
The news is good .
The first innings is finished .
An ironworks is being built .
- Names of diseases or illnesses : mumps , measles .
gymnastics / molasses /, summons
Electronics is a branch of physics .
Gymnastics is my favorite Olympic sport .
15- ] Nouns that are plural in form and name singular objects take
plural verbs .
- Articles of dress : trousers , breeches , knickers , pants ,
pyjamas , shorts , drawers , clothes .
- Tools and instruments consisting of two parts : scissors , shears
, pliers , pincers , spectacles . glasses , tongs , bellows .
They form their singulars by using ‘a pair of ’ , ‘a pair of
trousers’ .
shoes , binoculars , pants , eyeglasses , pliers , shorts , slacks
, shears , scissors , trousers
My shoes are black .
My pair of shoes is black .
Her binoculars were stolen .
She uses a pair of binoculars to watch animals in the forest .
16- ] Names of some games : billiards , cards , bowls , dominoes ,
draughts .
- Miscellaneous other words : alms , riches , eaves , scales ( for
weighing ) , contents ( of a book ) , goings-on , gentry , dregs , pats
credentials , tidings , soap-suds , winnings , sweepings , shavings , savings ,
filings , surroundings , ashes ( from the fire , but cigarette as ) .
A plural verb is used with the above words .
Riches do not always bring happiness .
Oats are grown in Scotland .
Cards are played every evening .
- But if these words are used attributively in compound nouns ,
they are usually made singular .
Examples my trouser leg , oat cakes , a card table .
17- ] Even when plural in form , the title of a creative work (
such as a book , song , film , or painting ) or the name of a country , city ,
or organization generally takes a singular verb .
Netherlands / Friends of the Earth / the United States
Netherlands is famous for its windmills .
Friends of the Earth is concerned with environment .
17- ] An expression of an amount ( a measurement , a percentage or
a fraction for example ) may be singular or plural , depending on how it is
used . A word or phrase stating an amount is singular when the amount is
thought of as a unit . When a plural noun of amount refers to one unit , it
acts as a singular subject . When it refers to individual units , it acts as a
plural subject .
Eight dollars is the cost of the ticket . [ singular ]
Eight dollars lie on the table . [ plural ] z
Fifteen dollars is enough for the book .
Sixteen ounces equals one pound .
Is two weeks long enough for hiking trip ?
18- ] Sometimes , however , the amount is thought of as individual
pieces or parts . If so a plural verb is used .
Ten of the dollars were borrowed .
Two of the hours were spent at the theater .
A fraction or a percentage is singular when it refers to a singular
word and plural when it refers to a plural word .
Sixty percent of the money was spent on food .
Sixty percent of our resources were used .
One fourth of the salad is gone .
Forty percent of the students are new .
19- ] Expressions of measurement ( such as length , weight and area
) are usually singular .
Ten feet is the height of a regulation basketball hoop .
Sixteen by twenty inches is a standard size for a picture frame .
Ten millimeters equals one centimeter .
Seventy-five pounds is the maximum baggage weight for this airline
Agreement with
Special Subjects .
Write the correct verb form from the choices in parentheses .
1- ] Fourteen by twenty feet ( is , are ) the size of the room .
2- Many a day ( passes , pass ) without significance , or so it
seems . 3- ] On its way south , the flock ( feeds , feed ) in lakes and ponds .
4- ] One half of the amount called for in the recipe ( is , are )
usually enough .
5- ] Economics ( is , are ) a popular college course .
6- ] Seven percent of our salaries ( goes , go ) toward retirement
7- ] Three dollars ( is , are ) in my coat pocket .
8- ] Every entrant ( receive , receives ) a prize .
9- ] The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( was , were ) a
former political unit .
10- ] “The Bean Eaters” ( is , are ) a poem by Gwendolyn Brooks .
Agreement .
Write the subject of each sentence . Then write the correct verb
from the choices in parentheses .
1- ] News ( travels , travel ) fast in a small community .
2- ] Shingles , a sometimes painful infection ( attacks , attack )
certain nerves .
3- ] Even fifty thousand dollars ( does , do ) not buy what it did
twenty years ago .
4- ] Tgere ( is , are ) the missing pieces of the puzzle .
5- ] Everyone ( knows , know ) that Earth is round .
6- ] Only 3 percent of the housewives in our area ( has , have )
swimming pools .
