Grammar American & British

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 1 )

1 - ) General Grammar Exercises & Tests

1. I am slow to _____.

( A ) express my opinion ( B )  express my viewing ( C )   make my views ( D ) make my opinion

 2. I have to have this report finished _____.

( A )  by Friday ( B )  until Friday ( C )  Friday before ( D)  Friday beginning

 3. We were fortunate enough to visit the Grand Canyon. It has _____.

 ( A ) beautiful scenery that is much ( B )  many beautiful landscapes ( C )  many beautiful scenery ( D )  much beautiful sceneries

 4. The car was parked directly _____ the diner.

( A ) before ( B )  ahead of ( C )  in front of ( D )  preceding

 5. The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people _____ skiing.

( A ) enjoy ( B )  that enjoying ( C )  who enjoy ( D )  who enjoying

 6. It is already 3 o'clock. Can you _____ time to catch the bus?

( A ) have enough ( B )  have it in ( C )  make in ( D )  make it in

 7. I went to have my glasses _____.

( A ) fit ( B )  fitted ( C )  fit on ( D )  fitted on

 8. Mary's house is _____ the hair salon. Do you think you can find it?

 ( A ) along ( B )  near to ( C )  against ( D )  next to

 9. The burning stick was very hot. He let _____ just in time.

 ( A ) alone it ( B )  go alone it ( C )  go it ( D ) go of it

 10. Do we have _____ money to last us the week?

 ( A ) a lot of ( B )  plentiful ( C )  plenty of ( D )  enough

 11. John decided _____ golf on weekends.

( A )  to begin ( B )  to commence ( C )  to take up ( D )  to start up

 12. It _____ to me whether we meet them or not.

( A ) makes no difference ( B )  makes not a difference ( C ) is indifferent ( D )  is not a difference

 13. We were  _____ after all the hard work.

 ( A ) wear out ( B )  outworn ( C )  weary out ( D )  worn out

 14. We saw _____ wild animals while on vacation.

 ( A ) quite a few ( B )  quite much ( C )  quite many ( D )  quite some

 15. They are late as usual. I don't think we should _____ them.

 ( A ) await for ( B )  wait for ( C )  await on ( D )  wait on

16. Are you _____ the competition?

 ( A ) enter ( B )  going entering ( C )  go to enter ( D )  going to enter

 17. You had better _____ the tourist information office.

 ( A ) inquire at ( B)  inquiring at ( C )  inquire to ( D )  inquiring at

 18. Ireland was part of the UK, _____?

 ( A ) didn't it ( B )  wasn't it ( C )  hasn't it ( D )  weren't it

 19. They will be _____ at the party.

 ( A ) present ( B )  presents ( C ) presenting ( D )  at present

 20. Will they go _____ this summer?

( A ) swim ( B )  to swim ( C )  swimming ( D )  to swimming

 21. The New York police were very anxious _____ about the crime.

 ( A ) more learn ( B )  learn more ( C )  to more learn ( D )  to learn more

 22. Many excited women could _____ at the department store sale.

( A )  seen ( B )  be seen ( C )  be seeing ( D )  be see

 23. The sink in the locker room  tends to _____ .

 ( A ) low ( B )  overflow ( C )  flow over ( D )  over flowing

 24. How long did the baseball game _____?

 ( A ) last ( B )  endure ( C )  survive ( D )  continue

 25. We must _____ the annual board meeting tomorrow.

 ( A ) attend ( B ) attend to ( C )  attend in ( D )  attending 

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