Grammar American & British

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Sixteen ( 16 )

Vocabulary Tests ( 16 )

Test Sixteen

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word

It was their fear of sedition that prompted the authorities to ban all opposition newspapers and radio stations . In addition , all suspected agitators were confined to jail indefinitely .

1 . ( A ) unfair elections ( B ) conduct likely to incite rebellion

( C ) popular support ( C ) gossip and rumors                                1. -----------------------

The once popular ruler began to ignore the well-being of the citizens , and since no one questioned his authority , he gradually turned into a despot .

( A ) a fair and effective ruler  ( B ) democratically elected officeholder

( C ) military officer ( D ) a tyrant with absolute authority             2 . -------------------

The residents of the island expelled the foreign ministers and proclaimed their autonomy . Never again would they bow to another country’s flag .

3 . ( A ) freedom and independence ( B ) desire for peace ( C ) dependence on the protection of another nation ( D ) connection with a political party                   3 . ----------------------

The president complained that the proposed law would usurp his authority as commander-in-chief of the military . The constitution clearly stated that only the president could order an attack .

4 . ( A ) enlarge  ( B ) illegally take away

( C ) confuse  ( D ) drain or exhaust                                                        4 . ----------------------

The government plan to offer tuition assistance to deserving students in poor neighborhoods made sense . But by the time applications worked their way through the bureaucracy many deserving students got tired of waiting and dropped out of the program. 5 . ( A ) local elected officials ( B ) democratic process

( C ) inefficient system of offices and rules ( C ) postal system               5 . ---------------------

The proposed reforms in the welfare and health care system had little chance of passing . The expected reactionary attitudes began to surface among those quite happy with the way things were .

6 . ( A ) opposed to change  ( B ) soft-spoken

( C ) humorous  ( D ) medical                                                                        6 . --------------------

The candidate’s imperious manner may have lost him the election . In a democracy , people have a right to elected officials to be their servants , and not the other way around .

7 . ( A ) humble and soft spoken  ( B ) arrogant and dictatorial

( C ) hard and resistant  ( D ) appealing                                                        7 . -------------------

After decades of passing numerous laws and regulations , it was essential that the government attempt to codify its work . It had reached the point where judges had difficulty understanding what the law required .

8 . ( A ) translate  ( B ) repeal

( C ) arrange and systematize ( D ) legalize                                                     8 . -------------------

Before the United States could come into being , the individual states had to surrender some of their sovereign rights .

( A ) having authority to govern (B ) financial

( C ) unconstitutional ( D ) illegal                                                                      9 . ------------------

After overthrowing the elected officials , the military commander installed a totalitarian

government . From that time one , even the simplest action required his approval .

10 . ( A ) reformed and improved ( B ) efficient and orderly ( C ) emphasizing personal concern for its citizens ( D ) exercising absolute control                             10 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2. D 3. A 4 . B 5 . C 6 . A 7 . B 8 . C 9 . A 10 D

2- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . amnesty ( A ) accusation  ( B ) forgiveness

( C ) decoration ( D ) agreement                                    1 . --------------------

2 . CULPRIT ( A ) fake  ( B ) enemy

( C ) murderer  ( D ) lawbreaker                                    2 . --------------------

3 - OMISSION ( A ) something left out  ( B ) religious trip

( C ) message  ( D ) representative                                   3 . -------------------

4 . FELONY  ( A ) legal document  ( B ) serious crime

( C ) argument  ( D ) companion                                      4 . ------------------

5 . CHARLATAN ( A )  faker  ( B ) court officer

( C ) healer  ( D ) diplomat                                                5 . --------------------

6 . WIELD ( A ) drive  ( B ) join together

( C ) handle  ( D ) destroy                                                  6 . --------------------

7 . ILLUSTRIOUS ( A ) sensible (B ) illustrated

( C ) unknown ( D ) famous                                            7 . ---------------------

8 . EMIT ( A ) discard  ( B ) give off

( C ) catch  ( D ) explain                                                    8 . -----------------------

9 . MANUMIT ( A ) legal document  ( small crime

( C ) clever trick  ( D ) release                                          9 . ----------------------

10 . REFINE ( A ) perfect  ( B ) punish

( C ) ruin  ( D ) refer                                                         10 . ---------------------

11 . REPROBATE ( A ) refund  ( B ) threat

( C ) scoundrel  ( D ) court officer                                   11 . --------------------

12 . AEGIS ( A ) label  (B ) sponsorship

( C ) quarrel  ( D ) exit                                                       12 . --------------------

13 . CULPABLE ( A ) deserving blame  (B ) portable

( C ) rare ( D ) unable to be reformed                              13 . -------------------

14 . INTERMITTENT ( A ) broken  (B ) starting and stopping

( C ) seldom used  ( D ) secret message                            14 . -------------------

15 . RAVAGE ( A ) uncivilized person  ( B ) compliment

( C ) remarkable  ( D ) ruin                                                 15 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2. D 3. A 4 . B 5 . A 6 . C 7 . D 8 . B 9 . D 10 . A  11 . C 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B 15 . D

3 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . Joseph Smith , the founder of the Mormon religion , was killed because of the ------------- of a mob that wanted to see his church destroyed .

( acerbity , antagonism )

2 . Although she denied that she was bitter , we could hear the ------------ in Denise’s voice when she talked about not being invited to the banquet .

( dissention , rancor )

3 . The minor accident on the parkway resulted in an ----------------- between the two drivers , both of whom jumped out of their cars shouting and waving their fists .

( affront , altercation )

4 . Because he had reported the students who had vandalized the computer lab , Dwight was ------------------ by some of his classmates .

( affronted , ostracized )

5 . Many who caused --------------in the Soviet Union were sent to Siberia as their punishment .

( dissention , retribution )

Answer Key

1 . antagonism 2 . rancor 3 . altercation 4 . ostracized 5 . dissention

4 - ] Write each sentence below . In the space write a form of the word in parentheses . The form of the word in parentheses may be correct .

1 . Tomas de Torquemada , the first inquisitor-general of the Spanish Inquisition , was feared for the severity of his punishments as well as his ----------------personality. (acerbity)

2 . The ------------------ between Caligula and the Roman senators came to a head when he appointed his horse to the senate in order to humiliate them . ( contentious )

3 . Mr. Jack sued the tabloid newspaper as ----------------- for the damage done to his reputation . 

( retribution )

4 . The mother grizzly bear disturbed during feeding , rose on her hind legs and

roared ----------------- . ( pugnacious )

5 . The diners ----------------- the waiter by leaving a tiny tip . ( affront )

Answer Key

1 . acerbic 2 . contention , contentiousness 3 . retribution 4 . pugnaciously , 5 . affronted 

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