7- ] Managing restaurants ( is , are ) very demanding work .
8- ] The United States ( has , have ) many different climates .
9- ] Many a person ( wishes , wish ) to live a life of leisure .
10- ] All of the information ( has , have ) now been released . Irregular
Plurals .
The plurals of some nouns are formed in irregular ways .
1- ] There are eight nouns which form their plural by a change of
vowel .
man , men ( and compounds of man , e.g. gentleman , gentlemen ) /
tooth , teeth / foot , feet / mouse , mice / woman , women / goose , geese /
louse , lice / dormouse , dormice .
- The plural of mangoose is mangooses :’dormouse’ is a compound of
‘mouse’ but ‘mangoose’ is not a compound of ‘goose’ .
2- ] Some words have the same form for singular and plural
sheep / swine / deer / fish ( also fishes ) .
- To these could be added the names of other animals , especially
when used in a hunting context . This applies to game , birds and fish .
to hunt elephant , antelope , etc.
to shoot wild duck , grouse
to catch salmon , trout
3- ] The plural is unchanged in some words showing number and
measurement of weight .
two dozen ( abbreviation ‘doz’ ) eggs
three hundred pounds
four thousand people
two gross of pencils .
three score years
two stone of potatoes
four hundredweight ( abbreviation cwt ) of coal
10,ooo candle-power
20 horse-power
forty head of cattle
two yoke of oxen
2, 300, 50 is read two million , three hundred thousand , five
hundred and one .
- These words ( except ‘gross’ ) take ‘-s’ when they have no
numeral in front of them
dozens of eggs
hundreds of pounds
scores of times
hundredweights of coal
Sometimes either form is possible
He weighs twelve stones .
He weighs twelve stone .
He is six feet tall .
He is six foot tall .
4- ] These words are the same in singular or plural .
barracks , species , series , means , works ( and compounds like
gas-works , iron-works , etc. ) .
So , too , are some proper nouns that end in a ‘hissing’ sound .
Swiss , Chinese , Japanese , Portuguese , Viennese
5- ] Three words form their plural in ‘-en’ . They are :
, child , children / ox , oxen / brother , brothren ( is now used
with the meaning ‘members of the same society or religious order ) .
Nouns .
A collective noun is a word that names a group . It is singular in
form but names a group of persons , animals or things .
Collective Nouns .
A collective noun takes a singular verb when the noun refers to the
group as a unit , and takes a plural verb when it refers to the individual
parts or members of the group .
The football team is playing well .
The football team are having baths and are then coming back here
for tea .
The Government has decided to pass the bill .
The Government have discussed the matter for a long time but they
have shown no signs of reaching agreement .
That family is a very happy one .
The family are very pleaded about the news of his success .
Sheep like to frisk and run .
The committee discuss(es) the results of the research .
A swarm of bees is (are) collecting nectar from flowers in the
garden .
- The nouns ‘people , police , public , clergy , cattle’ are always
used with a plural verb .
The police are attacking the
criminals in the area .
The police are making enquiries about the murder .
The public are requested not to leave litter in these woods .
The people of Norway are called Norwegians .
- ‘People’ is often used as the plural of ‘person’ ; it also means
The French people , the peoples of Europe .
1- ]Which of the following : not common nouns , abstract , collective .
country , tree , peace , Sherlock Holmes , flock , sheep , Rubens ,
square , patience , beauty , Bodmin , rivalry , meeting , city traffic , noisiness
, Hyde Park , crowd .
2- ] Which of the following nouns are ‘countable’ and which are
‘uncountable’ ?
dog , meat , nuisance , thunder , spoon , fish , cheese , board ,
party , tree .
3- ] Form abstract nouns from these words .
proud , beautiful , parent , likely , coward , traitor , infant ,
sane , courteous , young .
4- ] What is the correct collective noun for a number of :
1- ] lions 2-] sheep 3- ] people at a football match 4- ] wolves 5-
] elephants 6- ] fish 7- ] people listening to a concert 8- ] sailors on a ship .
Give the plural of the following :
1- ] bacillus . 2- ] axis . 3- ] radius . 4- ] hypothesis 5- ]
crisis 6- ] phenomenon 7- ] fungus 8- ] cactus .
Collective Nouns .
Write each collective noun . Label it S if it is singular and P if it is plural .
1- ] The committee is concluding its report .
2- ] The jury sits to the left of the judge .
3- ] During periods of heavy rain , the traffic police wear their
rain gear .
4- ] The orchestra is opening the concert with an overture .
5- ] The herd grazes on government grassland .
6-] The audience were told to find their seats .
7- ] Each winter the family goes skiing in Canada .
8- ] The band are wearing their uniforms .
9- ] The volleyball team received medallions last week .
10- ] The crowd cheers when the team enters the field .
Plurals .
1- ] There is a large number of foreign words that have been
absorbed into English . Sometimes , especially in the technical language of
science , these have not been thoroughly ‘naturalized’ and they keep their
foreign plural forms . The largest number by far of these foreign plurals are
of Latin or Greek origin .
axis , axes / bacillus , bacilli / medium , media / stratum ,
strata / bacterium , bacteria / locus , loci / radius , radii / corrigendum , corrigenda / addendum ,
addenda / erratum , errata / larva , larvae / nebula , nebulae .
analysis , analyses / basis , bases / crisis , crises / hypothesis
, hypotheses / thesis , theses / phenomenon , phenomena / criterion , criteria
/ oasis , oases .
2- ] The longer the words have been in the language , the more they
tend to conform to the English plural in ‘-s’ . Some words are at the half-way
stage with two plurals , the original foreign one and the English one .
appendix – appendixes , appendices / formula , formulas , formulae
/ terminus , terminuses , termini / fungus , funguses , fungi / retina ,
retinas , retinae / cactus , cactuses , cacti / focus , focuses , foci /
aquarium , aquariums , aquaria / curriculum , curriculums , curricula / maximum , maximums , maxima / memorandum
, memorandums , memoranda / minimum ,
minimums , minima / sanatorium , sanatoriums , sanatoria / vortex , vortexes ,
vortices / automation , automations , automata .
3- ] Most words taken in fairly recent times from French or Italian
have their original and also their English plural . Practically all the older
words conform to the English pattern .
Recent words with two forms are :
bureau , bureaus , bureaux /
tableau , tableaus , tableaux / portmanteau , portmanteaus , portmanteaux / adieu
, adieus , adieux / trousseau , trousseaus , trousseaux / bandit , bandits ,
banditti / libretto , librettos , libretti / soprano , sopranos , soprani /
virtuoso , virtuosos , virtuosi .
- In some cases the two plurals have different meanings .
Singular Plural Meaning
indexes = tables of
indices = algebraic
geniuses = persons of unusually great mental
genii = good or evil spirits
dies = metal stamps for making
money .
dice = small cubes
of bone or wood used in games of chance .
formulas = forms or words .
formulae = mathematical
terms .
mediums = people
claiming communication with spirits .
media = means , agencies
4- ] Many foreign words have now become completely naturalized and
always take the English plural .
bonuses , choruses , circuses , isthmuses , omnibuses ,
prospectuses , areas , arenas , encyclopedias , eras , ideas , panaceas ,
peninsulas , sonatas , solos , umbrellas , villas , albums , asylums , chrysanthemums ,
museums , irises , demons .
What is wrong with the following sentences , and why ?
1- ] I have come to perfect my knowledges of English .
2- ] Can you give me any informations or advices on this matter ?
3- ] The news are good this evening .
4- ] I opened the letter and it contained an important information
5- ] I went to my doctor for an advice about my health .
6- ] I have several jackets , but only one trousers .
7- ] My pyjama is at the laundry .
And Compound Nouns .
1- ] Old compound nouns usually form their plural as if they were
simple nouns – the final element is made plural .
schoolroom , schoolrooms / armchair , armchairs / horseman ,
horsemen / housewife , housewives /
washerwoman , washerwomen / toothbrush , toothbrushes .
2- ] This is generally the case even when the elements of the
compound are not themselves nouns .
handful , handfuls / breakdown , breakdowns / drawback , drawbacks
/ outbreak , outbreaks / forget-me-not , forget-me-nots .
3- ] This also generally the case even if the compound consists of
two separate words .
ticket collector , ticket collectors / watch repairer , watch
repairers / girl guide , girl guides / boy scout , boy scouts / motor show ,
motor shows
4- ] In the following , both elements are made plural
man servant , men servants / gentleman farmer , gentlemen farmers /
woman servant , women servants ( maid servant , maid servants ) / man student ,
teacher , doctor , etc. , men students , teachers , doctors / lord-justice ,
lords justices / Knight-Templar , Knights-Templars
5- ] In syntactical compounds , especially where the first compound
is a noun qualified by a prepositional phrase , adverb or adjective , it is the
noun which takes the plural form .
father-in-law , fathers-in-law / mother-in-law , mothers-in-law /
commander-in-chief , commanders-in-chief / man-of-war , men-of-war / looker-on
, lookers-on / passer-by , passers-by / justice-of-the-peace ,
justices-of-the-peace / governor-general , governors-generals / court-martial ,
courts-martial / poet laureate , poets laureate
- But , especially in popular speech , there is a tendency to say :
mother-in-laws / court-martials / attorney-generals /
commander-in-chiefs / poet laureates
But always will-o’-the-wisps / good-for-nothings / ne’er-do-wells
-An interesting peculiarity is the occasional use of the plural
form to intensify the meaning expressed by the singular or to suggest great
quantity or extent .
the sands of the desert
the snows and frosts of the Antarctic
the waters of the lake
the heavens above our heads
a walk through the woods
swayed between hopes and fears
Form compound nouns or ‘word groups’ to express :
1- ] A knife for cutting paper . 2- ] a blade for a safety-razor .
3- ] A box for holding matches . 4- ] A desk for writing at . 5- ] A paper
giving news and published . 6- ] An instrument for pulling corks out of bottles
. 7- ] A pair of scissors for cutting finger nails . 8- ]A driver of taxis .
9- ] A machine for cutting the grass on a lawn . 10- ] A man whose profession
is lending money . 11- ] A place where cotton cloth is made . 12- ] A machine
for washing clothes . 13- ] A fish that is golden in color . 14- ] A man who
gets coal out of the ground . 15- ] A wall made of bricks . 16- ] A man who
makes a brick wall . 17- ] A room where you have meals . 18- ] A room in which
you sleep . 19- ] A room in which you both live and sleep . 20- ] A lamp that
is filled with oil .
Subject and Verb Agreement ( Concord ) .
Number is the form a word takes to indicate whether the word is
singular or plural . When a word refers to one person , place , thing or idea ,
it is singular in number . When a word refers to more than one , it is plural
in number .
1- ] A verb should agree in number with its subject . Singular
subjects take singular verbs .Plural subjects take plural verbs . When a
sentence contains a verb phrase , the first helping verb in the verb phrase agrees
with the subject .
The boy is here . The boys are here .
The girl has been delayed .
The girls have been delayed .
2- ] Two or more subjects connected by ‘and’ take a plural verb .
Compound subjects joined by ‘and’ usually take a plural verb .
Our dog and cat get baths in summer .
The boy and his dog are here .
But if the two subjects joined by ‘and’ are considered as one thing
, a singular verb is used . A compound subject that names only one person or
thing takes a singular verb .
Macaroni and cheese is my favorite pasta dish .
Brown bread and butter is usually eaten with smoked salmon .
His courage and endurance was tried to the utmost .
The stitching and binding of books is done on his machine .
The secretary and accountant of the Company was present . ( One man
doing both jobs )
The secretary and the accountant of the Company were present . (
two persons )
3- ] If the second noun is merely part of a phrase qualifying the
first singular noun , the verb is singular . The number of a subject is not
changed by a phrase following the subject .
The boy with his dog is here .
Mr. Aly accompanied by his wife and three children has just arrived
The successful candidate , along with two of her aides has
entered the auditorium . ( The helping
verb ‘has’ agrees with the subject ‘candidate’. )
4- ] Singular subjects joined by ‘or , nor , ‘neither….nor’ take
a singular verb .
The chief geologist or her assistant is due to arrive .
Neither a rabbit nor a mole does that kind of damage .
A cup of tea or a cup of coffee is very enjoyable .
Neither Sarah nor Aly has come yet .
- When a singular subject and a plural subject are joined by ‘or’ ,
‘nor’ , the verb agrees with the subject nearer the verb . But by the rule of
proximity , if one subject is singular and another one is plural , the verb
generally agrees with the nearest subject . Plural subjects joined by ‘or’ ,
‘nor’ take a plural verb .
Either mice or squirrels are living in our attic .
A book or flowers usually make an appropriate gift .
Flowers or a book usually makes an appropriate gift .
Either the teacher or the students are to blame for the bad results
Neither he nor they are wholly right .
5- ] If the subject is the indefinite pronoun ‘all , any , more ,
most , none , some’ , its number may be determined by the object of a
prepositional phrase that follows it .
Most of the essays were graded .
Most of this essay is illegible .
6- ] The distributives ( distributive adjectives each , every ,
both , neither , either ) take a singular verb and a singular possessive
adjective .
Every boy in the class is present .
Each of the boys has gained
a prize .
Neither answer is correct .
Everybody is doing his / her best .
But this rule about using a singular possessive adjective with
distributive adjectives like ‘everyone , each , etc.’ is especially in
conversation , frequently disregarded owing to the fact that there is not in
English a possessive adjective that can stand for both masculine and feminine ,
singular and plural nouns . Consequently the plural ‘their’ is frequently used
Everyone was talking at the top of their voices .
When each person comes in they must show their ticket .
7- ] ‘None’ may take a singular verb or a plural one .
‘None but the brave deserves the fair .’ ( Dryden )
None of us is perfect .
None of the children in his class are bored with the lesson .
I have checked your answers and none of them are correct .
8- ] The indefinite pronouns ( An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun
that does not refer to a definite person , place , thing , or idea ) ‘ anybody
, anyone , anything , each , either , everybody , anybody , anyone , anything ,
each , either , everybody , everyone , everything , neither , nobody , no one ,
nothing , one , somebody , someone , something’ are singular .
Each of the newcomers was welcomed to the city .
Does anybody speak Arabic ?
9- ] The word ‘number’ sometimes takes a singular verb , sometimes
a plural one .
The number of students in the class is small .
A number of students were waiting for the lesson to begin .
10- ] The following indefinite pronouns are plural : both , few ,
many , several .
Both Sarah and Rasha are good students .
Few people like this kind of music .
Many children play in this park .
Several cars park in this parking area .
11- ] The indefinite pronouns ‘all , any , more , most , none ,
some’ may be either singular or plural ,
depending on their meaning in a sentence . The number of the pronouns ‘all ,
any , more , most , none , some’ is often determined by the number of the
object in a prepositional phrase following the subject . These pronouns are
singular when they refer to a singular word and are plural when they refer to a
plural word .
All of the fruit is ripe .
All of the pears are ripe .
Some of the harvest has been sold .
Some of the apples have been sold .
12- ] The verb agrees with the pronoun ‘it’ in identifying or
emphatic sentences
‘Who broke the window ?’ ‘It was Hassan and Aly .
It is they who are wrong .
13- ] The relative pronoun takes the same number and person as its
antecedent .
This is one of the best books that have ever been written on the
subject .
14- ] If the ‘formal subject’ there is used , the verb agrees with
the real subject .
There is a cherry tree in my garden .
There are cherry trees in my garden .
Identifying the
Simple subject and the correct Verb Form .
Write the simple subject of each sentence . Then write the correct
verb from the choices in parentheses. 1- ] There ( was , were ) two
alligators at the edge of the swamp .
2- ] Neither the windows not the door ( was , were ) locked .
3- ] A grove of oak trees ( protect , protects ) the house from the
wind .
4- ] Neither the hammer nor the nails ( was , were ) in the toolbox
5- ] Maria , one of the star skaters in the ice revue , ( teaches ,
teach ) ice-skating in her free time .
6- ] Eighty percent of this test in mathematics ( deals , deal )
with fractions .
7- ] Here ( is , are ) the statistics from the Bureau of the Census
8- ] Toast with peanut butter and bananas ( is , are ) Abla’s
favorite breakfast .
9- ] The center of attraction ( was , were ) the three clowns .
10- ] Everyone in the organization ( participates , participate )
in the fund-raiser .
11- ] To raise horses ( takes , take ) patience .
12- ] All of the bicycles in the parade ( was , were ) decorated .
13- ] ( Has , Have ) the contest winners been announced yet ?
14- ] The pedestrians who crossed in the middle of the street ( was
, were ) given traffic tickets .
15- ] News of events in foreign countries ( reaches , reach ) this
country in minutes .
16- ] Ninety-nine cents ( is , are ) the price of the bottle of
vitamins .
17- ] Every boy and girl in school ( has , have ) purchased a
ticket for the field trip .
18- ] The United States ( is , are ) bordered by Canada and Mexico
19- ] The chorus ( joins , join ) the orchestra in the opening
number of the concert .
20- ] The class of 90 ( is , are ) coming from many parts of the
country for the reunion .
Agreement .
Write the correct verb from the choices in parentheses .
1- ] ( Has , Have the invitations been sent ?
2- ] She ( sits , sit ) in the second row from the left .
3- ] The new shopping mall ( opens , open ) in two weeks .
4- ] I ( is , am ) going to the mall when it opens .
5- ] ( Does , Do ) she always check her arithmetic ?
6- ] The cars ( is , are ) covered with dust .
7- ] That story ( is , are ) one of the saddest I have ever heard .
8- ] Mile markers ( was , were ) placed along the interstate
highway .
9- ] The last few days ( has , have ) been perfect .
10- ] The wheat ( is , are ) turning gold across the Midwest .
With Compound Subjects .
A compound subject that is joined by ‘and’ , ‘both -----and’ is
plural unless its parts belong to one unit or they both refer to the same
person or thing .
The Tigris and the Euphrates flow through southwestern Asia . [
plural ]
Both rivers and streams provide irrigation for farmland . [ plural
Toast and tea is my favorite breakfast [ singular , one unit ]
Her friend and companion is Sara . [ singular , one person ]
With compound subjects joined by ‘or’ , ‘nor’ [ or by either …. or
/ neither ---- nor ] , the verb agrees with the subject closer to it .
Either the tortoise or the hare wins the race .
Raisins or an apple makes a good snack .
Neither Noura nor her friends like winter .
Neither foxes nor dogs eat only meat .
Agreement with
Compound Subjects .
Write the complete subject of each sentence . Then write the
correct verb form from the choices in parentheses .
1- Both trucks and buses ( is , are ) hard on road surfaces .
2- ] Neither the equipment nor the uniforms ( has , have ) arrived
yet .
3- ] Her attorney and confidant ( is , are ) Rosa .
4- ] Bread and butter ( is , are ) an American staple .
5- ] Neither a letter of recommendation nor good grades (
guarantees , guarantee ) a scholarship .
6- ] Either an orange or prunes ( is , are ) healthful for
breakfast .
7- ] Both Florida and California ( thrives , thrive ) on tourism .
8- ] Peanuts and popcorn ( is , are ) common party snacks .
9- ] Burger and cheese ( is , are ) my regular sandwich .
10- ] Neither falling rocks nor icy pavement ( keeps , keep )
automobiles off the road .
3- )
Nouns Gender .
The concept of gender has no grammatical function in modern English
. It is possible , however , to group words into three categories according to
whether they can be replaced by the pronouns ‘he’ , ‘she’ , or ‘it’
respectively . In all but a few cases these categories correspond to the ideas
of ‘male , ‘female’ and ‘inanimate’ . Animals are usually referred to by the
pronoun ‘it’ , but may also be spoken of as ‘he’ or ‘she’ according to their
sex . Thus we have these categories .
1- ] Masculine gender for all words representing males .
boy , king , uncle , prince
2- ] Feminine gender for all
words representing females .
girl , queen , aunt , princess
3- ] Neuter gender for inanimate objects .
book , house , pencil , table
- Words which may designate either males or females are sometimes
said to be common gender .
cousin , friend , child , teacher , etc.
And Feminine Forms .
Generally , when there is no wish to make a distinction of sex ,
the masculine form is used . In other cases , however , a separate form will be
used for the female .
1- ]The female is formed from the masculine by adding ‘-ess’(
sometimes with other slight changes )
Masculine Feminine Masculine
goddess Viscount Viscountess
Jew Jewess emperor empress
tiger tigress
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
marquess , marchioness
Another Cases
bridegroom widow widower
2- ] The feminine is different from the masculine .
Masculine Feminine
Masculine Feminine
sir madam gentleman
king queen lord lady
earl countess son daughter
mother uncle aunt
nephew niece

horse ( stallion )
mare friar nun
cow tutor governess
buck doe
3- ] In words of common gender , the distinction of sex may be
shown by forming a compound word of which one element denotes the sex .
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
maidservant boy cousin girl cousin
man friend
woman friend landlord landlady
she-bear he-wolf she-wolf
cock sparrow
hen sparrow peacock peahen
he-goat ( billy-goat ) she-goat ( nanny goat ) tomcat tabby cat
4- ] There are a number of ‘foreign feminines’ . The most common is
‘heroine’ ( masculine ‘hero’ ) . Other examples of foreign feminines are :
Masculine Feminine
prosecutrix testator testatrix
Czar ( Tsar ) Czarina ( Tsarina ] Sultan Sultana
5- ] With regard to words of common gender , it is interesting to
note that occasionally for living beings we have three words , one masculine ,
one feminine and one common gender .
Masculine Feminine Common
mother parent
boy girl
son daughter
woman person
monarch , sovereign , ruler
schoolmaster schoolmistress teacher
bird , fowl
What are the feminine forms of the following words ?
1- ] bachelor 2-] sir 3- ] monk
4- ] cock 5- ] widower 6- ] executor
7- ]fox 8- ] wizard 9- ] ambassador 10- ] marquis
4- )
Nouns : Case .
Grammatical case is the relation in which one noun or pronoun
stands to some other word in the sentence , or the form of the noun or pronoun
which shows that relation .
In Old English , nouns had five cases : Nominative , Vocative ,
Accusative , Genitive and Dative – each generally distinguished by ‘case
endings’ .
In modern English there is only one case ending for nouns : the
Possessive ( or Genitive ) . There is no distinction in form between nouns that
are in the nominative case and nouns that are in the objective case , though
there is this distinction with some pronouns .
Possessive ( Genitive ) Case .
1- ]The possessive form of the noun is formed as follows - ( sometimes
called the ‘Saxon Genitive’
A- ] For singular nouns by adding (׳s) apostrophe s
. ( The usual ending for the Old English genitive singular was ‘-es’ . When ,
later, the ‘-e’ was omitted ; its absence was shown by an apostrophe (‘ ).
The boy’s book ( i.e. the book of the boy ) .
Aly’s house ( i.e. the house of Aly ) .
Keats’s poems ( i.e. the poems of Keats ) .
- With some names , chiefly classical ones , ending in ‘s’ , we use
only the apostrophe .
Hercules’ labors
Phoebus’ horses
St. Agnes’ Eve
Moses’ laws
Sophocles’ plays
- Also : for goodness’
sake , for conscience’ sake
B - ] For plural nouns ending in ‘s’ by adding apostrophe only .
The boys’ house ( i.e. the house of the boys ) .
The soldiers’ horses ( i.e. the horses of the soldiers ) .
C- ] For plural nouns not ending in ‘s’ ( a very limited number )
by adding ( ׳s )
The men’s room ( i.e. the room of the men ) .
The women’s society ( i.e. the society of the women ) .
The children’s toys ( i.e. the toys of the children ) .
2- ] When the ‘possessor’ is represented by a number of words , the
possessive ending is used with the last one only .
Crosse & Blackwell’s jam
Bryant & May’s matches
Jones , the butcher’s shop
my father-in-law’s house
The Prince of Wales’s feathers
my father and mother’s friends
3- ] The possessive , or genitive case shows possession using the word
‘possession’ in its widest sense . Thus the possessive form ‘John’s father’
does not mean that John ‘possesses’ his father , nor does ‘Shakespeare’s death’
mean that Shakespeare ‘possesses’ death . The genitive form is used to indicate
not only possession in its strict sense of the word but something , signified
by another noun , which appertains to the person .
4- ] The possessive form is used chiefly with the names of human
beings and some animals .
John’s friend
Mrs. Brown’s car
the cat’s tail
a spider’s web
- With inanimate things we use the ‘of’ construction .
the window of the room / not ‘the room’s window’
the colors of the flowers
the noise of the traffic
the walls of the house
the foot of the mountain
- There are some exceptions to this rule :
A- ] In the case of nouns denoting measurement , time or space , or
quantity .
a week’s holiday
two days’ wages
a year’s absence
an hour’s time
today’s post ‘ yesterday’s news
a stone’s throw
a hair’s breadth
a pound’s worth
B- ] In a number of traditional idiomatic expressions .
at his wits’ end / out of harm’s way / to your heart’s content / in
my mind’s eye / to get one’s money’s worth
Express by using the possessive form
1- [ The car of my father .
2- ] The car of my parents .
3- ] The property of my son-in-law .
4- ] The toys of the children .
5- ] The reign of William the Conqueror .
6- ] The plays of Sophocles .
Combine by means of a double possessive :
1- ] play – Shakespeare 2- ] friend – Jamal 3- ] fugue – Bach 4- ]
hobby – Cecil 5- ] work – Hugo .
And Objective Genitive .
When a possessive word qualifies a noun that has something of the
verbal force ( i.e. that denotes an action ) , the relation of this noun to the
possessive word may be that of [a] a verb to a subject , or [b] a verb to an
object .
‘Adel’s murder’ may imply [a] that Adel committed the murder , or
[b] that Adel was murdered
‘ The King’s praise’ may imply [a] that the King praised someone as
He was pleased by the King’s praise .
or [b] that someone praised the King as in
He is always singing the King’s praise .
- Similarly with the ‘of’ construction when the noun has a ‘verbal
association’ .
- ‘The love of his wife’ may imply [a] that he loved his wife as in
He did that for love of his wife .
or [b] that his wife loved him as in
He was happy in the love of his wife .
- ‘The punishment of the teacher’ may imply [a] that the teacher
gave punishment as in
The teacher’s punishment of the boy was severe .
or [be] the teacher was punished or received punishment .
The teacher’s punishment by the manager was severe .
In the examples (a) the genitive case indicates that the subject or
doer of the action . They are subjective genitive .

Use Of The Genitive .
Leaving out a word or words from the grammatical structure of a
sentence when the meaning can be understood without it / them .
The sentence ‘He is dead and I alive.’ contains an ellipsis ( i.e.
of the word ‘am’) .
1- ] The genitive is frequently used ‘elliptically’ ( i.e. without
a headword when referring to a business , building , etc.
I must go to the butcher’s this morning . ( butcher’s = butcher’s
shop )
We visited St. Paul’s . ( St. Paul’s Cathedral )
He was educated at Merchant Taylors’ . ( Merchant
Taylors’ School )
We are having dinner at my aunt’s tonight . ( aunt’s house )
I bought this at Harridge’s . ( Harridge’s shop )
- The headword is sometimes omitted to avoid repetition .
She put her arm through her brother’s ( arm ) .
I have read some of Shaw’s plays , but none of Shakespeare’s (
plays ) .
William’s is the only homework that is never badly done .
‘Whose book is this ?’ ‘It’s Aly’s .’
2- ] The ‘of’ construction cannot be used with ‘classifying
genitives’ ( i.e. genitives that are completely adjectival .
He is a ship’s carpenter . ( not the carpenter of the ship )
She is a lady’s maid .
He has a doctor’s degree .
It was a summer’s day .
3- ] With proper nouns the genitive is perhaps commoner than the ‘of’
construction ; the later is used mainly for balance .
‘Henry’s work ‘ - ‘the work
of Henry and John’
‘Scott’s Waverley’ – ‘The collected novels of Scott’
- We should also use the of construction in order to avoid putting
an ‘s’ to a long phrase .
Richard Cromwell was the son of Oliver Cromwell , the Protector of
England . ( not ‘Oliver Cromwell the Protector of England’s son .
This is the car of the man we met . ( not ‘the man we met’s car’ )
Describe the forms of genitive used in the following sentences :
1- ] Those shoes are my brother’s .
2- ] The soldiers’ horses were superbly harnessed .
3- ] Shakespeare’s birth took place at Stratford-on-Avon .
4- ] St. John’s is a well-known College in Oxford .
5- ] That officer holds a master’s certificate .
Double Possessive .
The double possessive is the use of the ‘s’ form and the ‘of ’ form together .
He is a friend of Henry’s .
We saw a play of Shaw’s .
This construction is very similar in meaning to ‘one of Henry’s
friends’ , ‘one of Shaw’s plays’ .
- A difference is that ‘a friend of Henry’s , ‘a play of Shaw’s’
could be said if Henry had only one friend , or if Shaw had written only one
play .
This construction is of importance since it enables us to make a
difference in meaning between :
A portrait of Rembrandt ( = one portraying him )
A portrait of Rembrandt’s ( = one painted by him or belonging to
him )
a criticism of Shaw ( = opinion about Shaw )
a criticism of Shaw’s ( = opinions by Shaw )
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